El documento habla sobre la curaci坦n de contenidos y menciona varias herramientas para la b炭squeda, recuperaci坦n y gesti坦n de informaci坦n en l鱈nea como Bing, Topsy, Socialmention, Twitter, Page2rss, Google Reader, IFTTT, Diigo, Evernote, Hootsuite y Scoop.it. El autor concluye agradeciendo a los asistentes por asistir a la sesi坦n sobre curaci坦n de contenidos.
The document introduces the Denison Model of Organizational Culture, which links organizational culture to performance metrics. It has four key traits - Mission, Adaptability, Involvement, and Consistency - that are measured by a survey. The model is based on over 25 years of research linking culture to metrics like sales, ROI, innovation, and employee satisfaction. The survey compares organizations to a benchmark database and provides customized reporting to help organizations improve performance.
The evaluation assessed the performance of Ethiopia's Health Sector Pooled Fund Phase II (HPF-II) from July 2007 to June 2010. Key findings include that HPF-II effectively and efficiently supported priority health programs. However, the evaluation identified areas for improvement including enhancing technical assistance and capacity building, strengthening needs assessment and impact evaluation, and ensuring full utilization of funds by regional health bureaus. Overall the evaluation found that HPF-II is an effective mechanism for channeling funds to critical health programs in Ethiopia in a responsive and demand-driven manner.
Este documento presenta diferentes enfoques y fil坦sofos de la educaci坦n personalizada y liberadora. Discute las ideas de Paulo Freire sobre una "educaci坦n liberadora" que empodera a los oprimidos a trav辿s de un m辿todo de alfabetizaci坦n basado en el di叩logo y la concientizaci坦n. Tambi辿n cubre los principios de la educaci坦n personalizada seg炭n Pierre Faure y Garc鱈a Hoz, incluyendo el respeto a la singularidad del estudiante y el desarrollo de la autonom鱈a y libertad personal.
This document provides information about purchasing a 3Com Core Builder 9000 Power Supply 820W from Launch 3 Telecom. It describes the product, payment and shipping options, warranty, and additional services offered by Launch 3 Telecom such as repairs, maintenance contracts, and equipment deinstallation. Customers can purchase the product by phone, email, or by clicking a link to send a request for quote.
Born in 1964
His father was an enthusiastic amateur photographer
Originally油trained油in engineering
Early experience with a engineering consulting company convinced him that he wanted a less office-based life.
Switched to a油photography油degree
Got a job as an assistant to one of Britains best architectural photographers, Richard Bryant.
This paper discusses three subjects. In the first section Study And Evaluation Of Mobile Network While in
the second section, Radiated Power Density ability of cellular stations. In the third section compare the
results with the International Standards and safety limits recommended by the ICNIRP to ensure
compliance with the terms and the extent of their impact on human health, on the other hand, through the
results of theoretical analysis and benchmark Mathematical Analysis And Practical Measurement.
Este documento discute os conceitos de cultura organizacional, organiza巽達o e seus elementos. Primeiro, define cultura como os modos de ser, pensar e fazer de um grupo. Em seguida, define organiza巽達o como uma combina巽達o de pessoas e tecnologia para atingir objetivos. Por fim, define cultura organizacional como os pressupostos b叩sicos desenvolvidos por um grupo para lidar com problemas internos e externos, e lista elementos como valores, mitos e normas.
Consolidating PJ through Radio in Uganda Proj FINAL EVALUATION REPORTRosemary Kabugo Rujumba
The document summarizes an evaluation report of a project that trained journalists at eight radio stations in Uganda in peace journalism. Key findings include:
- Over 90% of participants understood the concept of peace journalism and applied it in their reporting of community conflicts.
- The project addressed the needs of target groups through involvement in identifying needs and community forums. However, online mentoring and skills were not fully delivered.
- Objectives around training journalists and community dialogues were achieved, but the online discussion forum became inactive, limiting knowledge sharing.
- The strategy of training, mentoring and community involvement was effective in building capacity for peace sensitive reporting and empowering communities, though some skills delivery fell short.
Los insectos son fascinantes criaturas que merecen ser apreciadas por su belleza y diversidad. Aunque a veces se les considera molestos, cumplen funciones vitales en los ecosistemas y merecen ser respetados como cualquier otra forma de vida en la Tierra.
African Agriculture Advertising - Agri Leaders Magazine 2017 Richard Desha
AgriLeaders is an official publication of the African Agri Council and is read by senior business managers and directors,entrepreneurs and financiers across all sectors of the agri economy in Africa. The magazine focuses on business dynamics of agriculture.
The magazine is about people, projects and products driving investment, knowledge and skills in African agriculture, the content of the magazine focuses on primary agriculture, agro-processing to distribution and end user. AgriLeaders showcases the future and direction of the industry that will shape tomorrow's sustainable food production and consumption landscape
The document is the annual report of MartinCo PLC, a holding company for property franchise brands in the UK. It discusses MartinCo's strategy of using a franchise model to operate multiple established property brands and achieve increased market share in property lettings and sales. Key highlights from the year included acquiring additional brands, growing the number of managed properties and offices, and increasing revenue, EBITDA, profit, and dividends. The chairman's statement reflects on the company's consistent growth strategy and franchise principles over its 30-year history.
Yoshinori Ohsumi's seminal work in the early 1990s dramatically advanced the understanding of autophagy. Using yeast as a model organism, he identified 15 essential autophagy genes and developed yeast strains that allowed him to discover the first autophagy gene, Atg1. His subsequent cloning and characterization of additional autophagy genes elucidated their protein products and roles in autophagosome formation. This included delineating how stress signals initiate autophagy through the Atg1 kinase complex and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, and the two ubiquitin-like conjugation systems that promote phagophore extension and autophagosome maturation. Ohsumi
El documento describe las propiedades fundamentales del agua. Explica que el agua est叩 compuesta de mol辿culas de H2O y es esencial para la vida. Adem叩s, se単ala que el agua puede existir en tres estados: s坦lido (hielo), l鱈quido y gaseoso (vapor). Finalmente, brinda detalles sobre las caracter鱈sticas moleculares de cada estado.
Un blog o bit叩cora es un sitio web que contiene anotaciones personales ordenadas cronol坦gicamente que permiten comentarios de lectores. Los blogs cubren una amplia gama de temas y pueden ser personales, tecnol坦gicos, de actualidad, ciencia o educaci坦n. Los blogs se usan para periodismo digital, negocios y aprendizaje en l鱈nea, y permiten compartir contenido y progreso de aprendizaje. Se pueden crear blogs de forma gratuita en plataformas como Blogger, Blogspot, Bitacoras y Ya.com us
This document provides information about purchasing a 3Com Core Builder 9000 Power Supply 820W from Launch 3 Telecom. It describes the product, payment and shipping options, warranty, and additional services offered by Launch 3 Telecom such as repairs, maintenance contracts, and equipment deinstallation. Customers can purchase the product by phone, email, or by clicking a link to send a request for quote.
Born in 1964
His father was an enthusiastic amateur photographer
Originally油trained油in engineering
Early experience with a engineering consulting company convinced him that he wanted a less office-based life.
Switched to a油photography油degree
Got a job as an assistant to one of Britains best architectural photographers, Richard Bryant.
This paper discusses three subjects. In the first section Study And Evaluation Of Mobile Network While in
the second section, Radiated Power Density ability of cellular stations. In the third section compare the
results with the International Standards and safety limits recommended by the ICNIRP to ensure
compliance with the terms and the extent of their impact on human health, on the other hand, through the
results of theoretical analysis and benchmark Mathematical Analysis And Practical Measurement.
Este documento discute os conceitos de cultura organizacional, organiza巽達o e seus elementos. Primeiro, define cultura como os modos de ser, pensar e fazer de um grupo. Em seguida, define organiza巽達o como uma combina巽達o de pessoas e tecnologia para atingir objetivos. Por fim, define cultura organizacional como os pressupostos b叩sicos desenvolvidos por um grupo para lidar com problemas internos e externos, e lista elementos como valores, mitos e normas.
Consolidating PJ through Radio in Uganda Proj FINAL EVALUATION REPORTRosemary Kabugo Rujumba
The document summarizes an evaluation report of a project that trained journalists at eight radio stations in Uganda in peace journalism. Key findings include:
- Over 90% of participants understood the concept of peace journalism and applied it in their reporting of community conflicts.
- The project addressed the needs of target groups through involvement in identifying needs and community forums. However, online mentoring and skills were not fully delivered.
- Objectives around training journalists and community dialogues were achieved, but the online discussion forum became inactive, limiting knowledge sharing.
- The strategy of training, mentoring and community involvement was effective in building capacity for peace sensitive reporting and empowering communities, though some skills delivery fell short.
Los insectos son fascinantes criaturas que merecen ser apreciadas por su belleza y diversidad. Aunque a veces se les considera molestos, cumplen funciones vitales en los ecosistemas y merecen ser respetados como cualquier otra forma de vida en la Tierra.
African Agriculture Advertising - Agri Leaders Magazine 2017 Richard Desha
AgriLeaders is an official publication of the African Agri Council and is read by senior business managers and directors,entrepreneurs and financiers across all sectors of the agri economy in Africa. The magazine focuses on business dynamics of agriculture.
The magazine is about people, projects and products driving investment, knowledge and skills in African agriculture, the content of the magazine focuses on primary agriculture, agro-processing to distribution and end user. AgriLeaders showcases the future and direction of the industry that will shape tomorrow's sustainable food production and consumption landscape
The document is the annual report of MartinCo PLC, a holding company for property franchise brands in the UK. It discusses MartinCo's strategy of using a franchise model to operate multiple established property brands and achieve increased market share in property lettings and sales. Key highlights from the year included acquiring additional brands, growing the number of managed properties and offices, and increasing revenue, EBITDA, profit, and dividends. The chairman's statement reflects on the company's consistent growth strategy and franchise principles over its 30-year history.
Yoshinori Ohsumi's seminal work in the early 1990s dramatically advanced the understanding of autophagy. Using yeast as a model organism, he identified 15 essential autophagy genes and developed yeast strains that allowed him to discover the first autophagy gene, Atg1. His subsequent cloning and characterization of additional autophagy genes elucidated their protein products and roles in autophagosome formation. This included delineating how stress signals initiate autophagy through the Atg1 kinase complex and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, and the two ubiquitin-like conjugation systems that promote phagophore extension and autophagosome maturation. Ohsumi
El documento describe las propiedades fundamentales del agua. Explica que el agua est叩 compuesta de mol辿culas de H2O y es esencial para la vida. Adem叩s, se単ala que el agua puede existir en tres estados: s坦lido (hielo), l鱈quido y gaseoso (vapor). Finalmente, brinda detalles sobre las caracter鱈sticas moleculares de cada estado.
Un blog o bit叩cora es un sitio web que contiene anotaciones personales ordenadas cronol坦gicamente que permiten comentarios de lectores. Los blogs cubren una amplia gama de temas y pueden ser personales, tecnol坦gicos, de actualidad, ciencia o educaci坦n. Los blogs se usan para periodismo digital, negocios y aprendizaje en l鱈nea, y permiten compartir contenido y progreso de aprendizaje. Se pueden crear blogs de forma gratuita en plataformas como Blogger, Blogspot, Bitacoras y Ya.com us