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Conflict with Native AmericansThe Move West
Many CausesIssues throughout time between American people/government & Native AmericansLand, Resources, & the move West only added to the problems the two groups hadFlow Chart: Each cause has an effect associated with it
Cause/Effect 1Lack of space in the east & the promise of new/better opportunities in the westThe U.S. looked west for land, gold, and resources which were lacking in the east
Cause/Effect 2Needing the land the U.S. negotiates treaties to remove Native Americans from the landsU.S. will no longer negotiate with Native Americans as they disobey themNative Americans do not have leader
Cause/Effect 3Native Americans try to protect lands as U.S. population continues to move westWars over next 30 years left 100s dead and Native Americans pushed onto reservations
Cause/Effect 4Believers of a New Native American policy push for assimilation & farm land Native Americans do not want to become the typical American and they received poor farm land on the prairie
Carlisle Indian SchoolOpened in late 19th Century to assimilate Native Americans into American society.
Native American Battles
Conflict with native americans(8)
Cause/Effect 5The wars/battles, push onto reservations, and attempts of assimilation*Native American societies are nearly destroyed*Assimilation: Conform with customs, traditions
Complete the back of your worksheet and be prepared to defend your answers...The Debate: To Assimilate Or Not
Questions To DebateYes or No, the U.S. was justified in taking land in the west to expand its ever growing nation?Do you believe it was in the best interest of the U.S. to try and assimilate Native Americans?Do we see unintended assimilation taking place throughout the world today?

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Conflict with native americans(8)

  • 1. Conflict with Native AmericansThe Move West
  • 2. Many CausesIssues throughout time between American people/government & Native AmericansLand, Resources, & the move West only added to the problems the two groups hadFlow Chart: Each cause has an effect associated with it
  • 3. Cause/Effect 1Lack of space in the east & the promise of new/better opportunities in the westThe U.S. looked west for land, gold, and resources which were lacking in the east
  • 4. Cause/Effect 2Needing the land the U.S. negotiates treaties to remove Native Americans from the landsU.S. will no longer negotiate with Native Americans as they disobey themNative Americans do not have leader
  • 5. Cause/Effect 3Native Americans try to protect lands as U.S. population continues to move westWars over next 30 years left 100s dead and Native Americans pushed onto reservations
  • 6. Cause/Effect 4Believers of a New Native American policy push for assimilation & farm land Native Americans do not want to become the typical American and they received poor farm land on the prairie
  • 7. Carlisle Indian SchoolOpened in late 19th Century to assimilate Native Americans into American society.
  • 10. Cause/Effect 5The wars/battles, push onto reservations, and attempts of assimilation*Native American societies are nearly destroyed*Assimilation: Conform with customs, traditions
  • 11. Complete the back of your worksheet and be prepared to defend your answers...The Debate: To Assimilate Or Not
  • 12. Questions To DebateYes or No, the U.S. was justified in taking land in the west to expand its ever growing nation?Do you believe it was in the best interest of the U.S. to try and assimilate Native Americans?Do we see unintended assimilation taking place throughout the world today?