Cameroon is a country located in Central Africa. Its capital and largest city is Yaound¨¦. Cameroon is bordered by Nigeria, Chad, the Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and the Republic of Congo. The predominant religions are Christianity, practiced by about two-thirds of the population, and Islam, practiced by about one-fifth. Cameroon has a diverse population with over 250 ethnic groups, each with their own unique cultural traditions including music, dance and celebrations. Association football is the most popular sport in Cameroon. The President has broad executive powers over policymaking, government agencies, the armed forces, treaties and declaring emergencies.
? The capital of
Cameroon is
¡°YAOUND?¡± Cameroon,
the?Republic of
Cameroon?Is a
country in
west?Central Africa
3. It is bordered by NNIGERIA?to the
west;?Chad to the northeast; the
Central Africa Republic?to the east;
and?Equatorial, Guinea,?Gabon, and
the?Republic of the Congo?to the south.
Cameroon's coastline lies on the Bight
of Bonny, part of the?Gulf of the
Guinea?and the?Atlantic ocean.
It is comparable in size to?Papua
New Guinea And somewhat
larger than the U.S. state of
California. The country is
located in?Central?and West
Africa on the?Bight of Bonny,
part of the?Gulf of Guinea?and
the Atlantic Ocean. Cameroon
lies between
latitudes?1¡ã?and?13¡ãN, and
Cameroon has a high
level of?religious
freedom?and diversity.?The
predominant faith
is?ChristianiTy, practiced by
about two-thirds of the
population, while?Islam?is a
significant minority faith,
adhered to by about one-
fifth. In addition,
traditional faiths are
practiced by many..
6. Muslims are most concentrated in the
north, while Christians are
concentrated primarily in the
southern and western regions, but
practitioners of both faiths can be
found throughout the country
Each of
Cameroon's ethnic
groups has its own
unique cultural
forms. Typical
include births,
deaths, plantings,
harvests, and
religious rituals.
8. Seven?national holidays?are observed
throughout the year, and movable
holidays include the Christian holy
days of?Good Friday, Easter
Sunday,?Easter Monday, and?Ascension;
and the Muslim holydays of?Eid-ul-
Fitr,?Eid-ul-Adha, and?Eid Miladun Nabi.
Music?and?dance?are an integral
part of Cameroonian ceremonies,
festivals, social gatherings, and
Traditional sports include
canoe racing and wrestling.
Cameroon is one of the few
tropical countries to
have?competed?in the?Winter
Olympics However,?sport in
Cameroon is dominated by
association footbaLL
The?CamerooN national
footbalL team?has been one of
the most successful in Africa
since its strong showing in
the?1990 FIFA World Cup.
The?President of
Cameroon?has broad,
unilateral powers to
create policy,
administer government
agencies, command
the?armed forces,
negotiate and ratify
treaties, and declare a
state of emergency.