This document contains Latin words and their English cognates related to family, creation, healing, teaching, making, and work. Each Latin word is followed by its English derivative(s) and meaning. Many of the English words are related to their Latin root through their definitions involving domestic life, creativity, medical care, education, fabrication, or labor.
3. Domestic: of or related to family or household; tamed.Domesticate: to adopt or make fit for use or life in a home; to tame or cultivate.Domicile: a residence; a home.Domi: at home
4. Create: to bring into being; to make.Creature: a living being; an imaginary or fantastic being.Creative: productive, imaginative.Recreation: refreshment of one’s mind or body after work; leisure.Procreate: to produce or multiply; to reproduce.Creo: to make, create
5. Cure: restoration of health; remedy.Curator: one who manages or cares for a museum or library.Sinecure: a job that requires little work, but provides a salary.Accurate: without error; precise.Manicure: cosmetic treatment for hands; to trim or clip neatly.Pedicure: cosmetic treatment for feet.Curo: to care for
6. Docile: teachable; yielding to supervision; obedient.Doctor: a person trained in healing arts and licensed to practice.Doctorate: one of the highest earned academic degrees.Doceo: to teach
8. Laborious: requiring much work.Laboratory: a room or building equipped for scientific work.Elaborate: planned or executed with painstaking attention to details.Belabor: to work at; to discuss at length.Collaborate: to work together.Laboro: Iwork