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Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
The curtain Raiser....
Every Battle needs preparation
Connect these Fabulous actors via a
very famous malayalam movie.
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
They introduced MY DEAR
KUTTICHATHAN the first 3D film in
Can be seen in the first few minutes
of the movie
Name the movie and the
stalwart who won Kerala state
awards for this movie.
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Bhayanakam and
犂犂逗犁犂犁 犂朽歓犂犂鉦完犂逗犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂 犂伍犂犁犂犁
犂犂鉦寒犂犁犂犂橿犂橿犂 , 犂犁犂迦犂犂鉦犁犂伍歓犁
犂犂犁犂犂橿干 犂犂萎姦犂逗勘犁犂犂逗犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂
犂項歓犂園犂園 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗干犁 犂萎犂犂 犂犁犂
犂犂む 犂犂萎 犂伍患犂犁犂 犂萎犂犂犂鉦苅犁 犂朽患犂橿
犂犂萎 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗干犁.
犂 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗欺 犂朽堪犂鉦換犁死犂鉦欺 犂
犂犂鉦寒 犂萎犂犂む犂む 犂犂鉦瓦犁犂 犂朽堪犂犁犂橿犂橿
犂犂朽完犂む 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪 ??
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
犂朽堪犂鉦換犁死犂鉦犂逗寒犁犂橿 犂萎款犂橿患犂犁犂犂む犂む歓犂橿 犂 犂萎犂犂犁犂犁 犂犂橿完犂 犂犂犁犂
犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂橿 犂犁犂項款犂萎 犂 犂鉦幹犂逗姦犂鉦完犂犂 犂犂犁犂 犂犂鉦寒 犂萎犂犂む犂む歓犁
犂 犂朽姦犂鉦犂逗犁犂犁.
犂 犂萎犂犂犂鉦苅犁 犂朽犂鉦侃犁犂犂む犂む歓犁
犂犂鉦姦犂逗犂犁犂橿 犂伍患犂犁犂犂む犂む歓犁 犂朽完犁犂犁犂 犂伍犂犁犂犁.
This malayalam film made history, becoming the first ever Malayalam
movie to have swept all the top awards in the 20-year history of
the International Film Festival of Kerala including Suvarna Chakoram(Best
film) and Rajatha Chakoram ( Audience prize )
It was also adjudged best film in Kerala state film awards and Best Film
on Environment Conservation/Preservation in National film awards.
It also won the crystal bear at the Berlin film festival.
A photograph, taken by The Hindu's Guwahati-based Special News
Photographer Ritu Raj Konwar, was also an inspiration for the Malayalam
film.Konwar had clicked the picture during the Assam floods at Morigaon
This picture lead the director to a Russian short story and the movie thus
became an adaptation of the short story by a very renowned Russian
author .
Words of the director
The photo made a deep impression on me, and it haunted me; I wanted
to use that very scene in my film,
I was able to connect this beautiful picture with that Russian short story.
I had been wanting to adapt it for a film for a long time.
Name the movie and the very famous Russian Author
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
NOT every question in the Quiz have same points (Some have BONUS too)
In case you need more clues do ask, but with the consent of all the fellow
warriors here. 
If you like something do acknowledge with CLAPS, as this would be
the greatest Prize that I can get this day!!
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Name the movie and music director?
Yesudas and Neyyatinkara Vasudevan sang the song along with X
X is a Non malayalee hugely popular singer who won the State Awarfor bestd play back
singer award for this movie .
Bonus for naming X
P 20
B 10
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Swathi Thirunal
Music by :M.S.Vishwanathan
P 20
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
犂犂萎 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犁犂橿 犁犂犂犂 犁犂逗犁犂伍犂 :
A 犂犂犁犂 犂橿瓦犁 犂鉦粥犁犂犁犂伍擬 犂朽寒犂橿完 犂橿犂犁犂犂む 犂萎歓犂萎犂朽寒犂犁犂 犁犂萎
犂萎堪犁犂犁犂萎款犂犁犂犂逗干犂 犂犂鉦苅犂鉦技 犂犂 犂犁犂 犂橿犂鉦犁犂犁犂犁犂犁犂犁.
犂犂萎款犂巌犂犁犂犁犂 犂犂巌歓犂犁犂犁 犁犂犁犂 犂伍堪犂犂む犂む歓犁 A 犂萎堪犁犂犁犂萎款犂犁犂犂逗干犂
犂萎寒犁犂橿 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎堪犂鉦姦 B 犂犂逗擬犂犁犂犂逗犁犂犁 犂犂巌歓犂犁犂犁 犂む 犂逗技犂園 犂犁犂犁犂犂
犂橿犂犁犂 犂 犂犁犂犂 犂む犂萎 犂犁犂犂鉦寒犂鉦喚犂犁犂橿 犂伍堪犂犁犂劇 犁犂 犂橿犂犁犂犂鉦技
犂犂犁犂朽款犂犁犂 犂萎完犂犂 犂犂犁犂犂 犂犁犂劇歓犂犁犂犁.
犂萎堪犁犂犁犂萎款犂犁犂犂 犂犂犁犂朽款犂犁犂 犂橿犂鉦犁犂む犂む.
犂伍歓犂犂逗堪 犁犂逗犁犂伍歓犂犁犂橿 犂犁犂逗寒犂 犁犂 犂犂巌歓犂犁犂犁 犂橿寒犂園犂園歓犂犁犂犂犁犂犂
犂橿犂犁犂犂逗姦 犂犂犂朽犂萎寒犁犁 犂犁犂犂橿歓犁 犂む 犂逗寒犁犂園 犂犁犂犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂 犂犁犂犂 犂朽犁犂犁
犂む 犂犁犁酌完犂 犂萎款犁犂犂逗患犁犂犁犂犁犂犁.
A 犂犂萎 ? B 犂犂犁犂 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪 犂蹝む?
犁犁 : A 犂犁犂橿 犂犂犁犂 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂 犂伍犂萎犂犂 犂犂犂逗完犁犂犁犂犁 B
P 20
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
犂橿.犂伍歓.犂÷犂鉦寒犂逗姦犁犂逗寒犁犂橿 犂犂犁犂о犂朽款犂 犂伍犂犁犂犁酌完犂鉦犂逗寒犁犂橿 犂犂鉦擬犂む犂む款犂犁犂 犂朽擬犂犁犂
1932 犁 犂萎犁犂犁犂犂逗姦 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎犂犂萎苅犂 犂犂萎 犂朽擬犂劇瓦犁犂む歓犂犂犂 犁犁酌瓦犁犂む歓犂犂鉦姦犂 犂犂鉦擬犂む犂む款犂犁犂÷患犁酌堪犁犂
犂犂犁犂 犂む 犂犁犁酌完犂犂 犂犁犂む犂む歓犂犂む 犂朽歓犂犂萎犁犂犂鉦完犁 犂む 犂犁犁酌完犂逗勘犁犂犂逗犁犂 犂萎歓犂萎犂朽寒犂犁犂 犁犂萎 犂犂鉦勘犁犂犂逗患犂園犂園款犁
犂萎犂犂園犂園犂逗犂鉦姦犂逗完犁犂犁犂犁. 犂む犂萎 犂犁犂犂犂鉦喚犂伍患犂鉦堪犂 犂朽犁犂劇瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂橿 犁犂犂犁犂犁 犂朽完犂劇 犂朽犂逗姦 犂犂犂犁犂犁犂犁犂犂橿瓦犁犂
犂犂犂 犂犂逗完犂む犂む歓 犂犂 犂鉦慣犂朽瓦犁犂む款犂橿 犂犂犂犁犂犁犁犂む犂む款犂犂逗完犁犂犁犂犁 犂犂鉦擬犂む犂む款犂犁犂÷患犁酌堪犁犂 犂犂犁犂
犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂犁犂橿 犂犂逗犂逗 犂朽犂鉦干犁犂犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂 犂犁犂犂 犂萎犂犂園犂園犂逗干犁犂む犂む歓犂犁犂犂む. 犂朽犂逗姦 犁犂萎犂劇款犂萎 犂伍款犂犁犂劇姦犂
犂朽換犂逗犁犂 犂犂犁犂 犂む 犂犁犁酌完犂犂む犂む歓犂犁犂橿 犂犁犂萎歓 犂犂巌歓犂犁犂犂朽勘犁犂犂鉦犠犂む犂む干犂犁犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂犁犂橿 犂む 犂犁犁酌完犂犂
犂萎犂犁犂犁 犂橿犂鉦苅犁犂犁 犂朽犂鉦犂萎歓 犂犂む犂む完犂朽 犂朽寒犁犂犁. 犂犂犁犂鉦犂犂 犂犁犂犁犂犁 犂÷犂逗患犂犁犂犂 犂む 犂伍歓犂犁犂о犂犂萎歓犂犁犂
"犂犂鉦擬犂む犂む款犂犁犂÷患犁酌堪犁犂" 犂犂犁犂 犁犂伍犂萎犂む犂む歓犂犁犂橿 犂犂朽犂鉦完犂 犂犁犁死寒犂逗擬犂む犂む歓犂犂鉦姦犂逗完犁犂犁犂犁 犂 犂朽.
P 20
犂犂萎 犂朽犂鉦 犂伍喚 犂萎歓犂萎干犂犁犂犁犁犂犁犂犂逗寒犁 犂萎歓犂萎犂朽寒犂犁犂 犁犂萎瓦犁犂む 犂犂逗寒犁犂 犂犂萎 犂伍犂ム款犂犂鉦擬犂ム歓....
犂犂朽犂項 犂犂萎 犂犁犂犂鉦干 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗干犁 犂犂萎 犂犂ム款 犂鉦瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂犁 犂犂о款犂萎堪犂鉦姦犂... (Released after 2000)
犂蹝萎 犂犂ム款 犂鉦瓦犁犂萎... 犂蹝萎 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪....??!
犁犁 :
415 犂朽患犂鉦犁犂犁 犂犂逗犁犂犂逗姦 犂伍犂ム款犂犂鉦擬犂ム歓...
1984- 85 犂犂鉦 犂犁犂犂
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
犂劇犂伍犂犁犁犁 犂犂犁犂 犂÷犂鉦技犂伍擬 犂萎堪犁犂犂... (1984
Loksabha Elections) 犁犂犂鉦擬 犁犂鉦擬 犂犂犁犂 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪
Dancer Thampi inspired the name Jumper
Thampi(Baburaj) in 'Tamaar Padaar' (2014)
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
P 20
X is regarded as the second Y in Asia.
X has won 6 Kerala State Film Awards for Z over the last 3 decades.
X was established in 1980s.
X is located at a place near to an ancient temple on the banks of the Karamana
River, which is dedicated to the Trimurthis of the Hindu mythology.
The temple is also considered as the only temple in Kerala dedicated to Lord .
Give X,Y,Z
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
X :Chitranjali
Y : Studio floor
Z: Best Processing Lab
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
P 20
B 10
犂萎歓犂萎犁犂犂ム款犂犁犂む犂む 犁 犂犂犂逗堪犁犂犂犁犂犂橿歓犁犁犂 犁犂犁犂
犂犂鉦完犂犂犂鉦苅犁 X 犂犂犁犂 犂犂ム款 犂鉦瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂犁犂橿 犂朽瓦犁 犂鉦患犂犁犂犂鉦犁犂迦犂犁犂犁
A 犂犂橿苅犂犁犂犁 .
A 犂犁犂橿 犂犂鉦寒犁犂逗憾犂犁犂犁 犂犂ム款 犂鉦瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂犁 犂犂犁犂犂鉦姦犂鉦欺
犂橿犂鉦干犁犂橿款犂橿堪犂犁犂犁 犂犂ム款犂犁犂む犂む歓犂朽寒犂鉦犁 犁犂犁犂犂む 犂犂鉦姦犂
犂犂ム款 犂鉦瓦犁犂萎 犂萎干犂犁犂犂犂鉦苅犁.
X 犂橿寒 犂犂鉦姦犂犂犁 犂犁犂逗姦犂鉦堪犂鉦姦犂逗完犁犂犁犂犁 ,犂犂鉦完犂犂,
犂犂項款犂萎款犂犂鉦憾犁 犂朽犂鉦患犂橿犂逗欺
犂犂鉦姦犂犂犁犂橿 犂伍犂犂逗姦犁犂鉦姦犂逗犁犂犂鉦苅犁 X 犂犂逗犁犂犂む.
X 犂犂犁犂 犂犂ム款 犂鉦瓦犁犂萎?
犂犂鉦姦犂 犂犁犂犁犂犂鉦完犁?
A 犂犂犁犂 犂朽姦犂犁犂む歓?(Bonus)
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Sethurama ayyar
Radha Vinod Raju
犂朽侃犁犂萎犂 犂犂朽寒犂朽慣犂 犂蹝犁死憾犂逗姦犁犂橿 (犂犁死犂)
犂伍犂ム款 犂 犂÷犂犁犂犁犂園犂園擬 犂萎款犂 犂朽歓犂朽寒犂鉦侃犁 犂萎款犂犁.
犂犂萎 犂伍歓 犂犂 犂 犂÷犂犁犂逗犁犂犁犁犂逗勘犁犂犁 犂犂犁犂
犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂犁 犂犂о款犂萎堪犂鉦姦 犂 犂鉦干犂犁犂犁犂橿 犂朽犂伍
犂犂朽寒犂朽慣犂逗犁犂犂む 犂犂朽犂項堪犂鉦苅犁. 犂犂朽犂項 犂犁犂む犂む歓犂
犂÷犂犁犂犂 犂萎犂犁犂劇苅犂橿瓦犁犂む姦犁犂 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗欺
Name the film?
Who are the 2 persons who are doing a guest appearance
in this shot ?(The passer bys)
Who played the role of school teacher in the movie ?
P 20
B 10
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Avalude Ravukal
IV Sasi and Kamal Hassan
Name the 5 movies in
which these 5 Villians
Bonus :Connect these
P 50
B 10
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Other state villians
for Mohanlal Movies
P 40
B 10
Identify the movie and the man who is sitting .
Who was the director of the movie ?
Which Dada Saheb Phalke award winner did music for the movie ?
Who won the Kerala state award for second best actor for portraying the character Vettukuzhy in
this movie?(Bonus)
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
P 20
B 10
Identify the movies.(4*5=20)
Which was his first film as as an assistant
director ?(Bonus 10)
Clue for Bonus:
The FILMS story begins with the discovery of four
dead bodies in a deserted quarry. The Chief
Minister involves into the case and appoints the
IPS officer Devdas (Babu Antony) to investigate.
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
P 20
犂犂萎 犂犂朽歓犂萎姦犁犂橿 犂犂鉦瓦犁犂....... 犂犂萎歓犁
犂犂逗寒犁犂犂鉦苅犁 犂朽犂鉦侃犁犂犂
25-犂犂犂橿瓦犁犂 犂朽姦犂伍犂伍歓犁 犂犂犁犂む完犂逗犁犂 犂犁犂園犂園犂伍,犂犂犂犁犂迦犂劇
犂伍款犂項歓犂萎姦犂む犂む歓犂犁犂橿 犂犂萎歓犂む犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂橿 犂蹝園犂園患犁犂 犂む犂萎患犂犁犂о姦犂犂鉦姦
犂む 犂萎歓犂犂犂橿歓犁 犂犂萎款犂橿犂, 犂犁犂迦巻犁犂犁犂 犂橿慣犁犂迦歓犂犁犂犁犂 犂犂犁犂犂
犂犂鉦寛犁 犂犂逗 犂む 犂伍犂ム款犂犂む犂む歓犂犁犂橿 犂犂鉦姦犂犂伍犂ム款犂犂逗姦犁犂 犂犂犂
犂朽歓犁犂犂逗完犁犂む犂む干犂犁犂犁犁犂犁犂 犂朽姦犂犁犂む歓.犂犁犂園犂園犂伍歓犂犁犂橿 1819-犁
犂む 犂伍歓犂犁犂о犂犂萎歓犂犁犂 犂犁酌犁犂犂犂鉦犂鉦患犂犂犁犂犂橿犂橿(Odes) 犂萎堪犁犂犂,
犂犂朽姦犁犂橿 犂犂逗犂犂伍堪犁犂犁犂о歓犂橿犂鉦苅犁犂犁 犂む犂萎侃犁犂о歓犂犁犂犂橿勘犁犂犂犁犂犁
犂朽完犂鉦犁犂犂む犂む歓犂橿 犂犂萎 犂犁鉦干犂犁犂逗犁犂犂逗姦犁犂橿 犂犁犂巌歓犁犂逗完犁犂犁犂犂鉦苅犁
"犂萎款犂犁犂犂鉦犂逗患犂犂鉦犁犂橿犂 犂犁酌犁犂犂"Ode to Nightingale" 犂犁犂園犂園犂伍
犂犂巌犂萎歓犂犂橿完犂犁犂犁 犂伍犂項犂む犂む 犂犂鉦犠犂伍 犂犁酌堪犂逗患犂園犂園犁 犂む犂犁犁
犂 犂犂朽歓犂 犂犂逗干犁 犂朽完犂逗犁 1990 犂犁 犂朽完犂劇 犂犁犂犁犂犂逗姦
犂犂萎 犂犁犂犂鉦干 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂犂犂逗欺 犂犂萎 犂伍犂む 犂犁犂鉦寒
犂萎犂犂む犂む歓犁 犂犁鉦干犂犁犂犁犁犂む犂む歓犂犂逗犁犂犁犂犁犂犁, 犂 犂朽完犂逗犂橿歓犁犁犂橿
犂伍患犂犁犂む 犂犁犂朽歓犂萎款犂犁犂犂朽 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗干犁 犂犂萎 犂犂ム款 犂鉦瓦犁犂萎
犂朽歓犂朽完犂逗犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂萎犂犂. 犂犁犂犁犂犁 犂朽侃犁犂萎犂 犂犂朽款犁酌粥犁犁 犂朽寒犁犂逗姦
犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂鉦苅犂逗瓦犁. 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犁犂橿 犂犂 犂犂萎 犂犂ム款犂犂鉦完犂犁犂橿 2
犂橿犁犁犂犂ム犂橿歓犁 犂犂逗寒犁犂犁犂 犂犂萎歓犂萎歓犂萎歓犂犁犂犂萎款犂犁.
犂犂む 犂蹝む 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗欺....???
犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犁犂橿 犂犂ム款犂犁犂む犂む 犂犂萎款犂犁?
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
犂 犂鉦寒犁犂む技犂犂鉦
CV 犂む犂萎犂萎款犂犁
犂犁犁犂劇 犁犂逗勘犁犂迦巻犁犂犂逗犁犂犁
犂犁酌堪犂逗姦犂逗欺 犂朽犁酌寒犁犂 犂萎干犂犁犂
犂む犂犂逗犁犂犁犂劇 犂伍擬犂犁犂犂鉦擬 犂犂鉦犁
犂犁犂む犂む歓犂 犂犂 犁犂犁犂犁犂
犂萎犂犂む犂む歓犁 犂犂犁 犂犁犂園犂園犂伍歓犁死犁犂橿
犂犂朽歓犂 犂 犂朽姦犂鉦犂逗犁犂犂逗完犂逗犁犂犁犂犁犂犂む
P 20
Krishnan is an out-of-work seasonal farmer who is driven to steal
coconuts from his landlord to support his family. When he is caught and
imprisoned, he is shocked to learn that he has been charged with the
murder of a man who has been missing from the island for many years.
But since it was an election time, and the most popular platform for
politicians had become capital punishment, Krishnan is sentenced to
death in a particular way.
This method is the title of the movie which won the Camera Dor at
Name the Movie and its Director
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Maranasimhasanam directed by Murali nair
Krishnan is sentenced to death in the
country's newest technology -
electrocution by the electric chair.
P 30
犁犂逗犁犂犂鉦擬犂÷ 犂犂園犂園技犂犂朽犂鉦姦犁犂橿 犂犂鉦寒犁犂о歓 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗欺
犂犂犂逗寒犂犂逗犁犂 犂÷犁準換犂 犂伍患犂朽侃犁犂萎歓犂犂逗姦犂鉦姦 犂
犂犂犂逗患犂犂む犂萎歓 犂犁犂鉦干犂む犂む歓犁 2 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎犁犂犂橿歓犁 犂犂犂逗寒犂犂逗犁犂犁.
犂萎苅犁犂犁犂 犂朽堪犂鉦換犁死犂鉦欺 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎犁犂犁 .
犂犂犁犂犂 犂犂犂逗寒犂犂逗犁犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎 犂朽侃犁犂萎犂 犂犂朽款犁酌粥犁犁犂 犂伍犂伍犂ム款犂
犂犂朽款犁酌粥犁犁犂 犂朽寒犁犂.犂萎苅犁犂犂鉦堪犂萎 犂犂犂逗寒犂犂逗犁犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂橿 2
犂犂鉦姦犂鉦瓦犁犂犂鉦換犂犂萎犂 犂伍犂伍犂ム寒 犂犂朽款犁酌粥犁犁 犂朽犂萎款犂犁犂犂橿款犂犂.
犂蹝萎款犂犁 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎犁犂犁?
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Neena Gupta
Aham and Vasthuhara
P 20
X co authored the story for the movie Ennu Naadhante Nimmi.
He has worked as a clerk in Kerala university.
He has also tried his hands in dubbing for the multi faceted legend
Girish Karnad for the movie Neela kurinji poothappol.
He was also has served as the Director of a television company.
One of the books written by him has won Sangeeth nataka academy
award. He was also associated with G. Sankara Pillai in theatre
plays. He had also won the Best columnist award: for his feature
"Vyazhaporul" in Malayala manorama Newspaper
He is one of the founders of the Malayalam film actors association
AMMA and he was the man behind coining the name of the
Identify :
Who is X ?
His Last Malayalam movie in which he appeared after his
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
P 30
犂犂犁犂犂 犂萎犂犁犂 (1968)
犂伍完犂伍患犂萎歓 (1970)
犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎犁犂犂橿犂橿 犂犁犁 犂犂 犂犂萎犂朽犂萎款犂犁?
Clue: Globally Renowned Indian
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
P 30
Narein Weiss
Pradhuman Singh
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
犂犂朽擬 犂犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂萎犂 犂犂伍款犂 犂犂逗技 犁犂鉦侃犁犁 犂犂犂 犂橿患犂橿犂橿歓犂む犂む歓犂萎姦犂逗欺 犂犂朽完犂萎歓犂犁犂犁.
犂犁犂逗犁犂犁 犂犁犂萎堪犂鉦冠犂朽技 犂犂犁犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犁 犂犂橿苅犂犁犂犂逗欺 犂む 犂о犂犂鉦技 犂伍歓犂犂犁 犂朽完犂橿完 犂犂逗寒犁 犁犂鉦侃犁犁
犂犂犁犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犁犁犂
犂犂朽完犁 犂犁犂迦患犂伍 犂朽歓犂萎患犂萎 犂 犂犂犁犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犁犁犂 犂犂逗技 犁犂鉦侃犁犂犁犂橿 犂朽患犂劇瓦犁犂む歓犁 犂犂む犂む歓
P 20
B 20
Connect these actors to a movie which saw the last appearance of a gentleman in Malayalam movie
(Masked with ?)(20) Identify the Missing actor for BONUS 20
The story of the movie is by a director and an actor has directed this movie. But Even after the completion of the
movie, the film was on hold for over 1 year before its release.
Film had music by Ilayaraja and Lyrics by Gireresh Puthenchery.
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
P 30
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
This dialogue in Akkare Akkare Akkare will give you the answer
P 20
B 10
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
P 30
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
1. 犂む犂萎犂犂鉦完犂鉦姦犂 犂犁犂萎 (1985)
犂.犂.犂犂犁犂犁 犂伍犂朽歓犂о款犂犂 犂橿犂犁犂 犂
犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犁 犂犂鉦寒犁犂о歓犂犂 犂犂犂 犂犂む犂む歓犂犂萎犂
犂む犂萎 犂朽犂鉦憾犂犁 犂犂鉦患犂犁犂犂 犂萎干犂犁犂 犂犂犂逗完犁犂犁犂犁
2.犂犁酌患犂劇款犂 1999 - 犂犂鉦寒犁犂о歓犂犂逗姦犂鉦姦犂
犂朽犂鉦憾犂犁 犂犂鉦患犂犁犂犂 .犂む 犂о款犂 犂犁犂犂鉦姦
犂犁犂萎干犂逗姦犁犂橿 犂犂ム款 犂鉦瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂犁犂橿 犂犂鉦寒犂伍歓犂
犂朽姦犂ム姦犂逗欺 犂犂犂鉦干犁犂橿 犂犂犂伍犂伍歓犁
犂朽完犁犂犁犂犂萎款犂犂逗犁犂犂鉦姦犂逗完犁犂犁犂犁 犂犂鉦寒犁犂о歓犂犂逗干犂
3.犂犁犂 犁犂萎犂劇技 2010- 犂 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗欺
犂犂鉦寒犁犂о歓犂犂逗姦犂鉦姦犂 犂犂む犂む歓犂犂む 犂む犂萎 犂朽犂鉦擬犂犁
犂 犂鉦犠 犂犂犂逗完犁犂犁犂犁 .犂む犂萎 犂犂鉦完犂鉦姦犂
犂犁犂萎犂朽犂犂鉦姦犂 犂犂鉦寒犁犂о歓犂犂逗姦犁犂橿 犂犁犁犂 犂犂鉦幹犁犂犁犂犁犂
犂萎犂犂む犂む歓犁犂鉦苅犁 犂犂鉦寒犁犂о歓犂犂 犂朽完犁犂犁犂犂む.
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
When the Malayalam film X Was re made to hindi as Y in 2006,the
hero of the film X, Mr. A did the dubbing for the hero of Y,Mr.B
The Movie Y had with a tagline of
"Love meets confusion meets love.
Story of both the movies were written by a Malayalee duo.
Vijay Yesudas has sung a Song in A.
Jeetu Prasad Sharma was the name of B s character in Y.
In hindi the film was directed by another Malayalee director and
not by the director of X
Name the both movies X and Y and HEROS A and B
Ideantify the writer duo for bonus (10)
P 40
B 10
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
P 30
Identify the VOICE and Movie
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
P 30
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
P 30
Name her
Name the charcter through which she earned recognition
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Dubbing artist Durga..
Voice of Nagavalli
P 20
B 20
犂朽犂萎干 犂伍犂伍犂ム款犂 犂犁犂犁犂犂逗瓦犁犂
犂犂朽款犁酌粥犁犂逗寒犁犂橿 犂犂萎歓犂む犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犁 犂犂犁犂犂犂鉦姦犂 犂犂朽完
犂犁犁犁犂犂犂む犂む歓犂橿 2 犂 犁酌犁犂犁 犂犂朽完 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犁犂犁犂犁 犂犂朽完
犂犂鉦官犁犂園犂萎歓犂犂逗欺 犂犂朽款犁酌粥犁犁 犂犂逗犁犂犂犂逗犁犂犁犂犁犂犁?
犂蹝萎 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪?
犂蹝萎 犂朽歓犂犂鉦犂む犂む歓犂犂鉦苅犁 犂犂朽款犁酌粥犁犁 犁犂犂逗犁犂犂む?
Bonus for naming the (20)
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
犂萎患犂犁犂萎歓 (2007 )
犂項勧犁犂伍瓦犁犂む歓犂犁犂 犂伍犂犂む犂む歓犂犁犂 犂÷犂犁犂犂逗犂犂逗寒犁
The elder sister had dubbed for the older version of Shwethas
character, and the younger sister for the younger version
P 20
B 10
Which was the first movie in Malayalam film history to feature
a gun in the movie?
Name the director of the movie (20)
Bonus for naming the actor holding the gun(10)
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
J C Daniel
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz
Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz

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Chathurangam Malayalam film Quiz

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  • 5. They introduced MY DEAR KUTTICHATHAN the first 3D film in India Can be seen in the first few minutes of the movie
  • 6. Name the movie and the stalwart who won Kerala state awards for this movie.
  • 9. 犂犂逗犁犂犁 犂朽歓犂犂鉦完犂逗犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂 犂伍犂犁犂犁 犂犂鉦寒犂犁犂犂橿犂橿犂 , 犂犁犂迦犂犂鉦犁犂伍歓犁 犂犂犁犂犂橿干 犂犂萎姦犂逗勘犁犂犂逗犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂 犂項歓犂園犂園 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗干犁 犂萎犂犂 犂犁犂 犂犂む. 犂犂む 犂犂萎 犂伍患犂犁犂 犂萎犂犂犂鉦苅犁 犂朽患犂橿 犂犂萎 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗干犁. 犂 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗欺 犂朽堪犂鉦換犁死犂鉦欺 犂 犂犂鉦寒 犂萎犂犂む犂む 犂犂鉦瓦犁犂 犂朽堪犂犁犂橿犂橿 犂犂朽完犂む 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪 ??
  • 11. 犂朽堪犂鉦換犁死犂鉦犂逗寒犁犂橿 犂萎款犂橿患犂犁犂犂む犂む歓犂橿 犂 犂萎犂犂犁犂犁 犂犂橿完犂 犂犂犁犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂橿 犂犁犂項款犂萎 犂 犂鉦幹犂逗姦犂鉦完犂犂 犂犂犁犂 犂犂鉦寒 犂萎犂犂む犂む歓犁 犂 犂朽姦犂鉦犂逗犁犂犁. 犂 犂萎犂犂犂鉦苅犁 犂朽犂鉦侃犁犂犂む犂む歓犁 犂犂鉦姦犂逗犂犁犂橿 犂伍患犂犁犂犂む犂む歓犁 犂朽完犁犂犁犂 犂伍犂犁犂犁.
  • 12. This malayalam film made history, becoming the first ever Malayalam movie to have swept all the top awards in the 20-year history of the International Film Festival of Kerala including Suvarna Chakoram(Best film) and Rajatha Chakoram ( Audience prize ) It was also adjudged best film in Kerala state film awards and Best Film on Environment Conservation/Preservation in National film awards. It also won the crystal bear at the Berlin film festival. A photograph, taken by The Hindu's Guwahati-based Special News Photographer Ritu Raj Konwar, was also an inspiration for the Malayalam film.Konwar had clicked the picture during the Assam floods at Morigaon district. This picture lead the director to a Russian short story and the movie thus became an adaptation of the short story by a very renowned Russian author . Words of the director The photo made a deep impression on me, and it haunted me; I wanted to use that very scene in my film, I was able to connect this beautiful picture with that Russian short story. I had been wanting to adapt it for a film for a long time. Name the movie and the very famous Russian Author
  • 19. NOT every question in the Quiz have same points (Some have BONUS too) In case you need more clues do ask, but with the consent of all the fellow warriors here. If you like something do acknowledge with CLAPS, as this would be the greatest Prize that I can get this day!!
  • 21. Name the movie and music director? Yesudas and Neyyatinkara Vasudevan sang the song along with X X is a Non malayalee hugely popular singer who won the State Awarfor bestd play back singer award for this movie . Bonus for naming X P 20 B 10
  • 23. Swathi Thirunal Music by :M.S.Vishwanathan Balamuralikrishna
  • 24. P 20
  • 27. 犂犂萎 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犁犂橿 犁犂犂犂 犁犂逗犁犂伍犂 : A 犂犂犁犂 犂橿瓦犁 犂鉦粥犁犂犁犂伍擬 犂朽寒犂橿完 犂橿犂犁犂犂む 犂萎歓犂萎犂朽寒犂犁犂 犁犂萎 犂橿犂犁犂犂鉦完犂む犂む歓犂朽犂犁犂犁. 犂萎堪犁犂犁犂萎款犂犁犂犂逗干犂 犂犂鉦苅犂鉦技 犂犂 犂犁犂 犂橿犂鉦犁犂犁犂犁犂犁犂犁. 犂犂萎款犂巌犂犁犂犁犂 犂犂巌歓犂犁犂犁 犁犂犁犂 犂伍堪犂犂む犂む歓犁 A 犂萎堪犁犂犁犂萎款犂犁犂犂逗干犂 犂犂鉦苅犁犂犁犂犁. 犂萎寒犁犂橿 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎堪犂鉦姦 B 犂犂逗擬犂犁犂犂逗犁犂犁 犂犂巌歓犂犁犂犁 犂む 犂逗技犂園 犂犁犂犁犂犂 犂橿犂犁犂 犂 犂犁犂犂 犂む犂萎 犂犁犂犂鉦寒犂鉦喚犂犁犂橿 犂伍堪犂犁犂劇 犁犂 犂橿犂犁犂犂鉦技 犂犂犁犂朽款犂犁犂 犂萎完犂犂 犂犂犁犂犂 犂犁犂劇歓犂犁犂犁. 犂萎堪犁犂犁犂萎款犂犁犂犂 犂犂犁犂朽款犂犁犂 犂橿犂鉦犁犂む犂む. 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪 犁犂逗犁犂伍歓犂犁犂橿 犂犁犂逗寒犂 犁犂 犂犂巌歓犂犁犂犁 犂橿寒犂園犂園歓犂犁犂犂犁犂犂 犂橿犂犁犂犂逗姦 犂犂犂朽犂萎寒犁犁 犂犁犂犂橿歓犁 犂む 犂逗寒犁犂園 犂犁犂犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂 犂犁犂犂 犂朽犁犂犁 犂む 犂犁犁酌完犂 犂萎款犁犂犂逗患犁犂犁犂犁犂犁. A 犂犂萎 ? B 犂犂犁犂 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪 犂蹝む? 犁犁 : A 犂犁犂橿 犂犂犁犂 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂 犂伍犂萎犂犂 犂犂犂逗完犁犂犁犂犁 B P 20
  • 29. 犂橿.犂伍歓.犂÷犂鉦寒犂逗姦犁犂逗寒犁犂橿 犂犂犁犂о犂朽款犂 犂伍犂犁犂犁酌完犂鉦犂逗寒犁犂橿 犂犂鉦擬犂む犂む款犂犁犂 犂朽擬犂犁犂 1932 犁 犂萎犁犂犁犂犂逗姦 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎犂犂萎苅犂 犂犂萎 犂朽擬犂劇瓦犁犂む歓犂犂犂 犁犁酌瓦犁犂む歓犂犂鉦姦犂 犂犂鉦擬犂む犂む款犂犁犂÷患犁酌堪犁犂 犂犂犁犂 犂む 犂犁犁酌完犂犂 犂犁犂む犂む歓犂犂む 犂朽歓犂犂萎犁犂犂鉦完犁 犂む 犂犁犁酌完犂逗勘犁犂犂逗犁犂 犂萎歓犂萎犂朽寒犂犁犂 犁犂萎 犂犂鉦勘犁犂犂逗患犂園犂園款犁 犂萎犂犂園犂園犂逗犂鉦姦犂逗完犁犂犁犂犁. 犂む犂萎 犂犁犂犂犂鉦喚犂伍患犂鉦堪犂 犂朽犁犂劇瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂橿 犁犂犂犁犂犁 犂朽完犂劇 犂朽犂逗姦 犂犂犂犁犂犁犂犁犂犂橿瓦犁犂 犂犂犂 犂犂逗完犂む犂む歓 犂犂 犂鉦慣犂朽瓦犁犂む款犂橿 犂犂犂犁犂犁犁犂む犂む款犂犂逗完犁犂犁犂犁 犂犂鉦擬犂む犂む款犂犁犂÷患犁酌堪犁犂 犂犂犁犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂犁犂橿 犂犂逗犂逗 犂朽犂鉦干犁犂犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂 犂犁犂犂 犂萎犂犂園犂園犂逗干犁犂む犂む歓犂犁犂犂む. 犂朽犂逗姦 犁犂萎犂劇款犂萎 犂伍款犂犁犂劇姦犂 犂朽換犂逗犁犂 犂犂犁犂 犂む 犂犁犁酌完犂犂む犂む歓犂犁犂橿 犂犁犂萎歓 犂犂巌歓犂犁犂犂朽勘犁犂犂鉦犠犂む犂む干犂犁犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂犁犂橿 犂む 犂犁犁酌完犂犂 犂萎犂犁犂犁 犂橿犂鉦苅犁犂犁 犂朽犂鉦犂萎歓 犂犂む犂む完犂朽 犂朽寒犁犂犁. 犂犂犁犂鉦犂犂 犂犁犂犁犂犁 犂÷犂逗患犂犁犂犂 犂む 犂伍歓犂犁犂о犂犂萎歓犂犁犂 "犂犂鉦擬犂む犂む款犂犁犂÷患犁酌堪犁犂" 犂犂犁犂 犁犂伍犂萎犂む犂む歓犂犁犂橿 犂犂朽犂鉦完犂 犂犁犁死寒犂逗擬犂む犂む歓犂犂鉦姦犂逗完犁犂犁犂犁 犂 犂朽.
  • 30. P 20 犂犂萎 犂朽犂鉦 犂伍喚 犂萎歓犂萎干犂犁犂犁犁犂犁犂犂逗寒犁 犂萎歓犂萎犂朽寒犂犁犂 犁犂萎瓦犁犂む 犂犂逗寒犁犂 犂犂萎 犂伍犂ム款犂犂鉦擬犂ム歓.... 犂犂朽犂項 犂犂萎 犂犁犂犂鉦干 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗干犁 犂犂萎 犂犂ム款 犂鉦瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂犁 犂犂о款犂萎堪犂鉦姦犂... (Released after 2000) 犂蹝萎 犂犂ム款 犂鉦瓦犁犂萎... 犂蹝萎 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪....??! 犁犁 : 415 犂朽患犂鉦犁犂犁 犂犂逗犁犂犂逗姦 犂伍犂ム款犂犂鉦擬犂ム歓... 1984- 85 犂犂鉦 犂犁犂犂
  • 32. 犂劇犂伍犂犁犁犁 犂犂犁犂 犂÷犂鉦技犂伍擬 犂萎堪犁犂犂... (1984 Loksabha Elections) 犁犂犂鉦擬 犁犂鉦擬 犂犂犁犂 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪 Dancer Thampi inspired the name Jumper Thampi(Baburaj) in 'Tamaar Padaar' (2014)
  • 34. P 20 X is regarded as the second Y in Asia. X has won 6 Kerala State Film Awards for Z over the last 3 decades. X was established in 1980s. X is located at a place near to an ancient temple on the banks of the Karamana River, which is dedicated to the Trimurthis of the Hindu mythology. The temple is also considered as the only temple in Kerala dedicated to Lord . Parasurama. Give X,Y,Z
  • 36. X :Chitranjali Y : Studio floor Z: Best Processing Lab
  • 40. P 20 B 10 犂萎歓犂萎犁犂犂ム款犂犁犂む犂む 犁 犂犂犂逗堪犁犂犂犁犂犂橿歓犁犁犂 犁犂犁犂 犂犂鉦完犂犂犂鉦苅犁 X 犂犂犁犂 犂犂ム款 犂鉦瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂犁犂橿 犂朽瓦犁 犂鉦患犂犁犂犂鉦犁犂迦犂犁犂犁 A 犂犂橿苅犂犁犂犁 . A 犂犁犂橿 犂犂鉦寒犁犂逗憾犂犁犂犁 犂犂ム款 犂鉦瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂犁 犂犂犁犂犂鉦姦犂鉦欺 犂橿犂鉦干犁犂橿款犂橿堪犂犁犂犁 犂犂ム款犂犁犂む犂む歓犂朽寒犂鉦犁 犁犂犁犂犂む 犂犂鉦姦犂 犂犂ム款 犂鉦瓦犁犂萎 犂萎干犂犁犂犂犂鉦苅犁. X 犂橿寒 犂犂鉦姦犂犂犁 犂犁犂逗姦犂鉦堪犂鉦姦犂逗完犁犂犁犂犁 ,犂犂鉦完犂犂, 犂犂項款犂萎款犂犂鉦憾犁 犂朽犂鉦患犂橿犂逗欺 犂犂鉦姦犂犂犁犂橿 犂伍犂犂逗姦犁犂鉦姦犂逗犁犂犂鉦苅犁 X 犂犂逗犁犂犂む. X 犂犂犁犂 犂犂ム款 犂鉦瓦犁犂萎? 犂犂鉦姦犂 犂犁犂犁犂犂鉦完犁? A 犂犂犁犂 犂朽姦犂犁犂む歓?(Bonus)
  • 42. Sethurama ayyar Mammootty Radha Vinod Raju 犂朽侃犁犂萎犂 犂犂朽寒犂朽慣犂 犂蹝犁死憾犂逗姦犁犂橿 (犂犁死犂) 犂伍犂ム款 犂 犂÷犂犁犂犁犂園犂園擬 犂萎款犂 犂朽歓犂朽寒犂鉦侃犁 犂萎款犂犁. 犂犂萎 犂伍歓 犂犂 犂 犂÷犂犁犂逗犁犂犁犁犂逗勘犁犂犁 犂犂犁犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂犁 犂犂о款犂萎堪犂鉦姦 犂 犂鉦干犂犁犂犁犂橿 犂朽犂伍 犂犂朽寒犂朽慣犂逗犁犂犂む 犂犂朽犂項堪犂鉦苅犁. 犂犂朽犂項 犂犁犂む犂む歓犂 犂÷犂犁犂犂 犂萎犂犁犂劇苅犂橿瓦犁犂む姦犁犂 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗欺 犂犁鉦干犂犁犂犁犁犂む犂む歓.
  • 43. Name the film? Who are the 2 persons who are doing a guest appearance in this shot ?(The passer bys) Who played the role of school teacher in the movie ? P 20 B 10
  • 45. Avalude Ravukal IV Sasi and Kamal Hassan M.G.Soman
  • 46. Name the 5 movies in which these 5 Villians appeared Bonus :Connect these movies P 50 B 10
  • 48. Other state villians for Mohanlal Movies
  • 49. P 40 B 10 Identify the movie and the man who is sitting . Who was the director of the movie ? Which Dada Saheb Phalke award winner did music for the movie ? Who won the Kerala state award for second best actor for portraying the character Vettukuzhy in this movie?(Bonus)
  • 52. P 20 B 10 Identify the movies.(4*5=20) Which was his first film as as an assistant director ?(Bonus 10) Clue for Bonus: The FILMS story begins with the discovery of four dead bodies in a deserted quarry. The Chief Minister involves into the case and appoints the IPS officer Devdas (Babu Antony) to investigate.
  • 57. P 20 犂犂萎 犂犂朽歓犂萎姦犁犂橿 犂犂鉦瓦犁犂....... 犂犂萎歓犁 犂犂逗寒犁犂犂鉦苅犁 犂朽犂鉦侃犁犂犂 25-犂犂犂橿瓦犁犂 犂朽姦犂伍犂伍歓犁 犂犂犁犂む完犂逗犁犂 犂犁犂園犂園犂伍,犂犂犂犁犂迦犂劇 犂伍款犂項歓犂萎姦犂む犂む歓犂犁犂橿 犂犂萎歓犂む犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂橿 犂蹝園犂園患犁犂 犂む犂萎患犂犁犂о姦犂犂鉦姦 犂む 犂萎歓犂犂犂橿歓犁 犂犂萎款犂橿犂, 犂犁犂迦巻犁犂犁犂 犂橿慣犁犂迦歓犂犁犂犁犂 犂犂犁犂犂 犂犂鉦寛犁 犂犂逗 犂む 犂伍犂ム款犂犂む犂む歓犂犁犂橿 犂犂鉦姦犂犂伍犂ム款犂犂逗姦犁犂 犂犂犂 犂朽歓犁犂犂逗完犁犂む犂む干犂犁犂犁犁犂犁犂 犂朽姦犂犁犂む歓.犂犁犂園犂園犂伍歓犂犁犂橿 1819-犁 犂む 犂伍歓犂犁犂о犂犂萎歓犂犁犂 犂犁酌犁犂犂犂鉦犂鉦患犂犂犁犂犂橿犂橿(Odes) 犂萎堪犁犂犂, 犂犂朽姦犁犂橿 犂犂逗犂犂伍堪犁犂犁犂о歓犂橿犂鉦苅犁犂犁 犂む犂萎侃犁犂о歓犂犁犂犂橿勘犁犂犂犁犂犁 犂朽完犂鉦犁犂犂む犂む歓犂橿 犂犂萎 犂犁鉦干犂犁犂逗犁犂犂逗姦犁犂橿 犂犁犂巌歓犁犂逗完犁犂犁犂犂鉦苅犁 "犂萎款犂犁犂犂鉦犂逗患犂犂鉦犁犂橿犂 犂犁酌犁犂犂"Ode to Nightingale" 犂犁犂園犂園犂伍 犂犂巌犂萎歓犂犂橿完犂犁犂犁 犂伍犂項犂む犂む 犂犂鉦犠犂伍 犂犁酌堪犂逗患犂園犂園犁 犂む犂犁犁 犁犂犁犂犁犂犁. 犂 犂犂朽歓犂 犂犂逗干犁 犂朽完犂逗犁 1990 犂犁 犂朽完犂劇 犂犁犂犁犂犂逗姦 犂犂萎 犂犁犂犂鉦干 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂犂犂逗欺 犂犂萎 犂伍犂む 犂犁犂鉦寒 犂萎犂犂む犂む歓犁 犂犁鉦干犂犁犂犁犁犂む犂む歓犂犂逗犁犂犁犂犁犂犁, 犂 犂朽完犂逗犂橿歓犁犁犂橿 犂伍患犂犁犂む 犂犁犂朽歓犂萎款犂犁犂犂朽 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗干犁 犂犂萎 犂犂ム款 犂鉦瓦犁犂萎 犂朽歓犂朽完犂逗犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂萎犂犂. 犂犁犂犁犂犁 犂朽侃犁犂萎犂 犂犂朽款犁酌粥犁犁 犂朽寒犁犂逗姦 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂鉦苅犂逗瓦犁. 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犁犂橿 犂犂 犂犂萎 犂犂ム款犂犂鉦完犂犁犂橿 2 犂橿犁犁犂犂ム犂橿歓犁 犂犂逗寒犁犂犁犂 犂犂萎歓犂萎歓犂萎歓犂犁犂犂萎款犂犁. 犂犂む 犂蹝む 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗欺....??? 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犁犂橿 犂犂ム款犂犁犂む犂む 犂犂萎款犂犁?
  • 59. 犂 犂鉦寒犁犂む技犂犂鉦 CV 犂む犂萎犂萎款犂犁 犂犁犁犂劇 犁犂逗勘犁犂迦巻犁犂犂逗犁犂犁 犂犁酌堪犂逗姦犂逗欺 犂朽犁酌寒犁犂 犂萎干犂犁犂 犂む犂犂逗犁犂犁犂劇 犂伍擬犂犁犂犂鉦擬 犂犂鉦犁 犂犁犂む犂む歓犂 犂犂 犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂萎犂犂む犂む歓犁 犂犂犁 犂犁犂園犂園犂伍歓犁死犁犂橿 犂犂朽歓犂 犂 犂朽姦犂鉦犂逗犁犂犂逗完犂逗犁犂犁犂犁犂犂む
  • 60. P 20 Krishnan is an out-of-work seasonal farmer who is driven to steal coconuts from his landlord to support his family. When he is caught and imprisoned, he is shocked to learn that he has been charged with the murder of a man who has been missing from the island for many years. But since it was an election time, and the most popular platform for politicians had become capital punishment, Krishnan is sentenced to death in a particular way. This method is the title of the movie which won the Camera Dor at Cannes. Name the Movie and its Director
  • 62. Maranasimhasanam directed by Murali nair Krishnan is sentenced to death in the country's newest technology - electrocution by the electric chair.
  • 63. P 30 犁犂逗犁犂犂鉦擬犂÷ 犂犂園犂園技犂犂朽犂鉦姦犁犂橿 犂犂鉦寒犁犂о歓 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗欺 犂犂犂逗寒犂犂逗犁犂 犂÷犁準換犂 犂伍患犂朽侃犁犂萎歓犂犂逗姦犂鉦姦 犂 犂犂犂逗患犂犂む犂萎歓 犂犁犂鉦干犂む犂む歓犁 2 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎犁犂犂橿歓犁 犂犂犂逗寒犂犂逗犁犂犁. 犂萎苅犁犂犁犂 犂朽堪犂鉦換犁死犂鉦欺 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎犁犂犁 . 犂犂犁犂犂 犂犂犂逗寒犂犂逗犁犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎 犂朽侃犁犂萎犂 犂犂朽款犁酌粥犁犁犂 犂伍犂伍犂ム款犂 犂犂朽款犁酌粥犁犁犂 犂朽寒犁犂.犂萎苅犁犂犂鉦堪犂萎 犂犂犂逗寒犂犂逗犁犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂橿 2 犂犂鉦姦犂鉦瓦犁犂犂鉦換犂犂萎犂 犂伍犂伍犂ム寒 犂犂朽款犁酌粥犁犁 犂朽犂萎款犂犁犂犂橿款犂犂. 犂犂萎款犂犂逗患犁? 犂蹝萎款犂犁 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎犁犂犁?
  • 65. Neena Gupta Aham and Vasthuhara
  • 66. P 20 X co authored the story for the movie Ennu Naadhante Nimmi. He has worked as a clerk in Kerala university. He has also tried his hands in dubbing for the multi faceted legend Girish Karnad for the movie Neela kurinji poothappol. He was also has served as the Director of a television company. One of the books written by him has won Sangeeth nataka academy award. He was also associated with G. Sankara Pillai in theatre plays. He had also won the Best columnist award: for his feature "Vyazhaporul" in Malayala manorama Newspaper He is one of the founders of the Malayalam film actors association AMMA and he was the man behind coining the name of the organization. Identify : Who is X ? His Last Malayalam movie in which he appeared after his death?(Bonus)
  • 69. P 30 犂犂犁犂犂 犂萎犂犁犂 (1968) 犂伍完犂伍患犂萎歓 (1970) 犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎犁犂犂橿犂橿 犂犁犁 犂犂 犂犂萎犂朽犂萎款犂犁? Clue: Globally Renowned Indian
  • 76. 犂犂朽擬 犂犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂萎犂 犂犂伍款犂 犂犂逗技 犁犂鉦侃犁犁 犂犂犂 犂橿患犂橿犂橿歓犂む犂む歓犂萎姦犂逗欺 犂犂朽完犂萎歓犂犁犂犁. 犂犁犂逗犁犂犁 犂犁犂萎堪犂鉦冠犂朽技 犂犂犁犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犁 犂犂橿苅犂犁犂犂逗欺 犂む 犂о犂犂鉦技 犂伍歓犂犂犁 犂朽完犂橿完 犂犂逗寒犁 犁犂鉦侃犁犁 犂犂犁犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犁犁犂 犂犂朽完犁 犂犁犂迦患犂伍 犂朽歓犂萎患犂萎 犂 犂犂犁犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犁犁犂 犂犂逗技 犁犂鉦侃犁犂犁犂橿 犂朽患犂劇瓦犁犂む歓犁 犂犂む犂む歓
  • 77. P 20 B 20 Connect these actors to a movie which saw the last appearance of a gentleman in Malayalam movie (Masked with ?)(20) Identify the Missing actor for BONUS 20 The story of the movie is by a director and an actor has directed this movie. But Even after the completion of the movie, the film was on hold for over 1 year before its release. Film had music by Ilayaraja and Lyrics by Gireresh Puthenchery.
  • 80. P 30
  • 82. This dialogue in Akkare Akkare Akkare will give you the answer
  • 86. P 30
  • 88. 1. 犂む犂萎犂犂鉦完犂鉦姦犂 犂犁犂萎 (1985) 犂.犂.犂犂犁犂犁 犂伍犂朽歓犂о款犂犂 犂橿犂犁犂 犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犁 犂犂鉦寒犁犂о歓犂犂 犂犂犂 犂犂む犂む歓犂犂萎犂 犂む犂萎 犂朽犂鉦憾犂犁 犂犂鉦患犂犁犂犂 犂萎干犂犁犂 犂犂犂逗完犁犂犁犂犁 2.犂犁酌患犂劇款犂 1999 - 犂犂鉦寒犁犂о歓犂犂逗姦犂鉦姦犂 犂朽犂鉦憾犂犁 犂犂鉦患犂犁犂犂 .犂む 犂о款犂 犂犁犂犂鉦姦 犂犁犂萎干犂逗姦犁犂橿 犂犂ム款 犂鉦瓦犁犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犂犁犂橿 犂犂鉦寒犂伍歓犂 犂朽姦犂ム姦犂逗欺 犂犂犂鉦干犁犂橿 犂犂犂伍犂伍歓犁 犂朽完犁犂犁犂犂萎款犂犂逗犁犂犂鉦姦犂逗完犁犂犁犂犁 犂犂鉦寒犁犂о歓犂犂逗干犂 犂犂逗瓦犁犂萎犂犂萎歓犂犁犂犂む. 3.犂犁犂 犁犂萎犂劇技 2010- 犂 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犂逗欺 犂犂鉦寒犁犂о歓犂犂逗姦犂鉦姦犂 犂犂む犂む歓犂犂む 犂む犂萎 犂朽犂鉦擬犂犁 犂 犂鉦犠 犂犂犂逗完犁犂犁犂犁 .犂む犂萎 犂犂鉦完犂鉦姦犂 犂犁犂萎犂朽犂犂鉦姦犂 犂犂鉦寒犁犂о歓犂犂逗姦犁犂橿 犂犁犁犂 犂犂鉦幹犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂萎犂犂む犂む歓犁犂鉦苅犁 犂犂鉦寒犁犂о歓犂犂 犂朽完犁犂犁犂犂む.
  • 91. When the Malayalam film X Was re made to hindi as Y in 2006,the hero of the film X, Mr. A did the dubbing for the hero of Y,Mr.B The Movie Y had with a tagline of "Love meets confusion meets love. Story of both the movies were written by a Malayalee duo. Vijay Yesudas has sung a Song in A. Jeetu Prasad Sharma was the name of B s character in Y. In hindi the film was directed by another Malayalee director and not by the director of X Name the both movies X and Y and HEROS A and B Ideantify the writer duo for bonus (10) P 40 B 10
  • 94. P 30 Identify the VOICE and Movie
  • 97. P 30
  • 100. P 30 Name her Name the charcter through which she earned recognition
  • 103. P 20 B 20 犂朽犂萎干 犂伍犂伍犂ム款犂 犂犁犂犁犂犂逗瓦犁犂 犂犂朽款犁酌粥犁犂逗寒犁犂橿 犂犂萎歓犂む犂萎瓦犁犂む歓犁 犂犂犁犂犂犂鉦姦犂 犂犂朽完 犂犁犁犁犂犂犂む犂む歓犂橿 2 犂 犁酌犁犂犁 犂犂朽完 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪犂犁犂犁犂犁 犂犂朽完 犂犂鉦官犁犂園犂萎歓犂犂逗欺 犂犂朽款犁酌粥犁犁 犂犂逗犁犂犂犂逗犁犂犁犂犁犂犁? 犂蹝萎 犂伍歓犂犂逗堪? 犂蹝萎 犂朽歓犂犂鉦犂む犂む歓犂犂鉦苅犁 犂犂朽款犁酌粥犁犁 犁犂犂逗犁犂犂む? Bonus for naming the (20)
  • 105. 犂萎患犂犁犂萎歓 (2007 ) 犂項勧犁犂伍瓦犁犂む歓犂犁犂 犂伍犂犂む犂む歓犂犁犂 犂÷犂犁犂犂逗犂犂逗寒犁 The elder sister had dubbed for the older version of Shwethas character, and the younger sister for the younger version
  • 106. P 20 B 10 Which was the first movie in Malayalam film history to feature a gun in the movie? Name the director of the movie (20) Bonus for naming the actor holding the gun(10)