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Common Core
Gen Lau
July 25, 2013
Welcome and Introductions!
 LACY Staff
 DFCS Education Services
 JPD Project Yea!
By the end of this session, we will begin to
 Understand what Common Core is and its origins,
and implementation timeline.
 Preview expected shifts in curriculum, instruction
and assessments.
 Begin to unpack implications for specific
12:15-12:20 Opening  Introductions,
Review Agenda
12:25-12:40 The Basics
12:40-1:30 Curriculum, Instruction, and
Assessment and Implications
1:30-1:40 Q and A
1:40-1:45 Closing
What is the Common Core?
 Common Core State Standards
What is the Common Core?
Outline the most essential
skills and knowledge
every student needs to
master to succeed in 21st
Century college and
Mission Statement  CCSS
The Common Core State Standards
provide a consistent, clear
understanding of what students
are expected to learn, so teachers
and parents know what they need
to do to help them.
Mission Statement  CCSS
The standards are designed to be
robust and relevant to the real
world, reflecting the knowledge
and skills that our young people
need for success in college and
Mission Statement  CCSS
With American students fully
prepared for the future, our
communities will be best
positioned to compete successfully
in the global economy.
Why we need the CCSS
How were CCSS created?
Who has adopted Common Core?
The CCSS do The CCSS do NOT
 Define what all students are expected to
know and be able to do
 Define how teachers should teach, nor do
they identify all of the content students will
need to learn. Thus, they must be
supplemented by a well-developed, content-
rich curriculum
 Focus on the fundamentals, what is most
 Describe all that should be taught/learned
 Set grade-specific standards  Define advanced work for students who meet
the CCSS prior to the end of high school or
define intervention methods or materials to
support students who are well below, or
above, grade level
 Provide, and should be read to allow, the
widest possible range of student
participation. For example, reading is also
meant to include Braille to accommodate
students with such needs, as is writing meant
to accommodate sign language, etc.
 Define the full range of supports appropriate
for English Language Learners or students
with special needs
 Identify critical skills for college and career
 Define the whole of such readiness; i.e.
everything that students need to be ready
(such as the social, emotional, physical
development skills, etc.)
Common Core + 15%
 In order for states to be considered adopters, they
must adopt them in their entirety, but states may
augment with additional15% if they feel
something was left out.
 Californias criteria for adding to the CCS:
 Substantively enhance
 Address a perceived gap
 Be defensible to classroom practitioners
 Keep the original standard intact
 Maintain the rigor of Californias current standards
California Implementation Timeline
Common Core State Standards Systems Implementation  Significant Milestones
To view the online, interactive version of this timeline, please visit the
CCSS Systems Implementation Significant Milestones Web page.
August 2, 2010: SBE
adoptsCommon Core
State Standards
2010: Promotionof the
CCSSand supporting
resourcesat conferences,
workshops, in Webinars,
and online begins
May 2011: ALookat
Kindergarten ThroughGrade
SixinCalifornia Public
Schoolsavailable online
March 2012:
September 2012: First
set of 4 professional
development modules
2012: Revised
November 1, 2012:
Assessment Transition
Plan due to State
Supplemental Instructional
MaterialsReview (SIMR)
report posted online
May 2014: Revised
2013: Revised
Spring2013: Pilot
testingof summative
Spring2014: Field
testingof summative
Administer operational
January 2013: Career Technical
Education Curriculum
Standardspresented to SBEfor
approval* Pending SBE Action
January2014: List of SBE-
adopted K8 mathematics
instructional materials
June 30, 2014: List of SBE-
approved ELDsupplemental
instructional materials
August 2013:
report posted
Turn and Talk
 What might be some implications for the
children and families that you serve?
Design and
 Whats in the standards, and how are they
Design and Organization of ELA
Common core presentation   lacy 7.25.13
Common core presentation   lacy 7.25.13
Common core presentation   lacy 7.25.13
Design and Organization-Math
Design and Organization - Math
Turn and Talk
 What might be some implications for the
children and families that you serve?
How will CCSS impact classroom practice?
What will be expected of students and
What Educators are Experiencing
 Building a Plane While Flying.
5 Shifts in Teaching and Learning
1. Lead High-Level, Text-Based Discussions
2. Focus on Process, Not Just Content
3. Create Assignments for Real Audiences
and with Real Purpose
4. Teach Argument, Not Persuasion
5. Increase Text Complexity
by Lauren Davis, Senior Editor, Eye On Education
Century Skills
Century Literacy
 New Literacies
 Collaboration and
 Creative Thinking
 Critical Problem Solving
 Entrepreneurial Spirit
The 4
Student Books: Level of Difficulty
Military Personal
SAT 1,
* Source of National Test Data: MetaMetrics
Text Complexity-Grade Bands and
Associated Lexile Ranges
Text Complexity Grade
Band in the Standards
Old Lexile Ranges Lexile Ranges Aligned
to CCR Expectations
K-2 N/A N/A
2-3 450-725 450-790
4-5 645-845 770-980
6-8 860-1010 955-1155
9-10 960-1115 1080-1305
11-CCR 1070-1220 1215-1355
4RAND Reading Study Group. (2002). Reading for understanding: Toward an R&D program in reading comprehension. Santa Monica, CA:
RAND. The quoted text appears in pages xiiixvi.
Turn and Talk
 What might be some implications for the
children and families that you serve?
 How will the CCSS change standardized
 How will accommodations be made?
Shifts in Assessment Systems
 CST/STAR system will sunset in July 2014
 New Assessments
 ELA and Math for grades 3-8, 11.
 Full implementation SY 2014-2015
 Computer Adaptive Technology (CAT)
 Pencil and Paper option for limited time.
Pending Legislation - AB 484
 AB 484 being amended in Senate
 Proposes suspension of 2nd
Grade and EOY
assessments for 2013-2014
 California Measurement of Academic
Performance and Progress for the 21st Century
 Requires SBE make plans and
recommendations for Science and Social
Who is the Smarter Balanced Assessment
What is Being Assessed?
Content Specifications  ELA/Literacy: 4 Major Claims
Claim #1  Students can read closely and analytically to
comprehend a range of increasingly complex literary and
informational texts.
Claim #2  Students can produce effective and well-grounded
writing for a range of purposes and audiences.
Claim #3  Students can employ effective speaking and
listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences.
Claim #4  Students can engage in research/inquiry to
investigate topics, and to analyze, integrate, and present
What is Being Assessed?
Content Specifications  Math 4 Major Claims
Claim #1 - Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts
and interpret and carry our mathematical procedures with
precision and fluency.
Claim #2 - Students can solve a range of complex well-posed
problems in pure and applied mathematics, making productive use
of knowledge and problem solving strategies.
Claim #3 - Students can clearly and precisely construct viable
arguments to support their own reasoning and to critique the
reasoning of others.
Claim #4 - Students can analyze complex, real world scenarios
and con construct and use mathematical models to interpret and
solve problems.
HOW are we assessing students?
Key Concepts for the Design
Accessibility Accommodations
Common core presentation   lacy 7.25.13
Assessment Item Types
y Enabled
Sample Math Item
Sample Math Item
Sample Math Item
Sample ELA Item
Sample ELA Item
CST vs. CMA vs. CAPA?
 Most students will be taking new
 NCSC (National Center and State
Collaborative) is developing an alternate
assessment for Students with Significant
Cognitive Disabilities.
 Piloting in Winter/Spring 2014
 Aligned to Common Core State Standards.
Turn and Talk
 What might be some implications for the
children and families that you serve?
Anticipating Concerns
Based on what you know about yourself and
your colleagues, what do you anticipate?
 How will everyone feel about making the
transition to CCSS?
 What questions might come up?
 What concerns might surface?
 What resources might be needed?
Key Takeaways
Thank you!

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Common core presentation lacy 7.25.13

  • 2. Welcome and Introductions! LACY Staff DFCS Education Services JPD Project Yea!
  • 3. Objectives By the end of this session, we will begin to Understand what Common Core is and its origins, and implementation timeline. Preview expected shifts in curriculum, instruction and assessments. Begin to unpack implications for specific populations.
  • 4. Agenda 12:15-12:20 Opening Introductions, Review Agenda 12:25-12:40 The Basics 12:40-1:30 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment and Implications 1:30-1:40 Q and A 1:40-1:45 Closing
  • 5. What is the Common Core? Common Core State Standards
  • 6. What is the Common Core? Outline the most essential skills and knowledge every student needs to master to succeed in 21st Century college and careers.
  • 7. Mission Statement CCSS The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them.
  • 8. Mission Statement CCSS The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers.
  • 9. Mission Statement CCSS With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy.
  • 10. Why we need the CCSS Clarity Collaboration Preparation Competition Equity
  • 11. How were CCSS created?
  • 12. Who has adopted Common Core?
  • 13. The CCSS do The CCSS do NOT Define what all students are expected to know and be able to do Define how teachers should teach, nor do they identify all of the content students will need to learn. Thus, they must be supplemented by a well-developed, content- rich curriculum Focus on the fundamentals, what is most essential Describe all that should be taught/learned Set grade-specific standards Define advanced work for students who meet the CCSS prior to the end of high school or define intervention methods or materials to support students who are well below, or above, grade level Provide, and should be read to allow, the widest possible range of student participation. For example, reading is also meant to include Braille to accommodate students with such needs, as is writing meant to accommodate sign language, etc. Define the full range of supports appropriate for English Language Learners or students with special needs Identify critical skills for college and career readiness Define the whole of such readiness; i.e. everything that students need to be ready (such as the social, emotional, physical development skills, etc.)
  • 14. Common Core + 15% In order for states to be considered adopters, they must adopt them in their entirety, but states may augment with additional15% if they feel something was left out. Californias criteria for adding to the CCS: Substantively enhance Address a perceived gap Be defensible to classroom practitioners Keep the original standard intact Maintain the rigor of Californias current standards
  • 15. California Implementation Timeline Common Core State Standards Systems Implementation Significant Milestones To view the online, interactive version of this timeline, please visit the CCSS Systems Implementation Significant Milestones Web page. August 2, 2010: SBE adoptsCommon Core State Standards 2010: Promotionof the CCSSand supporting resourcesat conferences, workshops, in Webinars, and online begins May 2011: ALookat Kindergarten ThroughGrade SixinCalifornia Public Schoolsavailable online March 2012: Technology ReadinessTool available September 2012: First set of 4 professional development modules available November 2012: Revised ELDstandards available* November 1, 2012: Assessment Transition Plan due to State Legislature February2013: Supplemental Instructional MaterialsReview (SIMR) report posted online May 2014: Revised English-language artsframework available* November 2013: Revised mathematics framework available* Spring2013: Pilot testingof summative assessments Spring2014: Field testingof summative assessments Spring2015: Administer operational summative assessments January 2013: Career Technical Education Curriculum Standardspresented to SBEfor approval* Pending SBE Action January2014: List of SBE- adopted K8 mathematics instructional materials available* June 30, 2014: List of SBE- approved ELDsupplemental instructional materials available* August 2013: SIMRMath Category2 report posted online*
  • 16. Turn and Talk What might be some implications for the children and families that you serve?
  • 17. Design and Organization Whats in the standards, and how are they organized?
  • 24. Turn and Talk What might be some implications for the children and families that you serve?
  • 25. Instructional Shifts How will CCSS impact classroom practice? What will be expected of students and teachers?
  • 26. What Educators are Experiencing Building a Plane While Flying.
  • 27. 5 Shifts in Teaching and Learning 1. Lead High-Level, Text-Based Discussions 2. Focus on Process, Not Just Content 3. Create Assignments for Real Audiences and with Real Purpose 4. Teach Argument, Not Persuasion 5. Increase Text Complexity by Lauren Davis, Senior Editor, Eye On Education
  • 29. 21st Century Literacy New Literacies Technology Multimedia Collaboration and Interdependence Communication Creative Thinking Critical Problem Solving Entrepreneurial Spirit The 4 Cs
  • 30. Student Books: Level of Difficulty 600 800 1000 1400 1600 1200 TextLexileMeasure(L) High School Literature College Literature High School Textbooks College Textbooks Military Personal Use Entry-Level Occupations SAT 1, AT, AP* * Source of National Test Data: MetaMetrics
  • 31. Text Complexity-Grade Bands and Associated Lexile Ranges Text Complexity Grade Band in the Standards Old Lexile Ranges Lexile Ranges Aligned to CCR Expectations K-2 N/A N/A 2-3 450-725 450-790 4-5 645-845 770-980 6-8 860-1010 955-1155 9-10 960-1115 1080-1305 11-CCR 1070-1220 1215-1355 4RAND Reading Study Group. (2002). Reading for understanding: Toward an R&D program in reading comprehension. Santa Monica, CA: RAND. The quoted text appears in pages xiiixvi.
  • 32. Turn and Talk What might be some implications for the children and families that you serve?
  • 33. Assessment Systems How will the CCSS change standardized testing? How will accommodations be made?
  • 34. Shifts in Assessment Systems CST/STAR system will sunset in July 2014 New Assessments ELA and Math for grades 3-8, 11. Full implementation SY 2014-2015 Computer Adaptive Technology (CAT) Pencil and Paper option for limited time.
  • 35. Pending Legislation - AB 484 AB 484 being amended in Senate Proposes suspension of 2nd Grade and EOY assessments for 2013-2014 STAR CalMAPP21 California Measurement of Academic Performance and Progress for the 21st Century Requires SBE make plans and recommendations for Science and Social Studies.
  • 36. Who is the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium?
  • 37. What is Being Assessed? Content Specifications ELA/Literacy: 4 Major Claims Claim #1 Students can read closely and analytically to comprehend a range of increasingly complex literary and informational texts. Claim #2 Students can produce effective and well-grounded writing for a range of purposes and audiences. Claim #3 Students can employ effective speaking and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences. Claim #4 Students can engage in research/inquiry to investigate topics, and to analyze, integrate, and present information.
  • 38. What is Being Assessed? Content Specifications Math 4 Major Claims Claim #1 - Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts and interpret and carry our mathematical procedures with precision and fluency. Claim #2 - Students can solve a range of complex well-posed problems in pure and applied mathematics, making productive use of knowledge and problem solving strategies. Claim #3 - Students can clearly and precisely construct viable arguments to support their own reasoning and to critique the reasoning of others. Claim #4 - Students can analyze complex, real world scenarios and con construct and use mathematical models to interpret and solve problems.
  • 39. HOW are we assessing students? Key Concepts for the Design
  • 42. Assessment Item Types Technolog y Enhanced Technolog y Enabled Selected Response Constructed Response Performance Task
  • 48. CST vs. CMA vs. CAPA? Most students will be taking new assessments NCSC (National Center and State Collaborative) is developing an alternate assessment for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities. Piloting in Winter/Spring 2014 Aligned to Common Core State Standards.
  • 50. Turn and Talk What might be some implications for the children and families that you serve?
  • 52. Anticipating Concerns Based on what you know about yourself and your colleagues, what do you anticipate? How will everyone feel about making the transition to CCSS? What questions might come up? What concerns might surface? What resources might be needed?

Editor's Notes

  • #3: Welcome every body! Who I am
  • #4: Everyone in CA is figuring this out as we go along!
  • #5: What well be doing today: Topics, Turn and Talk, Charting Implications.
  • #6: Video. Well be unpacking the ideas in the video during this presenatation.
  • #7: What is a standard? A statement of what a student is expected to be able to do by the end the course in a school year. Currently CA has standards for K-12 in ELA and Math, Science, Social Studies, PE/Health, VAPA, The NEW CCSS is ELA (with other subjects embedded) and Math.
  • #8: Popcorn How is this different? The CCSS is a national approach to standards, not just individual states.
  • #9: Notice the CCSS s emphasis on both college AND career an upgrade from NCLB, which only focused on college. Also a tendency toward skills that are more cross disciplinary and require communication of content, not just the skills itself
  • #10: Standards are internationally benchmarked and designed to help us be more competitive globally, in tests but in the workforce as well.
  • #11: Clarity: The standards are focused, coherent, and clear. Clearer standards help students (and parents and teachers) understand what is expected of them. Expectations clear to students, parents, teachers, and the general public. Evidence and research-based Collaboration: The standards create a foundation to work collaboratively across states and districts, pooling resources and expertise, to create curricular tools, professional development, common assessments and other materials. Costs to the state reduced. Preparation: The standards are college- and career-ready. They will help prepare students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in education and training after high school. Competition: The standards are internationally benchmarked. Common standards will help ensure our students are globally competitive. Evidence Equity: Expectations are consistent for all and not dependent on a student s zip code. Consistent expectations not dependent on zip code
  • #12: State Led Effort Parents, teachers, school administrators and experts from across the country together with state leaders are leading the effort to develop a common core of state standards. The standards were written by a team of teachers, education professors, researchers, content experts, school and district leaders, and state education officials Teachers have provided feedback on the standards though representation from unions and professional organizations The federal government was NOT involved in the development of the standards.
  • #13: Map updated as of July 2013
  • #14: Pare down
  • #16: Transition Plans may vary by district. Who would you talk to in your district? Curriculum and Instruction people, perhaps School administrators. There are probably point people on staff at each school.
  • #20: Refer teachers to their packets. Give participants 1-2 mins to scan over the Anchor Standards, pointing out key structural features animated by arrows on the next 3 slides: - This is where the strand is located. With CA standards this used to be called the domain
  • #21: - where substrand is located (a substrand organizes standards)
  • #22: - where standards are located.
  • #23: Standards for Mathematical Practice Expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. Important processes and proficiencies in mathematics education. Example: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Standards for Mathematical Content Organized by grade level K-8 Organized by topic 9-12
  • #25: Key Implications I see for SPED: The way the standards are organized possibly has implications for the ways goals might be written in IEPs. The K-12 standards are progressive and based on the anchor standard. If the IEP goals are written aligned with the anchor standards, it is possible for the goal to be also aligned with a particular grade level. So, if you have a 5 th grade student maybe their goals would be aligned to 4th grade standards, depending on the expectations for the student. Maybe there would be more alignment between subjects on the IEP, say, if there was a common emphasis in Math and ELA, or there might be more explicit ELA goals in Social Studies Class.
  • #28: Critical Thinking, Real world applications. Increase in Non-Fiction texts. Instilling skills on how to process information, not just, what is the information
  • #29: Another way to look at it That you may have already heard is the idea of 21 st century skills. Means a slightly different things to different people, but according to the p21 webistes: Core Subjects: Still the subjects we had and we see now, but with a greater degree in global awareness (diversity), financial literacy (personal and business), civic literacy (rights and responsibilities as citizens), health literacy (personal health, public health), Environmental Literacy (being green and solving environmental problems) Learning and Innovation Skills: Creativity and Innovation, coming up with and refining evaluating creative ideas, Working with others, Critical thinking and Problem Solving: reasoning, systems thinking, Communication and Collaboration: oral written, non-verbal multi media comunication for range of purposes, Listening skills, working with diverse groups of people toward a common goal. Information, Media and Literacy: how to access, evaluate, use, mange, analyze and create media information Life and Career Skills: Adapting to change, takiing initiative, having leadership, having executive functioning skills at a really high level, project management.
  • #30: 21 st century skills is also a way to think about the difference between the expectations of old state standards and CCSS, in that the emphasis is on higher level communication and literacy as opposed to a higher emphasis on discrete skills. Transition: move towards increased text complexity. may be an issue for SPED students.
  • #31: Intent: Rationale for increasing text complexity. Talking points: This is animated. Have teachers call out/guess what each level s lexile number may be. As you click through the Lexile measures for the various text types, point out that some career texts and personal use texts are actually higher in lexile level than college texts. Note especially the entry level position readability. Point out that personal use includes things like reading a heating and air conditioning manual, bank or credit card statements, Ikea directions. These are complex everyday materials that our students must be prepared to read. The paradigm that those who are poor readers can always go into careers has shifted. 1200 is considered the minimum lexile reading level for functioning citizens. Point out that we are leaving students at about 1100, notice the gap between that and personal use, SATs, etc. *note the entry level occupations are an average of all. It may be lower or higher depending on the occupation.
  • #32: Comparison of current and CCSS standards expectations for Lexile levels in grade bands. Drives home the importance of increasing text complexity spelled out in the CCSS. Add examples of types of docs that equal diff lexiles. Instruction manuals for ex. are so much higher and that is every day life
  • #33: Types of Skills Goals that should be in IEPs. Expected Text complexity (should there be Lexile level goals?)
  • #37: Who is the Smarter Balanced Consortum? The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium is a state-led consortium working to develop a next-generation assessment system aligned to the Common Core State Standards. The goal of the Consortium is to ensure that all studentsregardless of race, gender, ethnicity, economic status or backgroundleave high school prepared for postsecondary success in college or careers. The work of the Consortium is guided by the belief that a high-quality assessment system can provide resources and tools for teachers and schools to improve instruction and help students succeed. The Consortium will build upon experiences of member states to create a high-quality, balanced, multistate assessment system ensuring comparability across all states. Smarter Balanced is a federally funded initiative that is designed to develop an assessment system that can be used across states to inform important decisions about student learning and school quality. Governing States are fully committed to Smarter Balanced and have a vote in policy decisions, while Advisory States may participate in work groups and provide guidance for the development of the assessment system. Each state appoints K-12 and higher education leads to coordinate with the Consortium. State representatives direct the Executive Committee and participate in 10 Smarter Balanced油 work groups . Smarter Balanced works closely with state education chiefs and elected officials to ensure that the assessment system meets the needs of member states. State Superintendent of Public Instruction: Tom Torlakson K-12 State Lead: Deb Sigman, Deputy Superintendent of the District, School & Innovation Branch Higher Education Leads: Monica Lin, Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions, University of California Linda Michalowski, Vice Chancellor, Student Services and Special Programs Division, California Community Colleges Beverly Young, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs, California State University
  • #38: Intent: Participants will understand the 4 claims and content specifications set by SBAC. Talking Points: The first 3 claims align with the first 3 strands: Reading, Writing, and Speaking & Listening. The 4 th claim represents the CCSS s emphasis on technology, multimedia, and research. All items across the assessment relate to one or more of these four claims. Obviously there is a lot to unpack when it comes to these claims, particularly what it means for each grade level, but what we want to remember is that all of the items on the assessment are grounded in one or more of these four claims.
  • #39: Aligned to the 8 standards of mathematical practice
  • #40: There are several terms and concepts that are key to understanding the design Smarter Balanced assessment system. These are some of concepts. Each of these terms could be an entire university course, and I mainly bring these ideas up at this point to illustrate the thinking behind the item design and also to address the concerns stated in this group about the validity and reliability of the assessements. There may not exactly be performance data on the items yet, but designing items with these critieria will lead to in increased validity and reliability. In addition, next year is planned as a pilot year so the Smarter balanced consortium will be able to get performance data before the roll out in 2014-2015 In addition, Smarter Balanced has been incredibly transparent about their thinking behind each item that has been released thus far
  • #41: Implications for SPED students, students with Special Needs.
  • #42: As an untimed test, no CMA equivalent that I know of, watching out for testing environment accomodations at the site. Will students really need say, small group or 1:1 testing? Will the get headphones if the text to speech feature is availiable to them?
  • #43: As we explore the items, you will come across these various types: Selected Response items, which are multiple choice items. {+} Constructed Response items, in which students will be giving short answers of a few sentences long. These items will frequently be computer graded. {+} Performance Tasks which are the longer extended tasks involving multiple stimulus and multiple responses to a unifying topic. Since performance tasks represent the biggest content shift to the assessments and likely have the greatest impact on the way we teach and We will be going over these in more detail during the rest of the day. The most analogous assessments the CST currently has are the 4th, 7 th and 11 th grade writing prompts. In addition, there are two categories of technology-rich items and tasks known as Technology-Enabled And Technology-Enhanced. Any of these items can be technology enabled and technology enhanced. Technology-enabled items use digital media as the stimulus, but do not require specialized interactions to produce response. Possible stimuli for English Language Arts technology-enabled items could include short video clips, audio recordings of lectures or speeches, or dramatic readings of prose or poetry. Despite the use of these media types, a technology enabled item requires a student to provide either a selected response or a constructed response that consists of text. Technology-enhanced items are computer delivered items that require specialized interactions students must perform to produce a response. Responses produced by a technology-enhanced item require students to do something other than write text or select from among a set of options. These items may also include digital media as the stimulus. Technology-enhanced items should conform to the same essential requirements that have already been discussed for writing quality selected response and constructed response items. The only difference is that they allow students to manipulate information in ways that are not possible with traditional selected response and constructed response items. Like selected-response items, technology-enhanced items have defined responses that can be scored in an automated manner.
  • #44: 3 rd Grade Concepts and Procedures
  • #45: 6 th grade item Problem Solving
  • #46: High School Communicating reasoning.
  • #47: 4 th grade reading item
  • #48: 6 th Grade Writing Constructed Response.