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                                                                                                                Hospital services

                         Proprietary technology l In-house certified coders
   Accuracy 95% guaranteed l Turnaround times improved
         eMs Billing, Follow-up, and a/r Management
    Our comprehensive medical Coding dedicated healthcare experts with smart mobile
                  Combining our network of meets the essential needs of hospitals, medical practices,
    and freestanding ambulatoryHealth Streets Emergency Medical Servicesfocus on your core mission
                  technology, Apollo surgical centers so that you are able to (EMS) solutions
                  work seamlessly with municipalities and hospital-based EMS providers to quickly
    of quality patient care. Our 100% in-house staff code nearly six million oupatient visits a year.
                  and efficiently bill and follow-up on every 911 emergency and non-emergency
    Apollo fills the gap, whether that is working the on-the-go codingof EMS providers and pitching in for
                  transport. Our team knows the unique, backlog, needs your ED accounts,
    vacations, or outsourcingon data capture for your EMTs to eliminate back-end billing
                  offers training your entire coding department.
               and collection edit failures. From medical coding to remittance processing to
         	 HIPAA-compliant	electronic	access	to	your	EMR	or	courier	exchange	of	medical	records
               electronic-file transfer and carrier relations, we offer a customized billing platform
         	 AHIMA	and	AAPC-certified	coding	teams	with	experience	in	your	specialty	areas	
               to handle every patient interaction your team encounters.

         	 Coding	backlog	support	
                       Key features and benefits of our solution --------------------------------------------
         	 Documentation	deficiency	reports	and	physician	documentation	training
                               Customized development and installation of EMS-specific processes that
         	 Pricing	models	that	are	lower	than	in-house	costs your team up to date
                     include detailed auditing and reporting to keep
         	 Medical	denial	appeals	and	RAC	audit	preparation
                     Quick, increased collection results

                               Advanced technology

                               Highly-qualified, on site management and staff
                                                                       Case Study
                       service line deliverables -----------------------------------------------------------------------nearly 3,500
                                                              The Mayo Clinic sees a coding volume of
                                                                       visits each day over several locations across the U.S.
                               Electronic file transfer from
                                   48-72 hour                                Patient billing
     Coding                       turn around
                               hand-held devices
                                                                       They (including pre-collections)
                                                                             needed a partner who could perform coding
    capability                        time
   across all                                                          fuctions via remote access to their billing systems.
   specialties                 Medical coding                                 Remittance processing

                           In-house party billing (government
                               Third                                   Apollo provided medical coding services using
                                                                             Carrier relations/denial processing
                               and commercial payers)
                          proprietary                                  the Mayo Clinics reasonability guidelines and
                          software for                                       Reporting
                          coding and                                   documentation. Partnering with the facilitys dedicated
                                                coders                 staff allowed a smooth transition, implementation, and
                                                                       go live.
  95% guaranteed
     accuracy                       In-house
      utilizing                      training
    Six Sigma                     program with
                                                                       As their partnership with Apollo progresses, the Mayo
   methodology                     continuous
                                                                       Clinic continues to realize robust support, high levels
                                                                       of accuracy, and minimal compliance issues.

To learn more, contact Bill Fontanetta 516.816.0140 at wfontanetta@apollohs.com

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Coding Info For Email Blast Follow Up Jan 2012

  • 1. www.apollohealthstreet.com Hospital services Proprietary technology l In-house certified coders Accuracy 95% guaranteed l Turnaround times improved eMs Billing, Follow-up, and a/r Management Our comprehensive medical Coding dedicated healthcare experts with smart mobile Combining our network of meets the essential needs of hospitals, medical practices, and freestanding ambulatoryHealth Streets Emergency Medical Servicesfocus on your core mission technology, Apollo surgical centers so that you are able to (EMS) solutions work seamlessly with municipalities and hospital-based EMS providers to quickly of quality patient care. Our 100% in-house staff code nearly six million oupatient visits a year. and efficiently bill and follow-up on every 911 emergency and non-emergency Apollo fills the gap, whether that is working the on-the-go codingof EMS providers and pitching in for transport. Our team knows the unique, backlog, needs your ED accounts, vacations, or outsourcingon data capture for your EMTs to eliminate back-end billing offers training your entire coding department. and collection edit failures. From medical coding to remittance processing to HIPAA-compliant electronic access to your EMR or courier exchange of medical records electronic-file transfer and carrier relations, we offer a customized billing platform AHIMA and AAPC-certified coding teams with experience in your specialty areas to handle every patient interaction your team encounters. Coding backlog support Key features and benefits of our solution -------------------------------------------- Documentation deficiency reports and physician documentation training Customized development and installation of EMS-specific processes that Pricing models that are lower than in-house costs your team up to date include detailed auditing and reporting to keep Medical denial appeals and RAC audit preparation Quick, increased collection results Advanced technology Highly-qualified, on site management and staff Multi-level quality Case Study assurance service line deliverables -----------------------------------------------------------------------nearly 3,500 The Mayo Clinic sees a coding volume of visits each day over several locations across the U.S. Electronic file transfer from 48-72 hour Patient billing Coding turn around hand-held devices They (including pre-collections) needed a partner who could perform coding capability time across all fuctions via remote access to their billing systems. specialties Medical coding Remittance processing In-house party billing (government Third Apollo provided medical coding services using Carrier relations/denial processing and commercial payers) proprietary the Mayo Clinics reasonability guidelines and software for Reporting coding and documentation. Partnering with the facilitys dedicated 200+ compliance certified coders staff allowed a smooth transition, implementation, and go live. 95% guaranteed accuracy In-house utilizing training Six Sigma program with As their partnership with Apollo progresses, the Mayo methodology continuous coding Clinic continues to realize robust support, high levels education of accuracy, and minimal compliance issues. To learn more, contact Bill Fontanetta 516.816.0140 at wfontanetta@apollohs.com