Derivatives are words derived from Latin words that resemble the Latin word in spelling and relate to its meaning. The document provides examples of Latin words and their derivatives relating to family (familia, family, familiar, familial), dogs (canine), cats (feline), brothers (frater, fraternity, fraternal, fraternize), sisters (soror, sorority, sororal), mothers (mater, maternal, maternity, matrimony, matron, matriarch, materfamilias, matrix), fathers (pater, paternal, paternity, patrimony, patron, patriarch, paterfamilias), farms (villa), living (habitat, habit, habitat, inhabit,
2. Derivatives are English words that come from Latin words.In order for a word to be a derivative, it must LOOK something like the Latin word.It must also have something to do with the MEANING of the Latin word.Let’s look at the derivatives from this lesson.What are derivatives?
4. Canine: of or like a dog;Canine teeth are the pointed teeth resembling those of a dog.Canary: a finch native to the group of islands found in the Atlantic.CANIS: dog
8. Maternal: having qualities related to a mother.Maternity: motherhood (as a noun); relating to pregnancy (as an adjective).Matrimony: state of being married.Matron: a married woman.Matriarch: female head of a family.Materfamilias: matriarch.Matrix: the starting point from which something else originates.MATER: mother
9. Paternal: having qualities of a father.Paternity: fatherhood (as a noun); relating to fatherhood (as an adjective.)Patrimony: estate inherited from a father or ancestors.Patron: a customer; someone who supports another with money, endorsements, gifts, etc.Patriarch: male head of a family or group.Paterfamilias: patriarchPATER: father
11. Habit: way of living.Habitat: natural environment of an organism.Habitable: suitable for living on.Inhabit: to live or dwell in a place.Inhabitant: person or animal that lives in a place.HABITAT: to live
12. Insulate: to separate with a material that prevents or reduces the passage of heat, electricity, or sound; to isolate.INSULA: island
13. Province: a division or unit of a country.Provincial: showing characteristics or viewpoints of unsophisticated inhabitants of a province; rustic; narrow-mindedPROVINCIA: province