Disserta巽達o Mestrado: O Or巽amento Participativo como mecanismo de accountabil...Dimas Soares Ferreira
An叩lise sobre como os Or巽amentos Participativos podem servir como mecanismo de accountability, enfocando cinco experi棚ncias de OP: Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte, Goi但nia, S達o Paulo e Recife.
Este documento describe las directrices para la preparaci坦n de informes nacionales sobre la situaci坦n del aprendizaje y la educaci坦n de adultos para la VI Conferencia Internacional de Educaci坦n de Adultos (CONFINTEA VI) en 2009. Se pide a los pa鱈ses que presenten informes detallados sobre su pol鱈tica, legislaci坦n, financiaci坦n, oferta y participaci坦n en programas de educaci坦n de adultos, as鱈 como sobre investigaci坦n e innovaci坦n en este campo. Los informes nacionales ayudar叩n a evaluar el progreso en la agenda de Educaci坦n para Todos y propor
This document summarizes a study evaluating the performance of an effluent treatment plant (ETP) for a dairy industry in India. Samples were collected from three points in the ETP - the collection tank, primary clarifier, and secondary clarifier. The ETP achieved removal efficiencies of 26.14% for pH, 33.30% for TDS, 93.85% for TSS, 94.19% for COD, and 98.19% for BOD. The treated effluent met standards for discharge set by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board. The ETP was effective at removing pollutants and bringing wastewater characteristics in line with regulatory requirements for reuse or discharge.
O documento fornece instru巽探es passo-a-passo para montar um computador, come巽ando com a instala巽達o do dissipador e cooler na placa-m達e, em seguida adicionando o processador, mem坦ria RAM, placas de v鱈deo, rede e som, e por fim conectando os cabos e montando a torre.
La Organizaci坦n de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) es una organizaci坦n internacional fundada en 1945. Tiene como objetivo facilitar la cooperaci坦n entre pa鱈ses en asuntos como derechos humanos, paz y seguridad. Actualmente tiene 192 estados miembros y su sede principal se encuentra en Nueva York.
The document provides a list of notable landmarks and places of interest in and around the city of Erzurum, Turkey. It lists historical sites like the Yakutiye Madrasa, The Madrasa with Twin Minarets, and The Three Tombs. It also mentions natural attractions such as the Seven Lakes, Lake Tortum, and Tortum Waterfall. Additionally, it lists cultural attractions, including the obandere Bridge, Osk Vank Monastery, Hasankale Thermal Springs, and the Atat端rk House Museum.
Multi-Channel vs. Pure e-Play: Werden wir alle zu digitalen Non-Stop-Shoppern?Jochen Krisch
M叩s personas usan bombillas de bajo consumo porque aunque parecen caras inicialmente, pueden ahorrar hasta un 75% en electricidad a largo plazo y ayudar al medio ambiente. Las bombillas de bajo consumo tienen un casquillo de aluminio, un pl叩stico blando para la electricidad y un tubo fluorescente. La gente est叩 dejando de usar bombillas de alto consumo debido a iniciativas para reducir el crecimiento del consumo el辿ctrico y mitigar el cambio clim叩tico. La energ鱈a se usa en actividades cotidianas
O documento descreve um projeto para introduzir alunos ao mundo digital atrav辿s da conta巽達o e reconta巽達o de hist坦rias cl叩ssicas utilizando ferramentas digitais. Tr棚s contos ser達o estudados no YouTube, ilustrados no Paint, debatidos e reescritos no PowerPoint. As hist坦rias ser達o dramatizadas usando m叩scaras e cen叩rios impressos do Picasa. A avalia巽達o ser叩 processual para acompanhar o desenvolvimento dos alunos.
The passage discusses the importance of summarization for processing large amounts of text data. It notes that automatic summarization systems aim to condense long documents into shorter summaries while maintaining the most important concepts and entities. The challenges of building such systems include identifying the most salient pieces of information, organizing them coherently, and presenting the summary using natural language.
Convenio colectivo de instalaciones deportivas 2006kirolkudeaketa
Este documento presenta el II Convenio Colectivo Estatal de Instalaciones Deportivas y Gimnasios. El convenio regula las condiciones laborales de las empresas que ofrecen servicios relacionados con el deporte y el ejercicio f鱈sico. El convenio establece disposiciones sobre su 叩mbito de aplicaci坦n, duraci坦n, comisi坦n paritaria, cl叩usulas salariales y m叩s.
Este documento discute diferentes perspectivas sobre el simbolismo. Critica las visiones ambiguas de Cassirer y Jung que confunden el simbolismo con otros fen坦menos culturales. Tambi辿n critica a Ricoeur por proponer una hermen辿utica del simbolismo que conduce a una metaf鱈sica religiosa. Finalmente analiza las posturas esot辿ricas de El鱈ade, Durand y Gu辿non que ven en el simbolismo un lenguaje para acceder a lo absoluto m叩s all叩 de la raz坦n.
Design and Analysis of Composite Propeller Blade for AircraftIJERA Editor
Fiber reinforced composites is used for twin blade propeller because of its high strength, low temperature applications. Fiber has to be oriented in the loading direction while designing the composite propeller blade. The blade geometry and design are more complex involving many controlling parameters. In the present work a methodology to design a composite propeller to analyze its strength and deformation using ANSYS software. The weight of the composite blade is reduced compared to wooden blade by adopting the shell model. The present work is to carryout the static analysis of composite propeller which is a combination CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics) and epoxy resin materials. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the composite blade over wooden stress analysis is performed on both the blades. To define the orientation and number of layers in the composite blade ANSYS classic software is used. From the results, the stresses of composite propeller obtained in static analysis are within the allowable stress limit. The deflection of the composite blade is less compared to the wooden blade.
Los principales instrumentos de la m炭sica caribe単a incluyen congas, bongos, steel drums, claves, maracas, g端iro, tiple de Puerto Rico y tamb炭 bamb炭 de Trinidad y Tobago.
O documento fornece instru巽探es passo-a-passo para montar um computador, come巽ando com a instala巽達o do dissipador e cooler na placa-m達e, em seguida adicionando o processador, mem坦ria RAM, placas de v鱈deo, rede e som, e por fim conectando os cabos e montando a torre.
La Organizaci坦n de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) es una organizaci坦n internacional fundada en 1945. Tiene como objetivo facilitar la cooperaci坦n entre pa鱈ses en asuntos como derechos humanos, paz y seguridad. Actualmente tiene 192 estados miembros y su sede principal se encuentra en Nueva York.
The document provides a list of notable landmarks and places of interest in and around the city of Erzurum, Turkey. It lists historical sites like the Yakutiye Madrasa, The Madrasa with Twin Minarets, and The Three Tombs. It also mentions natural attractions such as the Seven Lakes, Lake Tortum, and Tortum Waterfall. Additionally, it lists cultural attractions, including the obandere Bridge, Osk Vank Monastery, Hasankale Thermal Springs, and the Atat端rk House Museum.
Multi-Channel vs. Pure e-Play: Werden wir alle zu digitalen Non-Stop-Shoppern?Jochen Krisch
M叩s personas usan bombillas de bajo consumo porque aunque parecen caras inicialmente, pueden ahorrar hasta un 75% en electricidad a largo plazo y ayudar al medio ambiente. Las bombillas de bajo consumo tienen un casquillo de aluminio, un pl叩stico blando para la electricidad y un tubo fluorescente. La gente est叩 dejando de usar bombillas de alto consumo debido a iniciativas para reducir el crecimiento del consumo el辿ctrico y mitigar el cambio clim叩tico. La energ鱈a se usa en actividades cotidianas
O documento descreve um projeto para introduzir alunos ao mundo digital atrav辿s da conta巽達o e reconta巽達o de hist坦rias cl叩ssicas utilizando ferramentas digitais. Tr棚s contos ser達o estudados no YouTube, ilustrados no Paint, debatidos e reescritos no PowerPoint. As hist坦rias ser達o dramatizadas usando m叩scaras e cen叩rios impressos do Picasa. A avalia巽達o ser叩 processual para acompanhar o desenvolvimento dos alunos.
The passage discusses the importance of summarization for processing large amounts of text data. It notes that automatic summarization systems aim to condense long documents into shorter summaries while maintaining the most important concepts and entities. The challenges of building such systems include identifying the most salient pieces of information, organizing them coherently, and presenting the summary using natural language.
Convenio colectivo de instalaciones deportivas 2006kirolkudeaketa
Este documento presenta el II Convenio Colectivo Estatal de Instalaciones Deportivas y Gimnasios. El convenio regula las condiciones laborales de las empresas que ofrecen servicios relacionados con el deporte y el ejercicio f鱈sico. El convenio establece disposiciones sobre su 叩mbito de aplicaci坦n, duraci坦n, comisi坦n paritaria, cl叩usulas salariales y m叩s.
Este documento discute diferentes perspectivas sobre el simbolismo. Critica las visiones ambiguas de Cassirer y Jung que confunden el simbolismo con otros fen坦menos culturales. Tambi辿n critica a Ricoeur por proponer una hermen辿utica del simbolismo que conduce a una metaf鱈sica religiosa. Finalmente analiza las posturas esot辿ricas de El鱈ade, Durand y Gu辿non que ven en el simbolismo un lenguaje para acceder a lo absoluto m叩s all叩 de la raz坦n.
Design and Analysis of Composite Propeller Blade for AircraftIJERA Editor
Fiber reinforced composites is used for twin blade propeller because of its high strength, low temperature applications. Fiber has to be oriented in the loading direction while designing the composite propeller blade. The blade geometry and design are more complex involving many controlling parameters. In the present work a methodology to design a composite propeller to analyze its strength and deformation using ANSYS software. The weight of the composite blade is reduced compared to wooden blade by adopting the shell model. The present work is to carryout the static analysis of composite propeller which is a combination CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics) and epoxy resin materials. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the composite blade over wooden stress analysis is performed on both the blades. To define the orientation and number of layers in the composite blade ANSYS classic software is used. From the results, the stresses of composite propeller obtained in static analysis are within the allowable stress limit. The deflection of the composite blade is less compared to the wooden blade.
Los principales instrumentos de la m炭sica caribe単a incluyen congas, bongos, steel drums, claves, maracas, g端iro, tiple de Puerto Rico y tamb炭 bamb炭 de Trinidad y Tobago.
This document contains a collection of over 50 photographs pairing famous celebrities and public figures from various fields such as music, film, politics, and activism. Some of the pairings included are Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, Charlie Chaplin and Albert Einstein, Freddie Mercury and Jane Seymour, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, and John Lennon and Yoko Ono. The document credits the rare photos to a website and includes background music from Queen.
This document promotes Syria as a hub of civilization and culture with a diverse business field and exciting destinations across mountains, canyons, and fields. It notes that beyond infrastructure, Syria offers friendly people who are welcoming, helpful, and unmatched in hospitality. It concludes by asking to leave Syria alone since they do not have oil.
1187 what-happens-when-you-take-a-photo-at-the-right-angle-a-slideshowGIA VER
Taking photos at the right angle can produce interesting effects. This slideshow explores different angles for photography and how they can distort perspective and scale in photos. Viewers will see examples of photos taken at high, low, and sideways angles and how they manipulate what is shown in the frame.