The document analyzes the costume choices for characters in a film project called "Hush" to convey symbolic meanings. For the mother character, blue represented sadness in emotional scenes, while her hairstyle and clothing emphasized maturity, seriousness, and distress over time. The friend character wore black to set an appropriate sad atmosphere. Lily transitions from white innocence to darker colors symbolizing her change, while the crucifix leggings indicate her interests shifting. Color choices and hairstyles were used to subtly portray the characters' emotions and arcs through their costumes.
We decided on patterned, knit For this costume the dominant colour we chose
leggings to emphasise the fact was dark blue. This was because common
that it was extremely cold. The connotations of the colour blue are
cold was reflective of the cold sadness, depression, hurt, etc. and this is a
atmosphere in the scene so particularly emotional scene in our project.
this costume worked well.
We decided to scrape
back her hair into a
neat, high bun. This not The scarf and coat further
only showed the emphasised the cold weather
character's and again highlighted the cold
maturity/age, but also atmosphere.
reflected the seriousness
of the situation.
We smudged the make up We again chose to use blue in this costume with
around her eyes to look like it her cardigan and jeans, because a common
had been washed away with connotation of the colour blue is sadness, and this
her tears. We did this to is another emotional scene in our project.
emphasise the idea that she
had been crying and make it
seem more real.
We decided to leave her
hair down and slightly
messy as if it had not
been brushed in order
to show the distress her
daughters death has
caused her. It also was to The warm pink vest was
reflect how she had chosen to represent the
become less in control mother’s undying love for her
due to a dramatic child, as pink is a common
change in her life. connotation of love.
We chose a knitted jumper as they are typically a
very ‘motherly’ style of clothing. The floral
We decided to
pattern knitted across the shoulder also suggests
keep her hair
a classic mothering figure as it shows her to be
loose in this
very feminine and gentle.
scene to show
her as slightly
younger and
more innocent
as in this
scene her
daughter is
just a baby. It
was also to
give the
that she was
more relaxed
and calm at The soft grey colour of the
this stage in jumper was chosen to reflect
her life. the calm state of the mother
with her new baby.
We wanted her to wear
her hair down and have
very little make up on to
once again emphasise
this idea of innocence.
The colour choice here was to show
her complete innocence, purity and
goodness as these are all common
connotations of the colour white.
We wanted her to wear
her hair down and have
very little make up on to
once again emphasise
this idea of innocence.
The colour choice here shows the
transition from good to bad as her
clothes started as a bright white and
have started to get darker.
Once again, her hair is left down and this is to further emphasise the idea
of her being a relaxed mother, showing the nice homely environment that
they live in.
We chose a black jumper
in this scene to show
that the mother has
authority over her child
and is the most powerful
character in the room.
She is wearing jeans to soften this
‘power’ and make her look like a
relaxed, warm, friendly person,
suggesting that family life is generally
very good.
Her legs have been covered with a blanket to suggest that she has grown
older/more frail than at the beginning of the film.
We chose a grey vest top
in the second version of
the living room scene to
show the impact that
the demon has had on
the family. It was to
demonstrate the shift in
power with the mother
no longer the strongest.
By changing from a black
jumper to a grey
vest, the colour has been She is wearing jeans to soften this
diluted and it represents ‘power’ and make her look like a
how she is no longer the relaxed, warm, friendly
dominant character in person, suggesting that family life is
the scene. generally very good.
We chose to dress her quite plainly, almost all in one colour to establish
the fact that she was not the most important character in the scene and
the focus was not intended to be on her.
We dressed her primarily
in black clothes as
common connotation of
black are
sadness, death, etc. and
this created an
appropriate atmosphere
for this particular scene.
Her hair has been left down to make
her seem very natural and to represent
the loss of control in this situation as
loose hair is much more wild and less
easy to control.
She wore very little makeup to emphasise this idea of innocence and to
make her look typically young, sweet and vulnerable.
Her dark clothing means
she remains fairly
neutral throughout but
there is an underlying
darkness to her
personality and this is
shown through this
colour choice.
We put her hair half up half down to
make her seem quite innocent and
feminine. This is also representative of
how she is beginning to be taken
control of but is not entirely there yet.
Her extremely pale skin emphasises the fact that she has died and also
makes her look much more innocent and weak.
The dark clothing once
again reflects the evil
part of her.
The fact that she is wearing a coat and
gloves is reflective of the cold
atmosphere in this scene.
We chose to dress her entirely in black in
this scene to show the full change from
good to bad.
clothes also
provide an
contrast in
character at
and the end
of the
The pattern of crucifixes on her leggings indicate that there has been a
change in her and she has become more interested in things like that.
The white socks were
chosen to show that
although she was
turning bad, there is still
some good left in her at
this point in time.
The colour choice here shows the
transition from good to bad as her
clothes started as a bright white and
have slowly grown darker and darker.