Our perception of reality is shaped by various proxies that filter information for their own purposes. From our physical senses to social institutions like family, media, education and government, each proxy presents a biased view of the world based on its own values and motivations of self-preservation. Over time, the accumulation of these distorted lenses can lead us far from an accurate understanding of reality as it truly exists independent of our perception. We must become conscious of how we have been influenced and learn to think critically about information from all sources.
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Building the Matrix together
1. What is reality ? How and why your mental representation of the world is different from what the world actually is ?
2. How we think we perceive the world Me The world We look at the world and the world shows us what actually is. Perceive During those few minutes we will look precisely at those 2 arrows. We will discuss how they are not straight forward and that they not point to the world as it is. Instead, we will try to explain how and why your senses and the instutions on which you rely on a daily basis distort your view of the world for their own sake. Look
3. Maybe we do not see the world so directly Can you order chronologically how they influence my vision of the world ? The world Perceive Media School Science Religion Physical abilities Government Social culture Corporation Me Look
4. Our basis on experiencing the world Our physical perceptions is the very first thing that shape the world in a biased way. We do not see the world as it is but how we are physicaly able to see it. For example some people hardly differentiate colors, some people see the world in a blurry way, some animals see infrared, etc... If you consider that those are perceptions problems that do not concern or affect you, look here : Me The world Perceive The very core on what we base ourselves to describe the world is flawed. Look Physical abilities
5. Starting the 束 proxy 損 chain Me The world A proxy is a relay that may distort or not what it relays. When you are a baby you can not access food or information or other persons directly simply because you do not know yet how to interact with the world around you. You parents thus act as a proxy to the world around you by providing teaching you how to interact with it. Your parents possess a specific culture (western culture, Asian culture, indigen culture, ... ) that shares a specific way to interact with the world. Those ways to interact are formed of rituals, food, etc. You consequently see the world as provided by your surrounding culture based on preconceptions and beliefs. Physical abilities Social culture Look Perceive
6. Me Zooming in the first link of the 束 proxy 損 chain From now on we will not zoom on every link but you have to keep in mind that every proxy filters in and out what you are expose to . If your parents are vegetarian and you need to eat they will provide you vegetables. If your parents are vegetarian and a friend invite you to eat meat they will tell you not to eat meat. Me You now have a value system built by the proxy teaching . Good Bad Social culture Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Good Good Good Good
7. Continuing the 束proxy損 chain Me The world Soon you will learn to find others proxy to interact with the world. Your parents will let you hear the radio they are listening to or the TV in the living room. The media also shape the culture your parents live in and they also present information in a specific way. For example advertisement clearly transforms the images it provides in order to fit a specific standard as you can see on the example here: By using constantly the media as a proxy to see the world, you do not link picture A to reality as you never see it. B A (same picture after Photoshop 束lifting損) The world is the provided picture even if it does not reflect reality. Media Social culture Look Perceive Physical abilities
8. Continuing the 束proxy損 chain The world After teaching you the basics of how to interact with the world (eating, walking, talking) your parents will decide or their government will force [1] them to let an institution teach you. [1] most democratic countries have laws to enforce school education Unlike most proxy, the formal education system make you learn its values explicitely by rating you against a formal scale. The scale judges how well you fit against the school very own standard. The school prepare its students to the world as the school sees it, not how it is. Very often the school teachers are its former students thus generating a close circle. A proxy teach you the world as it perceives it , not how the world is. Me Media Social culture Look Perceive School Physical abilities
9. Continuing the 束proxy損 chain The world Parents, journalists, teachers, ... filter what you should see or not based on their own value system. Labelling something good or bad, truth or lie, right or wrong does not make it so, even if an authority make it looks like. Several others proxy exist, they should also be analysed and positioned on the chain. The longer the proxy chain is, the higher the chance of distortions are. Me Media Social culture Look Perceive School Physical abilities Science Government Corporation Technology
10. Ending the 束proxy損 chain The world Each proxy censors and highlight information by filtering with its OWN internal value system. You are not taught to see the world as it is, you are taught to see the world as your proxy see it . Me Perceive Me Media Social culture Look Perceive School Science Religion Government Corporation Look
11. Understanding the point of view of a 束proxy損 Each proxy filters information firstly for its own good, secondly (optionnaly) for your own good. The mechanism reinforces the position of the proxy in your proxy chain by continously including the message that the proxy is necessary for you, (make the test, try with every single institutions including public institutions). The proxy does not have to be conscious or have any intentionality as this mechanism appears naturaly and is logical : - a proxy believes it is useful and thus expresses it - a proxy self-deceive itself - a proxy with a key place in your life higher the dependancy and thus augment its power over you, allowing you to pass to anyone the fact that the proxy is necessary - a proxy without dependant users have no power to promote its own value system, consequently a mechanism to always gather more users emerges. All institutions will influence to self-promote itself, claims its necessity to impose its value system on you Me Media Social culture Look Perceive School Science Religion Government Corporation
12. Conclusion The world as I perceive it The world as it is Social institutions stability (self-protection for integrity), use of influence, unconscious reshaping of reality, ... The world is not how we perceive it as our whole education is flawed, based on flawed proxy who constantly influence us. Understand the motivations behind each proxy, understand what it will filter and figure out what the world is.
13. What next ? Be conscious that you were influenced by this very presentation and understand what is the author motivation behind it Learn how to unplug yourself : - dichotomy is a simplistic construct - alternatives do exist [parallel market] - concept of right and wrong [unlearning] - method [reason/logic/comparative studies] - intelectual self-defense - pragamatism [studies/role of influence/psycology] - history [Machiavelli] - politics [write your own constitution] ... etape 0 - ne pas savoir que chaque institution t'endoctrine pour survivre etape 1 - se prendre une claque monstreuse en decouvrant que ta propre patrie en fait partie comme les autres, que chaque etape de ton education (officielle ou non) etait comme cela etape 2 - voir que derriere chaque institution il existe des gens, humains, comme soi, qui ont des motivations etape 3 - comprendre ses motivations pour savoir pourquoi et comment chaque institutions joue ses billes face a toi et donc en quoi tu peux faire confiance et en quoi tu te dois d'avoir des sources alternatives d'information etape 4 - grace aux mecanismes compris trouver des alternatives, des systemes paralleles qui evitent ce systeme etape 5 (pour les plus motiver) - faire prendre plus de poids a ses alternatives pour faire basculer petit a petit le systeme vers ces autres moyens (en s'assurant de ne pas creer d'autres institutions d'endoctrienement)
14. References To go further : sociology and institutions topics,束gouvernalites損, Foucault Institutions and their self-protection mechanisms, Bourdieu media, Chomsky cognitive science and cognitive scaffolding, Clark What is it like to be a bat ? Nagel Reality and perceptions, the Alegory of the Cave, Plato Evolutionary epistemology, Popper Simulacra and Simulations, Jean Baudrillard TRANSITION VISUELLE un rideau ou un voile qui couvre petit a petit ca pourrait etre bien aussi l'idee c'est surtout que visuellement, au fur et a mesure des diapos, on distingue a peine le changement et qu'a la fin on se dise "tient... on est passe de bleu a rose (ou orange) et j'ai rien vu" comme une metaphore de toute notre education (institutionnelle ou non) en fait