This document contains Latin words and their English derivatives. It lists Latin words related to eating, drinking, food, taste, and dining. Many of the English words are derived from the Latin roots and describe similar concepts like food, drink, taste, and the act of consuming. The document serves as a reference for Latin words and their connections to modern English vocabulary.
3. Mesa: a high plateau with steep sides.Mensa: table
4. Equinox: the time when the sun crosses the equator making day and night of equal length in all parts of the earth.Nocturnal: active during the night.Nox: night
11. Assume: to take on the appearance or role of.Consume: to use up.Presume: to take for granted; suppose.Resume: to take or occupy; to continue.Sumo: to eat or take.
12. Annul: to do away with.Null: of no value.Nullify: to cancel out.Nullus: not any.