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Marcelo Correia Pinheiro
Monday, July 15, 13
 Reactor Pattern / Actor Model revisited
Monday, July 15, 13
 Event Handling for concurrent requests
 X inputs are combined to a single channel
 Single channel is converted to X inputs
 Aka Synchronous Event Loop
Monday, July 15, 13
 Dispatch resources from Demultiplexer to related request
 Request Handler
 An app that handles request
Monday, July 15, 13
 Carl Hewitt paper from 1973
 Mathematical model of Concurrent Computation
 Known 鍖rst languages:
 Cosmic Cube
 Most popular implementation: Erlang
Monday, July 15, 13
 Actor is a entity that interact with other actors sending /
receiving messages (mailbox)
 Each actor runs as a independent process
 No shared state
Monday, July 15, 13
 Ruby Actor Model implementation
 Created byTony Arcieri - @bascule
 Need Fibers support
 MRI 1.9
 Rubinius / JRuby with 1.9 mode enabled
 Use. Only.Thread. Safe. Libs. For.Your. Sanity.
 Heavily inspired on Erlang concurrency approach
Monday, July 15, 13
 Automatic Synchronization
 Dont worry with semaphores / mutex, Celluloid manages :)
 Remember: each actor runs in a thread
 Method dispatch using Fibers
 If method call other actors, Fiber is suspended until call chain
returns something
 Example: I/O waiting
Monday, July 15, 13
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-
require 'celluloid'
class FredFlinstone
include Celluloid
def scream(to)
@scream = "#{to}#{to[-1] * 10}"
@screamed_at = Time.now
def resume
"Screamed [#{@scream}] at #{@screamed_at}"
Monday, July 15, 13
irb(main):001:0> fred = FredFlinstone.new
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(FredFlinstone:0x9cd7cc)>
irb(main):002:0> fred.async.scream "Wilma"
=> nil
irb(main):003:0> fred.resume
=> "Screamed [Wilmaaaaaaaaaaa] at 2013-07-10 23:01:29 -0300"
Monday, July 15, 13
 Erlang philosophy: let it crash
 Celluloid handles crashed actors with these mechanisms:
 Supervision groups
Monday, July 15, 13
 How actors crash? Simple: unhandled exceptions
 Warning #1: async calls that raises an error crashes the message
receiver; posterior calls NOT RAISES ANYTHING.
 Warning #2: actors spawns a nativeThread, that are not
automatically cleaned by GC; you *must* explicitly terminate
them if not crashed.
 Supervise to the rescue
Monday, July 15, 13
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-
require 'celluloid'
class Devops
include Celluloid
def initialize(name)
@name = name
def up_to_no_good
@bad_cmd = 'rm-f /'
@command = `#{@bad_cmd}`,
@executed_at = Time.now
Monday, July 15, 13
irb(main):001:0> supervisor = Devops.supervise "@salizzar"
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(Celluloid::SupervisionGroup:0x91e6b4) (...)
irb(main):002:0> salizzar = supervisor.actors.first
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(Devops:0x907c84) @name="@salizzar">
irb(main):003:0> salizzar.async.up_to_no_good
=> nil
E, [2013-07-10T23:26:54.507455 #2467] ERROR -- : Devops crashed!
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - rm-f /
! /vagrant/examples/supervisor.rb:14:in ``'
! /vagrant/examples/supervisor.rb:14:in `up_to_no_good'
! (...)
irb(main):004:0> salizzar
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(Devops) dead>
irb(main):005:0> salizzar.terminate
Celluloid::DeadActorError: actor already terminated
irb(main):006:0> salizzar = supervisor.actors.first
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(Devops:0x4e99b8) @name="@salizzar">
Monday, July 15, 13
 Supervision Groups
 Supervise many actors at once
 Able to supervise other groups too
 You can create pools of supervised actors
 Transparent GC cleaning (automatic terminate all supervised
Monday, July 15, 13
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-
require 'celluloid'
class EyeOfSauron < Celluloid::SupervisionGroup
supervise FredFlinstone, as: :fred
pool Devops, as: :devops_pool
Monday, July 15, 13
irb(main):001:0> eye_of_sauron = EyeOfSauron.run!
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(EyeOfSauron:0xecaab8)
irb(main):002:0> fred = Celluloid::Actor[:fred]
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(FredFlinstone:0xec39d4)>
irb(main):003:0> devops = Celluloid::Actor[:devops_pool]
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(Devops:0xe3f0e4) @name="hipster">
Monday, July 15, 13
 Suppose that you have two interdependent actors and want
to be noti鍖ed if one fails
 Association by linking actor that commonly dies and the
receiver enables a simple callback when failure occurs
 Very useful to terminate broken actors manually
Monday, July 15, 13
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-
require 'celluloid'
class RobertoBaggio
include Celluloid
class KickedFarAwayError < StandardError; end
def kick_penalty
raise KickedFarAwayError, "OH MAMMA MIA! :'("
Monday, July 15, 13
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-
require 'celluloid'
class GalvaoBueno
include Celluloid
trap_exit :penalty_kick
def penalty_kick(player, reason)
puts "#{player.inspect} will kick and... #{reason.class}!"
2.times { puts "ACABOOOOOOU! "; sleep(1) }
3.times { puts "EH TETRAAAA! "; sleep(1) }
Monday, July 15, 13
irb(main):001:0> galvao = GalvaoBueno.new
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(GalvaoBueno:0x12e6aac)>
irb(main):002:0> baggio = RobertoBaggio.new
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(RobertoBaggio:0x1312e68)>
irb(main):003:0> galvao.link baggio
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(RobertoBaggio:0x1312e68)>
irb(main):004:0> baggio.async.kick_penalty
=> nil
E, [2013-07-11T00:05:36.212336 #2586] ERROR -- : RobertoBaggio crashed!
RobertoBaggio::KickedFarAwayError: OH MAMMA MIA! :'(
! /vagrant/examples/baggio.rb:11:in `kick_penalty'
! (...)
#<Celluloid::ActorProxy(RobertoBaggio) dead> will kick and...
Monday, July 15, 13
 Kind of lazy computation: request a future on method call
and only execute it when needed
 When value is required, Celluloid internal threadpool
executes method synchronously and returns the result
 Transparent error raising
 No need to explicitly clean up pool, let GC work
Monday, July 15, 13
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-
require 'celluloid'
require 'restclient'
class LazyConsumer
include Celluloid
def retrieve
Monday, July 15, 13
irb(main):001:0> consumer = LazyConsumer.new
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(LazyConsumer:0x12f4210)>
irb(main):002:0> future = consumer.future.retrieve
=> #<Celluloid::Future:0x000000025957e8>
irb(main):003:0> future.value
=> "<!DOCTYPE html>n<html dir="ltr" lang="pt-BR">n<head>nt <meta http-
equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />n <meta name=
"robots" content="index, follow" />n

Monday, July 15, 13
 You can de鍖ne a pool of actors (ORLY?);
 Default size: cores available on machine (Celluloid.cores)
 Delegates method call to a worker on pool to execute it
 Not sooo great due for GIL on MRI, but is OK when you have async I/O :)
 Main tips:
 Synchronous calls if concurrent access to a resource (via Actor.<#method> or
 Asynchronous calls if parallel computation (via Actor.async.<#method>)
Monday, July 15, 13
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-
require 'celluloid'
require 'restclient'
class LazyConsumer
include Celluloid
def retrieve
Monday, July 15, 13
irb(main):001:0> Celluloid::Actor.all.size
=> 0
irb(main):002:0> consumer = LazyConsumer.pool size: 4
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(LazyConsumer:0xc69bc0)>
irb(main):003:0> Celluloid::Actor.all.size
=> 5
Monday, July 15, 13
 Celluloid plus Evented I/O = Celluloid::IO
 Celluloid with steroids =P
 Uses nio4r (libev native extension) as a Reactor to manage
Celluloid Actor Mailboxes
 Great with most-idle connections (sockets, websockets and
 Multiplex message processing and I/O in a transparent way
Monday, July 15, 13
Monday, July 15, 13
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-
require 'celluloid/io'
class WhoisServer
include Celluloid::IO
def initialize(host, port)
@server = TCPServer.new host, port
def start ; run ; end
def stop ; @server.close if @server ; end
def run ; loop { async.handle_connection @server.accept } ; end
def handle_connection(socket)
_, port, host = socket.peeraddr
domain_id = socket.read.strip
socket.write("I received a query to #{domain_id} at #{Time.now}n")
Monday, July 15, 13
irb(main):001:0> ws = WhoisServer.new '', 4343
=> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(WhoisServer:0xa2f404)
@server=#<Celluloid::IO::TCPServer:0x00000001652358 @server=#<TCPServer:fd 10>>>
irb(main):002:0> ws.async.start
=> nil
vagrant@vagrant-debian-wheezy:~$ whois -h localhost -p 4343 xalala.com.br
I received a query to xelele.com.br at 2013-07-11 01:00:17 -0300
vagrant@vagrant-debian-wheezy:~$ whois -h localhost -p 4343 xirubiru.com.br
I received a query to xirubiru.com.br at 2013-07-11 01:01:09 -0300
Monday, July 15, 13
 Distributed Ruby (wat) objects as network services
 DCell != DRb (Distributed Ruby)
 DRb comes with Ruby STDLIB
 Ruby speci鍖c, not interoperatable with CORBA, RMI, etc
 DCell is built on top of Celluloid::ZMQ
 MQ protocol implementation with Celluloid Actors
Monday, July 15, 13
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-
# example from https://github.com/celluloid/dcell :)
require 'dcell'
DCell.start id: 'itchy', addr: 'tcp://'
class Itchy
include Celluloid
def initialize
puts "Ready for mayhem!"
@n = 0
def fight
@n = (@n % 6) + 1
puts(@n <= 3 ? "Bite!" : "Fight!")
Itchy.supervise_as :itchy ; sleep
Monday, July 15, 13
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-
# example from https://github.com/celluloid/dcell :)
require 'dcell'
DCell.start id: 'scratchy', addr: 'tcp://'
itchy_node = DCell::Node['itchy']
puts "Fighting itchy! (check itchy's output)"
6.times do
sleep 1
Monday, July 15, 13
 Celluloid::IO web server powered
 Similar syntax to EventMachine
 And, of course, weird and potentially ugly after some time
 Rack support is experimental
 Good with websockets
 Not so fast:
 Goliath < Reel <<<<Thin <<< Node.js
Monday, July 15, 13
 Lets show code from https://github.com/salizzar/reel-example
Monday, July 15, 13
 Great opportunity to create a DCell similar gem using AMQP
 Stable Rack support for Reel
 Not sure, low usage at this time
 Other wrappers are welcome
 Celluloid::Redis is a great example
 Celluloid wrap != EventMachine wrap
 Use Dependency Injection API (if possible) to wrap sockets with
Celluloid::IO instead of STDLIB sockets
Monday, July 15, 13
 Questions are free as beer :)
Monday, July 15, 13
Monday, July 15, 13

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Celluloid, Celluloid::IO and Friends

  • 1. CELLULOID, CELLULOID::IO AND FRIENDS Marcelo Correia Pinheiro @salizzar Monday, July 15, 13
  • 2. TOPICS Reactor Pattern / Actor Model revisited Celluloid Celluloid::IO DCell Reel #TODO Monday, July 15, 13
  • 3. REACTOR PATTERN REVISITED Event Handling for concurrent requests Multiplex X inputs are combined to a single channel Demultiplex Single channel is converted to X inputs Aka Synchronous Event Loop Monday, July 15, 13
  • 4. REACTOR PATTERN REVISITED Dispatcher Dispatch resources from Demultiplexer to related request handler Request Handler An app that handles request Monday, July 15, 13
  • 5. ACTOR MODEL REVISITED Carl Hewitt paper from 1973 Mathematical model of Concurrent Computation Known 鍖rst languages: Cosmic Cube J-Machine Most popular implementation: Erlang Monday, July 15, 13
  • 6. ACTOR MODEL REVISITED Actor is a entity that interact with other actors sending / receiving messages (mailbox) Each actor runs as a independent process No shared state Monday, July 15, 13
  • 7. CELLULOID Ruby Actor Model implementation Created byTony Arcieri - @bascule Need Fibers support MRI 1.9 Rubinius / JRuby with 1.9 mode enabled Use. Only.Thread. Safe. Libs. For.Your. Sanity. Heavily inspired on Erlang concurrency approach Monday, July 15, 13
  • 8. CELLULOID Automatic Synchronization Dont worry with semaphores / mutex, Celluloid manages :) Remember: each actor runs in a thread Method dispatch using Fibers If method call other actors, Fiber is suspended until call chain returns something Example: I/O waiting Monday, July 15, 13
  • 9. CELLULOID # -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- require 'celluloid' class FredFlinstone include Celluloid def scream(to) @scream = "#{to}#{to[-1] * 10}" @screamed_at = Time.now end def resume "Screamed [#{@scream}] at #{@screamed_at}" end end Monday, July 15, 13
  • 10. CELLULOID irb(main):001:0> fred = FredFlinstone.new => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(FredFlinstone:0x9cd7cc)> irb(main):002:0> fred.async.scream "Wilma" => nil irb(main):003:0> fred.resume => "Screamed [Wilmaaaaaaaaaaa] at 2013-07-10 23:01:29 -0300" Monday, July 15, 13
  • 11. CELLULOID Fault-tolerance Erlang philosophy: let it crash Celluloid handles crashed actors with these mechanisms: Supervisors Supervision groups Linking Monday, July 15, 13
  • 12. CELLULOID Supervisors How actors crash? Simple: unhandled exceptions Warning #1: async calls that raises an error crashes the message receiver; posterior calls NOT RAISES ANYTHING. Warning #2: actors spawns a nativeThread, that are not automatically cleaned by GC; you *must* explicitly terminate them if not crashed. Supervise to the rescue Monday, July 15, 13
  • 13. CELLULOID # -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- require 'celluloid' class Devops include Celluloid def initialize(name) @name = name end def up_to_no_good @bad_cmd = 'rm-f /' @command = `#{@bad_cmd}`, @executed_at = Time.now end end Monday, July 15, 13
  • 14. CELLULOID irb(main):001:0> supervisor = Devops.supervise "@salizzar" => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(Celluloid::SupervisionGroup:0x91e6b4) (...) irb(main):002:0> salizzar = supervisor.actors.first => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(Devops:0x907c84) @name="@salizzar"> irb(main):003:0> salizzar.async.up_to_no_good => nil E, [2013-07-10T23:26:54.507455 #2467] ERROR -- : Devops crashed! Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - rm-f / ! /vagrant/examples/supervisor.rb:14:in ``' ! /vagrant/examples/supervisor.rb:14:in `up_to_no_good' ! (...) irb(main):004:0> salizzar => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(Devops) dead> irb(main):005:0> salizzar.terminate Celluloid::DeadActorError: actor already terminated (...) irb(main):006:0> salizzar = supervisor.actors.first => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(Devops:0x4e99b8) @name="@salizzar"> Monday, July 15, 13
  • 15. CELLULOID Supervision Groups Supervise many actors at once Able to supervise other groups too You can create pools of supervised actors Transparent GC cleaning (automatic terminate all supervised actors) Monday, July 15, 13
  • 16. CELLULOID # -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- require 'celluloid' class EyeOfSauron < Celluloid::SupervisionGroup supervise FredFlinstone, as: :fred pool Devops, as: :devops_pool end Monday, July 15, 13
  • 17. CELLULOID irb(main):001:0> eye_of_sauron = EyeOfSauron.run! => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(EyeOfSauron:0xecaab8) @members=[#<Celluloid::SupervisionGroup::Member:0x00000001d89720 (...) irb(main):002:0> fred = Celluloid::Actor[:fred] => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(FredFlinstone:0xec39d4)> irb(main):003:0> devops = Celluloid::Actor[:devops_pool] => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(Devops:0xe3f0e4) @name="hipster"> irb(main):004:0> Monday, July 15, 13
  • 18. CELLULOID Linking Suppose that you have two interdependent actors and want to be noti鍖ed if one fails Association by linking actor that commonly dies and the receiver enables a simple callback when failure occurs Very useful to terminate broken actors manually Monday, July 15, 13
  • 19. CELLULOID # -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- require 'celluloid' class RobertoBaggio include Celluloid class KickedFarAwayError < StandardError; end def kick_penalty raise KickedFarAwayError, "OH MAMMA MIA! :'(" end end Monday, July 15, 13
  • 20. CELLULOID # -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- require 'celluloid' class GalvaoBueno include Celluloid trap_exit :penalty_kick def penalty_kick(player, reason) puts "#{player.inspect} will kick and... #{reason.class}!" 2.times { puts "ACABOOOOOOU! "; sleep(1) } 3.times { puts "EH TETRAAAA! "; sleep(1) } end end Monday, July 15, 13
  • 21. CELLULOID irb(main):001:0> galvao = GalvaoBueno.new => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(GalvaoBueno:0x12e6aac)> irb(main):002:0> baggio = RobertoBaggio.new => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(RobertoBaggio:0x1312e68)> irb(main):003:0> galvao.link baggio => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(RobertoBaggio:0x1312e68)> irb(main):004:0> baggio.async.kick_penalty => nil E, [2013-07-11T00:05:36.212336 #2586] ERROR -- : RobertoBaggio crashed! RobertoBaggio::KickedFarAwayError: OH MAMMA MIA! :'( ! /vagrant/examples/baggio.rb:11:in `kick_penalty' ! (...) irb(main):005:0> #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(RobertoBaggio) dead> will kick and... RobertoBaggio::KickedFarAwayError! ACABOOOOOOU! ACABOOOOOOU! EH TETRAAAA! EH TETRAAAA! EH TETRAAAA! Monday, July 15, 13
  • 22. CELLULOID Futures Kind of lazy computation: request a future on method call and only execute it when needed When value is required, Celluloid internal threadpool executes method synchronously and returns the result Transparent error raising No need to explicitly clean up pool, let GC work Monday, July 15, 13
  • 23. CELLULOID # -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- require 'celluloid' require 'restclient' class LazyConsumer include Celluloid def retrieve RestClient.get('http://www.locaweb.com.br').body end end Monday, July 15, 13
  • 24. CELLULOID irb(main):001:0> consumer = LazyConsumer.new => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(LazyConsumer:0x12f4210)> irb(main):002:0> future = consumer.future.retrieve => #<Celluloid::Future:0x000000025957e8> irb(main):003:0> future.value => "<!DOCTYPE html>n<html dir="ltr" lang="pt-BR">n<head>nt <meta http- equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />n <meta name= "robots" content="index, follow" />n (...) Monday, July 15, 13
  • 25. CELLULOID Pools You can de鍖ne a pool of actors (ORLY?); Default size: cores available on machine (Celluloid.cores) Delegates method call to a worker on pool to execute it Not sooo great due for GIL on MRI, but is OK when you have async I/O :) Main tips: Synchronous calls if concurrent access to a resource (via Actor.<#method> or Actor.future.<#method>) Asynchronous calls if parallel computation (via Actor.async.<#method>) Monday, July 15, 13
  • 26. CELLULOID # -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- require 'celluloid' require 'restclient' class LazyConsumer include Celluloid def retrieve RestClient.get('http://www.locaweb.com.br').body end end Monday, July 15, 13
  • 27. CELLULOID irb(main):001:0> Celluloid::Actor.all.size => 0 irb(main):002:0> consumer = LazyConsumer.pool size: 4 => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(LazyConsumer:0xc69bc0)> irb(main):003:0> Celluloid::Actor.all.size => 5 Monday, July 15, 13
  • 28. CELLULOID::IO Celluloid plus Evented I/O = Celluloid::IO Celluloid with steroids =P Uses nio4r (libev native extension) as a Reactor to manage Celluloid Actor Mailboxes Great with most-idle connections (sockets, websockets and friends) Multiplex message processing and I/O in a transparent way Monday, July 15, 13
  • 29. CELLULOID::IO Stream-based: Celluloid::IO::TCPSocket Celluloid::IO::UnixSocket Celluloid::IO::TCPServer Celluloid::IO::UnixServer SSL Celluloid::IO::SSLSocket Celluloid::IO::SSLServer UDP Celluloid::IO::UDPSocket Monday, July 15, 13
  • 30. CELLULOID::IO # -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- require 'celluloid/io' class WhoisServer include Celluloid::IO def initialize(host, port) @server = TCPServer.new host, port end def start ; run ; end def stop ; @server.close if @server ; end def run ; loop { async.handle_connection @server.accept } ; end def handle_connection(socket) _, port, host = socket.peeraddr domain_id = socket.read.strip socket.write("I received a query to #{domain_id} at #{Time.now}n") ensure socket.close end end Monday, July 15, 13
  • 31. CELLULOID::IO irb(main):001:0> ws = WhoisServer.new '', 4343 => #<Celluloid::ActorProxy(WhoisServer:0xa2f404) @server=#<Celluloid::IO::TCPServer:0x00000001652358 @server=#<TCPServer:fd 10>>> irb(main):002:0> ws.async.start => nil vagrant@vagrant-debian-wheezy:~$ whois -h localhost -p 4343 xalala.com.br I received a query to xelele.com.br at 2013-07-11 01:00:17 -0300 vagrant@vagrant-debian-wheezy:~$ whois -h localhost -p 4343 xirubiru.com.br I received a query to xirubiru.com.br at 2013-07-11 01:01:09 -0300 Monday, July 15, 13
  • 32. DCELL Distributed Ruby (wat) objects as network services DCell != DRb (Distributed Ruby) DRb comes with Ruby STDLIB Ruby speci鍖c, not interoperatable with CORBA, RMI, etc DCell is built on top of Celluloid::ZMQ MQ protocol implementation with Celluloid Actors Monday, July 15, 13
  • 33. DCELL # -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- # example from https://github.com/celluloid/dcell :) require 'dcell' DCell.start id: 'itchy', addr: 'tcp://' class Itchy include Celluloid def initialize puts "Ready for mayhem!" @n = 0 end def fight @n = (@n % 6) + 1 puts(@n <= 3 ? "Bite!" : "Fight!") end end Itchy.supervise_as :itchy ; sleep Monday, July 15, 13
  • 34. DCELL # -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- # example from https://github.com/celluloid/dcell :) require 'dcell' DCell.start id: 'scratchy', addr: 'tcp://' itchy_node = DCell::Node['itchy'] puts "Fighting itchy! (check itchy's output)" 6.times do itchy_node[:itchy].fight sleep 1 end Monday, July 15, 13
  • 35. REEL Celluloid::IO web server powered Similar syntax to EventMachine And, of course, weird and potentially ugly after some time Rack support is experimental Good with websockets Not so fast: Goliath < Reel <<<<Thin <<< Node.js Monday, July 15, 13
  • 36. REEL Lets show code from https://github.com/salizzar/reel-example Monday, July 15, 13
  • 37. #TODO Great opportunity to create a DCell similar gem using AMQP Stable Rack support for Reel Not sure, low usage at this time Other wrappers are welcome Celluloid::Redis is a great example Celluloid wrap != EventMachine wrap Use Dependency Injection API (if possible) to wrap sockets with Celluloid::IO instead of STDLIB sockets Monday, July 15, 13
  • 38. DOUBTS? Questions are free as beer :) Monday, July 15, 13