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Chapter 3Spatial Components and Transport弌勸合初rh冩
この嫗のねらい腎g坪の仝了崔々が嶷勣なF鵑鬟皀妊觧するための 児A尖を尖盾する。3.1 ミクロとマクロ3.2 腎gのモデル晒3.3 0肝圷モデルでの僕3.4 1肝圷モデルでの僕  ○ メイン3.5 腎gモデルの廠順訳周3.6 }gHの方モ麻は及6嫗
腎gモデルy=?(?)?y=?(?,??)?y=?(?,??,??)?y=?(?,??,??,??)?y=?(?,??)?rgが揖じでも侭によって竃薦が篁しうる。-> 僕?卞咾Qうことが麼な朕議
3.1 Microscopic and Macroscopic ModelsMicroscopic	?の蛍徨、匂郊の卞?犹プ喘を鵑箸垢襦ただし、恷瘁はyI尖。Macroscopic	恷兜から、峠譲楚盒函畜業、 バイオマスを鵑箸垢襦
Microscopic models (above) predict future distributions of particles by describing interactions or movement, while macroscopic models (below) consider average quantities such as density, and predict future density from actual density. When properly done, the macroscopic predictions can be retrieved by statistical averaging of the microscopic model predictionsSoetaert, K. and P.M.J. Herman. 2009. A practical guide to ecological modelling using R as a simulation platform. Springer.
3.2 Representing Space  in ModelsSpatial dimension	gHのg腎gは3肝圷。垢健によって肝圷を和げることも辛。	e.g.,篁の弌さい圭鬚漏翌各來を試喘Discreet	腎gをx柊晒してQうContinuous	腎gをx柊晒せずにQう  -> 麗尖隈tになじむ
Examples of spatial configurations in models. A. In this landscape model, space is divided in discrete cells that have distinct properties. B. Patch model with 3 discrete patches. C. In some models, so-called Delaunay triangulation is used to discretise space, for instance to model the territory of birds. D. transition rules in a cellular automaton model. (?) occupied cells (v)= transition allowed; (x)=not allowed.Soetaert, K. and P.M.J. Herman. 2009. A practical guide to ecological modelling using R as a simulation platform. Springer.
3.3 Transport in a Zero-Dimensional Model盒筏箸腎g議に譲匯僕は、翌何とのやりとりのみ
Schematic representation of 0-D models that include transport. A. a well-stirred tank. B. A lake, where a river brings in water on one side, and another carries the water out of the lake. C. A water mass in contact with the air.Soetaert, K. and P.M.J. Herman. 2009. A practical guide to ecological modelling using R as a simulation platform. Springer.
3.3 Transport in a One-Dimensional ModelBA腎gを鵑箸靴1肝圷の僕を燕Fする圭殻塀を羨てる。肝のステップでh苧されている。フラックスk柊                            卞送?柊                                                     伏撹1肝圷晒の箭
フラックスk柊フラックスではなく、フラックスがどのように篁したかが嶷勣〜竃樵秘 ->盒p富   式k柊樵竃質秘 ->盒紗   崩祥^する中eが秘笥と竃笥でなる栽もあるので、 畠悶の|楚、フラックス〜中eを深える。Eq. 3.5゛3.10
Eq. 3.9Deriving one-directional transport in a small box. x, x+?x: position along the X-axis, A: surface, ?V: volume of the box, J: flux. See text for details.Soetaert, K. and P.M.J. Herman. 2009. A practical guide to ecological modelling using R as a simulation platform. Springer.
卞送圭鬚協まった送れ箪悶畠悶の咾寒の送れにともなう僕、今邦嶄の葡去など  卞送フラックスは、送堀 (L/T)〜盒 (M/L3)で燕される。 Eq. 3.11゛3.12
柊蛍徨柊など、盒塙甘笋鳳叛した僕。 柊フラックスは、盒塙甘筺柊S方で燕される。柊フラックス盒伐遑のk柊┘侫薀奪ス餓を函ると、屈A裏蛍になる。-> 廠順訳周がえるEq. 3.13゛3.14
Two types of advection: flow in a river or estuary(above) and sinking of particles out of a water column (below). B Three types of dispersion: molecular diffusion induced by random motion of particles (top left), eddy diffusion caused by turbulent mixing of particles (top right) and mechanical dispersion, induced by variations in flow velocities. C. Effect of advection and diffusion on a dye spill in a river. Soetaert, K. and P.M.J. Herman. 2009. A practical guide to ecological modelling using R as a simulation platform. Springer.
伏撹?膩鬉砲箸發覆辰読撹?腓軟こり、それがеУ弔oできない栽には、それも深]しなければならない。この嫗では、侮く乾れられていない。仝-kC々が箭で聞われている。?C??=?1???????C??+1?????????C??+ reaction?Eq. 3.15
m喘箭秘り臭、采寒、刷孑-> どの圭鬚篁が寄きいのかをOめるThe transport in rivers, estuaries and lakes can often be represented by the 1-D advection-diffusion equation. For rivers and estuaries, the 1-D axis is the length axis, while for lakes it is the depth axis.Soetaert, K. and P.M.J. Herman. 2009. A practical guide to ecological modelling using R as a simulation platform. Springer.
Schematic representation of ^one-dimensional ̄ spatial volumes as used in models. Grey lines denote isosurfaces. A. One-dimensional shape with constant surface area. B. Cylindrical shape, with non-zero cylinder length. C. cylindrical shape with zero length of the cylinder. D. Spherical shapeSoetaert, K. and P.M.J. Herman. 2009. A practical guide to ecological modelling using R as a simulation platform. Springer.
Schematic representation of sediments and overlying water with liquid and solid phase and bulk sediment. Porosity (Φ) is the volumetric proportion of liquid over bulk sediment. Sediment models are generally more complex than water column models, because the transport and reaction equations have to take into account the conversion between these phases. Soetaert, K. and P.M.J. Herman. 2009. A practical guide to ecological modelling using R as a simulation platform. Springer.
3.5 Boundary Conditions in Spatially Explicit Models廠順訳周を嚥えないとgHに麻できない。ミクロモデルでもマクロモデルでも、x柊侏でもBA侏でも駅勣。坪何廠順訳周盒箸累BA來フラックスのBA來
Boundaries in one-dimensional models of various shapes. A. One-dimensional shape with constant surface area. B. Cylindrical shape, with non-zero cylinder length. C. Cylindrical shape with zero length of cylinder. D. Spherical shape. Soetaert, K. and P.M.J. Herman. 2009. A practical guide to ecological modelling using R as a simulation platform. Springer.
Two ways of representing boundary conditions in a discrete 2-D model. A. organisms moving outside the model domain are removed. B. Organisms reaching the end bounce back. C. Organisms are displaced at the other side. This is equivalent to folding the surface such that the edges are removed, and a donut-shape is obtained.Soetaert, K. and P.M.J. Herman. 2009. A practical guide to ecological modelling using R as a simulation platform. Springer.
弖困海蹐屎しくない。縮親の圭が屎しい。Model description for 1-D sediment biogeochemical models, with typical boundary conditions. A. For a particulate substance such as organic matter, an upper flux boundary condition is often prescribed. B. For a dissolved substance, such as oxygen, the upper boundary is more often prescribed as a concentration. J denotes the flux, C the concentration. Boundary conditions are in bold, model equations are enclosed in a box. It is assumed that porosity is constant, thus it can be removed from the equation.Soetaert, K. and P.M.J. Herman. 2009. A practical guide to ecological modelling using R as a simulation platform. Springer.
この嫗のまとめ腎g坪の仝了崔々が嶷勣なF鵑鬟皀妊觧するための 児A尖を尖盾した。3.1 ミクロとマクロ3.2 腎gのモデル晒3.3 0肝圷モデルでの僕3.4 1肝圷モデルでの僕  ○ メイン3.5 腎gモデルの廠順訳周3.6 }gHの方モ麻は及6嫗で

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