Creative thinking is the process of generating novel ideas and alternatives to solve problems. It should not replace critical thinking, but be used initially to produce potential solutions, which are then analyzed critically. Supervisors can foster creativity by valuing new suggestions, giving credit for ideas that are implemented, and acknowledging that failure is part of the creative process rather than assigning blame. Generating creative ideas involves learning about problems, incubating ideas unconsciously, and shaping ideas to make them practical.
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3. Creativity
? Creativity
? The ability to bring about something imaginative or
? When a problem seems unsolvable, the
supervisor needs creativity to find a fresh
4. What is creative thinking?
Creative thinking is the process of generating novel ideas and
alternative courses of action, no matter how good those ideas
and alternatives might be.
Creative thinking should not be seen as an alternative to
critical thinking
When you have recognised a problem, then you should
employ creative thinking to produce some options for solving
the problem, then you should employ critical thinking
If you haven¡¯t come up with enough options to begin with,
then your critical thinking decision procedure might produce
the wrong result¡ a dangerous result!
5. Generating Creative Ideas1. Gather the raw materials by learning about the
problem and developing your general
2. Work over those materials in your mind.
3. Incubate; let your unconscious mind do the
4. Identify an idea.
5. Shape and develop the idea to make it
6. Establishing and Maintaining a
Creative Work Climate
? A supervisor should show that he or she values
? When employees offer suggestions, a supervisor
should listen attentively and look for the positive
aspects of the suggestions.
7. Establishing and Maintaining a
Creative Work Climate
? A supervisor should attempt to implement
employees¡¯ ideas and should give them credit.
? When ideas fail, a supervisor should acknowledge
that failure is a sign that people are trying.
? A supervisor should help employees see what can
be learned from the failure.
8. Overcoming Barriers to
? Accept that failures by employees will occur.
? If an idea fails, a supervisor should acknowledge the
problem and not try to pass blame on to someone
? Allow time for creative thinking.
? Avoid isolation.
9. ? The meaning of creativity is being able to use your
imagination to come up with something different and
unique. Creativity can be having the skills to come up
with stories, having the skills to come up with new
methods to do something, or even thinking up a new
concept. Creativity can be a child who decides to color
a tree blue because they think it's pretty, not because
it's the first color they picked up.
10. ?Creativity does not take thing for granted.
?It adopts new methods to get result.
?IT question established way of doing thing and reject
traditional thinking.
?It is more flexible and independent.
?I question authority and upsets routine to arrive at
newer ideas.
?It work out viable solution to handle rising cost,
deteriorating quality ,falling sales, low motivation and
morale , poor image , industrial unrest and so on
12. ? We all exercise some level of creativity in our decision
making. Without creative problem solving we would
continue to do the same things, and making the same
mistakes. I truly believe that we "customize" our lives
to suit our unique circumstances.
13. Example
? Chains of Thought Example
? You have four three-link chain segments (shown in the
? A jeweler has offered to connect the segments to make a
? complete circle
? To do so, he must open and re-solder some links at a
cost of $50
? per soldered link
? You only have $150, which means only three links can be
? opened and soldered
? So how can the job be completed?
? Open all three links of one segment and then use these
? links to connect the remaining three segments