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Saturday, December 1, 12
About me:

                    Dan Bode
                    Integration Specialist at PuppetLabs


                    bodepd <on> freenode

Saturday, December 1, 12
Who is this talk for?

         current CloudStack Users

         Puppet beginners

Saturday, December 1, 12
It will cover

         why integrate?

         explanation of Puppets architecture as it applies to

         using Puppet to model VM instances

Saturday, December 1, 12
Why Integrate?

Saturday, December 1, 12
Why integrate?

         CloudStack provides an API for provisioning virtual


                            Self Service API


Saturday, December 1, 12
Why integrate?

         Puppet converts freshly provisioned VMs into
         functional applications

                                              Self Service APi

                                                                    Make me an
                                                   VM1              apache server
                           Here are the
                           instructions for
                           becoming an
                           apache server

Saturday, December 1, 12
Why integrate?

         Combined, they create fully automated application

                            deploy me a DB,
                            then 2 apache servers

                                 Self Service APi

                           DB1      Apache1 Apache2

Saturday, December 1, 12

Saturday, December 1, 12
2 run modes

       puppet apply - all content is stored on the individual
       nodes. commonly used for testing (or for scale)

       client/server - content is served from a central
       master (this is what we will be talking about)

Saturday, December 1, 12
A Puppet client/server run

                           Classifier            Modules


                            Facts                  Catalog


Saturday, December 1, 12
Facter returns system specific

                             Classifier            Modules


                           Facts                     Catalog


Saturday, December 1, 12

       to see a systems facts, run

       $ facter
       architecture => x86_64
       domain => local
       facterversion => 2.0.0
       fqdn => DansLapTop.local
       hardwareisa => i386
       hardwaremodel => x86_64
       id => danbode

Saturday, December 1, 12

              Nodes submit their facts as a part of the request
              for catalog.

              Available as top scope variables from manifests

              ie : $::fact_name

              Creating custom facts is easy.

Saturday, December 1, 12
A Puppet client/server run


                            Facts                 Catalog


Saturday, December 1, 12

              Sharable content composed of classes and defined
              resource types (configuration interfaces).

Saturday, December 1, 12
Module Forge



Saturday, December 1, 12
Classes/defines compose resources

Saturday, December 1, 12

            Describe the con鍖guration state of individual system

              user { dan:
                ensure => present,
                shell => /bin/bash,

Saturday, December 1, 12

            Describe the con鍖guration state of individual system

              user { dan:             # a user named dan
                ensure => present,      # should exist
                shell => /bin/bash,   # with this shell

Saturday, December 1, 12

              package { apache2: # a package named apache2
                ensure => present, # should be installed

Saturday, December 1, 12
Puppet DSL and resources

Saturday, December 1, 12
Puppet DSL and Resources

       The Puppet DSL can be used to compose collections of
       resources into classes or de鍖ned resources.

Saturday, December 1, 12
Example apache class
       class apache {
        package { apache2:
          ensure => present,
        鍖le { /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:
          content => template(apache2/apache2.erb),
          require => Package[apache2],
        service { apache2:
          ensure => running
          subscribe => File[/etc/apache2/apache2.conf]

Saturday, December 1, 12
A Puppet client/server run



                                Facts              Catalog


Saturday, December 1, 12

              Process that determines how Puppet maps a role
              to a specific instance.

Saturday, December 1, 12
Site manifest


     The master utilizes code from its site manifest to 鍖gure
     out how to assign a role to a node.

Saturday, December 1, 12
Site manifest
    Node blocks map a hosts certname to content from a

       node /^my_node/ {
         include apache

Saturday, December 1, 12
Determine role based on facts
                deploy me an apache server

                                             Self Service APi


Saturday, December 1, 12
Determine role based on facts

      deployVirtualMachine -> userdata -> facts

      node default {
        if $::role == apache {
          include apache
        } else {
          fail(Unde鍖ne role: ${role})

Saturday, December 1, 12
Decouple role assignment from
       After provisioning is completed, ssh into a machine,
       set a custom fact (using facts.d), and trigger a
       puppet run.

       pros - you can easily execute a script to install and
       bootstrap puppet

       cons - extra step

Saturday, December 1, 12

       facts.d comes with stdlib

       it converts any key=value pairs listed in /etc/
       facts.d/*.txt into facts

Saturday, December 1, 12


           The master can call out to arbitrary executables to
           鍖gure out how a node should be classi鍖ed.

Saturday, December 1, 12
          You can set the group attribute with classi鍖cation
          information when instances are created.

          The ENC can then query the group attribute from the
          VM instance that needs to be classi鍖ed.

Saturday, December 1, 12
A Puppet client/server run

                           Classifier            Modules




Saturday, December 1, 12
          Collection of resources that describe how a node can
          achieve a speci鍖ed con鍖guration.

Saturday, December 1, 12

                           Package             File

                           User         User

Dependencies                                   Service

Saturday, December 1, 12
VM provisioning with Puppet
            (experimental! use cases

Saturday, December 1, 12
Share Application Stacks as text

       class my_app_stack {
           cloudstack_instance { 'foo4':
               ensure      => present,
               group       => 'role=db',
           cloudstack_instance { 'foo3':
               ensure      => present,
               group       => 'role=apache',

Saturday, December 1, 12
Use resource defaults for
       common settings
       Cloudstack_instance {
           image           => 'CentOS 5.6 key+pass',
           flavor          => 'Small Instance',
           zone            => 'ACS-FMT-001',
           network         => 'puppetlabs-network',
           keypair         => 'dans_keypair4',
       cloudstack_instance { 'foo4':
           ensure          => $::ensure,
           group           => 'role=db',
       cloudstack_instance { 'foo3':
           ensure          => $::ensure,
           group           => 'role=apache',

Saturday, December 1, 12

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Cloudstack talk

  • 1. Integrating CloudStack with Puppet Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 2. About me: Dan Bode Integration Specialist at PuppetLabs @bodepd bodepd <on> freenode Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 3. Who is this talk for? current CloudStack Users Puppet beginners Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 4. It will cover why integrate? explanation of Puppets architecture as it applies to integration using Puppet to model VM instances Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 6. Why integrate? CloudStack provides an API for provisioning virtual machines deployVirtualMachine Self Service API VM1 Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 7. Why integrate? Puppet converts freshly provisioned VMs into functional applications Self Service APi Make me an VM1 apache server Here are the instructions for becoming an Puppet apache server Master Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 8. Why integrate? Combined, they create fully automated application stacks. deploy me a DB, then 2 apache servers Self Service APi DB1 Apache1 Apache2 Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 9. Understanding Puppet Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 10. 2 run modes puppet apply - all content is stored on the individual nodes. commonly used for testing (or for scale) client/server - content is served from a central master (this is what we will be talking about) Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 11. A Puppet client/server run Classifier Modules Master Facts Catalog VM1 Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 12. Facter returns system specific information Classifier Modules Master Facts Catalog Agent Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 13. Facter to see a systems facts, run $ facter architecture => x86_64 domain => local facterversion => 2.0.0 fqdn => DansLapTop.local hardwareisa => i386 hardwaremodel => x86_64 id => danbode Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 14. Facter Nodes submit their facts as a part of the request for catalog. Available as top scope variables from manifests ie : $::fact_name Creating custom facts is easy. Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 15. A Puppet client/server run Modules Classifier Master Facts Catalog VM1 Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 16. Modules Sharable content composed of classes and defined resource types (configuration interfaces). Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 17. Module Forge http://forge.puppetlabs.com/ http://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/apache Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 19. Resources Describe the con鍖guration state of individual system elements. user { dan: ensure => present, shell => /bin/bash, } Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 20. Resources Describe the con鍖guration state of individual system elements. user { dan: # a user named dan ensure => present, # should exist shell => /bin/bash, # with this shell } Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 21. Resources package { apache2: # a package named apache2 ensure => present, # should be installed } Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 22. Puppet DSL and resources Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 23. Puppet DSL and Resources The Puppet DSL can be used to compose collections of resources into classes or de鍖ned resources. Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 24. Example apache class class apache { package { apache2: ensure => present, } 鍖le { /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: content => template(apache2/apache2.erb), require => Package[apache2], } service { apache2: ensure => running subscribe => File[/etc/apache2/apache2.conf] } } Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 25. A Puppet client/server run Classifier Modules Master Facts Catalog VM1 Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 26. Classification Process that determines how Puppet maps a role to a specific instance. Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 27. Site manifest Master /etc/puppet/manifest/site.pp The master utilizes code from its site manifest to 鍖gure out how to assign a role to a node. Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 28. Site manifest Node blocks map a hosts certname to content from a module node /^my_node/ { include apache } Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 29. Determine role based on facts deploy me an apache server Self Service APi Apache1 Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 30. Determine role based on facts deployVirtualMachine -> userdata -> facts node default { if $::role == apache { include apache } else { fail(Unde鍖ne role: ${role}) } } Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 31. Decouple role assignment from provisioning After provisioning is completed, ssh into a machine, set a custom fact (using facts.d), and trigger a puppet run. pros - you can easily execute a script to install and bootstrap puppet cons - extra step Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 32. facts.d facts.d comes with stdlib (http://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/stdlib) it converts any key=value pairs listed in /etc/ facts.d/*.txt into facts Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 33. ENC ENC Master The master can call out to arbitrary executables to 鍖gure out how a node should be classi鍖ed. Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 34. ENC You can set the group attribute with classi鍖cation information when instances are created. The ENC can then query the group attribute from the VM instance that needs to be classi鍖ed. Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 35. A Puppet client/server run Classifier Modules Master Facts Catalog VM1 Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 36. Catalog Collection of resources that describe how a node can achieve a speci鍖ed con鍖guration. Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 37. Catalog Resources Catalog Package Package File File User User Service Dependencies Service Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 38. VM provisioning with Puppet (experimental! use cases appreciated) Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 39. Share Application Stacks as text class my_app_stack { cloudstack_instance { 'foo4': ensure => present, group => 'role=db', } cloudstack_instance { 'foo3': ensure => present, group => 'role=apache', } } Saturday, December 1, 12
  • 40. Use resource defaults for common settings Cloudstack_instance { image => 'CentOS 5.6 key+pass', flavor => 'Small Instance', zone => 'ACS-FMT-001', network => 'puppetlabs-network', keypair => 'dans_keypair4', } cloudstack_instance { 'foo4': ensure => $::ensure, group => 'role=db', } cloudstack_instance { 'foo3': ensure => $::ensure, group => 'role=apache', } Saturday, December 1, 12