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Contact Centre
 High Level Design
 Contact Centre Workflow
 Dialler Workflow
 MIS Framework
 Real-time & Systematic Reporting
 Historical & Analytical Reporting
High Level Design - 1
High Level Design - Contact Centre Workflow
CRM Server
Client/ CRM
Contact Centre - Operations
Call Queuing
Customer Servicing
Successful Call
Contact Centre Workflow
Data Admin & Analytics Team
Contact Centre Team
Quality &
Analytics Enabled - Contact Centre Workflow
Dialler Workflow
Agent Skilling According to
Language, Priority Queuing Etc.,Agent Skilling
Daily Data Upload In The
Prescribed Format
Data Upload
Campaign Selection of Preview, Predictive or
Campaign Selection
Campaign Dial settings such as Phasing, Overdial Rate,
Average Wait Time Etc.,
Campaign Settings
Monitoring of Records at the backedn on the Utilization and the
Dialing of Accounts
Campaign Monitoring
Agent Monitoring In Real-Time Basis to control Idle rates and Abandoned
rates and Increase Contactability and such as Productivity
Agent Monitoring
Re-Churn of accounts on a timely basis to ensure Proper Agent Utilization and PRI
MIS Framework
Real-time & Systematic Reporting
2544758 MRSRadhika Devi CP5223 NOTREACHABLE 10000.76 10-Dec-13 NotReachable 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance
2545161 MRLingarajG. Kocharikar AR5374 MAJORCHANGEINDOB 4999.78 15-Apr-13 MajorChangeinDOB-5/12/1976 29-Oct-12 Received Tied&Alliance
2545227 MRSAshwini Deshapande AR5374 DISCONNECTINGTHECALL 9000.79 15-Oct-13 Disconnectingthecall 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance
2541508 MRVallabh Sorathiya DR5135NOTWILLINGTOPROVIDEANYINFORMATION12001.79 10-Apr-13Notwillingtoprovideanyinformation 29-Oct-12 NA Tied&Alliance
2545098 MRN.P.ValiBasha Naduvalumanb AR5374 NOTREACHABLE 24999.4 15-Oct-13 NotReachable 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance
2544681 MRNihar Sahoo CP5223 PHONEALWAYSENGAGE 2099.53 12-Dec-12 PhoneAlwaysEngage 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance
2545532 MRThondanchirakkal Sameer AR5374 NOCHANGE 50000.71 15-Oct-13 NoChange 29-Oct-12 Received Tied&Alliance
2540809 MRUdaya Mohanty DR5135 RINGINGNORESPONSE 3108.16 28-Nov-12 RingingNoResponse 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance
2543156 MRAdityavarma Kopparapu VG5136 NOCHANGE 5199.45 09-Apr-13 NoChange 29-Oct-12 Received Tied&Alliance
2544569 MISSRashmi Kashyap CP5223 NOCHANGE 50126 10-Dec-13 NoChange 29-Oct-12 NotReceived Tied&Alliance
2543094 MRH. Ramachandrareddy VG5136 NOCHANGE 6298.8 09-Apr-13 NoChange 29-Oct-12 Received Tied&Alliance
2541459 MRKamlesh Kumar DR5135 NOCHANGE 9990.45 10-Apr-13 NoChange 29-Oct-12 NotReceived Tied&Alliance
2543186 MRNarayana Sutari VG5136 INVALIDNUMBER 9998.73 09-Oct-13 InvalidNumber 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance
2544551 MRChandanRameshware Chaturvedi CP5223 MAJORCHANGEINDOB 2064.89 12-Dec-12 MajorChangeinDOB7JUNE1977 29-Oct-12 NotReceived Tied&Alliance
2545190 MRNingappa Kuri AR5374 BUSYTOBECALLEDLATER 60000.44 15-Oct-13 Busytobecalledlater 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance
2543329 MRSJyothi P. VG5136CLIENTNOTAVAILABLE-DETAILSCONFIRMEDFROMDEPENDANT9998.7 09-Oct-13Clientnotavailable-Detailsconfirmedfromdependant29-Oct-12 Received Tied&Alliance
2544611 MR.. Prakash CP5223 RINGINGNORESPONSE 8250.29 10-Dec-13 RingingNoResponse 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance
2541415 MRHaninder Singh DR5135 NOCHANGE 2061.8 12-Apr-12 NoChange 29-Oct-12 Received Tied&Alliance
2545805 MRKarnireMullaguddeAbubakarAli AR5374 NOCHANGE 9999.85 15-Oct-13 NoChange 29-Oct-12 Received Tied&Alliance
2544544 MRAteef Durrani CP5223MAJORCHG-WRONGNO/QUITTHECO. 6185.4 10-Dec-13 WRONGNUMBER 29-Oct-12 NA Tied&Alliance
2543082 MRSPurnima Kamarajugadda VG5136 NOCHANGE 2166.38 09-Dec-12 NoChange 29-Oct-12 Received Tied&Alliance
2544676 MRVirendra Singh CP5223 RINGINGNORESPONSE 2250.45 12-Dec-12 RingingNoResponse 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance
2541621 MRBenudhar Rana DR5135MAJORCHG-WRONGNO/QUITTHECO. 6499.82 04-Apr-13 MajorChg-Wrongno/Quittheco. 29-Oct-12 NA Tied&Alliance
AD5416 0 0 0 0 3 24 27 14 17 36 23 2 0 146 60 86
AK5212 0 0 17 22 33 26 20 21 19 23 34 0 0 215 80 135
AR5374 0 9 25 16 35 22 24 25 23 23 9 0 0 211 96 115
CP5223 0 9 20 25 32 19 45 23 26 24 3 0 0 226 119 107
DR5135 0 8 21 26 23 27 14 26 26 22 18 0 0 211 118 93
SB5228 0 0 23 16 31 32 14 33 25 20 28 0 0 222 100 122
VG5136 0 7 26 15 34 44 16 29 22 25 3 0 0 221 87 134
Real time monitoring and reporting provides critical contact
center metrics and gives supervisors the ability to manage their agent teams
effectively. Authorized supervisors can monitor live agent and customer
interactions from any location. A supervisor uses a web browser to pick an
agent to monitor. GUI buttons allows the supervisor to observe, select another
agent or quit monitoring.
Authorized supervisors are able to see in real time the status of their contact
center through a web browser. Available statistics such as Service Levels versus
Goal, the number of calls in progress, the number waiting, and the longest
waiting interaction per queue/skill are available to the supervisor, as well as
real-time agent status graphs indicating the percentage of time in various states
(e.g., on call, waiting, wrap up, on break, etc.).
Real-time & Systematic Reporting
Historical & Analytical Reporting
Our CRM & ACD Systems provides standard historical reporting with extensive
filtering capabilities. Reports are generated on demand and can be selected by
date interval, agents, agent groups, queues and type. Inbound traffic is
constantly fluctuating, outbound lists and campaigns change, and the agent
workforce is continually evolving. In order to maintain predictability in a call
center environment, managers must utilize historical information that provides
insights into trends and rising challenges. The reports can be further customized,
analyzed and manipulated by Excels familiar functions.
 Access vital canned or ad-hoc contact center statistics on demand
 Analyze reports and trends, identify areas for improvement
 Use a familiar application - Microsoft Excel - to further customize the reports
and analyze the data
Historical & Analytical Reporting

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Contact Centre Workflow

  • 2. Contents High Level Design Contact Centre Workflow Dialler Workflow MIS Framework Real-time & Systematic Reporting Historical & Analytical Reporting
  • 3. High Level Design - 1 High Level Design - Contact Centre Workflow CRM Server Client/ CRM Server WFM Contact Centre - Operations Primary/Secondary Call Queuing Customer Servicing Successful Call Completion QMS Client
  • 4. Contact Centre Workflow Data Admin & Analytics Team Contact Centre Team Supervisor Quality & Compliance Reportings Client Analytics Enabled - Contact Centre Workflow
  • 5. Dialler Workflow Agent Skilling According to Language, Priority Queuing Etc.,Agent Skilling Daily Data Upload In The Prescribed Format Data Upload Campaign Selection of Preview, Predictive or Progressive Campaign Selection Campaign Dial settings such as Phasing, Overdial Rate, Average Wait Time Etc., Campaign Settings Monitoring of Records at the backedn on the Utilization and the Dialing of Accounts Campaign Monitoring Agent Monitoring In Real-Time Basis to control Idle rates and Abandoned rates and Increase Contactability and such as Productivity Agent Monitoring Re-Churn of accounts on a timely basis to ensure Proper Agent Utilization and PRI Utilization Re-Churning
  • 7. Real-time & Systematic Reporting CONTRACTNUMBER CUSTOMERNAME USERNAME RESPONSE PREMIUMAMOUNT DUEDATE REMARKS DISPOSITION_DATE POLICYSTATUS PRODUCT_TYPE 2544758 MRSRadhika Devi CP5223 NOTREACHABLE 10000.76 10-Dec-13 NotReachable 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance 2545161 MRLingarajG. Kocharikar AR5374 MAJORCHANGEINDOB 4999.78 15-Apr-13 MajorChangeinDOB-5/12/1976 29-Oct-12 Received Tied&Alliance 2545227 MRSAshwini Deshapande AR5374 DISCONNECTINGTHECALL 9000.79 15-Oct-13 Disconnectingthecall 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance 2541508 MRVallabh Sorathiya DR5135NOTWILLINGTOPROVIDEANYINFORMATION12001.79 10-Apr-13Notwillingtoprovideanyinformation 29-Oct-12 NA Tied&Alliance 2545098 MRN.P.ValiBasha Naduvalumanb AR5374 NOTREACHABLE 24999.4 15-Oct-13 NotReachable 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance 2544681 MRNihar Sahoo CP5223 PHONEALWAYSENGAGE 2099.53 12-Dec-12 PhoneAlwaysEngage 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance 2545532 MRThondanchirakkal Sameer AR5374 NOCHANGE 50000.71 15-Oct-13 NoChange 29-Oct-12 Received Tied&Alliance 2540809 MRUdaya Mohanty DR5135 RINGINGNORESPONSE 3108.16 28-Nov-12 RingingNoResponse 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance 2543156 MRAdityavarma Kopparapu VG5136 NOCHANGE 5199.45 09-Apr-13 NoChange 29-Oct-12 Received Tied&Alliance 2544569 MISSRashmi Kashyap CP5223 NOCHANGE 50126 10-Dec-13 NoChange 29-Oct-12 NotReceived Tied&Alliance 2543094 MRH. Ramachandrareddy VG5136 NOCHANGE 6298.8 09-Apr-13 NoChange 29-Oct-12 Received Tied&Alliance 2541459 MRKamlesh Kumar DR5135 NOCHANGE 9990.45 10-Apr-13 NoChange 29-Oct-12 NotReceived Tied&Alliance 2543186 MRNarayana Sutari VG5136 INVALIDNUMBER 9998.73 09-Oct-13 InvalidNumber 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance 2544551 MRChandanRameshware Chaturvedi CP5223 MAJORCHANGEINDOB 2064.89 12-Dec-12 MajorChangeinDOB7JUNE1977 29-Oct-12 NotReceived Tied&Alliance 2545190 MRNingappa Kuri AR5374 BUSYTOBECALLEDLATER 60000.44 15-Oct-13 Busytobecalledlater 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance 2543329 MRSJyothi P. VG5136CLIENTNOTAVAILABLE-DETAILSCONFIRMEDFROMDEPENDANT9998.7 09-Oct-13Clientnotavailable-Detailsconfirmedfromdependant29-Oct-12 Received Tied&Alliance 2544611 MR.. Prakash CP5223 RINGINGNORESPONSE 8250.29 10-Dec-13 RingingNoResponse 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance 2541415 MRHaninder Singh DR5135 NOCHANGE 2061.8 12-Apr-12 NoChange 29-Oct-12 Received Tied&Alliance 2545805 MRKarnireMullaguddeAbubakarAli AR5374 NOCHANGE 9999.85 15-Oct-13 NoChange 29-Oct-12 Received Tied&Alliance 2544544 MRAteef Durrani CP5223MAJORCHG-WRONGNO/QUITTHECO. 6185.4 10-Dec-13 WRONGNUMBER 29-Oct-12 NA Tied&Alliance 2543082 MRSPurnima Kamarajugadda VG5136 NOCHANGE 2166.38 09-Dec-12 NoChange 29-Oct-12 Received Tied&Alliance 2544676 MRVirendra Singh CP5223 RINGINGNORESPONSE 2250.45 12-Dec-12 RingingNoResponse 29-Oct-12 Tied&Alliance 2541621 MRBenudhar Rana DR5135MAJORCHG-WRONGNO/QUITTHECO. 6499.82 04-Apr-13 MajorChg-Wrongno/Quittheco. 29-Oct-12 NA Tied&Alliance USER_NAME8AM_TO_9AM9AM_TO_10AM10AM_TO_11AM11AM_TO_12PM12PM_TO_1PM1PM_TO_2PM2PM_TO_3PM3PM_TO_4PM4PM_TO_5PM5PM_TO_6PM6PM_TO_7PM7PM_TO_8PM8PM_TO_9PMTOTAL_CALLCONTACTABLE NOTCONTACTABLE AD5416 0 0 0 0 3 24 27 14 17 36 23 2 0 146 60 86 AK5212 0 0 17 22 33 26 20 21 19 23 34 0 0 215 80 135 AR5374 0 9 25 16 35 22 24 25 23 23 9 0 0 211 96 115 CP5223 0 9 20 25 32 19 45 23 26 24 3 0 0 226 119 107 DR5135 0 8 21 26 23 27 14 26 26 22 18 0 0 211 118 93 SB5228 0 0 23 16 31 32 14 33 25 20 28 0 0 222 100 122 VG5136 0 7 26 15 34 44 16 29 22 25 3 0 0 221 87 134 Real time monitoring and reporting provides critical contact center metrics and gives supervisors the ability to manage their agent teams effectively. Authorized supervisors can monitor live agent and customer interactions from any location. A supervisor uses a web browser to pick an agent to monitor. GUI buttons allows the supervisor to observe, select another agent or quit monitoring. Authorized supervisors are able to see in real time the status of their contact center through a web browser. Available statistics such as Service Levels versus Goal, the number of calls in progress, the number waiting, and the longest waiting interaction per queue/skill are available to the supervisor, as well as real-time agent status graphs indicating the percentage of time in various states (e.g., on call, waiting, wrap up, on break, etc.). Real-time & Systematic Reporting
  • 8. Historical & Analytical Reporting Our CRM & ACD Systems provides standard historical reporting with extensive filtering capabilities. Reports are generated on demand and can be selected by date interval, agents, agent groups, queues and type. Inbound traffic is constantly fluctuating, outbound lists and campaigns change, and the agent workforce is continually evolving. In order to maintain predictability in a call center environment, managers must utilize historical information that provides insights into trends and rising challenges. The reports can be further customized, analyzed and manipulated by Excels familiar functions. Access vital canned or ad-hoc contact center statistics on demand Analyze reports and trends, identify areas for improvement Use a familiar application - Microsoft Excel - to further customize the reports and analyze the data Historical & Analytical Reporting