The document provides guidance on costume design for the play "Bus Stop" set in 1955 rural Kansas. It describes the eight main characters and suggests appropriate costumes based on their attributes, including Cherie's revealing dress, Bo Decker's worn cowboy attire, Sheriff Will Master's winter jacket and hat, Grace and Elma's waitress uniforms, Carl the bus driver's professional clothes, Dr. Lyman's slovenly professor outfit, and Virgil Blessing's similar cowboy look to Bo as his mentor figure. The costumes aim to represent each character's gender, social status, occupation and personality to bring the 1950s small town setting to life.
2. Background Information
Costumes must be
consistent with the
time of the play.
For Bus Stop, attire
must correlate to a
southern 1950s style.
The play takes place in
a Kansas diner, in
1955, during a
3. Character Attributes
Costumes must also effectively represent
the character.
Some things to consider may include:
Social Position
4. Additional Elements
There is more to costume design than just
Other aspects to consider include:
Personal items/accessories (jewelry, walking
stick, purse, etc)
5. The Design Process
Taking all the
elements of costumes
into consideration,
lets begin with the
design process for
each character.
6. Character Introduction
There are eight characters in Bus Stop,
thus, eight costumes to consider.
Among these characters are:
Bo Decker
Will Masters
Elma Duckworth
Grace Hoylard
Dr. Gerald Lyman
Virgil Blessing
7. Cherie
Cherie is described as a
young, blonde girl of
about twenty. She is pretty
in a fragile, girlish way.
Her clothes were absurd,
a skimpy jacket of
tarnished metal cloth a
dress of sequins and net
glided sandals that
exposed brightly
enameled toes. (Inge, 9)
Also, her make-up has
been applied under the
influence of having seen
too many movies
lipstick creates a
voluptuous pair of lips
eyebrows also form a
somewhat arbitrary line
her prettiness still is
apparent. (Inge, 9)
8. Cherie (cont.)
Cherie is also a nightclub
singer and has roots in the
deep South.
Taking Cheries profile
into consideration, her
costume can be pictured as
revealing, mature, and
Her costume should be a
colorful, low-cut silk dress
with embroidered sequins.
9. Bo Decker
Bo Decker is a cowboy in
his early twenties.
He is tall, slim, and good
looking in a rugged way.
He wears faded jeans that
cling to his legs his
boots worn under his
jeans Stretson on the
back of his head is worn
and tatteredOver a
faded denim shirt he wears
a shiny horsehide jacket.
(Inge, 20-21)
Bo also wears a bandanna
around his neck.
Like the description in the
play, Bos costume
consists of cowboy boots,
faded and tattered jeans, a
worn denim shirt, a dark
brown leather vest, a red
bandana and an old
cowboy hat.
11. Will Masters
Will Masters is the town
He is a huge, saturnine
man, well over six feet,
who has a thick black
beard, and a scar on his
forehead. He wears a
battered black hat, clumsy
overshoes, and a heavy
mackinaw. He looks
somewhat forbidding.
(Inge, 8)
Wills costume should
include a beige sheriffs
uniform, a thick winter
jacket, and a black
homburg hat.
12. Grace Hoylard
Grace is the owner of the
She is in her thirties or
early forties.
She is somewhat
Her costume should be a
light blue 1950s style
uniform dress with a white
13. Elma Duckworth
Elma Duckworth works
for Grace Hoylard at the
She is described as a bigeyed girl in her late teens.
She is still in high school.
Her demeanor is
intelligent, yet na誰ve.
Her attire should reflect an
innocent, working class
Elmas costume should be
similar to Graces; a light
pink uniform dress, a
white apron, and a
servers hat.
14. Carl
Carl is a middle-aged
bus driver.
His costume should
consist of a white
button down shirt, red
tie, brown dress pants,
a brown jacket, and a
drivers hat.
15. Dr. Gerald Lyman
Dr. Gerald Lyman is a
man in his fifties, of
medium height, and has a
boyish face.
He boasts scholarly
glasses and iron-gray hair.
He wears an old tweed
suit of good quality
underneath a worn
Burberry. His clothes are
mussed (Inge, 11)
Dr. Gerald Lyman is also
a college philosophy
professor who has a slight
drinking problem.
Lyman should be sloppily
dressed in gray pants, a
white button down shirt, a
gray vest, a corduroy
jacket with elbow pads, a
bowtie, and circular
17. Virgil Blessing
Virgil Blessing is also a
cowboy, who is in his
Dresses similar to Bo (acts
as Bos parental figure).
A big man, corpulent and
slow moving perhaps a
trifle more tidy carries a
guitar in a case and keeps
a bag of Bull Durham in
his shirt pocket. (Inge,
His costume consists of
cowboy boots, blue jeans,
a brown button down
shirt, a brown leather vest,
a brown coat, and a
cowboy hat.