The document describes two new species of catfish found in Kerala, India - Mystus indicus and Mystus heoki. M. indicus is distinguished by a longer snout, double cephalic fontanels on the head, an occipital process that reaches the dorsal fin base, thick flesh on both sides of the occipital process, and a prominently swollen rayed dorsal fin base. M. heoki differs in having an elongate body, shorter head, smaller eyes, a shorter occipital process concealed by thick flesh, and a small adipose dorsal fin located farther from the rayed dorsal fin. The new species are described and compared to related catfish species.
Myra Muramoto at Consumer Centric Health, Models for Change '11HealthInnoventions
This document describes the Helpers Program, a social and community network approach to tobacco cessation. The Helpers Program trains community members to have "helping conversations" that encourage and support tobacco users who want to quit. It is based on research showing the influence of social networks on health behaviors and that quit attempts are often unplanned. The Helpers model provides web-based or in-person training to help community members feel confident having supportive conversations about quitting resources. Several research projects have tested the Helpers approach in various communities and found it increased knowledge and helping behaviors. The goal is to engage social networks and foster communities that support tobacco cessation.
This study examined the effects of nurse staffing levels and the nurse practice environment on nurse and patient outcomes using survey data from over 12,000 nurses in 604 hospitals. The researchers found that higher nurse workloads were associated with increased job dissatisfaction, burnout, and intent to leave. They also found that improvements to the practice environment were associated with decreased job dissatisfaction, burnout, and intent to leave among nurses as well as improved nurse ratings of patient care quality and safety. The researchers concluded that addressing nurse workload and improving practice environments could help increase nurse retention and improve the quality of patient care.
Este manual explica las funciones b│sicas de PowerPoint 2007, incluyendo c┏mo crear y guardar presentaciones, agregar y modificar diapositivas, insertar objetos, aplicar dise?os y temas, y realizar la presentaci┏n. Tambi└n cubre c┏mo previsualizar e imprimir las diapositivas.
Marc Pierson at Consumer Centric Health, Models for Change '11HealthInnoventions
PEACEHEALTH, Whatcom County, WA
Life occurs in the large spaces,
Between visits
Between organizations
Between EMRs
Which organizations and technology will support people in between?
The document is a guest book from an open house, containing the repeated phrase "OPEN HOUSE GUEST BOOK" on each line without any other text or information provided. It suggests that visitors to an open house were intended to sign the guest book by writing their names or comments, but the book itself is blank except for the heading.
Henry Lead has had a varied life experiences including being elected as a municipal councilor focused on economics, volunteering with a local business union, serving as the president of students and leading association projects. He enjoys sports like tennis where he has won silver medals, plays chess competitively, and has taken road trips to Africa, New York, Canada, and Mexico.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. It states that regular exercise can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help alleviate symptoms of mental illnesses.
The Central Indiana Transit Task Force released a final report summarizing their proposed regional transportation plan. The plan aims to address critical issues like mobility, regional vitality, competitiveness, and congestion through expanded bus and rail transit in Marion and Hamilton counties over 10 years. It proposes funding the system through a 0.3% local income tax increase in each county, subject to voter approval. The report recommends establishing a single regional transit authority to govern the new system if voters approve the tax increase.
Susan Zbikowski at Consumer Centric Health, Model for Change '11HealthInnoventions
A weight concern intervention for smokers. One of the single greatest challenges in tobacco cessation treatment is that the majority of patients/participants relapse after successfully quitting. This presents a study of a solution to a common reason for relapse;
Weight Concerns
Camera angles can be used to convey different meanings and effects. Low angles show a subject as powerful or dominant. Bird's eye views provide an overhead spatial perspective or show things characters cannot see. High angles depict a subject as less powerful or isolated. Slanted angles create a dramatic tilted horizon. Camera moves like dolly, track, pan, tilt, follow, zoom and pedestal allow smooth movement and perspective changes.
This document outlines different types of camera shots including extremely wide shots, very wide shots, wide shots, mid shots, extreme close ups, and medium close ups. It also discusses two-shot, over the shoulder shots, noddy shots, point of view shots, and weather shots. Cutting techniques like cut-ins, cutaways, jump cuts, match on action, superimpose, and split screen are also defined. The document provides brief descriptions of when each shot or cut would be used, such as establishing scenery for extremely wide shots or showing intense emotions for extreme close ups.
Thomas Heatherwick has been transported to the Smurf village after being knocked out by a potion from Handy and Grouchy. Handy asks for Heatherwick's help designing a new hut that will allow Handy and his friend Marina (a mermaid) to live together. Although skeptical, Grouchy agrees to help. Heatherwick explains that he likes to take a collaborative approach and create small experiments to test ideas before designing large structures. He agrees to help Handy but wants the new hut to benefit all the Smurfs. That night, as they begin planning, Heatherwick observes the Smurfs and is inspired by the way their hats sit naturally, finding parallels to how painters depicted fabric in portraits.
The document is a guest book from an open house, containing the repeated phrase "OPEN HOUSE GUEST BOOK" on each line without any other text or information provided. It suggests that visitors to an open house were intended to sign the guest book by writing their names or comments, but the book itself is blank except for the heading.
Henry Lead has had a varied life experiences including being elected as a municipal councilor focused on economics, volunteering with a local business union, serving as the president of students and leading association projects. He enjoys sports like tennis where he has won silver medals, plays chess competitively, and has taken road trips to Africa, New York, Canada, and Mexico.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. It states that regular exercise can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help alleviate symptoms of mental illnesses.
The Central Indiana Transit Task Force released a final report summarizing their proposed regional transportation plan. The plan aims to address critical issues like mobility, regional vitality, competitiveness, and congestion through expanded bus and rail transit in Marion and Hamilton counties over 10 years. It proposes funding the system through a 0.3% local income tax increase in each county, subject to voter approval. The report recommends establishing a single regional transit authority to govern the new system if voters approve the tax increase.
Susan Zbikowski at Consumer Centric Health, Model for Change '11HealthInnoventions
A weight concern intervention for smokers. One of the single greatest challenges in tobacco cessation treatment is that the majority of patients/participants relapse after successfully quitting. This presents a study of a solution to a common reason for relapse;
Weight Concerns
Camera angles can be used to convey different meanings and effects. Low angles show a subject as powerful or dominant. Bird's eye views provide an overhead spatial perspective or show things characters cannot see. High angles depict a subject as less powerful or isolated. Slanted angles create a dramatic tilted horizon. Camera moves like dolly, track, pan, tilt, follow, zoom and pedestal allow smooth movement and perspective changes.
This document outlines different types of camera shots including extremely wide shots, very wide shots, wide shots, mid shots, extreme close ups, and medium close ups. It also discusses two-shot, over the shoulder shots, noddy shots, point of view shots, and weather shots. Cutting techniques like cut-ins, cutaways, jump cuts, match on action, superimpose, and split screen are also defined. The document provides brief descriptions of when each shot or cut would be used, such as establishing scenery for extremely wide shots or showing intense emotions for extreme close ups.
Thomas Heatherwick has been transported to the Smurf village after being knocked out by a potion from Handy and Grouchy. Handy asks for Heatherwick's help designing a new hut that will allow Handy and his friend Marina (a mermaid) to live together. Although skeptical, Grouchy agrees to help. Heatherwick explains that he likes to take a collaborative approach and create small experiments to test ideas before designing large structures. He agrees to help Handy but wants the new hut to benefit all the Smurfs. That night, as they begin planning, Heatherwick observes the Smurfs and is inspired by the way their hats sit naturally, finding parallels to how painters depicted fabric in portraits.