The document describes Amor Real Time's Alarm+ methodology for improving operator information systems in the energy sector. The methodology consists of five phases from benchmarking current alarm systems to sustaining improved performance. It helps reduce the number of abnormal plant situations through alarm rationalization and improved prioritization. Plants that have implemented the solution experience benefits like increased throughput and profitability from avoiding unnecessary shutdowns and more effective management of abnormal conditions. The methodology is proven to be cost-effective and can be scaled for systems with tens of thousands of alarms.
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1. Alarm
Effective Operator Information Systems for
the Energy Sector
Human factors had already been implicated in numerous serious incidents in the
process industries before the explosion and subsequent fires at the Texaco Refinery, Overview
Milford Haven in the UK in 1994. The subsequent HSE investigation raised the profile
Amor Real Time¡¯s Alarm+
of human factors in major accidents and led to the publication of EEMUA 191, the ¡®de
Methodology is firmly
facto¡¯ industry standard.
based on current guidelines
and standards with
Poor Human Machine Interface (HMI) design and poor alarm prioritisation are issues
enhancements that are
that significantly hinder an operator¡¯s ability to respond effectively to process upsets. It
aimed at reducing effort,
is estimated that small petrochemical companies can lose up to $100,000,000 per year
improving consistency and
to plant upsets and shutdowns. Our Methodology was developed specifically to restore
dealing with other human
the effectiveness of the alarm system so that the operator can operate the plant safely.
factor issues generating
benefit for the site quickly
Features and cost effectively.
Amor Real Time¡¯s Alarm+ Methodology can be easily scaled making it suitable for
systems with up to tens of thousands of alarms. The methodology consists of five
phases that begin at benchmarking and end with alarm performance sustainment.
Our Alarm+ Methodology is a proven, cost and time effective technique that has been Before-rationalisation
used to review and rationalise over 500,000 alarms on both new and operational assets 4500 alarms
across the globe. Plants that have implemented our solution experience improved plant
performance through avoiding unnecessary process shutdowns and more effective
management of abnormal process conditions resulting in increased throughput and
Our Methodology complements industry standards and guidelines including: EEMUA
191, ANSI/ISA-18.2-2009, HSE Briefing Note No. 9 ¡®Alarm Handling¡¯ and HSE After-rationalisation
Information Sheet ¡®Better Alarm Handling¡¯. Configuration 2500 alarms
The typical benefits our alarm management clients experience include:
? Minimising the number of abnormal situations and their impact on production and
? 5 to 15% reduction in unplanned maintenance costs within six months
? 20 to 30% reduction in risk operation insurance High Medium Low
? Captured workforce knowledge (combats against an ageing workforce)
Amor Real Time¡¯s Alarm+ Methodology
Benchmarking Philosophy Improvement Advanced Sustainment
Where do we stand? Develop standards Fix bad actors Apply advanced Maintain performance
and policies techniques