This workshop was delivered in South Africa by Ms Shikha Sharma_Education Consultant.
Following topics are covered in the workshop:
1. Resume Building
2. Leveraging LinkedIn
3. Email Etiquette
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Career Advancement Workshop For Students and Professionals
1. Career Advancement Workshop
1. Resume Building
2. Leveraging LinkedIn
3. Email Writing
Presented By:
Shikha Sharma
Education Consultant
5. What is Resume?
A resume -short, concise document used for
job applications.
Record of work experience, professional
achievements, education, skills, certifications,
and other details that make the case for the
6. Which One you would do?
Send 50 generic resumes and got to 2 interviews?
Send 10 resumes best suited for you and end up with 3-4 interviews?
7. Tailoring Your Resume- ATS (Applicant Tracking System)
70% of job applications get disqualified by
ATS without being read.
Tailor your resume to Job Description
Add keywords related to job responsibilities
8. 1. Customize your resume to the Job
2. Saving your resume (ShikhaSharma_HR Manager_Resume)
3. Reverse chronological order to highlight your record
4. Proofread before sending
5. Make it readable, use bullet points
6. Try to find out the right person in the company (Hiring Manager/Recruiter), refer
their name in your application
7. Prefer sharing PDF file
Important Points To Remember-
10. How many of you have Active LinkedIn Presence?
12. 1. Professional Photo- 14X more views
2. Use Background Banner- Industry, Skills sets, certification, your USP, etc.
3. Keywords in your Headline (below your photograph). Use | to segregate. Learn
from job description if not sure.
LinkedIn Is Your Personal Sales Page
13. About Section- (Write your career summary)
Keep it professional and very objective. Less is more. Information
relevant to job only.
- Education, Soft skills, expertise, achievements, certifications and
natural talents.
15. How to optimize LinkedIn for your Career Progression
Grow your network on LinkedIn
1. Use LinkedIn Search Function and Connect
2. Use People you may know
3. Personalized your connection request with your name and personal note
4. Use LinkedIn groups to connect with more people in same industry
Enhance your knowledge base
1. News Feed
2. Sharing content and publishing posts
3. Using # and URLs in your posts
4. Share the right content
17. How many times were you misunderstood in your Email Communication?
18. Definition- Resume
How To Write Email
1. Know your audience.
2. Keep emails short and to the point.
3. Do not hesitate to say thank you, how are you, or appreciate your help.
4. Include a salutation and sign off that includes your name with every email.
5. Keep your fonts, colours, and sizes classic. It is best to use easy-to-read font
such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.
6. Avoid using shortcuts (Acronym) to real words, emoticons, jargon, or slang.
7. Limit your signature to your name, website link, Organization name and phone
8. Refrain from sending one-liners such as thanks and oh, OK.
Writing Emails Effectively
19. 1. Always write Subject in your email, else it will be flagged as spam.
2. Do not include greetings, such as Hello/Hi or Greetings in the subject line.
3. Your subject line should be the main point of your email and should reflect the
context of email body.
4. Proofread a Subject line carefully.
5. Subject line is the first thing your receipt is going to notice. Keep it informative,
catchy and brief.
Optimizing Email Subject Line
20. Important Email Sections
1. Using From field- Write your email address.
2. Using To field- Who you are trying to send the email
3. Using CC field- This field for those who you are just informing. Mention
their email in CC section.
4. Using BCC field- This field is similar to CC, however BCCs cannot be
seen by anyone in the To: or CC: field.
5. When to use the Reply option- When you respond directly to the person
who emailed you last and not for new email.
6. When to use the Reply-All option- You email back everyone who is either
in the To or CC fields. The benefit of Reply-All is letting everyone in the
thread know that a certain issue has been addressed.
Important Email Sections
21. 1. Ensure the recipients name is correct.
2. Email should have a clearly structured sentences for clear communication
3. Proofread your email before sending.
4. Your subject line should be relevant to the message.
5. Your Email Should have appropriate greeting and closing.
6. Do not write an email in high emotions. If you are feeling angry,upset or really
happy- wait for couple of hours (sleep on it) before hitting send.
7. Remember, emails are not for time sensitive issues. Prefer making a phone call
in such cases. It will also improve your relationships with the person.
8. If you have asked for assistance or more information, Wait 1-2 days before
following up.
Important Points In Email Communication