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Tweets for the Soul By Charlie Henry Chapter Seven FoundationForWellBeing.org music & script  息 2010 by Charles Henry
A Mis-Thought is based on Mis-Perception, a mis-take, awaiting only correction and then to be released back from whence it came
Our High Expectations demand we be right most, if not all, of the time. A rare occurrence. So we have to condemn or forgive ourselves a lot, or change our expectations
My compassion to all of you who are dealing with more than I am, and those who are dealing with less.
A 'thought' is a picture, an image we hold. The more detailed the image, the easier it is to focus on it. The initial steps in "visualizing".
An architect first visualizes, pictures, an idea, then draws it, then a builder builds it. As we manifest our desires, a similar flow may help.
How detailed to get? A 'red BMW' or simply a good-looking, reliable transport? The "builder", Energy, does not care which, it is for us to decide.
The Light of Love exists within us. It is Who we really are. Our function is to let the Light shine through us and then see the world by Its reflection there.
Questions appear within the world we see. Answers are found outside. When we find an answer, we have left the world we see for a moment, and then returned with the answer.
The world we see appears real only by our belief in its reality. Reality is not dependent upon our belief in It, our perceptions are.
Reality is timeless, eternal, changeless, forever the Home of Truth. Truth is the Light of Love. As we remember this, we remember  Reality is our Home. We only forgot this for a moment.
We are physical only to help us remember our Reality. As we remember, our bodies become perfect teaching devices to help others remember.
Our Reality is non-physical. The highest use for our bodies is as a learning device for the mind that forgot, for a moment, its Home is Reality.
As we remember Reality, we will want only to give, to share, the Light of Love with everyone & everything. Reality & Love go hand in hand with us.
The true measure of a person is not what s/he does or says, but only our recognition that s/he is a being just like us, remembering Who We Are.
Tweets for the Soul By Charlie Henry Thanks for viewing Chapter Seven FoundationForWellBeing.org Words & Music  息2010 by Charles Henry

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Inspirational Tweets for the Soul - Chapter Seven

  • 1. Tweets for the Soul By Charlie Henry Chapter Seven FoundationForWellBeing.org music & script 息 2010 by Charles Henry
  • 2. A Mis-Thought is based on Mis-Perception, a mis-take, awaiting only correction and then to be released back from whence it came
  • 3. Our High Expectations demand we be right most, if not all, of the time. A rare occurrence. So we have to condemn or forgive ourselves a lot, or change our expectations
  • 4. My compassion to all of you who are dealing with more than I am, and those who are dealing with less.
  • 5. A 'thought' is a picture, an image we hold. The more detailed the image, the easier it is to focus on it. The initial steps in "visualizing".
  • 6. An architect first visualizes, pictures, an idea, then draws it, then a builder builds it. As we manifest our desires, a similar flow may help.
  • 7. How detailed to get? A 'red BMW' or simply a good-looking, reliable transport? The "builder", Energy, does not care which, it is for us to decide.
  • 8. The Light of Love exists within us. It is Who we really are. Our function is to let the Light shine through us and then see the world by Its reflection there.
  • 9. Questions appear within the world we see. Answers are found outside. When we find an answer, we have left the world we see for a moment, and then returned with the answer.
  • 10. The world we see appears real only by our belief in its reality. Reality is not dependent upon our belief in It, our perceptions are.
  • 11. Reality is timeless, eternal, changeless, forever the Home of Truth. Truth is the Light of Love. As we remember this, we remember Reality is our Home. We only forgot this for a moment.
  • 12. We are physical only to help us remember our Reality. As we remember, our bodies become perfect teaching devices to help others remember.
  • 13. Our Reality is non-physical. The highest use for our bodies is as a learning device for the mind that forgot, for a moment, its Home is Reality.
  • 14. As we remember Reality, we will want only to give, to share, the Light of Love with everyone & everything. Reality & Love go hand in hand with us.
  • 15. The true measure of a person is not what s/he does or says, but only our recognition that s/he is a being just like us, remembering Who We Are.
  • 16. Tweets for the Soul By Charlie Henry Thanks for viewing Chapter Seven FoundationForWellBeing.org Words & Music 息2010 by Charles Henry