What is CAD? What is CAE? and What is CAM? Did you hear about those three terms before? If so, what is the dedicated software, and how do they differ?
The first two letters of each word, "CA" stands for "Computer Aided", which means all three systems are created to help the user to achieve their goals with the power of computers.
In complete words, "D" stands for Design, "E" stands for Engineering and "M" stands for Manufacturing.
Even if you feel all these three terms are similar, that is not. Each one has its objectives.
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1. CAD
D o y o u k n o w
t h e d i f f e r e n c e ?
2. Computer Aided Design
CAD utilize highly powered
computers to design, visualize
and simulate new product
SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Catia,
Creo, NX, Fusion 360
3. Computer Aided Manufacturing
CAM software automates the
manufacturing process.
CAM software takes CAD design
as an input and convert them to
instructions such as G-code.
NX CAM, SolidWorks CAM, FeatureCAM,
HSM, MasterCAM
4. Computer Aided Engineering
CAE tools can simulate a product
design before building physical
Ansys, Simscale, Simulink, Comsol