This document defines and provides examples of various text features including bold print, bulleted lists, captions, close-ups, diagrams, headings, illustrations, labels, maps, photographs, and titles. It explains that these features are used to draw attention to important information, help the reader visualize concepts, and understand relationships between different parts of a document. The document serves to teach about common text features found in articles and other written works.
2. BBold Print-words with thick heavy lines.
Words in bold print are important words
Bees play an important role in pollinating
flowering plants.
3. BBulleted Text- A way of presenting
points or facts. Bullets draw attention to
important facts!
Humans Relationships with
?Bees are used in mythology
?Bees are held in high regard
?Bees are used in advertising
(Honey-Nut Cheerios)
?Bees make honey
?Bees pollinate flowers
4. CCaptions-Information that is near
a photograph or illustration that tells
what it tells.
Close-up image of a mantis' face
showing its compound eyes