Matariki, also known as the Pleiades star cluster, marks the Mori New Year and signals the start of a new planting season in Aotearoa. Traditional Mori observed the heliacal rising of Matariki just before dawn to determine if the stars appeared clear and bright or hazy, as an indicator of the coming season. Matariki was also a time for communities to come together, farewell those who passed, and plan for the new year. Its rising marked both an occasion to honor the past and look to the future. Modern celebrations of Matariki continue to connect people to the land, sea, sky and each other through this unique cultural tradition.
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Carter matariki
1. Taatai Arorangi: Matariki and the
New Year
Traditionally Mori, and
many other cultures, used
the night sky and the stars
to tell the time and seasons.
They also used them as
they navigated the oceans.
The tohunga kkrangi
would watch for the rise of
Matariki just before dawn.
2. Matariki and the New Year
Stories and legends were
ways of passing knowledge
from generation to
Even if the cause was not
understood the story
explained observed events.
There may be many
versions of a similar story.
Here is one story of Matariki
4. The rising of Matariki the Maori New Matariki was also a time
Year and signalled a time for to turn to the future,
connecting, giving thanks to the land, welcoming the new
sea and sky, a time for the
community to come together to generation to the world
farewell those departed and and planning for the year
acknowledge the year gone. ahead.
Matariki could be added
It is universal to Maori and Pakeha, to our celebrations
because we all live with the opposite calendar. It provides us
seasons to the Northern hemisphere. with something that's
5. The crops were planted according to the
appearance of the Matariki star cluster.
If the stars were clear and bright, it was a sign
of a favourable and productive season ahead,
and planting would begin in September.
If the stars appeared hazy and closely
bunched together, a cold winter was in store
and planting was put off until October.
6. The Matariki were
honoured by the Maori.
The heliacal rising of that
asterism was greeted by
women with song and
In other areas the
cosmic rising of Rigel
marked the beginning of
the new year with a
similar festival marking
the event.
8. New star patterns
become visible as we
travel around the Sun.
Matariki is in Taurus
9. Heliacal risings occur after a star has been behind the Sun for a time
and it is just returning to visibility.
One morning, just before dawn, the star rises after its absence behind the
Sun and is seen for a moment, then lost in the rising Suns glare.
That one special morning is called the star's heliacal rising.
10. Circumpolar stars will NOT work!
Not all stars have
heliacal risings
because some stars
are always above
the horizon and are
called circumpolar
Only certain stars
rise, flash and
twinkle in the pre-
dawn glow.
11. El Ni単o or La Ni単a- watch out!
Clear, bright stars = a good
Hazy and bunched together=
cold winter, planting delayed.
The upper atmosphere may
indicate long term weather
Astute, practiced observers
can see the difference from
year to year.
Can you?
12. The rising position of the Sun in a year
Looking west this shows the Sun setting - from mid-winter through
the equinox to mid-summer (Northern Hemisphere view).
What dates are these?
13. The Pleiades/Matariki
star cluster facts
A cluster of around
1000 stars that are
about 440 light years
away (our Sun is 8 light
minutes away)
The blue color is
caused by blue light
being scattered by dust.
Merope, one of the brightest stars
in the Pleiades- where the
The stars in the nebulosity is caused by a chance
Pleiades are young- encounter between an open star
100 million years old - cluster and a molecular cloud.
about 1/50th the age of
our Sun
14. 29.5 days makes a Moonth
Maori followed a lunar calendar: Te Maramataka
New Moon is when the Moon is between Sun and the Earth
First quarter is when it has moved one fourth of its way around the Earth -
but it looks like a semi-circle and many call it a half Moon!
Full Moon comes half way through the cycle (Sun, Earth & Moon Alignment.
29.5 days is not a factor of 365- which is why our months are a mix
from 28 day to 31 day lengths
In the Southern Hemisphere the sunlit part moves from the left to
the right. C O D (C first quarter, O full Moon, D last quarter)
15. Calendars, clocks
and Time
How many trips around the Sun have you made?
What season were you born in?
16. How many days, weeks, and moonths
have you lived through?
How do you know?
17. Is it easy to count how many Moon
cycles you have lived through?
Is it years x12 or years x13 ?
So how many Moonths old are you?
For Mori, this time signified remembrance, fertility and celebration.
For Mori, this time signified remembrance, fertility and celebration.
Christmas was always the celebration of the winter solstice, Easter the spring equinox. Iwi (tribes) marked the New Year by when Matariki or other stars, such as Puanga (Rigel), or Takurua (Sirius) were first seen, or on the day of the first new Moon after they had risen .
The blue colour is now thought to be a gas cloud the Pleiades have drifted into -previously thought to be the tell-tale leftover gas from their formation. Young stars at only 100 million years old!
Kapa Haka festival???
Explain the zodiac is where the moving objects of the solar system are found.
Slightly doctored photo of heliacal rising.
An equal area can never be seen from here just as those people at 40 属 N can never see the Southern Cross
Clear, bright stars = a good season. Hazy and bunched together= cold winter, planting delayed. Whatever method chosen there will always be an element of randomness! Modern meteorology not always accurate.
Actually this photo is for the morning in the Northern hemisphere
Light travels at 300,000 kms per second.
Could there be a better time interval on the calendar for a moonth?
Look out for eclipsed Moon morning 16 th June 2011.
Perigee and Apogee, solar and lunar eclipses are different.