Communipedia is a search engine and data portability tool for vertical communities created by ekaabo. It structures community search results created by humans, not algorithms, and includes profiles, products, events, articles, jobs, groups, and locations. It respects members' privacy by enabling them to take their network data to other communities using single sign-on. Joining communities benefit by gaining popularity and new members while offering existing members access to other useful communities.
3. benefit for community
members - part 1
search engine
structures community jungle
with results made by humans -not engines
profiles products
events articles
jobs groups
locations 3
4. benefit for community
members - part 2
dataportability (microformats)
respects every single members privacy
enables members to take a long their
network with profile data
username and password
(single sign-on via openID) 4
5. benefit for community
communities joining communipedia
make their community popular (marketing)
obtain a chance to gather new members (sales)
offer their members opportunity to find other
useful communities (services) 5
6. ekaabo: the company
behind communipedia
Marco Ripanti (CEO & Founder)&
Artus Capital GmbH & Co KGaA 6