The CSI API allows engineers and developers to programmatically interface with CSI software using a variety of programming languages. With some programming knowledge, users can create spreadsheets, plugins, or third-party applications to automate tasks in CSI software. Engineers can use the API to build their own company tools that automate processes and integrate with CSI programs, increasing efficiency and reducing errors.
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Built for engineers and developers
1. Built for Engineers and Developers
Computers and Structures, Inc.s Application Programming Interface (API) allows engineers and
developers to programmatically exploit the power and productivity of CSI software.
With a little programming knowledge it is possible to create a spreadsheet, plugin, or third-party
application that can interface with CSI software. The API is compatible with most major
programming languages, including Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), VB.NET, C#, C++,
Visual Fortan, Python, and Matlab. Whether a seasoned developer or new to programming, you
should find the CSI API syntax easy and intuitive.
In-house Tools
Engineers can use the CSI API to create their own company tools that automate and/or integrate
with CSI software. These tools can automate repetitive tasks thereby increasing user efficiency
and eliminating user errors. If you already have other in-house tools, whether they be
spreadsheets or full blown applications, you can use the CSI API to connect these tools to CSI
StructuralSoftwareDevelopmentEngineer| (F-DEV-ENG-01)WalnutCreek, CA
For all software developmentengineers,excellentprogrammingskillsare required,includingthe
abilitytoworkas part of a teamand to use a varietyof programminglanguages,especially
Visual Basic/C,anddevelopmentenvironments.Knowledge of computergraphicsandgraphic
designskillsaplus.Clearcommunicationandwritingskillsare required.
A Ph.D.or extensive experience inthe fieldof structural engineeringand/orstructural
mechanics,withastrong backgroundinone or more of the followingareas:structural dynamics,
mechanicsof materials,nonlinearmaterial behavior,computational mechanics,finiteelement
analysis,andnumerical analysisof large linearandnonlinearsystems.
An M.S. degree orforeignacademicequivalentinCivil Engineeringand2or more yearsof
experience instructural engineeringpractice withastrongbackgroundin:BuildingandBridge
DesignCode,Designprocessandneeds;ComputerApplicationsinStructural Engineering;
ComputerGraphics;Linearand NonlinearFiniteElementMethods; andEarthquake Engineering.