This document provides information about Irina Volynets, a teacher, including her favorite TV programs, music, food, and sports. It then introduces the school where she teaches, noting that it has 44 students, 4 multimedia projectors, 4 white boards, and was founded in 2000 on the basis of another school from 1964. Unique things about the school include opportunities to participate in international projects to broaden students' minds, a school newspaper called "BOOM," and a school calendar.
11. Favourite TV programmes
Brain ring
Intuition difference In a black,
black room
The cleverest Clash of the Titans
Clash of extrasensory
22. Our Gymnasium was
founded in 2000 on the
basis of secondary school
6 with the advanced
level of the English
language. This school was
opened in 1964. So we
can say that our school is
old though our
gymnasium is very young:
we are only 12 years old
We have a good
opportunity of taking
part in the IEARN
projects and other
projects, which broaden
our mind and master our
language skills and teach
us to communicate or to
28. Name: Slonim
Location: Slonim is located in the western
part of Belarus, 180 km far from the
capital of our Motherland Minsk. It is
located in the south-eastern part of
Grodno region on the Shchara River.
Area: Its area is 1,500 square meters
Population: about 52 000 people
29. Slonim is an ancient town
which is situated in a
picturesque place surrounded
by lakes and forests.
30. The town has a considerable number of
architectural monuments and a rich
historic and cultural heritage.
31. Five kilometres from the town there is a village of
Zhirovichy, Known Since the second half of the 15th
century. The modern Zhirovichy with its Uspensky Cloister
and Minsk Religions Academy and Seminary is considered
to be the centre of Orthodoxy of Belarus and the icon of