Lindenhoff is a historical Dutch farm located in Baambrugge that breeds and raises Gasconne cattle, as well as Loz竪re and Kamper lamb. The farm also sources authentic products from reputable European farms to supply high-end Dutch and international restaurants and hotels. At Lindenhoff, traditional butchery techniques are used to dry-age meat for up to 3 weeks, developing deep flavor. The farm also produces and sources artisanal cheeses and selects seasonal vegetables, fruits and mushrooms from Dutch, Italian and French farms focused on sustainable practices.
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a rustic foundation for our quality
Alongside the small river the Angstel,
in the green heart of Holland, a
beautiful farm is located. The sweet AND DRY-AGING PROCESS
smell of hay comes from the typical
Dutch haystack. The Gasconne cattle
grazes in the 鍖elds and the bleating modern methods embedded in
sheep are waiting for their water from
the well. This is Lindenhoff. a traditional heritance
In the butchery traditional craftsmanship
is combined with the latest technology.
After slaughtering, the meat of the different
breeds is being dry aged on the bone in
our aging cells. At four in the morning
our butchers start to cut all meat exactly as
our customers want it.
rich flavours, VEGETABLES, meet the founding
originated in
a natural
MUSHROOMS farmer of todays
environment AND FRUITS Get to know Ben te Voortwis
who is, together with his sons
sunlight-grown, direct ly Berend and Willem, the proud
Farm Cheese is a typical
owner of Lindenhoff.
Dutch pure, natural product imported and selected on taste
that is made from raw, non-
pasteurized milk. Our cheeses
are traditionally produced and Karel, our greengrocer, selects Europes 鍖nest
come directly from farms. potatoes, vegetables, fruits and mushrooms
from Holland, Italy and France. The products
are from pure land, sun light-grown and
directly imported from different farms.
4. THE FARM a r u s t i c f
Lindenhoff is a historical Dutch farm located in Baambrugge in the green heart of Holland. The farm is
owned by family te Voortwis, who have lived at the Lindenhoff for 5 generations. At the farm Ben and his son
Dirco breed, raise and fatten Gasconne cattle. Beside the Gasconne beef and veal Lindenhoff is well-known
for its Loz竪re lamb and Dutch Kamper lamb.
Together with the products of the farm, Lindenhoff also selects authentic products that originate from highly
reputed and responsible other farms throughout Europe. This distribution enables Lindenhoff to provide
Europes 鍖nest meat, cheeses, dairy, vegetables and fruits to the high end of the Dutch culinary market
including most of the one- and two star restaurants. Internationally our products are sold to various hotels in
Japan, Swiss, Hong Kong, Dubai, Paris and New York.
modern methods embedded
in a traditional heritance
7. At Lindenhoff professional base down connective tissue to render
we have developed a professional the beef and veal fork-tender.
butchery process to produce portion When aged for up to three weeks,
controlled fresh cut dry-aged meat. the meats appearance will change.
The butchers who work here bone Within the dry-aging room, the meat
the meat, cut it according to our will develop a crust that seals the
customers speci鍖cations and take meat and protects it from deterio-
constantly care of the dry aging ration. The meat can lose from 25
process. Originally, the dry aging to 30 percent of its overall weight
process was used as a way to preserve due to dehydration during the aging
meat before refrigeration was process. Thats why a dry-aged
invented. Today - amidst the urgency piece of meat will be considerably
to bring cattle to market sooner, smaller than a piece of beef that
modern freezing techniques and hasnt been aged or one that has
demand for fast, convenient food - been wet aged or needle tenderized.
dry aging is almost a lost art; it takes Dry-aging produces meat that is
time and its an expensive, labour- naturally tender and 鍖avourful.
intensive process. Lindenhoff is Nothing the cook does to add 鍖avour
among the few practitioners in the kitchen is a substitute for
anywhere of these old fashioned, starting with properly aged meat.
dry-aging methods. After about three weeks of dry-aging,
meat reaches its peak tenderness
In our own dry-aging rooms we and 鍖avour, it has developed a deep,
age our meat for up to 3 weeks. rich taste with nuances of butter
During this period the meat is held and roasted nuts. This unique com-
in coolers under tight temperature, bination of farming with exclusive
air-circulation, and humidity breeds and butchery enables
control. During this time, the Lindenhoff to provide the worlds
natural action of enzymes breaks best fresh cut dry aged meat.
8. r i c h f l a v o u r s,
originated in a
natural environment
Lindenhoff buys farm cheeses specialists in Holland and far each season. Besides this, the their cheese. Only after a strict
directly from a selection of Dutch abroad. These cheeses 鍖nd their natural maturing process ensures selection these cheeses receive the
farms where purity of ingredients way to people who know how to its special aroma. Lindenhoff label Farm Cheese.
and a careful traditional rate real and honest quality. Lindenhoff selects only the highest Next to our product assortment
production process are required. Farm cheese is a pure, natural quality farm cheese for export. The young and old Dutch Farm
Compared to the taste of regular product that is being made of raw, cheese is freshly cut and cooperative Cheeses we also sell Dutch, Italian
cheese the very re鍖ned, exquisite non-pasteurized milk. The use of farmers linked with the Lindenhoff and French soft rind, washed rind
taste of raw farm cheese is being raw milk provides the cheese with work hard day and night to be and blue veined cheeses from
received enthusiastically by dairy its own characteristics, varying able to guarantee the quality of different farms throughout Europe.
Lindenhoff buys potatoes, vegetables, fruits and mushrooms originating from different Dutch, Italian and French farms.
For Lindenhoff it is of utmost importance that these farms operate with respect for nature; that they look at cultural
plants respectfully and that they value ethically motivated gardening and farming as a contribution to nature. We have
a special passion for vegetables and fruits that have been forgotten or marginalized or are at risk of disappearing
completely. All our products come from pure soil, sunlight-grown, directly imported and selected on taste. We also
sell all sorts of herbs, soft fruit and red fruit from the kitchen garden on the farm.
s u n l i g h t - g r o w n , d i r e ct l y
i m p o r t e d a n d s e l e ct e d o n t a s t e
Ben te Voortwis is the founding
farmer of todays Lindenhoff. In
Because of our craft
1987 he started to work with the
Gasconne breed and the
philosophy to produce guaranteed
and the quality of our
healthy and tasteful meat. In
Holland several butcheries and authentic products we
chefs became interested and this
resulted into todays Lindenhoff: a
professional company that sell and distribute to
produces, imports, and exports
high quality products with authentic
taste. Today Ben imports and the high-end of the
exports wines from organic French
and Hungarian wine houses.
Dutch Market, but also
to Japan, Hong Kong,
Dubai, Paris, Swiss
and New York.
A cow that is not taken care
of properly, tastes like nothing.