This document discusses various camera modes and their functions. It begins by explaining automatic modes like auto, portrait, landscape, macro, sports and night modes. It then covers semi-automatic modes like aperture priority and shutter priority that allow the user to control either aperture or shutter speed while the camera sets the other setting. Finally, it discusses manual mode where the user has full control over aperture, shutter speed, ISO and white balance settings. It provides examples to illustrate how different modes and settings can be used creatively.
4. Auto Mode
The camera decides on the Shutter Speed, ISO , Aperture and Flash
It will do so based on the external light conditions
No Control on Camera Settings
Good for people who have recently purchased one
Gives good results in daylight and evenly lit situations
AVOID SHOOTING AUTO !! if you want to grow as a Photographer
5. Portrait Mode
Used for Portraits i.e. Shooting People
Camera Automatically selects Wide aperture or
smaller F-stop number
Small F-Stop number means Shallow/Narrow Depth of Field
Shallow Depth of Field ensures that the Background
is Out of Focus
The Subjects Stands out in the frame
Pleasing effect for Portraits.
7. Landscape Mode
Used for shooting Landscapes
Almost opposite of Portrait Mode
Camera Automatically selects Smaller aperture or
Large F-stop number
Large F-Stop number means higher Depth of Field
Higher depth of field ensures that everything in the frame
is in focus.
Good for shooting Wide landscapes.
10. Macro Mode
Good for Close ups
Lets you get very close to the subject
Good for Shooting Insects, Flowers and small objects.
Camera automatically selects a very small F-number or a
wide Aperture
Wide Aperture means Shallow/Narrow Depth of Field
One has to be very steady when using this mode.
Using a Tripod/Camera Stand can be handy here.
13. Sports Mode
Used for shooting fast moving objects or people
Can be used for Shooting Sports, Pets, Cars and Wildlife
Anything that moves Fast or Erratically
Camera will try to freeze the subject
Uses the fastest Shutter speed available at the time.
Works best in Good lighting conditions.
18. Night Portrait/Night
Used for Shooting in Nights in low light condition
E.g. Parties, Homes, Weddings etc.
Camera will use a slower shutter speed, wide aperture
and high ISO
Images can be a bit blurry if camera is not held properly.
Camera may also use flash if light is very poor
19. No Flash
Normally used in Evenings or Night.
Camera will not use Flash in this mode
Used in Museums or while shooting landscapes at night.
Also used to capture sporting events in low light
E.g. Indoor sports like Badminton, Martial Arts,
sports played at night.
Camera uses a wide aperture and depending on light condition
a corresponding Shutter Speed and ISO
22. Some Other Modes
Panorama Mode- Used for making Panoramas
or really wide angle scenes.
Snow mode- Used when shooting in areas with Snow.
Fireworks Mode- Very hand when shooting fireworks
especially Rockets bursting in Sky.
Beach Mode: Used for scenes with very bright and harsh light
Kids/Pets Mode: Essentially almost same as Sports mode
24. Aperture Priority Mode (Av or A)
We select the desired F-Stop or Aperture
Camera will control the Shutter Speed
We control ISO , White Balance and flash
with this mode
Normally used when Depth of Field (DoF)
is the main area of Interest.
Requires Practice to get it right.
Can be used very creatively while composing
27. Shutter Priority Mode (S or Tv)
We select the desired Shutter Speed
Camera will select the Corresponding F-Stop
We control ISO , White Balance and flash
Creative Part of Image Making
Requires Practice to get it right.
Normally used when one requires a higher shutter speed
for shooting fast moving objects.(e.g. Sports)
Also used when the requirement in
slower shutter speeds (e.g. Shooting Waterfalls)
31. Creative use of Shutter speed to Show Motion: See Wings
Shutter Speed:1/250 Sec
32. M Mode or the Fully Manual Mode
The user has full control on the camera settings
Shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO and white balance
is selected by the user
Creative part of Image making
Requires good practice and understanding of light to use
and Master.