Ice hockey first originated in Canada around 1800 at King's College School and the first indoor ice hockey game took place in 1875, leading to the growth of professional ice hockey around 1900. The sport is played on a rounded ice rink and is very physical, requiring players to wear protective gear as they use sticks to move a puck across the ice. While popular in cold weather countries like Canada, the sport never caught on in warmer climates such as Spain.
2. A little bit of history
Stick-and-ball games have been played for hundreds to thousands of years
Ice hockey first invented around the year 1800 at Canadas first college, Kings College
First indoor ice hockey game was played on March 3, 1875
Professional ice hockey began around 1900
7. Some important differences about hockey
Hockey is a very physical sport with a lot of contact
The players wear a lot of protective gear
The hockey rink (field) is a round shape to help keep the puck in play
One of the only sports played on ice
8. Some questions
In what kind of countries (climates) is hockey most popular?
Why do you think hockey is not popular in Spain?
What are some things you like and dislike about hockey?
9. Video showing goal highlights