The document discusses compound words, which are formed by combining two smaller words. It provides examples like "ballpen", "toothpaste", and "basketball". The text explains that compound words are made up of two small words put together to form a new word. It then presents exercises for readers to identify compound words, write compound words based on clues, and form compound words by combining word parts from different columns.
11. Which of these words are compound words?
? 1. camper
? 2. doghouse
? 3. sleeping
? 4. butterfly
? 5. lighthouse
12. Read the sentence. Find the compound word.
? 1. Sam will go inside the house.
? 2. I will eat cake on my birthday.
? 3. Dad put on a blue necktie.
13. Write the compound words that mean the
? _________ bell by the door
? _________ache or pain at the back of the
? _________cake fried on a pan
? _________room where classes are held
? _________cloth to cover
14. Match the words in column a with those in column b to form
compound words.
? 1. BED
? 2. RAIN
? 5.MAIL
? a. COAT
? b. ROOM
? c. MATE
? d. MAN
? e. FAST
15. Make the following words on the right column compound by referring to
the clues given on the left column.
1. Cold, soft, and delicious
2. Air transportation
3. Comes before twenty-four
4. House constructed on a tree
5. Plants and animals need it
? ICE________
? AIR________
? TWENTY_______
? TREE________
? SUN_______