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.NET 4.0 
Code Contracts 
Presentation provided by 
Koen Metsu 
 Independent .NET consultant 
 Blog: http://www.koenmetsu.com 
 Twitter: @koenmetsu
Basic concepts 
Code Contracts at work 
 Static checking 
 Runtime checking 
Advanced usage 
 Contract inheritance 
 Customize contract runtime 
 Documentation Generation 
 Contract reference assembly 
Maintaining proper internal 
Provider exposes ITrainScheduler 
public interface ITrainScheduler 
IList<Train> GetScheduledTrains(DateTime start, DateTime end); 
void ScheduleTrain(string name, Route route); 
As consumer 
 Range of dates? 
 Is there a max resultset? 
 Can I provide an empty train name? 
As provider 
 Raise exceptions on invalid input? 
 Debug.Assert to check internal state? 
Code Contracts to the rescue! 
1 language agnostic API 
 same API for C#, VB.NET, F#,  
Design By Contract 
 Define expectations from caller 
 Make promises 
 Maintain constant proper internal state 
 Testing (e.g. Pex) 
 Documentation (e.g. SandCastle) 
 Static checking 
 Runtime checking
Very Basic concepts 
Example: Dog 
Basic Concepts 
Types of Contracts
Contracts in real life 
1) I want that new monitor 
2) Thatll be 200 please! 
3) Thank you, your monitor will: 
 Have a remote 
 Be brand new
Preconditions before Code 
Validating input parameters 
 If  throw ArgumentException 
 Lots of documentation 
 Caller doesnt know about valid input
Preconditions with Code 
Validating input 
 Validates state on method entry 
 Burden on caller, so must be about state visible to caller 
Legacy code 
 Existing If  then throw can be integrated 
Making promises 
 Validates state on method exit 
 Helper methods in Contracts assembly 
Contract.Ensures(trainCount >5); 
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Train>()!= null);
Maintaining proper state 
Object Invariants 
 Condition that holds at all (visible) time. 
 On public method exits 
private void SomeMeaningfulName() 
All contract checks must have no visible side-effects to callers 
Declare purity with [Pure] on 
Considered pure 
 Property getters 
 Methods of immutable types 
 Methods/Types declared pure 
private bool CheckValidity(string text) 
//logic here 
 Condition must hold for all elements 
Contract.Requires(Contract.ForAll(myEnumerable, x => x.IsValid)); 
 Condition must hold for at least one element 
Contract.Requires(Contract.Exists(myEnumerable, x => x.IsChosen));
Asserting your state 
 Condition must be valid 
Contract.Assert(myValue == expectedValue); 
 Runtime checker 
 same as Contract.Assert 
 Static checker 
 Condition doesnt have to be proven, its assumed to be true 
Contract.Assume(myValue == expectedValue);
Debug.Assert vs 
 Only in Debug builds 
 No tools 
 Works even with Code Contracts disabled 
 Can work in release builds (configurable) 
 Does not work with Code Contracts disabled
Code Contracts at 
Upon installation 
New property pane
Static Checking 
Finds contract breaches before running 
Can run in background 
 Shows warnings for 
 Unproven contracts 
 Possible null references 
 Possible out of bounds calls 
 Redundant assumptions 
 Implicit arithmetic obligations
Working with the static 
Can be overwhelming 
Fix warnings 
 Statistically provable 
 Assumptions & Assertions 
 Exclude current warnings 
 Export to file
Runtime Checking 
On Failure: 
 Throw ContractException 
 Internal class 
 not catchable 
  except by catching general exception 
 Assert on Failure 
Advanced Usage
Contract Inheritance 
Interface does not show you the behavior 
Contracts are inherited 
 Cant add extra ( Liskov Substition Principle ) 
 Postconditions & Invariants 
 Can be made stronger 
Making your interfaces/abstracts behave 
Dummy class, implementing interface 
 Contracts in method body 
Usage in an existing project 
Enable the baseline 
 Stores all warnings during next run in an Xml file 
 Warnings in the Xml file will not be shown again
Customize Contract Runtime 
Contract handling 
Contract failure 
Override Runtime Checking Behavior 
 Every Contract check 
 ReportFailure method 
Automated White Box Testing 
 Parameterized Unit Tests 
 Analyzes code under test 
Analyzes Code Contracts 
 100% Code Contracts test coverage 
 Tests target contract conditions 
Suggests missing contracts
MSDN style API documentation generation 
 XML comments 
 Enable XML documentation output 
 Sandcastle Helpfile Builder 
Includes contract documentation
Isolate Contracts in Seperate 
Option: generate a reference assembly 
Ship when needed 
 Limit product size 
Generates <AssemblyName>.Contracts.dll
Future of Code Contracts 
 Use it personally to document and test your code 
 Great for interdeveloper use 
Built-in support 
 .NET 4.0 BCL behavior defined by Code Contracts 
 Supported in Silverlight 4 
 VS add-in 
Third party tools supporting Code Contracts 
 PEX, Sandcastle, Resharper
Code Contracts 
 Official site 
 Official site 
 Official site 
 Sandcastle Helpfile Builder

More Related Content

.NET 4.0 Code Contracts (2010)

  • 1. .NET 4.0 Code Contracts KOEN METSU
  • 2. Presentation provided by Koen Metsu Independent .NET consultant Blog: http://www.koenmetsu.com Twitter: @koenmetsu
  • 3. Agenda Introduction Basic concepts Code Contracts at work Static checking Runtime checking Advanced usage Contract inheritance Customize contract runtime PEX Documentation Generation Contract reference assembly Future Resources
  • 4. Maintaining proper internal state Provider exposes ITrainScheduler public interface ITrainScheduler { IList<Train> GetScheduledTrains(DateTime start, DateTime end); void ScheduleTrain(string name, Route route); } As consumer Range of dates? Is there a max resultset? Can I provide an empty train name? As provider Raise exceptions on invalid input? Debug.Assert to check internal state? Reusability??
  • 5. Code Contracts to the rescue! 1 language agnostic API same API for C#, VB.NET, F#, System.Diagnostics.Contracts mscorlib Design By Contract Define expectations from caller Make promises Maintain constant proper internal state Benefits: Testing (e.g. Pex) Documentation (e.g. SandCastle) Static checking Runtime checking
  • 6. Very Basic concepts Object State Behavior Example: Dog State Age Name Color Behavior Bark Sit Drool
  • 7. Basic Concepts Types of Contracts
  • 8. Contracts in real life CUSTOMER 1) I want that new monitor BIG MEDIASTORE EMPLOYEE 2) Thatll be 200 please! 3) Thank you, your monitor will: Have a remote Be brand new
  • 9. Preconditions before Code Contracts Validating input parameters If throw ArgumentException Lots of documentation Caller doesnt know about valid input
  • 10. Preconditions with Code Contracts Validating input Validates state on method entry Burden on caller, so must be about state visible to caller Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)); Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)); Legacy code Existing If then throw can be integrated Contract.EndContractBlock();
  • 11. Making promises Postconditions Validates state on method exit Helper methods in Contracts assembly Result<T> OldValue<T> ValueAtReturn<T> Contract.Ensures(trainCount >5); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Train>()!= null);
  • 12. Maintaining proper state Object Invariants Condition that holds at all (visible) time. On public method exits [ContractInvariantMethod] private void SomeMeaningfulName() { Contract.Invariant(CheckValidity()); }
  • 13. Purity All contract checks must have no visible side-effects to callers Declare purity with [Pure] on Types Methods Considered pure Implicit Property getters Operators Methods of immutable types Explicit Methods/Types declared pure [Pure] private bool CheckValidity(string text) { //logic here }
  • 14. Quantifiers ForAll Condition must hold for all elements Contract.Requires(Contract.ForAll(myEnumerable, x => x.IsValid)); Exists Condition must hold for at least one element Contract.Requires(Contract.Exists(myEnumerable, x => x.IsChosen));
  • 15. Asserting your state Assert Condition must be valid Contract.Assert(myValue == expectedValue); Assume Runtime checker same as Contract.Assert Static checker Condition doesnt have to be proven, its assumed to be true Contract.Assume(myValue == expectedValue);
  • 16. Debug.Assert vs Contract.Assert Debug.Assert Only in Debug builds No tools Works even with Code Contracts disabled Contract.Assert Can work in release builds (configurable) Tools Does not work with Code Contracts disabled
  • 18. Upon installation New property pane
  • 19. Static Checking Finds contract breaches before running Can run in background Shows warnings for Unproven contracts Possible null references Possible out of bounds calls Redundant assumptions Implicit arithmetic obligations
  • 20. Working with the static checker Can be overwhelming Fix warnings Statistically provable Preconditions Postconditions Invariants Assumptions & Assertions Baseline Exclude current warnings Export to file
  • 21. Runtime Checking On Failure: Throw ContractException Internal class not catchable except by catching general exception Assert on Failure REMINDER: BEST PRACTICE DO NOT CATCH GENERAL EXCEPTION
  • 24. Contract Inheritance Interface does not show you the behavior Contracts are inherited Preconditions Cant add extra ( Liskov Substition Principle ) Postconditions & Invariants Can be made stronger Making your interfaces/abstracts behave [ContractClass(typeof(IFooContract))] Dummy class, implementing interface Contracts in method body [ContractClassFor(typeof(IFooContract))]
  • 25. Usage in an existing project Enable the baseline Stores all warnings during next run in an Xml file Warnings in the Xml file will not be shown again
  • 26. Customize Contract Runtime Contract handling Contract failure Override Runtime Checking Behavior Every Contract check ReportFailure method RaiseContractFailedEvent
  • 27. Pex Automated White Box Testing Parameterized Unit Tests Analyzes code under test Analyzes Code Contracts 100% Code Contracts test coverage Tests target contract conditions Suggests missing contracts
  • 28. Sandcastle MSDN style API documentation generation XML comments Enable XML documentation output CodePlex Sandcastle Sandcastle Helpfile Builder Includes contract documentation
  • 29. Isolate Contracts in Seperate Assembly Option: generate a reference assembly Ship when needed Limit product size Debugging Generates <AssemblyName>.Contracts.dll
  • 30. Future of Code Contracts Usage Use it personally to document and test your code Great for interdeveloper use Built-in support .NET 4.0 BCL behavior defined by Code Contracts Supported in Silverlight 4 VS add-in Third party tools supporting Code Contracts PEX, Sandcastle, Resharper
  • 31. Resources Code Contracts Official site Pex Official site http://www.pexforfun.com Sandcastle Official site Sandcastle Helpfile Builder

Editor's Notes

  1. Expectations for Interfaces vsClasses .NET interfaces dont contain implementation details. But, isnt the fact that a particular methods argument and return value should never ever be null a concern of the interface definition and not the classes that implement it?
  2. Code Contracts are checked in this sequence
  3. CODESAMPLE: Show if throw argumentexception Take note of the amount of documentation. ( this is a public api youre writing )
  4. Code Sample
  5. CODE SAMPLE: - show how to write postcondition - Put emphasis on validating your own code Worden in begin method geplaatst, check gebeurt wel degelijk op einde Hoewel preconditions ( validating input ) gemakkelijk te implementeren is zonder Code Contracts, zijn postconditions moeilijker: oorspronkelijke waarden zelf bijhouden, wat bij foutieve staat, All preconditions and postconditions are expressed before the main implementation in Code Contracts. The tools assume that anything that comes after the last reference to Contract (apart from calls to Assert and Assume, which we'll meet in a minute) is part of the implementation, but anything up to that point is purely contractual and has no impact on the real work of the method. If you mistakenly put a postcondition at the end of the method, Code Contracts will complain of a "malformed contract."
  6. Invariants are contracts about the state of the object which should apply at all times that the state is visible. In other words, it's okay to change an invariant while a public method in the class is running, but at the end of the method the invariant should satisfied again.
  7. Purity will be checked in the future
  8. Contract.Assert versus Debug.Assert - Release build kan Contract.Asserts bevatten (geen Debug.Asserts) - Static / Runtime checker zoekt naar Contract.Asserts, niet naar Debug.Asserts - Als Contracts disabled zijn, worden Debug.Asserts (in debug builds) wel nog uitgevoerd
  9. Up until now, Code Contracts did not do anything. We just declared them, but as such, they do nothing. Its only with the Code Contract tools they actually do anything besides documenting your code.
  10. Demo Static checking
  11. Demo Code Contracts property pane Demo Runtime checking
  12. DEMO
  13. DEMO
  14. DEMO Wat images om de boel op te vrolijken
  15. Uitleg over met welke opties je best kan deployen