This document talks about the new rule that was suggested by U.S. Department of Health and Human Sciences (HHS), with respect to sharing of lab test results with patients, as an amendment to Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) of 1988 regulations.
Una arritmia es una alteración en el ritmo cardiaco normal que puede poner en peligro la vida del paciente. Se pueden clasificar como supraventricular si se origina por encima del haz de His o ventricular si es por debajo. Las arritmias se producen principalmente por alteraciones en la formación del estÃmulo cardiaco en el nodo sinusal o por alteraciones en la transmisión del estÃmulo desde las aurÃculas a los ventrÃculos. La enfermedad del nodo sinusal se puede manifestar de diversas formas como bradicardia sinusal severa
Este documento lista 23 participantes de um curso de Informática Básica patrocinado pela Prefeitura Municipal de Guarapari. O curso será ministrado pelo tutor Leandro Marin e terá inÃcio em 11 de março de 2014, ocorrendo à s terças-feiras das 18h30 à s 21h30. Os participantes estão afiliados a diferentes escolas municipais da região.
This document outlines the details of a recruitment fair event being organized to connect students with opportunities in the education field. The goal is to inform students of teaching jobs and internships. It will take place at Fresno State in the Satellite Student Union and include booths from different school districts providing information. All students are invited but it specifically targets those interested in becoming teachers. Refreshments may be provided and the school will handle amenities like restrooms, parking, and security. Promotion will occur on social media and emails to relevant majors. Evaluation will include attendance tracking and social media engagement analysis.