El f炭tbol es un deporte de equipo jugado entre dos equipos de 11 jugadores cada uno. El objetivo es marcar goles introduciendo la pelota en la porter鱈a contraria, ganando el equipo que logre m叩s goles al final de los 90 minutos. Se juega en un campo rectangular con porter鱈as a cada lado. Fue creado en Inglaterra y es el deporte m叩s popular del mundo, con 270 millones de personas que participan. La FIFA es el organismo rector del f炭tbol a nivel internacional.
This document discusses different categories of artifacts including art objects, vernacular objects, and designed objects. It provides definitions for key terms like artifact, vernacular object, and design. It explores how these different types of objects can reveal cultural information and how their presentation and values differ. Examples of objects from each category are presented along with perspectives from scholars on analyzing and understanding artifacts and material culture.
The document summarizes the Victim Offender Reconciliation Program (VORP) run by the Polk County Attorney's Office. VORP allows victims of crimes to confront offenders in a mediated setting in order to hold the offender accountable, have the offender take responsibility, and reach agreements on issues like restitution. It also discusses how the community can be involved in cases where the community is the victim. The document then provides an overview of other restorative justice programs run by the Polk County Attorney's Office, including mediation, a bad check restitution program, intake for citizens where a crime was not charged, a truancy court program, and a license reinstatement program.
Ariunbolar Chuluunbaatar successfully completed the Commodity Exam portion of the Bloomberg Essentials Training Program in October 2015. The certificate acknowledges that Chuluunbaatar finished this part of the Bloomberg training program. Tom Secunda of Bloomberg congratulated Chuluunbaatar on completing the Commodity Exam.
Art has served many functions throughout history beyond just aesthetic appreciation. It has been used for decoration of people and dwellings to convey beauty, status, and wealth. Art has also been used to make statements of power to impress and intimidate others. Additionally, art has played a role in community rituals and religious expressions. While the modern definition of art is a relatively recent Western concept, objects from around the world dating back 77,000 years show evidence of artistic expression and decoration. Context is also important for understanding art and its original intent to communicate with other humans.
Pritchard M, CLP's-Financial-Systems-and-Risk-Management-StrategiesMatthew Pritchard
This document provides lessons learned from the Chars Livelihoods Programme (CLP) in Bangladesh regarding financial systems and risk management strategies. Over 12 years, CLP developed robust systems to monitor finances, deter and detect fraud, including activity-based financial reporting, regular internal and surprise audits, verification surveys with third parties, and real-time verification of high-cost activities. CLP's approach of empowered financial oversight, clear documentation, staff training, and a zero-tolerance policy for fraud helped ensure funds were managed properly.
La instituci坦n Eva Rodr鱈guez Araujo busca formar personas con principios de autonom鱈a, integridad y cr鱈tica que contribuyan a la sociedad desde una perspectiva human鱈stica. Su misi坦n es ofrecer educaci坦n preescolar, b叩sica y media de excelencia acad辿mica y convivencial basada en valores. Concede al ser humano como un ser integral en construcci坦n a trav辿s de la interacci坦n social y busca educar para la participaci坦n responsable y el respeto a la diversidad.
This document discusses what counts as art and explores various examples. It examines how definitions of art and value are socially constructed and can change over time. Folk art is discussed as a category that is defined more by the social position of the maker rather than objective qualities. The document also profiles several self-taught artists like James Hampton and Howard Finster whose outsider art gained recognition later in their lives. Prestige in the art world is influenced by agreements among institutions, critics, and the market.
This certificate awards Tracy for successfully completing the course "Building Your Information Governance Strategy" on August 2, 2016. The certificate recognizes Tracy's achievement in finishing the information governance training program. It provides documentation that Tracy obtained knowledge in developing an information governance strategy through completing the course.
This document discusses congenital heart disease, including causes, presentation, and treatment. Some key points:
- Congenital heart defects are present from birth but may not cause symptoms until adulthood. Defects can now often be corrected through surgery allowing survival into adulthood.
- Fetal circulation, where blood passes through the foramen ovale without the lungs, helps explain some defects. Failures in changes at birth from fetal to post-natal circulation can cause problems.
- Common defects include atrial and ventricular septal defects from failures in heart development, and transposition of the great arteries from failures in vessel alignment.
- Defects may be asymptomatic or cause breathlessness, poor
La instituci坦n Eva Rodr鱈guez Araujo busca formar personas con principios de autonom鱈a, integridad y cr鱈tica que contribuyan a la sociedad desde una perspectiva human鱈stica. Su misi坦n es ofrecer educaci坦n preescolar, b叩sica y media de excelencia acad辿mica y convivencial basada en valores. Concede al ser humano como un ser integral en construcci坦n a trav辿s de la interacci坦n social y busca educar para la participaci坦n responsable y el respeto a la diversidad.
This document discusses what counts as art and explores various examples. It examines how definitions of art and value are socially constructed and can change over time. Folk art is discussed as a category that is defined more by the social position of the maker rather than objective qualities. The document also profiles several self-taught artists like James Hampton and Howard Finster whose outsider art gained recognition later in their lives. Prestige in the art world is influenced by agreements among institutions, critics, and the market.
This certificate awards Tracy for successfully completing the course "Building Your Information Governance Strategy" on August 2, 2016. The certificate recognizes Tracy's achievement in finishing the information governance training program. It provides documentation that Tracy obtained knowledge in developing an information governance strategy through completing the course.
This document discusses congenital heart disease, including causes, presentation, and treatment. Some key points:
- Congenital heart defects are present from birth but may not cause symptoms until adulthood. Defects can now often be corrected through surgery allowing survival into adulthood.
- Fetal circulation, where blood passes through the foramen ovale without the lungs, helps explain some defects. Failures in changes at birth from fetal to post-natal circulation can cause problems.
- Common defects include atrial and ventricular septal defects from failures in heart development, and transposition of the great arteries from failures in vessel alignment.
- Defects may be asymptomatic or cause breathlessness, poor