Chatuskoti (Catuskoti - Tetralemma - 犇犇犒犒犒犇犒犇о犇犇) is a logic system that existed in ancient India and Sri Lanka. It can be called the logic of Buddhism. It is more like an extension to the modern Binary logic. You may download the presentation to view the Sinhala text (if you have Sinhala unicode installed). You may need to install Unicode Sinhala Fonts to view the Sinhala text at (the Sinhala text is displayed correctly in the presentation transcript, which is displayed below)
3. Aristotelian logic Logic of Modern Science Studied in Mathematics, Philosophy and Computer Science Independent of the Observer (Objective Reality)
4. C h atu畊ko畊i Positive configuration P Not-P Both P & Not-P Neither P Nor Not-P Negative configuration -- ( P ) -- ( Not-P ) -- ( Both P & Not-P ) -- ( Neither P Nor Not-P ) P Not-P Both P & Not-P Neither P Nor Not-P
5. Relation Problem ( 犇園犇犒 犇巌犇死犒犇園矯 ) Mihindu Thero: Great King, Do you have relatives? ( 犇伍犇死侠 , 犇犇謹凶 犇園犇材 犒犒犇о犇犒犇 ?) King Dev: Yes, Venerable Sir. ( 犇犒犒犇 犒犒犒犒蹡伍犇園 .) Mihindu Thero: Great King, Do you have non-relatives? ( 犇伍犇死侠 , 犇犇謹凶 犇園犇園犇材 犒犒犇о犇犒犇 ?) King Dev: Yes, Venerable Sir. ( 犇犒犒犇 犒犒犒犒蹡伍犇園 .)
6. Relation Problem ( 犇園犇犒 犇巌犇死犒犇園矯 ) Mihindu Thero: Great King, Is there anyone that is not a relative or yours nor a non-relative of yours? ( 犇伍犇死侠 , 犇犒犒 犇園犇材犇犒 犇園犒犇 , 犇園犇園犇材犇犒 犇園犒犇 犇犒犇犒 犇犇 犒犒犇о犇犒犇 ?) King Dev : Yes, Venerable Sir. That is me. ( 犇犒犒犇 犒犒犒犒蹡伍犇園 . 犇 犇伍狂犇 .)
7. Relation Problem in Set Theory Where do we put the King???? All Humans Non-Relatives Relatives
8. C h atu畊ko畊i in our culture 犇材怯 犇犇 犇犇伍怯犒 is not coming or going nor coming and going. 犇犇犒 犒犒犇犒犇財 is not more or less nor more and less. Attitudes Gestures
9. C h atu畊ko畊i in Buddhist Philosophy 犇園境 犒犒 犇園境 犇犇む犇む - ( the one who is reborn) is not the same person nor is another. In Aristotelian Logic this is impossible. In C h atu畊ko畊i this is possible.
10. Quantum Computing Child of Quantum Theory/Quantum Mechanics Bit vs. Qubit Qubit can be 1, 0 or any Superposition of those two values. (1,0,01,10) Cryptography, Modeling
11. Philosophical Implications of C h atu畊ko畊i Every observation is relative to the observer. (relation problem, Heisenberg uncertainty principle) No objective reality ( 犒犒蹢犒犇犒犒犇 犇材峡犒蹡死犇犇 ) Rather, objective reality is an illusion formed by the intersection of subjective realities Contrary to the quest of Modern Science (e.g. theory of everything)