Effective communication is essential for managing an organization successfully. There are two types of communication within an organization: bottom-up communication where employees communicate with managers, and top-down communication where managers communicate policies, procedures, and instructions to employees. Proper communication allows organizational goals and objectives to be effectively implemented and prevents misunderstandings, while good communication between employees and customers helps build competitive advantages. Learning organizations in particular rely on communication and knowledge sharing between employees to continuously improve.
2. Discuss the importance of communication in managing in an organization.
Communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of ideas,
feelings, intentions, attitudes, expectations, perceptions or commands, as by speech, non-
verbal gestures, writings, behavior and possibly by other means such as electromagnetic,
chemical or physical phenomena and smell. It is the meaningful exchange of information
between two or more participants (machines, organisms or their parts).
Some organizations adopt learning organization concept to maximize their full potential
to understand customers better by the use of business communication. Business
communication is the sharing of information between people within an organization that
is performed for the commercial benefit of an organization; relays information within a
business; or functions as an official statement from a company.
Communication is very important for managing in an organization since it is made up of
teams and groups. Therefore, effective communication plays a vital role for successful
implementation of organizational goals and objectives. As company’s mission and
objectives are passed down into tactical and operational level, proper and comprehensive
communication is essential. Misunderstanding between communications can arise
different problems and conflicts.
There are two types of communication between employees: namely bottom-up
communication and top-down communication. In other words, managers should be able
to communicate policies, procedures and instructions clearly to their employees;
however, they should also be able to listen to communication from employees and make
changes based on issues that the employees face. Business managers also need to be able
to communicate in a number of different ways, including in large groups, face-to-face,
online and in writing.
3. A learning organization is the term given to a company that facilitates the learning of its
members and continuously transforms itself. A learning organization has five main
features; systems thinking, personal mastery, mental models, shared vision and team
learning. Learning organizations have structures that facilitate team learning with features
such as boundary crossing and openness. Team learning requires individuals to engage in
dialogue and discussion, therefore team members must develop open communication,
shared meaning, and shared understanding. Learning organizations typically have
excellent knowledge management structures, allowing creation, acquisition,
dissemination, and implementation of this knowledge in the organization.
Successful managers are more efficient and better at communicating with their
employees. For an organization, not only interactive communication between
organization and employees but also between employees and customers are essential for
success. Through effective and quality communication, organizations can build
competitive advantages through out the value chains such as building relationship with
suppliers, distributors, customers and employees. Therefore, quality and effectiveness of
communication is very critical for an organization’s success.