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EPSO 05 - 21/04/2016
Competitions / Call for
expressions of interest
Field Grade
Registration period
Admission tests -
Booking period
Admission tests
E-tray exercise/ Case
Preliminary test/
Intermediate test/
Remote interview
Assessment Center/
oral test
Reserve list
EPSO/AD/322/16 Auditors AD5/AD7 EUR28 12/05-14/06/2016
1. Investigators: EU expenditure and corruption AD7 EUR28
2. Investigators: Customs and trade, tobacco and counterfeit
EPSO/AD/324/16 Investigators: Team Leaders AD9 EUR28
EPSO/AST/138/16 Audio-visual and Conference Technicians AST3 EUR28
EPSO/AD/.../16 Administrators in the field of Nuclear energy AD7 EUR28
EPSO/AD/325/15 Translators DA
EPSO/AD/326/16 Translators GA
EPSO/AD/327/15 Translators HR
EPSO/AD/328/15 Translators IT
EPSO/AD/329/15 Translators LT
EPSO/AD/330/15 Translators MT
EPSO/AD/331/16 DE
EPSO/AD/332/16 EN
EPSO/AD/333/16 LV
EPSO/AD/334/16 MT
EPSO/AD/335/16 NL
EPSO/AD/.../16 Administrators AD5 EUR28
EPSO/CAST/P/5/2016 Finance Function Group II
EPSO/CAST/P/6/2016 Secretariat/Clerical tasks Function Group II
EPSO/CAST/P/7/2016 Human resources / Administration Function Group II
EPSO/CAST/P/8/2016 Human resources / Administration Function Group III
EPSO/CAST/P/9/2016 Human resources / Administration Function Group IV
EPSO/CAST/P/10/2016 Communication Function Group III
EPSO/CAST/P/11/2016 Communication Function Group IV
EPSO/CAST/P/12/2016 Political affairs / EU policies Function Group III
EPSO/CAST/P/13/2016 Political affairs / EU policies Function Group IV
EPSO/CAST/P/14/2016 Law Function Group III
EPSO/CAST/P/15/2016 Law Function Group IV
EPSO/CAST/P/16/2016 Information and communication technology Function Group III
EPSO/CAST/P/17/2016 Information and communication technology Function Group IV
Development cooperation and managing aid to non-EU
AD7 EUR28 7/05-9/06/2015 23/06-3/07/2015 24/08-9/09/2015
Case study :
01-04/2016 05-06/2016
1. Curator AD7
2. Museum Educator AD7
3. Conservator - Conservation and collection Manager AD7
1. Assistant Curator AST3
2. Conservation and collection Management assistant AST3
EPSO/AD/302/15 Audit AD5 EUR28 26/03-28/04/2015 6-18/05/2015 19/05-16/06/2015
Case study:
7/12/2015-4/03/2016 04/2016
EPSO/AD/304/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Court of Justice’ channel AD7 BG
Preliminary test: 22-
EPSO/AD/305/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Court of Justice’ channel AD7 ES
EPSO/AD/306/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Court of Justice’ channel AD7 FR
EPSO/AD/307/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Court of Justice’ channel AD7 IT
EPSO/AD/322/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 EL
EPSO/AD/323/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 ES
EPSO/AD/324/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 IT
EPSO/AD/325/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 LT
EPSO/AD/326/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 MT
EPSO/AD/327/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 SV
EPSO/AD/311/15 Interpreters CS
EPSO/AD/312/15 Interpreters HR
EPSO/AD/313/15 Interpreters LT
EPSO/AD/314/15 Interpreters MT
EPSO/AD/315/15 Translators FI
EPSO/AD/316/15 Translators HU
EPSO/AD/317/15 Translators LV
EPSO/AD/318/15 Translators PL
EPSO/AD/319/15 Translators PT
EPSO/AD/320/15 Translators SK
EUR 28
24/09 - 13/10/2015
Case study :
European Personnel Selection Office - Indicative Planning of Competitions/Call for expressions of interest
Warning! This information is purely indicative. EPSO reserves the right to change the information shown at any time, and regularly publishes updates at least once per month. Candidates formally receive the final dates and invitations for each stage
of the competition, in personal communications sent to them through their EPSO Account.
Competitions - 2015
CAST Selections 2016
Competitions - 2016
Not before
The detailed indicative
forward planning will be
published in the course of
the second quarter 2016
Suspended until further notice
Specialists Competitions
Lawyer linguists Competitions
EUR 28
Suspended until further notice
09/06-12/07/2016 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the second quarter 2016
Suspended until further notice
Suspended until further notice
Specialists Competitions
The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the second quarter 2016
Preliminary test:
Case study : 05/2016
The detailed indicative
forward planning will be
published in the course of
the second quarter 2016
Not before
Lawyer linguists Competitions
Preliminary test: 7-
Translation tests: 1-
The detailed indicative forward planning will
be published in the course of the second
quarter 2016
Lawyer-linguists: Court of Justice AD7
The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the second quarter 2016
28/04-31/05/2016AST1Linguistic Assistants
The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the second quarter 2016
The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the second quarter 201626/05-28/06/2016
Suspended until further notice

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Calendario de Oposiciones UE

  • 1. EPSO 05 - 21/04/2016 Competitions / Call for expressions of interest Field Grade EUR / Languages Registration period Admission tests - Booking period Admission tests E-tray exercise/ Case study/ Preliminary test/ Intermediate test/ Remote interview Assessment Center/ oral test Reserve list DA GA HR HU MT NL SK SL EPSO/AD/322/16 Auditors AD5/AD7 EUR28 12/05-14/06/2016 1. Investigators: EU expenditure and corruption AD7 EUR28 2. Investigators: Customs and trade, tobacco and counterfeit goods AD7 EUR28 EPSO/AD/324/16 Investigators: Team Leaders AD9 EUR28 EPSO/AST/138/16 Audio-visual and Conference Technicians AST3 EUR28 EPSO/AD/.../16 Administrators in the field of Nuclear energy AD7 EUR28 EPSO/AD/325/15 Translators DA EPSO/AD/326/16 Translators GA EPSO/AD/327/15 Translators HR EPSO/AD/328/15 Translators IT EPSO/AD/329/15 Translators LT EPSO/AD/330/15 Translators MT EPSO/AD/331/16 DE EPSO/AD/332/16 EN EPSO/AD/333/16 LV EPSO/AD/334/16 MT EPSO/AD/335/16 NL EPSO/AD/.../16 Administrators AD5 EUR28 EPSO/CAST/P/5/2016 Finance Function Group II EPSO/CAST/P/6/2016 Secretariat/Clerical tasks Function Group II EPSO/CAST/P/7/2016 Human resources / Administration Function Group II EPSO/CAST/P/8/2016 Human resources / Administration Function Group III EPSO/CAST/P/9/2016 Human resources / Administration Function Group IV EPSO/CAST/P/10/2016 Communication Function Group III EPSO/CAST/P/11/2016 Communication Function Group IV EPSO/CAST/P/12/2016 Political affairs / EU policies Function Group III EPSO/CAST/P/13/2016 Political affairs / EU policies Function Group IV EPSO/CAST/P/14/2016 Law Function Group III EPSO/CAST/P/15/2016 Law Function Group IV EPSO/CAST/P/16/2016 Information and communication technology Function Group III EPSO/CAST/P/17/2016 Information and communication technology Function Group IV EPSO/AD/303/15 Development cooperation and managing aid to non-EU countries AD7 EUR28 7/05-9/06/2015 23/06-3/07/2015 24/08-9/09/2015 Case study : 28/01/2016 01-04/2016 05-06/2016 1. Curator AD7 2. Museum Educator AD7 3. Conservator - Conservation and collection Manager AD7 1. Assistant Curator AST3 2. Conservation and collection Management assistant AST3 EPSO/AD/302/15 Audit AD5 EUR28 26/03-28/04/2015 6-18/05/2015 19/05-16/06/2015 E-tray: 21-22-23/09/2015 Case study: 20/11/2015 7/12/2015-4/03/2016 04/2016 EPSO/AD/304/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Court of Justice’ channel AD7 BG Preliminary test: 22- 25/02/2016 EPSO/AD/305/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Court of Justice’ channel AD7 ES EPSO/AD/306/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Court of Justice’ channel AD7 FR EPSO/AD/307/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Court of Justice’ channel AD7 IT EPSO/AD/322/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 EL EPSO/AD/323/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 ES EPSO/AD/324/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 IT EPSO/AD/325/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 LT EPSO/AD/326/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 MT EPSO/AD/327/15 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 SV EPSO/AD/311/15 Interpreters CS EPSO/AD/312/15 Interpreters HR EPSO/AD/313/15 Interpreters LT EPSO/AD/314/15 Interpreters MT EPSO/AD/315/15 Translators FI EPSO/AD/316/15 Translators HU EPSO/AD/317/15 Translators LV EPSO/AD/318/15 Translators PL EPSO/AD/319/15 Translators PT EPSO/AD/320/15 Translators SK EUR 28 AD CYCLE 18/06-23/07/2015 EPSO/AD/310/15 EPSO/AST/136/15 n/a 24/09 - 13/10/2015 Case study : 01/03/2016 European Personnel Selection Office - Indicative Planning of Competitions/Call for expressions of interest Warning! This information is purely indicative. EPSO reserves the right to change the information shown at any time, and regularly publishes updates at least once per month. Candidates formally receive the final dates and invitations for each stage of the competition, in personal communications sent to them through their EPSO Account. Competitions - 2015 CAST Selections 2016 Competitions - 2016 AD7/AD5 09-10/2015 n/a n/a9/07-18/08/2015 AD5 LINGUISTS CYCLE Not before 06/2016 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the second quarter 2016 21/05-24/06/15 Suspended until further notice AD CYCLE Specialists Competitions EUR28 n/a 11-21/09/2015 Lawyer linguists Competitions 15/02-14/04/2016 EUR 28 Suspended until further notice AD5 LINGUISTS CYCLE 09/06-12/07/2016 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the second quarter 2016 Suspended until further notice Suspended until further notice Specialists Competitions 06/2016 08/2016 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the second quarter 2016 05-06/2016 09/2015 Preliminary test: 18-22/01/2016 n/a Case study : 05/2016 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the second quarter 2016 Not before 05/2016 30/07-1/09/2015 Lawyer linguists Competitions Preliminary test: 7- 10/12/2015 Translation tests: 1- 5/02/2016 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the second quarter 2016 n/a EPSO/AST/137/16 Lawyer-linguists: Court of Justice AD7 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the second quarter 2016 EPSO/AD/323/16 28/04-31/05/2016AST1Linguistic Assistants The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the second quarter 2016 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the second quarter 201626/05-28/06/2016 Suspended until further notice