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Built for Engineers and Developers
Computers and Structures, Inc.s Application Programming Interface (API) allows engineers and
developers to programmatically exploit the power and productivity of CSI software.
With a little programming knowledge it is possible to create a spreadsheet, plugin, or third-party
application that can interface with CSI software. The API is compatible with most major
programming languages, including Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), VB.NET, C#, C++,
Visual Fortan, Python, and Matlab. Whether a seasoned developer or new to programming, you
should find the CSI API syntax easy and intuitive.
In-house Tools
Engineers can use the CSI API to create their own company tools that automate and/or integrate
with CSI software. These tools can automate repetitive tasks thereby increasing user efficiency
and eliminating user errors. If you already have other in-house tools, whether they be
spreadsheets or full blown applications, you can use the CSI API to connect these tools to CSI
StructuralSoftwareDevelopmentEngineer| (F-DEV-ENG-01)WalnutCreek, CA
 For all software developmentengineers,excellentprogrammingskillsare required,includingthe
abilitytoworkas part of a teamand to use a varietyof programminglanguages,especially
Visual Basic/C,anddevelopmentenvironments.Knowledge of computergraphicsandgraphic
designskillsaplus.Clearcommunicationandwritingskillsare required.
 A Ph.D.or extensive experience inthe fieldof structural engineeringand/orstructural
mechanics,withastrong backgroundinone or more of the followingareas:structural dynamics,
mechanicsof materials,nonlinearmaterial behavior,computational mechanics,finiteelement
analysis,andnumerical analysisof large linearandnonlinearsystems.
 An M.S. degree orforeignacademicequivalentinCivil Engineeringand2or more yearsof
experience instructural engineeringpractice withastrongbackgroundin:BuildingandBridge
DesignCode,Designprocessandneeds;ComputerApplicationsinStructural Engineering;
ComputerGraphics;Linearand NonlinearFiniteElementMethods; andEarthquake Engineering.

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Built for engineers and developers

  • 1. Built for Engineers and Developers Computers and Structures, Inc.s Application Programming Interface (API) allows engineers and developers to programmatically exploit the power and productivity of CSI software. With a little programming knowledge it is possible to create a spreadsheet, plugin, or third-party application that can interface with CSI software. The API is compatible with most major programming languages, including Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), VB.NET, C#, C++, Visual Fortan, Python, and Matlab. Whether a seasoned developer or new to programming, you should find the CSI API syntax easy and intuitive. In-house Tools Engineers can use the CSI API to create their own company tools that automate and/or integrate with CSI software. These tools can automate repetitive tasks thereby increasing user efficiency and eliminating user errors. If you already have other in-house tools, whether they be spreadsheets or full blown applications, you can use the CSI API to connect these tools to CSI software. StructuralSoftwareDevelopmentEngineer| (F-DEV-ENG-01)WalnutCreek, CA Responsibilities: For all software developmentengineers,excellentprogrammingskillsare required,includingthe abilitytoworkas part of a teamand to use a varietyof programminglanguages,especially Visual Basic/C,anddevelopmentenvironments.Knowledge of computergraphicsandgraphic designskillsaplus.Clearcommunicationandwritingskillsare required. Qualifications: A Ph.D.or extensive experience inthe fieldof structural engineeringand/orstructural mechanics,withastrong backgroundinone or more of the followingareas:structural dynamics, mechanicsof materials,nonlinearmaterial behavior,computational mechanics,finiteelement analysis,andnumerical analysisof large linearandnonlinearsystems. An M.S. degree orforeignacademicequivalentinCivil Engineeringand2or more yearsof experience instructural engineeringpractice withastrongbackgroundin:BuildingandBridge DesignCode,Designprocessandneeds;ComputerApplicationsinStructural Engineering; ComputerGraphics;Linearand NonlinearFiniteElementMethods; andEarthquake Engineering.