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C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
Nexon Korea, Microsoft MVP
??? (Chris Ohk)
? ?? ??? ?? ?????
? Microsoft Developer Technologies MVP
? ???? ?? C++ Korea ??
? IT ??? ?? ? ?? ??
? ?????? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ??? (2013)
? ??? Shader? Effect ?? (2014)
? 2D ?? ????? (2014)
? ??? ?? ?? (2017)
? ?? C++ ?? (2017)
? C++ ??? (2019)
?? ?? ?? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
???? ??...
? C++20? ??? ?? ???? ?????.
? C++20? ??? ?? ? C++11/14/17 ??? ??? ??,
??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?????.
? ?? ?????? ??? ? ?? ?? ??? ?????.
(?? ?? ??? ??? ????? ???? ??)
? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? Github? ?? ?????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
?? ?? C++ ?? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
?? ?? C++ ?? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
?? ?? C++ ?? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
??? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
C++20 ?? ??
? Concepts
? Contracts
? Ranges
? Module
? Coroutines
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
? ?? ??? ?? ????
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
int main()
std::list<int> l = { 2, 1, 3 };
std::sort(l.begin(), l.end());
? ?? ??? ?? ????
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
? ? ??? ??????
? template <class RandomIt>
void sort(RandomIt first, RandomIt last);
? ??? RandomIt? ValueSwappable? RandomAccessIterator? ?? ??
? ???? ???. ??? int?? ???(Iterator)? ???? ????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
? C#??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ?????.
? Icloneable
? Icomparable
? Iconvertible
? Iformattable
? Nullable
? ...
? C++?? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?????.
Concept? ???? ???? ???.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
? Concept? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ? ? ????.
? ?? ?? ?? concept ???? ?????.
??? ?? ??? bool??? ??, ??? ?? ?? ??? bool??? ???.
? requires ???? ?? ?? ??? ?????.
?? ??? constexpr bool ?? concept bool??? ???.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
template <class T>
concept bool EqualityComparable()
return requires(T a, T b) {
{a == b}->Boolean; // Boolean is the concept defining
{a != b}->Boolean; // a type usable in boolean context
? ???? ??? ?? ???? ????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
void f(const EqualityComparable&);
// OK, std::string satisfies EqualityComparable
// Error: not EqualityComparable
? Concept? ???? ?? ?? ? ??? ?????? ? ? ????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
In instantiation of 'void std::__sort(_RandomAccessIterator,
_RandomAccessIterator, _Compare) [with _RandomAccessIterator
= std::_List_iterator<int>;
_Compare = __gnu_cxx::__ops::_Iter_less_iter]':
error: no match for 'operator-' (operand types are
'std::_List_iterator<int>' and 'std::_List_iterator<int>')
std::__lg(__last - __first) * 2,
error: cannot call function 'void std::sort(_RAIter, _RAIter)
[with _RAIter = std::_List_iterator<int>]'
note: concept 'RandomAccessIterator()' was not satisfied
? Concept ???? ??? ????.
? Basic : DefaultConstructible, MoveConstructible,
CopyConstructible, MoveAssignable, CopyAssignable,
? Library-wide : EqualityComparable, LessThanComparable,
Swappable, ValueSwappable, NullablePointer, Hash, Allocator,
FunctionObject, Callable, Predicate
? Iterator : InputIterator, OutputIterator, ForwardIterator,
BidirectionalIterator, RandomAccessIterator,
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
? ??? ?? ??? ?????. (maybe bugs be with you)
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
? ??? ??? ? ?? ??? ?? ???? ??
assert? static_assert? ?????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
void print_number(int* myInt)
assert(myInt != nullptr);
std::cout << *myInt << "n";
int main()
int a = 10;
int *b = nullptr, *c = nullptr;
b = &a;
print_number(b); print_number(c);
template<typename T>
class ArrayView
T& operator[](size_t i)[[expects:i < size()]];
ArrayView(const vector<T>& v)[[ensures:data() == v.data()]];
? Contract? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???
assert()?? ?? ??? ????? ??? ? ?? ?????.
? expects : ?? ??(Pre-condition)? ?? ???
? ensures : ?? ??(Post-condition)? ?? ???
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
struct A {
bool f() const; bool g() const;
virtual std::string bhar()[[expects:f() && g()]];
virtual int hash()[[ensures:g()]];
virtual void gash()[[expects:g()]];
virtual double fash(int i) const[[expects:i > 0]];
struct B : A {
std::string bhar() override[[expects:f()]]; // ERROR: weakening.
int hash() override[[ensures:f() && g()]]; // ERROR: strengthening.
void gash() override[[expects:g()]]; // OK: repeat from base.
double fash(int) override; // OK: inherited from base.
? ??? ? ??? ?? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ?
?? ???? ?? ??? ????? ???? ????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
? Ranges? ??? ??? ??? ????????.
? Ranges? ??
? ??? (Convenience) : ???? ??
? ??? ?? (Lazy Evaluation) : ?? ?? ?? ??, ???? ?? ??
? ??? (Composability) : ???? ?? ??, ?? ??? ??
? Ranges? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???, ?? ?????
???? Ranges for C++ Standard Library? ?????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
? [0 ~ 10)? ?????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
int arr[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
std::vector<int> v(10);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
v[i] = i;
std::vector<int> v = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
? [0 ~ 10)? ?????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
#include <numeric>
std::vector<int> v(10);
std::iota(v.begin(), v.end(), 0);
std::vector<int> v(10);
ranges::iota(v, 0);
? [0 ~ 15)?? 5?? ??? ??? ? ??? ?? ??? ??
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
vector<int> v =
view::iota(0, 15) |
view::group_by(quotient) |
for (auto e : v)
cout << e << " "; cout << endl;
auto quotient = [](int a, int b) {
return a / 5 == b / 5;
auto sum = [](auto rng) {
return ranges::accumulaate(rng, 0);
? ??2
+ ??2
= ??2
? ???? ? ??? ? ??, ??, ?? 100? ??? ??
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
auto triples = view::ints(1) >>= [] (int z) { return
view::ints(1, z + 1) >>= [=](int x) { return
view::ints(x, z + 1) >>= [=](int y) { return
yield_if(x*x + y*y == z*z,
std::make_tuple(x, y, z));
}; }; };
auto triangles = triples | view::take(100);
? C++??? #include? ?? ?? ??? ?????.
? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ????? ????.
(?? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??? ???? ???.)
? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ?? ??? ???? ????.
? C# : using System.Linq;
? Java : import java.util.Scanner;
? Python : from path import pi
? ?? C++?? Module? ???? ?? ? ? ?? ?????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
? ???? Module?? ???? ? ???? 3?????.
? module : ??? ??? ??? ?????.
?) module M1 : ??? ??? ??? M1??.
? import : ??? ??? ??? ?????.
?) import M1 : ??? ??? ??? M1??.
? export : ??? ??? ?????? ?????.
?) export int f(int, int)
??? ??? ??? f?? ?? ??? int, ?? ??? (int, int)?.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
? ? cpp ???? ??? ??? ?? cpp ???? ???? ??
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
// m1.cpp
module M1;
export int f(int, int);
int g(int x) { return x * x; }
int f(int x, int y) { return g(x) + g(y); }
// m2.cpp
module M2;
export int g(int, int);
import std.core;
int f(int x, int y) { return x + y; }
int g(int x, int y)
return f(abs(x), abs(y));
// main.cpp
import M1;
import M2;
int main()
f(3, 4) + g(3, 4));
? C++ Coroutine ????: ???, ????, ??? ??? ????
Coroutine? ?? ??? ??? ?????.
(?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??????.)
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
C++20 ?? ??
? Designated initializers
? operator<=>
? Relation operator/comparison
? Nested inline namespaces
? consteval fuctions
? Feature test macros
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
C++20 ?? ??
? std::span
? std::endian
? std::bit_cast
? Calender and timezone library
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
Designated initializers
? ??? ?? ???? ??? ???.
? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???.
? ?? x, z?? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? ????
??? ??? ?? ? ????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
struct A { int x; int y; int z; };
A a1{3, 4};
A a2{3, 4, 5};
A a1;
a1.x = 3;
a1.z = 5;
Designated initializers
? C++20??? ? ? ?? ???? ??? ? ????.
? ?, ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? ???.
? ????? ??? ? ????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
A a1{.x = 3, .z = 5};
A a1{.x = 3, .y = 4}; // OK
A a2{.y = 4, .x = 3}; // Error
union u { int a; const char* b; };
u f = { .b = "asdf" }; // OK, active member of the union is b
u g = { .a = 1,.b = "asdf" }; // Error, only one initializer may be provided
? strcmp? ??? ??? ?? 3??? ?? ???? ??????.
(Spaceship operator, 3-way comparison???? ???.)
? a? b?? ?? 1? ?????.
? a? b?? ??? -1? ?????.
? a? b? ???(equal) ????(equivalent) 0? ?????.
(?? : ??? ????? ?? ?????.)
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
(a <=> b) < 0 // true if a < b
(a <=> b) < 0 // true if a > b
(a <=> b) == 0 // true if a is equal/equivalent to b
Relation operator/comparison
? ?? ? ????? ????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
??? 4m, ??? 1m? ???? ??? 1m, ??? 4m? ????
Relation operator/comparison
? ? ????? ??? ????. ??? ??? ????.
??? ? ???? ????? ??? ?? ??????
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
??? 4m, ??? 1m? ???? ??? 1m, ??? 4m? ????
Relation operator/comparison
? ? ? ? ????? ????? ???.
?? ?? weak ordering??? ???.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
??? 4m, ??? 1m? ???? ??? 1m, ??? 4m? ????
Relation operator/comparison
? ?? ? ????? ????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
??? 4m, ??? 4m? ???? ??? 4m, ??? 4m? ????
Relation operator/comparison
? ? ????? ????.
??/?? ??? ?? ??? ????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
??? 4m, ??? 4m? ???? ??? 4m, ??? 4m? ????
Relation operator/comparison
? ?? ? ????? ???? ???.
?? ?? strong ordering??? ???.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
??? 4m, ??? 4m? ???? ??? 4m, ??? 4m? ????
Relation operator/comparison
? operator<=>? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ? ??? ???.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
Relation operator/comparison
? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? ????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
Relation operator/comparison
? operator<=> + relation operator? ??? ??
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
class Rectangle {
Rectangle(int x, int y) : m_x(x), m_y(y) { }
int GetArea() const { return m_x * m_y; }
std::weak_ordering operator<=>(const Rectangle& r) const {
//if (auto cmp = m_x <=> r.m_x; cmp != 0) return cmp;
//if (auto cmp = m_y <=> r.m_y; cmp != 0) return cmp;
return GetArea() <=> r.GetArea();
int m_x, m_y;
consteval functions
? constexpr ??
? ??? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?????.
? ??? ??? ??? ????? ???? ?????.
? consteval ??
? ??? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?????.
? ??? ??? ??? ????? ??? ??? ?????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
consteval functions
? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?????.
? consteval? ??? ??
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
consteval int sqr(int n) { return n * n; }
constexpr int r = sqr(100); // OK
consteval int sqrsqr(int n)
return sqr(sqr(n)); // OK
constexpr int dblsqr(int n)
return 2 * sqr(n); // Error
Nested inline namespaces
? ?? ?????? + ???
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
namespace A::B::inline C
namespace A::B
inline namespace C
Nested inline namespaces
? ?? ?????? + ???
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
namespace A::inline B::C
namespace A
inline namespace B
namespace C
Feature test macros
? ???? ??? C++ ????? ????.
? Clang
? EDG eccp
? Intel C++
? Portland Group (PGI)
? ...
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
Feature test macros
? ?????? ??? ?????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
Feature test macros
? ???? ?? ? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ????.
(apple-clang ?????... ??? ?? ????. brew install clang)
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
#include <filesystem>
#include <experimental/filesystem>
#include <sys/stat.h>
namespace filesystem = std::filesystem;
namespace filesystem = std::experimental::filesystem;
Feature test macros
? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
#ifdef __has_include
# if __has_include(<optional>)
# include <optional>
# elif __has_include(<experimental/optional>)
# include <experimental/optional>
# elif __has_include(<boost/optional.hpp>)
# include <boost/optional.hpp>
# else
# error "Missing <optional>"
# endif
Feature test macros
? C++20?? ?? ??? ????? ??? ??????,
???? ??? C++? ?? ??? ???? ???? ? ????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
#if __cpp_constexpr >= 201304
# define CONSTEXPR constexpr
# define CONSTEXPR inline
CONSTEXPR int bar(unsigned i)
Feature test macros
? C++20?? ?? ??? ????? ??? ??????,
???? ??? C++? ?? ??? ???? ???? ? ????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
CONSTEXPR int bar(unsigned i)
#if __cpp_binary_literals
unsigned mask1 = 0b11000000;
unsigned mask2 = 0b00000111;
unsigned mask1 = 0xC0;
unsigned mask2 = 0x07;
if ( i & mask1 ) return 1;
if ( i & mask2 ) return 2;
return 0;
Feature test macros
? ??? C++20? ?? ??? __has_cpp_attribute? ????
??(attribute) ?? ??? ??? ? ????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
#ifdef __has_cpp_attribute
# if __has_cpp_attribute(deprecated)
# define DEPRECATED(msg) [[deprecated(msg)]]
# endif
# define DEPRECATED(msg)
DEPRECATED("foo() has been deprecated") void foo();
? std::array_view? ??? ??????.
? std::string <-> std::string_view? ?? ?????.
? ?? ??? ?? ?? ????? ?? ?????.
? std::vector
? std::string
? T[]
? T* + size
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
? std::span? ??? ??
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
std::vector<std::string> greeting = { "hello", "world" };
std::span<std::string> span(greeting);
for (auto&& s : span)
s[0] = std::toupper(s[0]);
for (const auto& word : greeting)
std::cout << word << ' ';
? ????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?? ? ????.
?? ?? ?? 0x12345678? ???? ??? ?,
? ? ??? (Big Endian) : 12 34 56 78
? ?? ??? (Little Endian) : 78 56 34 12
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
? C++?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ???.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
//! Byte swap unsigned int
uint32_t swap_uint32(uint32_t val)
val = ((val << 8) & 0xFF00FF00) | ((val >> 8) & 0xFF00FF);
return (val << 16) | (val >> 16);
//! Byte swap int
int32_t swap_int32(int32_t val)
val = ((val << 8) & 0xFF00FF00) | ((val >> 8) & 0xFF00FF);
return (val << 16) | ((val >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ???.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
#if defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN || 
defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) || defined(__ARMEB__) || defined(__THUMBEB__) || 
defined(__AARCH64EB__) || defined(_MIBSEB) || defined(__MIBSEB) || 
// It's a big-endian target architecture
#elif defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN || 
defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) || defined(__ARMEL__) || 
defined(__THUMBEL__) || defined(__AARCH64EL__) || defined(_MIPSEL) || 
defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(__MIPSEL__)
// It's a little-endian target architecture
#error "I don't know what architecture this is!"
? std::endian? ???? ??????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
template <typename T, std::endian endianess = std::endian::native>
std::string HEX__1(const T & value, size_t value_size = sizeof(T)) {
using namespace std;
uint8_t* buffer = (uint8_t*)(&value);
char converted[value_size * 2 + 1];
if (endianess == std::endian::big)
for (size_t i = 0; i < value_size; ++i) {
sprintf(&converted[i * 2], "%02X", buffer[i]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < value_size; ++i) {
sprintf(&converted[i * 2], "%02X", buffer[value_size - 1 - i]);
return converted;
? ?? ?? ??? ??????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
constexpr double f64v = 19880124.0;
constexpr auto u64v = std::bit_cast<std::uint64_t>(f64v);
constexpr std::uint64_t u64v2 = 0x3fe9000000000000ull;
constexpr auto f64v2 = std::bit_cast<double>(u64v2);
int main() {
<< std::fixed << f64v << "f64.to_bits() == 0x"
<< std::hex << u64v << "u64n";
<< "f64::from_bits(0x" << std::hex << u64v2 << "u64) == "
<< std::fixed << f64v2 << "f64n";
Calender and timezone library
? C++11 ??? <chrono> ?????? ???????.
??? ??? ??? ? ???? ?? ???? ?????.
? C++20? <chrono> ??????? ?? ??? ?????.
? ?? ?? ??? ??
? ??? ?? ??? ??
? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
Calender and timezone library
? ?? ?? ???
? UTC(?? ???) ?? : utc_clock
? system_time <-> utc_time? ?? from_sys/to_sys ?? ??
? TAI(?? ???) ?? : tai_clock
? utc_time <-> tai_time? ?? from_utc/to_utc ?? ??
? GPS ?? : gps_clock
? utc_time <-> utc_time? ?? from_utc/to_utc ?? ??
? ?? ?? ?? : clock_cast
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
Calender and timezone library
? ?? ?? ??? ??
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
using sys_days = std::chrono::time_point<
std::chrono::system_clock, std::chrono::days>;
sys_days st(1997_y / dec / 12);
auto ut = utc_clock::from_sys(st);
auto tt = tai_clock::from_utc(ut);
auto gt = gps_clock::from_utc(ut);
assert(clock_cast<sys_clock>(st) == st);
assert(clock_cast<utc_clock>(ut) == ut);
assert(clock_cast<tai_clock>(tt) == tt);
assert(clock_cast<gps_clock>(gt) == gt);
Calender and timezone library
? ??? ?? ???
? ?/?/? ?? : year_month_day
? ?? ? ??? ??? ? ???? (?/?/?, ?/?/?, ?/?/?)
? ??? ?? ?? ??
? year_month_day_last : ?? ?/?? ??? ?? ???? ???
? month_day_last : ?? ?? ??? ?? ???? ???
? weekday_last : ?? ?? ??? ??? ???? ???
? weekday_indexed : ?? ?? n?? ??? ???? ???
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
Calender and timezone library
? ??? ?? ??? ??
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
auto d1 = 2018_y / mar / 27;
auto d2 = 27_d / mar / 2018;
auto d3 = mar / 27 / 2018;
year_month_day today = floor<days>(system_clock::now());
assert(d1 == d2);
assert(d2 == d3);
assert(d3 == today);
Calender and timezone library
? ??? ?? ??? ??
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
auto today = year_month_day{
floor<days>(system_clock::now()) };
auto ymdl = year_month_day_last(today.year(),
month_day_last{ month{ 2 } });
auto last_day_feb = year_month_day{ ymdl };
assert(last_day_feb == 2018_y / feb / 28); // for 2018
inline int number_of_days(sys_days const& first,
sys_days const& last)
return (last - first).count();
auto days = number_of_days(2018_y / apr / 1, 2018_y / dec / 25);
assert(days == 268);
Calender and timezone library
? ??? ?? ??? ??
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
Calender and timezone library
? ?? ??? ?? ???
? ?? ??
? locate_zone : ??? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??
? current_zone : ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??
? ?? ??? ? ??
? sys_info, local_info
? zoned_traits, zoned_time
? choose, leap, link
? nonexistent_local_time
? ambiguous_local_time
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
auto time = floor<std::chrono::milliseconds>(system_clock::now());
std::cout << std::left << std::setw(25) << std::setfill(' ')
<< "Time"
<< time << std::endl;
auto localtime =
zoned_time<std::chrono::milliseconds>(date::current_zone(), time);
std::cout << std::left << std::setw(25) << std::setfill(' ')
<< "Local"
<< localtime << std::endl;
Calender and timezone library
? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
auto zone_names = {
for(auto const& name : zone_names)
std::cout << std::left << std::setw(25) << std::setfill(' ')
<< name
<< zoned_time<std::chrono::milliseconds>(name, localtime)
<< std::endl;
Calender and timezone library
? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
??? ?? C++20? ? ??
? Synchronized output
? char8_t
? [[likely]], [[unlikely]] attribute
? [[no_unique_address]] attribute
? constexpr
? virtual functions
? dynamic_cast
? typeid
? try-catch
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
??? ?? C++20? ? ??
? std::remove_cvref
? std::atomic_ref
? std::atomic_shared_ptr
? std::atomic_weak_ptr
? std::destroying_delete
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
C++20? ??? ?? ?? ??
? Expansion statements
? constexpr std::vector
? std::format
? std::source_location
? std::flatmap, std::flatset
? std::byteswap
? using enum
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
? C++20 ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ????.
? C++20? ???? C++11 ?? ? ??? ??? ?????.
? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?? / ?? ???? ????.
? ? ??? ?????? ??? ? ??? ? ??? ????.
? ?? C++? ??? ??? ???????,
?? ???? ???? ??? ?? ??? ?????.
C++ Korea 5th Seminar
C++20 Key Features Summary
?? ?????!

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[RLKorea] <????> ???? ?? ???
[RLKorea] <????> ???? ?? ???[RLKorea] <????> ???? ?? ???
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[NDC 2019] ???? ???? ?? ???[NDC 2019] ???? ???? ?? ???
[NDC 2019] ???? ???? ?? ???
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[????] ??? ?? - ???? ?? ???????
Chris Ohk
??? ?? - ??? ????? ?????
??? ?? - ??? ????? ???????? ?? - ??? ????? ?????
??? ?? - ??? ????? ?????
Chris Ohk
??? ?? - ???? ??? ???
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Chris Ohk
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??? ?? - ??? ????? ?????
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[NDC 2018] ???? ?? ???
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C++20 Key Features Summary

  • 1. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary ??? Nexon Korea, Microsoft MVP utilForever@gmail.com
  • 2. ?? ??? (Chris Ohk) ? ?? ??? ?? ????? ? Microsoft Developer Technologies MVP ? ???? ?? C++ Korea ?? ? IT ??? ?? ? ?? ?? ? ?????? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ??? (2013) ? ??? Shader? Effect ?? (2014) ? 2D ?? ????? (2014) ? ??? ?? ?? (2017) ? ?? C++ ?? (2017) ? C++ ??? (2019)
  • 3. ?? ?? ?? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 4. ???? ??... ? C++20? ??? ?? ???? ?????. ? C++20? ??? ?? ? C++11/14/17 ??? ??? ??, ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?????. ? ?? ?????? ??? ? ?? ?? ??? ?????. (?? ?? ??? ??? ????? ???? ??) ? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? Github? ?? ?????. (https://github.com/utilForever/ModernCpp) C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 5. ?? ?? C++ ?? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 6. ?? ?? C++ ?? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary https://twitter.com/GorNishanov
  • 7. ?? ?? C++ ?? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary https://twitter.com/GorNishanov
  • 8. ??? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary https://twitter.com/walletfox
  • 9. C++20 ?? ?? ? Concepts ? Contracts ? Ranges ? Module ? Coroutines C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 10. Concepts ? ?? ??? ?? ???? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary #include <algorithm> #include <list> int main() { std::list<int> l = { 2, 1, 3 }; std::sort(l.begin(), l.end()); }
  • 11. Concepts ? ?? ??? ?? ???? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 12. Concepts ? ? ??? ?????? ? template <class RandomIt> void sort(RandomIt first, RandomIt last); ? ??? RandomIt? ValueSwappable? RandomAccessIterator? ?? ?? ? ???? ???. ??? int?? ???(Iterator)? ???? ????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 13. Concepts ? C#??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ?????. ? Icloneable ? Icomparable ? Iconvertible ? Iformattable ? Nullable ? ... ? C++?? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?????. Concept? ???? ???? ???. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 14. Concepts ? Concept? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ? ? ????. ? ?? ?? ?? concept ???? ?????. ??? ?? ??? bool??? ??, ??? ?? ?? ??? bool??? ???. ? requires ???? ?? ?? ??? ?????. ?? ??? constexpr bool ?? concept bool??? ???. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary template <class T> concept bool EqualityComparable() { return requires(T a, T b) { {a == b}->Boolean; // Boolean is the concept defining {a != b}->Boolean; // a type usable in boolean context }; }
  • 15. Concepts ? ???? ??? ?? ???? ????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary void f(const EqualityComparable&); // OK, std::string satisfies EqualityComparable f("abc"s); // Error: not EqualityComparable f(std::use_facet<std::ctype<char>>(std::locale{}));
  • 16. Concepts ? Concept? ???? ?? ?? ? ??? ?????? ? ? ????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary In instantiation of 'void std::__sort(_RandomAccessIterator, _RandomAccessIterator, _Compare) [with _RandomAccessIterator = std::_List_iterator<int>; _Compare = __gnu_cxx::__ops::_Iter_less_iter]': error: no match for 'operator-' (operand types are 'std::_List_iterator<int>' and 'std::_List_iterator<int>') std::__lg(__last - __first) * 2, error: cannot call function 'void std::sort(_RAIter, _RAIter) [with _RAIter = std::_List_iterator<int>]' note: concept 'RandomAccessIterator()' was not satisfied
  • 17. Concepts ? Concept ???? ??? ????. ? Basic : DefaultConstructible, MoveConstructible, CopyConstructible, MoveAssignable, CopyAssignable, Destructible ? Library-wide : EqualityComparable, LessThanComparable, Swappable, ValueSwappable, NullablePointer, Hash, Allocator, FunctionObject, Callable, Predicate ? Iterator : InputIterator, OutputIterator, ForwardIterator, BidirectionalIterator, RandomAccessIterator, ContiguousIterator C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 18. Contract ? ??? ?? ??? ?????. (maybe bugs be with you) C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 19. Contract ? ??? ??? ? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?? assert? static_assert? ?????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary void print_number(int* myInt) { assert(myInt != nullptr); std::cout << *myInt << "n"; } int main() { int a = 10; int *b = nullptr, *c = nullptr; b = &a; print_number(b); print_number(c); }
  • 20. template<typename T> class ArrayView { T& operator[](size_t i)[[expects:i < size()]]; ArrayView(const vector<T>& v)[[ensures:data() == v.data()]]; }; Contract ? Contract? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? assert()?? ?? ??? ????? ??? ? ?? ?????. ? expects : ?? ??(Pre-condition)? ?? ??? ? ensures : ?? ??(Post-condition)? ?? ??? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 21. struct A { bool f() const; bool g() const; virtual std::string bhar()[[expects:f() && g()]]; virtual int hash()[[ensures:g()]]; virtual void gash()[[expects:g()]]; virtual double fash(int i) const[[expects:i > 0]]; }; struct B : A { std::string bhar() override[[expects:f()]]; // ERROR: weakening. int hash() override[[ensures:f() && g()]]; // ERROR: strengthening. void gash() override[[expects:g()]]; // OK: repeat from base. double fash(int) override; // OK: inherited from base. }; Contract ? ??? ? ??? ?? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ? ?? ???? ?? ??? ????? ???? ????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 22. Ranges ? Ranges? ??? ??? ??? ????????. ? Ranges? ?? ? ??? (Convenience) : ???? ?? ? ??? ?? (Lazy Evaluation) : ?? ?? ?? ??, ???? ?? ?? ? ??? (Composability) : ???? ?? ??, ?? ??? ?? ? Ranges? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???, ?? ????? ???? Ranges for C++ Standard Library? ?????. (/seao/c-korea-2nd-seminar-ranges-for-the-cpp-standard-library) C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 23. Ranges ? [0 ~ 10)? ?????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary int arr[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; std::vector<int> v(10); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) v[i] = i; std::vector<int> v = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
  • 24. Ranges ? [0 ~ 10)? ?????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary #include <numeric> std::vector<int> v(10); std::iota(v.begin(), v.end(), 0); std::vector<int> v(10); ranges::iota(v, 0);
  • 25. Ranges ? [0 ~ 15)?? 5?? ??? ??? ? ??? ?? ??? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary vector<int> v = view::iota(0, 15) | view::group_by(quotient) | view::transform(sum); for (auto e : v) cout << e << " "; cout << endl; auto quotient = [](int a, int b) { return a / 5 == b / 5; }; auto sum = [](auto rng) { return ranges::accumulaate(rng, 0); };
  • 26. Ranges ? ??2 + ??2 = ??2 ? ???? ? ??? ? ??, ??, ?? 100? ??? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary auto triples = view::ints(1) >>= [] (int z) { return view::ints(1, z + 1) >>= [=](int x) { return view::ints(x, z + 1) >>= [=](int y) { return yield_if(x*x + y*y == z*z, std::make_tuple(x, y, z)); }; }; }; auto triangles = triples | view::take(100);
  • 27. Module ? C++??? #include? ?? ?? ??? ?????. ? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ????? ????. (?? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??? ???? ???.) ? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ?? ??? ???? ????. ? C# : using System.Linq; ? Java : import java.util.Scanner; ? Python : from path import pi ? ?? C++?? Module? ???? ?? ? ? ?? ?????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 28. Module ? ???? Module?? ???? ? ???? 3?????. ? module : ??? ??? ??? ?????. ?) module M1 : ??? ??? ??? M1??. ? import : ??? ??? ??? ?????. ?) import M1 : ??? ??? ??? M1??. ? export : ??? ??? ?????? ?????. ?) export int f(int, int) ??? ??? ??? f?? ?? ??? int, ?? ??? (int, int)?. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 29. Module ? ? cpp ???? ??? ??? ?? cpp ???? ???? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary // m1.cpp module M1; export int f(int, int); int g(int x) { return x * x; } int f(int x, int y) { return g(x) + g(y); } // m2.cpp module M2; export int g(int, int); import std.core; int f(int x, int y) { return x + y; } int g(int x, int y) { return f(abs(x), abs(y)); } // main.cpp import M1; import M2; int main() { printf(%dn, f(3, 4) + g(3, 4)); }
  • 30. Coroutine ? C++ Coroutine ????: ???, ????, ??? ??? ???? Coroutine? ?? ??? ??? ?????. (?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??????.) C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 31. C++20 ?? ?? ? Designated initializers ? operator<=> ? Relation operator/comparison ? Nested inline namespaces ? consteval fuctions ? Feature test macros C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 32. C++20 ?? ?? ? std::span ? std::endian ? std::bit_cast ? Calender and timezone library C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 33. Designated initializers ? ??? ?? ???? ??? ???. ? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???. ? ?? x, z?? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? ? ????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary struct A { int x; int y; int z; }; A a1{3, 4}; A a2{3, 4, 5}; A a1; a1.x = 3; a1.z = 5;
  • 34. Designated initializers ? C++20??? ? ? ?? ???? ??? ? ????. ? ?, ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? ???. ? ????? ??? ? ????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary A a1{.x = 3, .z = 5}; A a1{.x = 3, .y = 4}; // OK A a2{.y = 4, .x = 3}; // Error union u { int a; const char* b; }; u f = { .b = "asdf" }; // OK, active member of the union is b u g = { .a = 1,.b = "asdf" }; // Error, only one initializer may be provided
  • 35. operator<=> ? strcmp? ??? ??? ?? 3??? ?? ???? ??????. (Spaceship operator, 3-way comparison???? ???.) ? a? b?? ?? 1? ?????. ? a? b?? ??? -1? ?????. ? a? b? ???(equal) ????(equivalent) 0? ?????. (?? : ??? ????? ?? ?????.) C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary (a <=> b) < 0 // true if a < b (a <=> b) < 0 // true if a > b (a <=> b) == 0 // true if a is equal/equivalent to b
  • 36. Relation operator/comparison ? ?? ? ????? ????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary ??? 4m, ??? 1m? ???? ??? 1m, ??? 4m? ????
  • 37. Relation operator/comparison ? ? ????? ??? ????. ??? ??? ????. ??? ? ???? ????? ??? ?? ?????? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary ??? 4m, ??? 1m? ???? ??? 1m, ??? 4m? ????
  • 38. Relation operator/comparison ? ? ? ? ????? ????? ???. ?? ?? weak ordering??? ???. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary ??? 4m, ??? 1m? ???? ??? 1m, ??? 4m? ????
  • 39. Relation operator/comparison ? ?? ? ????? ????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary ??? 4m, ??? 4m? ???? ??? 4m, ??? 4m? ????
  • 40. Relation operator/comparison ? ? ????? ????. ??/?? ??? ?? ??? ????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary ??? 4m, ??? 4m? ???? ??? 4m, ??? 4m? ????
  • 41. Relation operator/comparison ? ?? ? ????? ???? ???. ?? ?? strong ordering??? ???. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary ??? 4m, ??? 4m? ???? ??? 4m, ??? 4m? ????
  • 42. Relation operator/comparison ? operator<=>? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ? ??? ???. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary https://medium.com/@barryrevzin/implementing-the-spaceship-operator-for-optional-4de89fc6d5ec
  • 43. Relation operator/comparison ? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? ????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary https://medium.com/@barryrevzin/implementing-the-spaceship-operator-for-optional-4de89fc6d5ec
  • 44. Relation operator/comparison ? operator<=> + relation operator? ??? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary class Rectangle { public: Rectangle(int x, int y) : m_x(x), m_y(y) { } int GetArea() const { return m_x * m_y; } std::weak_ordering operator<=>(const Rectangle& r) const { //if (auto cmp = m_x <=> r.m_x; cmp != 0) return cmp; //if (auto cmp = m_y <=> r.m_y; cmp != 0) return cmp; return GetArea() <=> r.GetArea(); } private: int m_x, m_y; };
  • 45. consteval functions ? constexpr ?? ? ??? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?????. ? ??? ??? ??? ????? ???? ?????. ? consteval ?? ? ??? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?????. ? ??? ??? ??? ????? ??? ??? ?????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 46. consteval functions ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?????. ? consteval? ??? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary consteval int sqr(int n) { return n * n; } constexpr int r = sqr(100); // OK consteval int sqrsqr(int n) { return sqr(sqr(n)); // OK } constexpr int dblsqr(int n) { return 2 * sqr(n); // Error }
  • 47. Nested inline namespaces ? ?? ?????? + ??? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary namespace A::B::inline C { ... } namespace A::B { inline namespace C { ... } } =
  • 48. Nested inline namespaces ? ?? ?????? + ??? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary namespace A::inline B::C { ... } namespace A { inline namespace B { namespace C { ... } } } =
  • 49. Feature test macros ? ???? ??? C++ ????? ????. ? GCC ? Clang ? MSVC ? EDG eccp ? Intel C++ ? Portland Group (PGI) ? ... C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 50. Feature test macros ? ?????? ??? ?????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 51. Feature test macros ? ???? ?? ? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ????. (apple-clang ?????... ??? ?? ????. brew install clang) C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary #if defined(ROSETTASTONE_WINDOWS) #include <filesystem> #elif defined(ROSETTASTONE_LINUX) #include <experimental/filesystem> #elif defined(ROSETTASTONE_MACOSX) #include <sys/stat.h> #endif #if defined(ROSETTASTONE_WINDOWS) namespace filesystem = std::filesystem; #elif defined(ROSETTASTONE_LINUX) namespace filesystem = std::experimental::filesystem; #endif
  • 52. Feature test macros ? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary #ifdef __has_include # if __has_include(<optional>) # include <optional> # elif __has_include(<experimental/optional>) # include <experimental/optional> # elif __has_include(<boost/optional.hpp>) # include <boost/optional.hpp> # else # error "Missing <optional>" # endif #endif
  • 53. Feature test macros ? C++20?? ?? ??? ????? ??? ??????, ???? ??? C++? ?? ??? ???? ???? ? ????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary #if __cpp_constexpr >= 201304 # define CONSTEXPR constexpr #else # define CONSTEXPR inline #endif CONSTEXPR int bar(unsigned i) { ... }
  • 54. Feature test macros ? C++20?? ?? ??? ????? ??? ??????, ???? ??? C++? ?? ??? ???? ???? ? ????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary CONSTEXPR int bar(unsigned i) { #if __cpp_binary_literals unsigned mask1 = 0b11000000; unsigned mask2 = 0b00000111; #else unsigned mask1 = 0xC0; unsigned mask2 = 0x07; #endif if ( i & mask1 ) return 1; if ( i & mask2 ) return 2; return 0; }
  • 55. Feature test macros ? ??? C++20? ?? ??? __has_cpp_attribute? ???? ??(attribute) ?? ??? ??? ? ????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary #ifdef __has_cpp_attribute # if __has_cpp_attribute(deprecated) # define DEPRECATED(msg) [[deprecated(msg)]] # endif #endif #ifndef DEPRECATED # define DEPRECATED(msg) #endif DEPRECATED("foo() has been deprecated") void foo();
  • 56. std::span ? std::array_view? ??? ??????. ? std::string <-> std::string_view? ?? ?????. ? ?? ??? ?? ?? ????? ?? ?????. ? std::vector ? std::string ? T[] ? T* + size C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 57. std::span ? std::span? ??? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary https://cor3ntin.github.io/posts/span/ std::vector<std::string> greeting = { "hello", "world" }; std::span<std::string> span(greeting); for (auto&& s : span) { s[0] = std::toupper(s[0]); } for (const auto& word : greeting) { std::cout << word << ' '; }
  • 58. std::endian ? ????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?? ? ????. ?? ?? ?? 0x12345678? ???? ??? ?, ? ? ??? (Big Endian) : 12 34 56 78 ? ?? ??? (Little Endian) : 78 56 34 12 C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 59. std::endian ? C++?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ???. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary //! Byte swap unsigned int uint32_t swap_uint32(uint32_t val) { val = ((val << 8) & 0xFF00FF00) | ((val >> 8) & 0xFF00FF); return (val << 16) | (val >> 16); } //! Byte swap int int32_t swap_int32(int32_t val) { val = ((val << 8) & 0xFF00FF00) | ((val >> 8) & 0xFF00FF); return (val << 16) | ((val >> 16) & 0xFFFF); } https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2182002/convert-big-endian-to-little-endian-in-c-without-using-provided-func
  • 60. std::endian ? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ???. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2182002/convert-big-endian-to-little-endian-in-c-without-using-provided-func #if defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN || defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) || defined(__ARMEB__) || defined(__THUMBEB__) || defined(__AARCH64EB__) || defined(_MIBSEB) || defined(__MIBSEB) || defined(__MIBSEB__) // It's a big-endian target architecture #elif defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN || defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) || defined(__ARMEL__) || defined(__THUMBEL__) || defined(__AARCH64EL__) || defined(_MIPSEL) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(__MIPSEL__) // It's a little-endian target architecture #else #error "I don't know what architecture this is!" #endif
  • 61. std::endian ? std::endian? ???? ??????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary template <typename T, std::endian endianess = std::endian::native> std::string HEX__1(const T & value, size_t value_size = sizeof(T)) { using namespace std; uint8_t* buffer = (uint8_t*)(&value); char converted[value_size * 2 + 1]; if (endianess == std::endian::big) for (size_t i = 0; i < value_size; ++i) { sprintf(&converted[i * 2], "%02X", buffer[i]); } else for (size_t i = 0; i < value_size; ++i) { sprintf(&converted[i * 2], "%02X", buffer[value_size - 1 - i]); } return converted; } https://gist.github.com/ivanstepanovftw/9159efe123140c45d9df02e3d0454152
  • 62. std::bit_cast ? ?? ?? ??? ??????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/bit_cast constexpr double f64v = 19880124.0; constexpr auto u64v = std::bit_cast<std::uint64_t>(f64v); constexpr std::uint64_t u64v2 = 0x3fe9000000000000ull; constexpr auto f64v2 = std::bit_cast<double>(u64v2); int main() { std::cout << std::fixed << f64v << "f64.to_bits() == 0x" << std::hex << u64v << "u64n"; std::cout << "f64::from_bits(0x" << std::hex << u64v2 << "u64) == " << std::fixed << f64v2 << "f64n"; }
  • 63. Calender and timezone library ? C++11 ??? <chrono> ?????? ???????. ??? ??? ??? ? ???? ?? ???? ?????. ? C++20? <chrono> ??????? ?? ??? ?????. ? ?? ?? ??? ?? ? ??? ?? ??? ?? ? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 64. Calender and timezone library ? ?? ?? ??? ? UTC(?? ???) ?? : utc_clock ? system_time <-> utc_time? ?? from_sys/to_sys ?? ?? ? TAI(?? ???) ?? : tai_clock ? utc_time <-> tai_time? ?? from_utc/to_utc ?? ?? ? GPS ?? : gps_clock ? utc_time <-> utc_time? ?? from_utc/to_utc ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ?? : clock_cast C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 65. Calender and timezone library ? ?? ?? ??? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary using sys_days = std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::system_clock, std::chrono::days>; sys_days st(1997_y / dec / 12); auto ut = utc_clock::from_sys(st); auto tt = tai_clock::from_utc(ut); auto gt = gps_clock::from_utc(ut); assert(clock_cast<sys_clock>(st) == st); assert(clock_cast<utc_clock>(ut) == ut); assert(clock_cast<tai_clock>(tt) == tt); assert(clock_cast<gps_clock>(gt) == gt);
  • 66. Calender and timezone library ? ??? ?? ??? ? ?/?/? ?? : year_month_day ? ?? ? ??? ??? ? ???? (?/?/?, ?/?/?, ?/?/?) ? ??? ?? ?? ?? ? year_month_day_last : ?? ?/?? ??? ?? ???? ??? ? month_day_last : ?? ?? ??? ?? ???? ??? ? weekday_last : ?? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ? weekday_indexed : ?? ?? n?? ??? ???? ??? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 67. Calender and timezone library ? ??? ?? ??? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary auto d1 = 2018_y / mar / 27; auto d2 = 27_d / mar / 2018; auto d3 = mar / 27 / 2018; year_month_day today = floor<days>(system_clock::now()); assert(d1 == d2); assert(d2 == d3); assert(d3 == today); https://mariusbancila.ro/blog/2018/03/27/cpp20-calendars-and-time-zones/
  • 68. Calender and timezone library ? ??? ?? ??? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary https://mariusbancila.ro/blog/2018/03/27/cpp20-calendars-and-time-zones/ auto today = year_month_day{ floor<days>(system_clock::now()) }; auto ymdl = year_month_day_last(today.year(), month_day_last{ month{ 2 } }); auto last_day_feb = year_month_day{ ymdl }; assert(last_day_feb == 2018_y / feb / 28); // for 2018
  • 69. inline int number_of_days(sys_days const& first, sys_days const& last) { return (last - first).count(); } auto days = number_of_days(2018_y / apr / 1, 2018_y / dec / 25); assert(days == 268); Calender and timezone library ? ??? ?? ??? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary https://mariusbancila.ro/blog/2018/03/27/cpp20-calendars-and-time-zones/
  • 70. Calender and timezone library ? ?? ??? ?? ??? ? ?? ?? ? locate_zone : ??? ??? ?? ???? ?? ?? ? current_zone : ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ? ?? ??? ? ?? ? sys_info, local_info ? zoned_traits, zoned_time ? choose, leap, link ? nonexistent_local_time ? ambiguous_local_time C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 71. auto time = floor<std::chrono::milliseconds>(system_clock::now()); std::cout << std::left << std::setw(25) << std::setfill(' ') << "Time" << time << std::endl; auto localtime = zoned_time<std::chrono::milliseconds>(date::current_zone(), time); std::cout << std::left << std::setw(25) << std::setfill(' ') << "Local" << localtime << std::endl; Calender and timezone library ? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary https://mariusbancila.ro/blog/2018/03/27/cpp20-calendars-and-time-zones/
  • 72. auto zone_names = { "Asia/Tokyo", "Asia/Hong_Kong", "Europe/Bucharest", "Europe/Berlin", "Europe/London", "America/New_York", "Pacific/Honolulu", }; for(auto const& name : zone_names) std::cout << std::left << std::setw(25) << std::setfill(' ') << name << zoned_time<std::chrono::milliseconds>(name, localtime) << std::endl; Calender and timezone library ? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary https://mariusbancila.ro/blog/2018/03/27/cpp20-calendars-and-time-zones/
  • 73. ??? ?? C++20? ? ?? ? Synchronized output ? char8_t ? [[likely]], [[unlikely]] attribute ? [[no_unique_address]] attribute ? constexpr ? virtual functions ? dynamic_cast ? typeid ? try-catch C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 74. ??? ?? C++20? ? ?? ? std::remove_cvref ? std::atomic_ref ? std::atomic_shared_ptr ? std::atomic_weak_ptr ? std::destroying_delete C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 75. C++20? ??? ?? ?? ?? ? Expansion statements ? constexpr std::vector ? std::format ? std::source_location ? std::flatmap, std::flatset ? std::byteswap ? using enum C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary
  • 76. ?? ? C++20 ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ????. ? C++20? ???? C++11 ?? ? ??? ??? ?????. ? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?? / ?? ???? ????. ? ? ??? ?????? ??? ? ??? ? ??? ????. ? ?? C++? ??? ??? ???????, ?? ???? ???? ??? ?? ??? ?????. C++ Korea 5th Seminar C++20 Key Features Summary