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Creating your own PLC
Ideas, suggestions
and resources for
getting the support
you need as a
scholastic journalism
Whats Your Gig?
Newspaper? Yearbook?
Online? Broadcast? All
Regardless of your
actual assignment, its
EASY to just be a lone
ranger  dont let
yourself become isolated
So, how do you avoid
the Lone Ranger
Connecting locally
Some areas in the U.S.
(Kansas City, for example)
have a local journalism
education support group
Not in your area? Start
 Facebook groups, etc.
 Foothill Advisers
Your local newspaper
Connecting regionally
State JEA affiliates
(JEANC, for example)
Regional associations
(SIPA, for example)
State conventions (state
convention is every other
year in Sacramento;
coming this October)
Connecting nationally
National Scholastic
Press Association:
Pacemaker Award
National Stories/Designs/Photos/
Cartoons of the Year
Co-sponsor of JEA/NSPA National
High School Journalism
Conventions (San Antonio in Nov.,
San Francisco in the spring)
Best of the High School Press
A national PLC
Mark Newton of suburban
Denver created the concept
Jill Chittum is the NJPLC
chair for JEA  information
on jea.org
Teachers/advisers are
meeting at national
Standards are being
tweaked to match needs of
different teachers in
different states
More organizations/resources
Journalism Education
Co-sponsor of the JEA/NSPA National High
School Journalism Conventions
Conducts write-off contests at national
CJE/MJE certification
Links to state organizations (JEANC)
State/regional conventions and workshops
(by state JEAs)
Publishes C:JET
State and national high school journalist of
the year contest (with scholarships available)
Summer workshops for advisers
The Listserve! (Now hosted at Kansas State)
Another key organization
Columbia Scholastic Press
Sponsor of annual regional fall and
national spring conventions at Columbia
University in New York City
Gold/Silver Crown Awards
Gold Circle individual awards for a
HUGE variety of newspaper/yearbook/
Web categories
Annual critique
Gold Key Award and other awards for
distinguished advisers
Summer workshops
Still more organizations
Quill and Scroll Society:
Annual critique, including the
George H. Gallup Award
Annual individual mail-in writing
contests (Quill and Scroll Writing
and Photography Awards), with
winners eligible for scholarship
Charters available for a Q&S
chapter at your school
Magazine for advisers
Pros reaching out
American Society of News
Lesson plans
Free online hosting is GOING AWAY
Inexpensive source of wire content
(one-time fee)
Links to scholastic press groups
Scholarships and teacher training
(ASNE Institutes in the summer)
More pros reaching out
Dow Jones
Newspaper Fund:
Sponsors the National High School
Journalism Teacher of the Year
Honors Special Recognition and
Distinguished Advisers each year
Publishes Adviser Update, a
quarterly tabloid focused on the
advising of high school newspapers
Lots of links to summer workshops,
scholarships, etc.
More professional help
The Poynter Institute:
Romenesko  now independent
(stay very up to date with industry
Tons of online resources for
teaching journalistic writing/editing/
Roy Peter Clark, Chip Scanlan and
lots of other really terrific experts
Professional seminars
Links to PDFs of professional
newspaper pages, etc.
Some cool state sites
Virginia Association of
Journalism Teachers and
Advisers: vajta.org
Florida: fspa.org
Texas Association of
Journalism Educators: taje.org
The Texas site, in particular, is
chock-a-block full of resources and
lessons that you dont have to
create for yourself
A few more random resources
Newspaper Association of America
Foundation (now part of the American
Press Institute; publishing grants):
J-Ideas (defunct, but still accessible):
Kent State University, News Ohio
(lesson plans):
Society of Professional Journalists:
American Copy Editors Association
(ACES): copydesk.org
When the lawyers start calling
Check with the
Student Press Law
Center (
www.splc.org) for
any statutory
protection for
student journalists
in your state
Frank LoMonte is
now your friend!
Thanks, and have a great year!
Karl Grubaugh
Granite Bay (Calif.) High
1 Grizzly Way
Granite Bay, CA 95746
Granitebayhigh.org (click departments>
social studies>karl grubaugh)
916-786-8676, x5811
530-295-7007 cell

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Creating your own plc 2

  • 1. Creating your own PLC Ideas, suggestions and resources for getting the support you need as a scholastic journalism teacher/adviser
  • 2. Whats Your Gig? Newspaper? Yearbook? Online? Broadcast? All four? Regardless of your actual assignment, its EASY to just be a lone ranger dont let yourself become isolated So, how do you avoid the Lone Ranger syndrome?
  • 3. Connecting locally Some areas in the U.S. (Kansas City, for example) have a local journalism education support group Not in your area? Start one! Facebook groups, etc. Foothill Advisers Group Your local newspaper
  • 4. Connecting regionally State JEA affiliates (JEANC, for example) Regional associations (SIPA, for example) State conventions (state convention is every other year in Sacramento; coming this October)
  • 5. Connecting nationally National Scholastic Press Association: studentpress.org Critiques Pacemaker Award National Stories/Designs/Photos/ Cartoons of the Year Co-sponsor of JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Conventions (San Antonio in Nov., San Francisco in the spring) Best of the High School Press
  • 6. A national PLC Mark Newton of suburban Denver created the concept Jill Chittum is the NJPLC chair for JEA information on jea.org Teachers/advisers are meeting at national conventions Standards are being tweaked to match needs of different teachers in different states
  • 7. More organizations/resources Journalism Education Association: jea.org Co-sponsor of the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Conventions Conducts write-off contests at national conventions CJE/MJE certification Links to state organizations (JEANC) State/regional conventions and workshops (by state JEAs) Publishes C:JET State and national high school journalist of the year contest (with scholarships available) Summer workshops for advisers The Listserve! (Now hosted at Kansas State)
  • 8. Another key organization Columbia Scholastic Press Association: columbia.edu/cu/cspa Sponsor of annual regional fall and national spring conventions at Columbia University in New York City Gold/Silver Crown Awards Gold Circle individual awards for a HUGE variety of newspaper/yearbook/ Web categories Annual critique Gold Key Award and other awards for distinguished advisers Summer workshops
  • 9. Still more organizations Quill and Scroll Society: uiowa.edu/~quill-sc/ Annual critique, including the George H. Gallup Award Annual individual mail-in writing contests (Quill and Scroll Writing and Photography Awards), with winners eligible for scholarship consideration Charters available for a Q&S chapter at your school Magazine for advisers
  • 10. Pros reaching out American Society of News Editors: hsj.org Lesson plans Free online hosting is GOING AWAY Inexpensive source of wire content (one-time fee) Links to scholastic press groups Scholarships and teacher training (ASNE Institutes in the summer)
  • 11. More pros reaching out Dow Jones Newspaper Fund: newspaperfund.org Sponsors the National High School Journalism Teacher of the Year Honors Special Recognition and Distinguished Advisers each year Publishes Adviser Update, a quarterly tabloid focused on the advising of high school newspapers Lots of links to summer workshops, scholarships, etc.
  • 12. More professional help The Poynter Institute: poynter.org Romenesko now independent (stay very up to date with industry issues!) Tons of online resources for teaching journalistic writing/editing/ etc. Roy Peter Clark, Chip Scanlan and lots of other really terrific experts Webinars Professional seminars Links to PDFs of professional newspaper pages, etc.
  • 13. Some cool state sites Virginia Association of Journalism Teachers and Advisers: vajta.org Florida: fspa.org Texas Association of Journalism Educators: taje.org The Texas site, in particular, is chock-a-block full of resources and lessons that you dont have to create for yourself
  • 14. A few more random resources Newspaper Association of America Foundation (now part of the American Press Institute; publishing grants): Naafoundation.org J-Ideas (defunct, but still accessible): jideas.org Kent State University, News Ohio (lesson plans): newsohio.kent.edu Society of Professional Journalists: Spj.org American Copy Editors Association (ACES): copydesk.org
  • 15. When the lawyers start calling Check with the Student Press Law Center ( www.splc.org) for any statutory protection for student journalists in your state Frank LoMonte is now your friend!
  • 16. Thanks, and have a great year! Karl Grubaugh Granite Bay (Calif.) High 1 Grizzly Way Granite Bay, CA 95746 Granitebayhigh.org (click departments> social studies>karl grubaugh) 916-786-8676, x5811 530-295-7007 cell kgrubaugh@rjuhsd.us kgrubaugh@att.net