ILM tailored Development Programme aligned to the GEARS culture change being implemented in the business
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British Sugar Case Study
1. Cultivate Talent
Case Study
British Sugar Group
British Sugar is one of the leading global sugar producers, employing 42,000 people in 10 countries. It is the
leading sugar producer in the UK, producing around 1 million tones of sugar from 7 million tones of sugar beet
with 4 factories, and a workforce of around 1,000.
Business challenge Client contacts
Due to European Union market changes, increased competition and Ian Powell
client demands, British Sugar recognized the need for greater depth at Head of Human Resources UK
the leadership level, and a management and change management British Sugar
capability to allow them to implement a new business strategy on an
ongoing basis. Ian Honeywell
Head of Learning & Develop-
As part of that change, British Sugar wanted to energise and develop ment UK
key talent within their middle-senior management, so selected 120 high British Sugar
potential employees to assist the incumbent leadership team, to drive
through the much needed change.
Approach and results
Cultivate Talent worked with British Sugar to create a tailored, ILM accred-
ited Management Development Programme, to deliver the leadership
behaviours and change management capability required. It was a
programme designed to provide business focused learning for their high
potential associates and experienced managers in cohorts of 12.
British Sugar was keen to have a clear ROI measure on their investment in
this programme, and wanted it linked to the GEARS change programme. We
did this by initiating the £1m Challenge, where each delegate had to agree to
work with their line Manager to deliver a change or business improvement
initiative, which would deliver tangible benefits in terms of increased revenue
and/or cost savings to the business
This programme has made a positive impact on the leadership and manage-
ment capability within British Sugar and also helped to deliver change within
the business including a significant ROI through the £1m Challenge.
Engaging Talent, Building Trust, Inspiring Change
2. Client testimonials
Ian Powell, Head of Human Resources UK
British Sugar
“The management development programme made a real difference to the attitude and behaviour of virtually all
delegates. The programme supported our aims to create a culture of ambition and achievement. It
provided delegates with the techniques and knowledge to improve their capability to manage, coach and lead
people more effectively within a changing and growing business and a difficult economic client.”
Ian Honeywell, Head of Learning & Development UK
British Sugar
“Throughout the design of the programme, overall learning strategy for delegates was critical. Professional ac-
creditation, real stretch with short and longer term visible and measurable returns were expected and
The extremely high calibre of the coaches contributed significantly towards success. Credibility was also
essential; each coach was not only an expert in „learning‟ but also had the background of being a successful
board level leader. The programme was deliberately fast paced with significant time however, given to
individual coaching and group learning.
The style was based at all times, on total experiential learning right from the start. Immediate, direct peer feed-
back on all aspects of performance and application of learning was a constant through the programme. Very dif-
ferent to historic programmes. I know the individual learning the managers gained from the journey have signifi-
cantly impacted on their teams and the wider business.
Supporting 1 day workshops for managers of participants ensured they were fully aligned with the programme
detail, key tools and language, minimising any resistance to change in the work place.
For further information please contact:
Adrian Woodstock
Tel: +44 (0) 7769 650960
Mark Thompson
Tel: +44 (0) 7917 305290
Engaging Talent, Building Trust, Inspiring Change