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CBS 5\'s Nadine Toren
By Wendy RuBicam evans

                                                                 Photos By stePhanie heymann of

                                                                  thomPson image PhotogRaPhy

                                         Road                to the Top
                                             The newest addition to the CBS 5 Morning Team
                                                 is making herself at home in Scottsdale

           The 51The 101The BeelineThe San TanThe 17Durango                    for awhile and it will always have a piece of my heart. But this
           Curve....The Valleys newest traffic reporter has a lot to keep          hardworking pro had her sights set on the Phoenix news market
           straight these days, but CBS 5s Nadine Toren is happy to be learn-      and the prospect of putting down roots in Scottsdale, which
           ing the ropes live, on-air, and finding her way around the Valley.       reminds her in many ways of the town where she grew up in
                 The California girl arrived in Scottsdale in early August, and     California. I loved where I grew up in Los Gatos, she shares.
           was on-air just five days after leaving her job as a video jour-         Scottsdale is very parallel to that. The lifestyle here is good,
           nalist in San Diego. She says, San Diego was greatdont get            and its solid. I want a lot with my career and I want a lot person-
           me wrong, I did stories on the beach in flip flops. It was home          ally, and I feel like its a really good match up here for both.

           64   So Scottsdale!   November 2010

SS_64_67Nadine_Nov10.indd 64                                                                                                                      10/11/10 12:28:37 PM
tor, anchor, producer and reporter. As
                                                                                                            a reporter, you shoot, you edit, you
                                                                                                            writeso you have all of these skills.
                                                                                                            You are expected to do it all these
                                                                                                            days, she explains. She produces her
                                                                                                            own traffic segments on KPHO, and is
                                                                                                            thankful for the help she has received
                                                                                                            from viewers who give her the local
                                                                                                            perspective on Valley commuting.
                                                                                                                  Trust me, I do study maps, I do
                                                                                                            drive around. I get lost on purpose,
                                                                                                            she jokes. But Im learning it live.
                                                                                                            I produce every day and I need to
                                                                                                            make sure my facts are correct, or
                                                                                                            youre going to stumble upon an
                                                                                                            accident you werent aware of.
                                                                                                                  Traffic reporting seems like a
                                                                                                            natural fit for a girl who is passionate
                                                                                                            about travel. One of the things Toren
                                                                                                            loves about living in Scottsdale is the
                                                                                                            huge variety of great day trips and
                                                                                                            nearby destinations to explore. Shes
                                                                                                            hoping to develop a series of on-air
                                                                                                            segments partnered with an online
                                                                                                            blog for CBS 5 that will reintroduce
                                                                                                            Arizona to Arizonans. She wants
                                                                                                            to be your go-to girl for day trips,
                                                                                                            weekend getaways on a budget, and
                                                                                                            unique staycations. There are gems
                                                                                                            everywhere you look, and theres a
                                                                                                            lot to do. There are always things you
                                                                                                            might overlook, she says.
                                                                                                                  Toren describes her on-air style
                                                                                                            as professional and classy, with edge
                                                                                                            and sass and hopes her true person-
                                                                                                            ality shines through to viewers.
                                                                                                                  At 4:30 in the morning, when
                                                                                                            everythings still green and youre
                Some of the experiences that shaped her view of all that        moving along just fine, I like to have fun with the viewers, she
           Scottsdale has to offer were coming into town for the Waste          shares. So I hope what people get from me is a very positive,
           Management Phoenix Open, Spring Training and the Scottsdale          upbeat personality that they enjoy waking up to.
           Culinary Festival. Its no surprise that it seemed like a fabulous        She loves being a part of her new morning team and jokingly
           place to settle down, and she hasnt been disappointed in her        says that anyone working on a morning show has to be a certain
           decision to leave the sand and surf behind.                          kind of crazy person.
                You fear adjusting, she says. But its been so natural and        Ive worked every shift there is from morning, day-side
           easy, and the communitys been so welcoming, the stations           to night-side and I think a morning show has such a unique
           been so supportive, and the viewers have been so kind, so Ive       energy. I get to have fun every day, she admits.
           been lucky.                                                              As she settles into her role on the morning team, she
                As a young news professional, Toren has not only a degree       reflects on one of her core beliefs, I believe in forming com-
           in Radio and Television Broadcasting, but has worked in almost       munity and family wherever you go, and Im in the process of
           every aspect of TV news. She has worked as an assignment edi-        doing that here.

           66   So Scottsdale!   November 2010

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Although friendships in the news profession can be short-       SCOTTSDALE BRIEFS
           lived due to relocations and job changes, Toren is determined
           to maintain the bonds she has made through her work. I have             Dear Ashley:
           a lot of people who took me under their wing immediately, she             My boyfriend and I recently broke up,
           shares, adding, You always stay in touch with the people who            and he will not stop texting, calling, and
           have been good to you.                                                  e-mailing me. I have seen him drive by my
                 Toren says she has learned volumes from the professionals          house a few times as well. How can I get
           shes worked with and is thrilled with the feedback and support          him to leave me alone?
           shes already experienced at CBS 5, and wants to continue her
           career growth at the station.                                            Arizona law de鍖nes Harassment as:
                 The forward-thinking reporter is excited about being a part        1) Contacting, communicating, or causing a
           of what she describes as the stations technological transition,       communication with another person by verbal,
           and she especially enjoys the way social media is allowing her to        electronic, mechanical, telegraphic, telephonic,
           interact with viewers every day. We have a very interactive news-       or means in a manner that harasses;
           cast in the morning. I propose traffic questions and people tweet        2) Continuing to follow another person in a
           in at 4:30 in the morningits unbelievable! she exclaims.              public place for no legitimate reason;
                 She dedicates time every morning to Facebook and                   3) Repeatedly committing acts that harass
           Twitter, allowing viewers to request information on certain traffic      another person; 4) surveilling a person for no
           areas and just stay in touch. It makes the job more enjoyable,          legitimate purpose; or 5) Making a false report to
           at least for me. And I think it makes it work better. Youre really      law enforcement on more than one occasion.
           giving the viewers what they want to know in addition to what            A person who is being harassed may 鍖le a
           they need to know, she explains.                                        Petition with the Scottsdale Justice Court to
                 She feels that as the news continues to evolve online that         have an Injunction Against Harassment issued
           it will be catering to a younger audience that is an important           against the offending party. This injunction,
           demographic. Although Toren believes that social media is the            among other things, prohibits the harasser from
           new trend in news, she says it goes hand-in-hand with televi-            contacting the victim. The Petition must include
           sion news.                                                               a statement of what has occurred, including
                 Nothing will ever replace watching the news in bed, or            dates and details, and the offenders name and
           waking up and having it on when youre eating breakfast, she            address. The Court will hold a short hearing and
           says, adding with a smile, I mean, TVs are only getting bigger          decide whether a temporary injunction should
           and flatter and better.                                                 issue. If one is issued, the Order must be served
                 Toren describes her off-air personality as fun and out-            upon the person against whom the Injunction has
           doorsyshe isnt one to sit around, but would rather be out              issued. It is always best, in these situations, to
           hiking Camelback or going from a Spring Training game to an              have a professional process server get involved.
           Old Town hot spot with friends.
                                                                                    Once served, the offender
                 Its fun exploring new areas. Theyre becoming like sec-
                                                                                    has a right to a hearing, at
           ond nature to me, she says. Its easy to feel at home here.
                                                                                    which both sides can present
                 Like any young woman in Scottsdale, Fashion Square is a
                                                                                    evidence. At that time, the
           favorite spot, although the practical girl on a budget frequents
                                                                                    Court will decide whether a
           designer discount stores for the mainstays of her wardrobe.
                                                                                    permanent injunction will issue.
           Whenever Im bored I go to Fashion Square, which is probably
                                                                                    These injunctions are only in
           the worst place for me to go, because I dont believe in walking
                                                                                    effect for one year.
           through a mall without holding a bag, she jokes.
                 The more she sees of Scottsdale, the more she likes. Its                                             Ashley D. Adams
           well maintained and well taken care of. The people who live
           here care about the area. Its family-oriented but theres still a
           spice about it, she says.
                 Torens hopes for the future include a balance of career,
           love and family, but for now, as she embarks on her new life in             8245 North 85th Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85258
                                                                                       Of鍖ce: (480) 219-1366 Cell: (602) 524-3801
           Scottsdale, you can be sure that this dynamic girl will be add-
                                                                                 Facsimile: (480) 219-1451 aadams@ashleyadamsplc.com
           ing to that spice.                                                                     www.ashleyadamsplc.com

                                                                                                           November 2010     So Scottsdale!     67

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CBS 5\'s Nadine Toren

  • 2. By Wendy RuBicam evans Photos By stePhanie heymann of thomPson image PhotogRaPhy Road to the Top The newest addition to the CBS 5 Morning Team is making herself at home in Scottsdale The 51The 101The BeelineThe San TanThe 17Durango for awhile and it will always have a piece of my heart. But this Curve....The Valleys newest traffic reporter has a lot to keep hardworking pro had her sights set on the Phoenix news market straight these days, but CBS 5s Nadine Toren is happy to be learn- and the prospect of putting down roots in Scottsdale, which ing the ropes live, on-air, and finding her way around the Valley. reminds her in many ways of the town where she grew up in The California girl arrived in Scottsdale in early August, and California. I loved where I grew up in Los Gatos, she shares. was on-air just five days after leaving her job as a video jour- Scottsdale is very parallel to that. The lifestyle here is good, nalist in San Diego. She says, San Diego was greatdont get and its solid. I want a lot with my career and I want a lot person- me wrong, I did stories on the beach in flip flops. It was home ally, and I feel like its a really good match up here for both. 64 So Scottsdale! November 2010 SS_64_67Nadine_Nov10.indd 64 10/11/10 12:28:37 PM
  • 3. tor, anchor, producer and reporter. As a reporter, you shoot, you edit, you writeso you have all of these skills. You are expected to do it all these days, she explains. She produces her own traffic segments on KPHO, and is thankful for the help she has received from viewers who give her the local perspective on Valley commuting. Trust me, I do study maps, I do drive around. I get lost on purpose, she jokes. But Im learning it live. I produce every day and I need to make sure my facts are correct, or youre going to stumble upon an accident you werent aware of. Traffic reporting seems like a natural fit for a girl who is passionate about travel. One of the things Toren loves about living in Scottsdale is the huge variety of great day trips and nearby destinations to explore. Shes hoping to develop a series of on-air segments partnered with an online blog for CBS 5 that will reintroduce Arizona to Arizonans. She wants to be your go-to girl for day trips, weekend getaways on a budget, and unique staycations. There are gems everywhere you look, and theres a lot to do. There are always things you might overlook, she says. Toren describes her on-air style as professional and classy, with edge and sass and hopes her true person- ality shines through to viewers. At 4:30 in the morning, when everythings still green and youre Some of the experiences that shaped her view of all that moving along just fine, I like to have fun with the viewers, she Scottsdale has to offer were coming into town for the Waste shares. So I hope what people get from me is a very positive, Management Phoenix Open, Spring Training and the Scottsdale upbeat personality that they enjoy waking up to. Culinary Festival. Its no surprise that it seemed like a fabulous She loves being a part of her new morning team and jokingly place to settle down, and she hasnt been disappointed in her says that anyone working on a morning show has to be a certain decision to leave the sand and surf behind. kind of crazy person. You fear adjusting, she says. But its been so natural and Ive worked every shift there is from morning, day-side easy, and the communitys been so welcoming, the stations to night-side and I think a morning show has such a unique been so supportive, and the viewers have been so kind, so Ive energy. I get to have fun every day, she admits. been lucky. As she settles into her role on the morning team, she As a young news professional, Toren has not only a degree reflects on one of her core beliefs, I believe in forming com- in Radio and Television Broadcasting, but has worked in almost munity and family wherever you go, and Im in the process of every aspect of TV news. She has worked as an assignment edi- doing that here. 66 So Scottsdale! November 2010 SS_64_67Nadine_Nov10.indd 66 10/11/10 12:29:08 PM
  • 4. Although friendships in the news profession can be short- SCOTTSDALE BRIEFS lived due to relocations and job changes, Toren is determined to maintain the bonds she has made through her work. I have Dear Ashley: a lot of people who took me under their wing immediately, she My boyfriend and I recently broke up, shares, adding, You always stay in touch with the people who and he will not stop texting, calling, and have been good to you. e-mailing me. I have seen him drive by my Toren says she has learned volumes from the professionals house a few times as well. How can I get shes worked with and is thrilled with the feedback and support him to leave me alone? shes already experienced at CBS 5, and wants to continue her career growth at the station. Arizona law de鍖nes Harassment as: The forward-thinking reporter is excited about being a part 1) Contacting, communicating, or causing a of what she describes as the stations technological transition, communication with another person by verbal, and she especially enjoys the way social media is allowing her to electronic, mechanical, telegraphic, telephonic, interact with viewers every day. We have a very interactive news- or means in a manner that harasses; cast in the morning. I propose traffic questions and people tweet 2) Continuing to follow another person in a in at 4:30 in the morningits unbelievable! she exclaims. public place for no legitimate reason; She dedicates time every morning to Facebook and 3) Repeatedly committing acts that harass Twitter, allowing viewers to request information on certain traffic another person; 4) surveilling a person for no areas and just stay in touch. It makes the job more enjoyable, legitimate purpose; or 5) Making a false report to at least for me. And I think it makes it work better. Youre really law enforcement on more than one occasion. giving the viewers what they want to know in addition to what A person who is being harassed may 鍖le a they need to know, she explains. Petition with the Scottsdale Justice Court to She feels that as the news continues to evolve online that have an Injunction Against Harassment issued it will be catering to a younger audience that is an important against the offending party. This injunction, demographic. Although Toren believes that social media is the among other things, prohibits the harasser from new trend in news, she says it goes hand-in-hand with televi- contacting the victim. The Petition must include sion news. a statement of what has occurred, including Nothing will ever replace watching the news in bed, or dates and details, and the offenders name and waking up and having it on when youre eating breakfast, she address. The Court will hold a short hearing and says, adding with a smile, I mean, TVs are only getting bigger decide whether a temporary injunction should and flatter and better. issue. If one is issued, the Order must be served Toren describes her off-air personality as fun and out- upon the person against whom the Injunction has doorsyshe isnt one to sit around, but would rather be out issued. It is always best, in these situations, to hiking Camelback or going from a Spring Training game to an have a professional process server get involved. Old Town hot spot with friends. Once served, the offender Its fun exploring new areas. Theyre becoming like sec- has a right to a hearing, at ond nature to me, she says. Its easy to feel at home here. which both sides can present Like any young woman in Scottsdale, Fashion Square is a evidence. At that time, the favorite spot, although the practical girl on a budget frequents Court will decide whether a designer discount stores for the mainstays of her wardrobe. permanent injunction will issue. Whenever Im bored I go to Fashion Square, which is probably These injunctions are only in the worst place for me to go, because I dont believe in walking effect for one year. through a mall without holding a bag, she jokes. The more she sees of Scottsdale, the more she likes. Its Ashley D. Adams well maintained and well taken care of. The people who live here care about the area. Its family-oriented but theres still a spice about it, she says. Torens hopes for the future include a balance of career, love and family, but for now, as she embarks on her new life in 8245 North 85th Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Of鍖ce: (480) 219-1366 Cell: (602) 524-3801 Scottsdale, you can be sure that this dynamic girl will be add- Facsimile: (480) 219-1451 aadams@ashleyadamsplc.com ing to that spice. www.ashleyadamsplc.com November 2010 So Scottsdale! 67 SS_64_67Nadine_Nov10.indd 67 10/11/10 12:29:08 PM