The cerebrospinal fluid in the space between brain membranes acts as a shock absorber, protecting the brain from mechanical injury while maintaining pressure and facilitating nutrient exchange. The human brain controls bodily functions through various specialized regions and contains around 1000 billion neurons and weighs 1300 grams on average in adults. It is protected within the skull and covered by three membranes. Computed tomography (CT or CAT) scans produce multiple cross-sectional images of the inside of the body to aid diagnosis, similar to traditional x-rays.
2. ? Space between membranes is filled by
cerebrospinal fluid
C Serves as a shock absorbing medium
C Protects the brain against mechanical shocks
C Maintains constant pressure in and around
the brain
C Helps in the exchange of nutrients and waste
products between the nerve tissue and the
3. ? The human brain has various parts that are
used to control various functions of our
? Brain of an average adult
C about 1000 billion neurons
C weighs about 1300 grams
? Protected in the brain box, cranium or skull
? Covered by three membranes called
5. ? Computed tomography, more commonly
known as a CT or CAT scan, is a diagnostic
medical test that, like traditional x-rays,
produces multiple images of the inside of the