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Basic Computer Terms and Glossary

   Byte is a combination of Eight bits.
   A standard keyboard has a total of or keys.
   Combination of four bits is Nibble
   A Command is a kind of coded message.
   Word is the combination of two or more than two bytes.
   Binary code is a term which describes a way of counting.
   A, Binary digit, or bit for short is a number. It is either or.
   Data is a plural word which means facts or information.
   A Floppy disk is a part of a computer and it stores data and programes.
   A Hard disk stores information inside some kinds of computer.
   Input is information which flows into a computer.
   A mouse is a part of Computer
   A random access memory (RAM) is a part of a Computer
   A read-only memory, or ROM for short, is a part of a Computer
   Software, programs and data that are used by Computers
   A general collection of data shared by a variety of users is Database
   Firmware is defined as software embedded into the hardware.
   A Keyboard is a part of a computer; it has rows of buttons, called keys.
   Logic is a set of rules which controls the way in which computers work.
   A Laser is a device which produces a beam of very bright and powerful light.
   A Byte is a number, it carries instructions or information inside computers.
   A Mainframe computer is the largest and most powerful kind of computer.
   A Megabyte is a unit of measurement which measures an amount of data or the size of the
    memory in a computer.
   A Modem is a part of computers which connects a computer to a telephone line.
   A postprocessor is a Computer which uses a special kind of program. Words are typed on a
    keyboard and they appear on the screen of a visual display unit.
   A programme which converts assembly language programme into Machine language
   Zero and one in their endless combination constitute binary I system on which Computers are
   Bit is the basic unit of Inverters. It can have two values one and zero only.
   Boolean algebra was developed to deal with binary numbers. Under the binary system all
    ordinary Arithmetical operations are reduced to their simplest form.
   Compiler is a programme which translates a high-level language programme into Machine
   The term given to the machinery itself and to me various individual pieces of equipment is
   A set of instructions given to the computer in a particular sequence for solving a given
    problem is Programme.
   A collection of programmes writ- ten to bring the hardware of a computer system into
    operation is Software.
   The Operating system is an organised collection of routines and procedures for operating a
   Time Sharing is the concurrent use of a single computer system by Many independent users.
   A central processing (pit (CPU), is a part of a Computer, it uses a program to change data that
    pass through it.
   A Computer is an electronic machine which can solve problems very quickly.
   Hard copy is the information which is printed onto paper. The information usually comes
    from a computer or from a fax machine.
   A Kilobyte is a unit of measurement which measures an amount of data or the size of the
    memory in a computer.
Abbreviations associated with Computer

CDAC : Centre for Development of Advanced Parallel Computing.
C-DOT :Center for Development of Telematrics.
HTTP : Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
ROM : Read Only Memory
RAM : Random Access Memory
BIOS : Basic Input- Output System.
MODEM : Modulation  Demodulation.
CAD : Computer Aided Design.
PSTN : Public Switched Public Data Network.
PSPDN : Pocket Switched Public.
RABAN : Remote Area Business Message Network.
LAN : Local Area Network
WAN : Wide Area Network .
MAN : Metropolitan Area Network.
CDMA : Code Division Multiple Access.
GAIS : Gateway Internet Access Service
E-Mail : Electronic Mail.
CD : Compact Disc.
LDU : Liquid Display Unit.
CPU : Central Processing Unit.
CAM : Computer Aided Manufacturing.
CATScan : Computerized Axial Tomography Scan .
COBOL : Common Business Oriented Language.
COMAL : Common Algorithmic Language.
DOS : Disk Operating System.
DTS : Desk Top System
DTP : Desk Top Publishing.
E-Commerce : Electronic Commerce.
ENIAC : Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
FAX : Far Away Xerox.
FLOPS : Floating Operations Per Second.
FORTRAN : Formula Translation.
HLL : High Level Language.
HTML : Hyper Text Markup Language.
IBM : International Business Machine.
IC : Integrated Circuit
ISH : International Super Highway.
LISP : List Processing.
LLL : Low Level Language
MICR : Magnetic Ink Character Recognizer.
MIPS : Millions of Instructions Per Second.
MOPS : Millions of Operations Per Second.
MPU : Micro Processor Unit.
NICNET : National Information Center Network.
OMR : Optical Mark Reader.
PC-DOT : Personal Computer Disk Operation System.
PROM : Programmable Read Only Memory.
SNOBOL : String Oriented Symbolic Language.
UPS :Uninterpretable Power Supply.
VDU : Visual Display Unit.
VLSI : Very Large Scale Integrated.
WWW : World Wide Web.
Some others abbreviations suggested by Mohammed Rafi:
WLAN  Wireless Local Area Network.
Wi-fi  Wireless Fidelity
TIFF  Tagged Image File Format
e-SATA  External Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
WiMAX  Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
JPEG  Joint Photographic Experts Group
GIF  Graphics Interchange Format
ATX  Advanced Technology Extended
UATX  Ultra Advanced Technology Extended
FATX  Flex Advanced Technology Extended
MATX  Micro Advanced Technology Extended
EEATX  Enhanced Extended Advanced Technology Extended
DDR SDRAM  Double-Data-Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
DDR RAM  Double-Data-Rate Random Access Memory
GUI  Graphical User Interfaces
CUI  Command User Interfaces
If you know some other terms and abbreviations relted to computer, you can have a comment on
the post so that can be added to the list.

                             List of top Web Search Engines

                         Year             Engine               Event
                         1993             Aliweb               Launch
                                       WebCrawler              Launch
                         1994            Infoseek              Launch
                                          Lycos                Launch
                                        AltaVista              Launch
                                      Open Text Web
                                        Magellan               Launch
                                          Excite               Launch
                                          SAPO                 Launch
                                         Dogpile               Launch
                                         Inktomi               Founded
                                          HotBot               Founded
                                        Ask Jeeves             Founded
                                      Northern Light           Launch
                                         Yandex                Launch
                         1998             Google               Launch
                                        AlltheWeb              Launch
                                       GenieKnows              Founded
                                          Naver                Launch
                                          Teoma                Founded
Vivisimo        Founded
2000       Baidu         Founded
2003     Info.com        Launch
       Yahoo! Search   Final launch
          A9.com         Launch
        MSN Search     Final launch
2005     Ask.com         Launch
        GoodSearch       Launch
         wikiseek        Founded
          Quaero         Founded
         Ask.com         Launch
2006    Live Search      Launch
          ChaCha       Beta Launch
       Guruji.com      Beta Launch
        wikiseek        Launched
       Wikia Search     Launched
        Powerset        Launched
         Viewzi         Launched
2008      Cuil          Launched
        Boogami         Launched
        LeapFish       Beta Launch

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  • 1. Basic Computer Terms and Glossary Byte is a combination of Eight bits. A standard keyboard has a total of or keys. Combination of four bits is Nibble A Command is a kind of coded message. Word is the combination of two or more than two bytes. Binary code is a term which describes a way of counting. A, Binary digit, or bit for short is a number. It is either or. Data is a plural word which means facts or information. A Floppy disk is a part of a computer and it stores data and programes. A Hard disk stores information inside some kinds of computer. Input is information which flows into a computer. A mouse is a part of Computer A random access memory (RAM) is a part of a Computer A read-only memory, or ROM for short, is a part of a Computer Software, programs and data that are used by Computers A general collection of data shared by a variety of users is Database Firmware is defined as software embedded into the hardware. A Keyboard is a part of a computer; it has rows of buttons, called keys. Logic is a set of rules which controls the way in which computers work. A Laser is a device which produces a beam of very bright and powerful light. A Byte is a number, it carries instructions or information inside computers. A Mainframe computer is the largest and most powerful kind of computer. A Megabyte is a unit of measurement which measures an amount of data or the size of the memory in a computer. A Modem is a part of computers which connects a computer to a telephone line. A postprocessor is a Computer which uses a special kind of program. Words are typed on a keyboard and they appear on the screen of a visual display unit. A programme which converts assembly language programme into Machine language programme. Zero and one in their endless combination constitute binary I system on which Computers are based. Bit is the basic unit of Inverters. It can have two values one and zero only. Boolean algebra was developed to deal with binary numbers. Under the binary system all ordinary Arithmetical operations are reduced to their simplest form. Compiler is a programme which translates a high-level language programme into Machine language. The term given to the machinery itself and to me various individual pieces of equipment is Hardware. A set of instructions given to the computer in a particular sequence for solving a given problem is Programme. A collection of programmes writ- ten to bring the hardware of a computer system into operation is Software. The Operating system is an organised collection of routines and procedures for operating a computer. Time Sharing is the concurrent use of a single computer system by Many independent users. A central processing (pit (CPU), is a part of a Computer, it uses a program to change data that pass through it. A Computer is an electronic machine which can solve problems very quickly. Hard copy is the information which is printed onto paper. The information usually comes from a computer or from a fax machine. A Kilobyte is a unit of measurement which measures an amount of data or the size of the memory in a computer.
  • 2. Abbreviations associated with Computer CDAC : Centre for Development of Advanced Parallel Computing. C-DOT :Center for Development of Telematrics. HTTP : Hyper Text Transfer Protocol ROM : Read Only Memory RAM : Random Access Memory BIOS : Basic Input- Output System. MODEM : Modulation Demodulation. CAD : Computer Aided Design. PSTN : Public Switched Public Data Network. PSPDN : Pocket Switched Public. RABAN : Remote Area Business Message Network. LAN : Local Area Network WAN : Wide Area Network . MAN : Metropolitan Area Network. CDMA : Code Division Multiple Access. GAIS : Gateway Internet Access Service E-Mail : Electronic Mail. CD : Compact Disc. LDU : Liquid Display Unit. CPU : Central Processing Unit. CAM : Computer Aided Manufacturing. CATScan : Computerized Axial Tomography Scan . COBOL : Common Business Oriented Language. COMAL : Common Algorithmic Language. DOS : Disk Operating System. DTS : Desk Top System DTP : Desk Top Publishing. E-Commerce : Electronic Commerce. ENIAC : Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator FAX : Far Away Xerox. FLOPS : Floating Operations Per Second. FORTRAN : Formula Translation. HLL : High Level Language. HTML : Hyper Text Markup Language. IBM : International Business Machine. IC : Integrated Circuit ISH : International Super Highway. LISP : List Processing. LLL : Low Level Language MICR : Magnetic Ink Character Recognizer. MIPS : Millions of Instructions Per Second. MOPS : Millions of Operations Per Second. MPU : Micro Processor Unit. NICNET : National Information Center Network. OMR : Optical Mark Reader. PC-DOT : Personal Computer Disk Operation System. PROM : Programmable Read Only Memory. SNOBOL : String Oriented Symbolic Language. UPS :Uninterpretable Power Supply. VDU : Visual Display Unit. VLSI : Very Large Scale Integrated. WWW : World Wide Web.
  • 3. Some others abbreviations suggested by Mohammed Rafi: WLAN Wireless Local Area Network. Wi-fi Wireless Fidelity TIFF Tagged Image File Format e-SATA External Serial Advanced Technology Attachment WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group GIF Graphics Interchange Format ATX Advanced Technology Extended UATX Ultra Advanced Technology Extended FATX Flex Advanced Technology Extended MATX Micro Advanced Technology Extended EEATX Enhanced Extended Advanced Technology Extended DDR SDRAM Double-Data-Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory DDR RAM Double-Data-Rate Random Access Memory GUI Graphical User Interfaces CUI Command User Interfaces If you know some other terms and abbreviations relted to computer, you can have a comment on the post so that can be added to the list. List of top Web Search Engines Year Engine Event 1993 Aliweb Launch WebCrawler Launch 1994 Infoseek Launch Lycos Launch AltaVista Launch Open Text Web Launch Index 1995 Magellan Launch Excite Launch SAPO Launch Dogpile Launch Inktomi Founded 1996 HotBot Founded Ask Jeeves Founded Northern Light Launch 1997 Yandex Launch 1998 Google Launch AlltheWeb Launch GenieKnows Founded 1999 Naver Launch Teoma Founded
  • 4. Vivisimo Founded 2000 Baidu Founded 2003 Info.com Launch Yahoo! Search Final launch 2004 A9.com Launch MSN Search Final launch 2005 Ask.com Launch GoodSearch Launch wikiseek Founded Quaero Founded Ask.com Launch 2006 Live Search Launch ChaCha Beta Launch Guruji.com Beta Launch wikiseek Launched 2007 Wikia Search Launched Powerset Launched Viewzi Launched 2008 Cuil Launched Boogami Launched LeapFish Beta Launch