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(1) 仗仂亳亰于仂亟仆舒 舒仍舒 从仗仆亠 仗仂于亳仆亠          舒仍仂亞舒 仗亠 亳仗舒舒 仂仗舒亟仆亳 于仂亟舒
6400 仄族  仂从于亳 从仂亠 亠 仆舒仍舒亰亳 :             亠仆亳 仍亳于; 亳亟仂仂从舒 从亳舒
舒仂舒仆亳舒,   从仂仄仗亠仂从舒     舒仆亳舒,    仆舒亟 弍仆舒仂仄 亰舒 亳仆亟亳从 于仂亟;
从亳舒 / 亠仂舒仆, 仄舒亞舒亳仆 亳 从舒仆亠仍舒亳亠;
                                               (5)    亳仆舒仍舒亳亠      :      亠仆仂仍仂从舒,
(2) 从仂仄仗仍亠从 亞舒亠于亳仆从仂亞 亰亠仄亳舒  舒仆亳舒仆舒, 仗仂亳于仗仂亢舒仆舒 于仂亟舒 亳 亟. ;
仗仂于亳仆亳 仂亟 8舒 78舒 79仄族, 仂亟 亠亞舒 亠 4舒
78舒 20仄族  于仍舒仆亳于 仆亠亞仂仗仂亠从舒, (6)              仆舒亟亰亠仄仆仂       从仍舒亟亳亠         亰舒
舒     仂舒舒从          亟亢舒于仆仂      于仂亳仆亳; 仗仂仗舒仆-弍舒仆      亞舒      2x150仄族,      舒
                                               仂亟亞仂于舒舒亳仄     仗舒亠亳仄       亠舒亳仄舒;
(3) 从亞 弍亠从舒 亳仄舒 舒舒仍亳舒仆亠 于亠 仗仂亠弍仆亠
从仂仄仆亳从舒亳亠 亳 仗仂亠仆 亠 仗亳从从仂仄 (7)                 舒仂舒仆亳舒          从仂舒      亠
(舒 仄舒亳仄 仗舒从亳仆亞仂仄) 亰舒 亠亞亳仂仆舒仍仆亳 仂仗亠仄亠仆舒                 舒     2     舒仆仂仄舒仂舒
仗 亠仂亞舒亟  弍亠仆仂于舒  丕弍  舒亠于仂; 仂亟           仗仂    640   从,     于亳仂从仂仆舒仗仂仆从亳仄
                                               亳   仆亳从仂仆舒仗仂仆从亳仄      仗仂仂亠亠仄      舒
(4) 仗仂亠亟 弍亠从舒 亳亰亞舒亠仆亳  亳 仗仂仄仂仆亳 从仂仆亟亠仆亰舒仂从仂仄                   从仂仄仗亠仆亰舒亳仂仄;
仂弍亠从亳 : 从亳亠 亰舒 弍仂仍亠从 亳 亳仗舒亳于舒从
舒仆亳 亞舒仆仂亞 仗仂仂亠舒, 仗仂仍 从仂仗舒仆 (8) 于仂亟仂于仂亟仆舒 仄亠亢舒 亠 仆舒仗舒舒 亳亰
舒仄亳舒仆仂-弍亠仂仆从亳 亠亰亠于仂舒, 亰舒仗亠仄亳仆亠 亞舒亟从仂亞            于仂亟仂于仂亟舒,      亰    仄仂亞仆仂
200仄族 亰舒 亠仆仂仍仂从 亳 仗仂亳于仗仂亢舒仆 于仂亟; 从仂亳亠舒 于仂亟亠 亳亰 仂仗于亠仆亳 亳亰于仂舒;
亠亰亠于仂舒 亰舒 仄舒亰 (125仄族) 仂亟 亠仍亳仆仂亞
仍亳仄舒; 亟于舒 从仂仗舒仆舒 舒仄亳舒仆仂-弍亠仂仆从舒 (9) 亳仆亟亳从舒 亳 亠从舒仍仆舒 从舒仆舒仍亳亰舒亳舒
亠亰亠于仂舒舒 亰舒 亠从舒仍仆 亳 亳仆亟亳从 亠 仗仂仍亠 舒仍仂亢亠舒 亳 亠仄亠仆舒亳亠
从舒仆舒仍亳亰舒亳,      亰舒仗亠仄亳仆亠    舒      10仄族; 亳仗舒        于仂亟仂仂从      (亠亳舒    丕弍,
舒仄亳舒仆仂-弍亠仂仆从亳 弍舒亰亠仆 亰舒 亳亰亟于舒舒亠 从仂舒 亠 仆舒 亟舒亠仆仂亳 仂从仂 400仄).
(1)	 production hall of a total floor surface reinforced concrete pool for sedimentation of
of 6400m族, which comprises the following waste water before flowing into the river; a cab-
: transformer station, compressor station, in with water pump and industrial water well;
kitchen / restaurant, warehouse and offices
                                                  (5)	 pipelines        for   technology,    sani-
(2)	 a lot of development land the surface of tary        and     firefighting    water,   etc.   ;
which is 8 hectares 78 acres and 79m族, out of
which 4 hectares 78 acres and 20m族 belong (6)	 an                   over        ground        stor-
to Energoprojekt, and the rest to the State; age         for     propane     and    butane    gas-
                                                  ses 2x150m族 with appurenant devices;
(3)	 around the Facility there are all neces-
sary paved communication roads and is con- (7)	 a              transformer     station   compris-
nected (via small parking lot) to the regional ing 2Nos. 640 kVA transformers, a
road Belgrade  Obrenovac  Ub  Valjevo; high voltage and low voltage equip-
                                                  ment, including condesers compensation;
(4)	 nearby the Facility there are the follow-
ing auxiliary structures : a cabin for the boil- (8)	 water supply network is connect-
er and evaporation station of the gas plant; ed to the town public utility, with pos-
a semi-buried reinforced concrete water tank sibility of using water from own sources;
capacity 200m族 of water for technology and
firefighting purposes; a crude oil tank (capacity (9)	 the industrial and fowl waters, after sed-
125m族) made of steel plate; two underground imentation and fermentation, is let out to the
reinforced concrete reservoirs for fowl and in- river (little river Ub, which is about 400m away).
dustrial waste water capacity 100m族 each; a
CITY BOX d.o.o.
亳从于亳亟舒亳仂仆舒 于亠亟仆仂: 9.742.900,00 弌   (3) 仂亳亰于仂亟仆舒 舒仍舒 3, 仗仂于亳仆舒 640 从于仄,

于仂 仂亳亠 亰舒 仗仂亟舒 亳仄仂于亳仆亠 仂亟亢舒仆仂 (4) 丕仗舒于仆舒 亰亞舒亟舒, 仗仂于亳仆舒 900 从于仄,
亠  舒于亞 2012. 亞仂亟亳仆亠
                                           (5) 亠仄亳亠, 92 舒舒, 仗仂仂仗亳于亠亟仆仂
                                           (6) 仂亰亳仍舒, 从仗仆仂 4,
(1) 仂亳亰于仂亟仆舒 舒仍舒 1, 仗仂于亳仆舒 1.486 从于仄,
                                           (7) 舒仍亳亠 亳 仂舒仍舒 仗仂从亠仆舒 亳仄仂于亳仆舒.
(2) 仂亳亰于仂亟仆舒 舒仍舒 2, 仗仂于亳仆舒 903 从于仄,
CITY BOX d.o.o.
Liquidation value: 9,742,900.00 RSD                (3) Production hall 3, 640 square meters area,

The first hearing for the sale of assets held in   (4) Administration Building, 900 square me-
August 2012                                        ters area,
Assets:                                            (5) Land, 92 fires, agricultural land,

(1) Production hall 1, 1486 square meters          (6) Vehicles of 4,
                                                   (7) Inventories and other movable property.
(2) Production Hall 2, 903 square meters,
      丐亠仍亠仂仆         +381 (0) 14 411 622
      个舒从            +381 (0) 14 411 620
      个舒从/Fax        +381 (0) 14 411 620
      亟亠舒          丕仍亳舒 3. 仂从仂弍舒 弍. 4
                      14210 丕弍, 弌弍亳舒


    @opstina_ub                     opstina.ub      opstinaub

www.o ps t i n au b . o r g . r s

                                                 design: O ffi c e 2 1 0

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  • 1. 丿丐 丕 UB MUNICIPALITY BR O WN F I E L D S www. o p s ti n a u b . org. rs
  • 2. 丕 (1) 仗仂亳亰于仂亟仆舒 舒仍舒 从仗仆亠 仗仂于亳仆亠 舒仍仂亞舒 仗亠 亳仗舒舒 仂仗舒亟仆亳 于仂亟舒 6400 仄族 仂从于亳 从仂亠 亠 仆舒仍舒亰亳 : 亠仆亳 仍亳于; 亳亟仂仂从舒 从亳舒 舒仂舒仆亳舒, 从仂仄仗亠仂从舒 舒仆亳舒, 仆舒亟 弍仆舒仂仄 亰舒 亳仆亟亳从 于仂亟; 从亳舒 / 亠仂舒仆, 仄舒亞舒亳仆 亳 从舒仆亠仍舒亳亠; (5) 亳仆舒仍舒亳亠 : 亠仆仂仍仂从舒, (2) 从仂仄仗仍亠从 亞舒亠于亳仆从仂亞 亰亠仄亳舒 舒仆亳舒仆舒, 仗仂亳于仗仂亢舒仆舒 于仂亟舒 亳 亟. ; 仗仂于亳仆亳 仂亟 8舒 78舒 79仄族, 仂亟 亠亞舒 亠 4舒 78舒 20仄族 于仍舒仆亳于 仆亠亞仂仗仂亠从舒, (6) 仆舒亟亰亠仄仆仂 从仍舒亟亳亠 亰舒 舒 仂舒舒从 亟亢舒于仆仂 于仂亳仆亳; 仗仂仗舒仆-弍舒仆 亞舒 2x150仄族, 舒 仂亟亞仂于舒舒亳仄 仗舒亠亳仄 亠舒亳仄舒; (3) 从亞 弍亠从舒 亳仄舒 舒舒仍亳舒仆亠 于亠 仗仂亠弍仆亠 从仂仄仆亳从舒亳亠 亳 仗仂亠仆 亠 仗亳从从仂仄 (7) 舒仂舒仆亳舒 从仂舒 亠 (舒 仄舒亳仄 仗舒从亳仆亞仂仄) 亰舒 亠亞亳仂仆舒仍仆亳 仂仗亠仄亠仆舒 舒 2 舒仆仂仄舒仂舒 仗 亠仂亞舒亟 弍亠仆仂于舒 丕弍 舒亠于仂; 仂亟 仗仂 640 从, 于亳仂从仂仆舒仗仂仆从亳仄 亳 仆亳从仂仆舒仗仂仆从亳仄 仗仂仂亠亠仄 舒 (4) 仗仂亠亟 弍亠从舒 亳亰亞舒亠仆亳 亳 仗仂仄仂仆亳 从仂仆亟亠仆亰舒仂从仂仄 从仂仄仗亠仆亰舒亳仂仄; 仂弍亠从亳 : 从亳亠 亰舒 弍仂仍亠从 亳 亳仗舒亳于舒从 舒仆亳 亞舒仆仂亞 仗仂仂亠舒, 仗仂仍 从仂仗舒仆 (8) 于仂亟仂于仂亟仆舒 仄亠亢舒 亠 仆舒仗舒舒 亳亰 舒仄亳舒仆仂-弍亠仂仆从亳 亠亰亠于仂舒, 亰舒仗亠仄亳仆亠 亞舒亟从仂亞 于仂亟仂于仂亟舒, 亰 仄仂亞仆仂 200仄族 亰舒 亠仆仂仍仂从 亳 仗仂亳于仗仂亢舒仆 于仂亟; 从仂亳亠舒 于仂亟亠 亳亰 仂仗于亠仆亳 亳亰于仂舒; 亠亰亠于仂舒 亰舒 仄舒亰 (125仄族) 仂亟 亠仍亳仆仂亞 仍亳仄舒; 亟于舒 从仂仗舒仆舒 舒仄亳舒仆仂-弍亠仂仆从舒 (9) 亳仆亟亳从舒 亳 亠从舒仍仆舒 从舒仆舒仍亳亰舒亳舒 亠亰亠于仂舒舒 亰舒 亠从舒仍仆 亳 亳仆亟亳从 亠 仗仂仍亠 舒仍仂亢亠舒 亳 亠仄亠仆舒亳亠 从舒仆舒仍亳亰舒亳, 亰舒仗亠仄亳仆亠 舒 10仄族; 亳仗舒 于仂亟仂仂从 (亠亳舒 丕弍, 舒仄亳舒仆仂-弍亠仂仆从亳 弍舒亰亠仆 亰舒 亳亰亟于舒舒亠 从仂舒 亠 仆舒 亟舒亠仆仂亳 仂从仂 400仄).
  • 3. KERUB (1) production hall of a total floor surface reinforced concrete pool for sedimentation of of 6400m族, which comprises the following waste water before flowing into the river; a cab- : transformer station, compressor station, in with water pump and industrial water well; kitchen / restaurant, warehouse and offices (5) pipelines for technology, sani- (2) a lot of development land the surface of tary and firefighting water, etc. ; which is 8 hectares 78 acres and 79m族, out of which 4 hectares 78 acres and 20m族 belong (6) an over ground stor- to Energoprojekt, and the rest to the State; age for propane and butane gas- ses 2x150m族 with appurenant devices; (3) around the Facility there are all neces- sary paved communication roads and is con- (7) a transformer station compris- nected (via small parking lot) to the regional ing 2Nos. 640 kVA transformers, a road Belgrade Obrenovac Ub Valjevo; high voltage and low voltage equip- ment, including condesers compensation; (4) nearby the Facility there are the follow- ing auxiliary structures : a cabin for the boil- (8) water supply network is connect- er and evaporation station of the gas plant; ed to the town public utility, with pos- a semi-buried reinforced concrete water tank sibility of using water from own sources; capacity 200m族 of water for technology and firefighting purposes; a crude oil tank (capacity (9) the industrial and fowl waters, after sed- 125m族) made of steel plate; two underground imentation and fermentation, is let out to the reinforced concrete reservoirs for fowl and in- river (little river Ub, which is about 400m away). dustrial waste water capacity 100m族 each; a
  • 4. CITY BOX d.o.o. 亳从于亳亟舒亳仂仆舒 于亠亟仆仂: 9.742.900,00 弌 (3) 仂亳亰于仂亟仆舒 舒仍舒 3, 仗仂于亳仆舒 640 从于仄, 于仂 仂亳亠 亰舒 仗仂亟舒 亳仄仂于亳仆亠 仂亟亢舒仆仂 (4) 丕仗舒于仆舒 亰亞舒亟舒, 仗仂于亳仆舒 900 从于仄, 亠 舒于亞 2012. 亞仂亟亳仆亠 (5) 亠仄亳亠, 92 舒舒, 仗仂仂仗亳于亠亟仆仂 亰亠仄亳亠, 仄仂于亳仆舒: (6) 仂亰亳仍舒, 从仗仆仂 4, (1) 仂亳亰于仂亟仆舒 舒仍舒 1, 仗仂于亳仆舒 1.486 从于仄, (7) 舒仍亳亠 亳 仂舒仍舒 仗仂从亠仆舒 亳仄仂于亳仆舒. (2) 仂亳亰于仂亟仆舒 舒仍舒 2, 仗仂于亳仆舒 903 从于仄,
  • 5. CITY BOX d.o.o. Liquidation value: 9,742,900.00 RSD (3) Production hall 3, 640 square meters area, The first hearing for the sale of assets held in (4) Administration Building, 900 square me- August 2012 ters area, Assets: (5) Land, 92 fires, agricultural land, (1) Production hall 1, 1486 square meters (6) Vehicles of 4, area, (7) Inventories and other movable property. (2) Production Hall 2, 903 square meters,
  • 6. 丐丐 CONTACT 丐亠仍/ 丐亠仍亠仂仆 +381 (0) 14 411 622 Phone 个舒从 +381 (0) 14 411 620 个舒从/Fax +381 (0) 14 411 620 亟亠舒 丕仍亳舒 3. 仂从仂弍舒 弍. 4 14210 丕弍, 弌弍亳舒 info@opstinaub.org.rs @opstina_ub opstina.ub opstinaub www.o ps t i n au b . o r g . r s design: O ffi c e 2 1 0