Computer vision syndrome, also known as digital eye strain, results from prolonged use of electronic displays like computers, tablets, and phones. It can cause blurred vision, eye strain, headaches, and neck or back pain. If left untreated, it may worsen work performance and damage the eyes. To prevent and overcome computer vision syndrome, one should take regular breaks when using devices, maintain proper posture, reduce glare, and address any underlying visual issues with eye exams and corrective lenses. Blinking more frequently and having routine eye checkups can also help alleviate digital eye strain.
2. Overview
What is Computer vision Syndrome?
What You will Feel as Computer vision Syndrome?
What will happen if Computer vision syndrome is
Not treated?
What can I do to Over-come/Prevent Computer
vision syndrome?
3. Common condition
Resulting from focusing the eyes on an
electronic display PC,Tab,Mobile phones 2
to 3hrs or more
What is Computer vision Syndrome
4. Commoner in adults
Kids who stare at portable video games or use
computers throughout the day at school also can
experience eye problems related to computer use
Computer vision Syndrome
5. Blurred vision
Eye strain
Dry, red eyes
Eye irritation
Neck pain
Back pain
What You will Feel as Computer
Vision Syndrome?
Glare (from reflections and lights The primary
source of glare on computer screens is overhead
office lights or direct light coming through
windows and bouncing off computer screens)
Uncorrected Visual problems (presbyopia)
Reduce bilking rate,because of continuous staring at
the screen.
Poor sitting posture
8. Eye strain
Characters (pixels) on computer screen do not have well
defined edges.
They are brightest at the center and diminish in
intensity towards the edges.
This makes it very difficult for eyes to maintain focus.
Constant gazing at a near distance at the monitor
which leads to convergence fatigue(burning, tired eyes
9. Significant deterioration of work performance
Persistent discomfort
Eye surface damages that require medications
What will happen if Computer vision
syndrome is Not treated?
10. Correct eye problems
Glasses,contact lenses
Visual therapy for problems in focusing
Using computer
Correct Positioning (20 degrees lower)
Proper illumination and adjust contrast
Blinking/anti glare screens
Take a break(20/20/20)
What can I do to Over-come/Prevent
Computer vision syndrome
16. Blink more often .Computer users should make a conscious
effort to blink more often: They should try out the
suggested formula 20: 20: 20
Or blink every time u hit the enter key or mouse click.
17. Avoid air drafts .Also avoid sitting in front of an air
conditioner facing its air draft while working on a
Reduce glare .Direct the overhead lights away from
computer screens Position your monitor so that all windows
are to the side rather than to the back or front. Adjust
window blinds so that sunlight is away from screen and your
Further more
18. Correct Positioning
Adjusting height of the seat.
Adjust the height of the desk or chair so that the middle of the
computer screen is about 20 degrees below eye level.
Screen distance The screen should be at a distance of 16-30
inches from the eyes.