Permeation rate measurements of hydrochloric (HCl) and hydrofluoric (HF) acid through polymer components and prediction of associated component life.
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Modeling of component lifetime based on accelerated acid gas permeation measurements
1. Modeling of component lifetime based on accelerated acid gas permeation measurements Gary Van Schooneveld, Don Grant, Debra Carrieri, Dennis Chilcote and Mark Litchy February 11, 2009
2. Introduction Metallic parts in chemical handling systems are subject to corrosion by acid gases like hydrogen chloride (HCl) and hydrogen fluoride (HF). Examples include springs in valves and magnets in mag drive and maglev pumps Polymers, like perfluoroalcoxy (PFA), are often used to isolate these parts from acid gas containing liquids to prevent corrosion. Acid gases in these liquids can permeate through polymers and corrode the parts. One objective of this study was to determine the rates at which HCl and HF permeate through various polymers that could be used to encapsulate Levitronix pump impellers as a function of coating thickness, acid concentration and temperature. The second objective was to determine pump impeller lifetime under controlled conditions. The third objective was to combine the results of the first 2 objectives to develop a model to predict the lifetime of pump impellers coated with different polymers under different operating conditions.
3. Outline Diffusion theory Permeation rate measurement experimental procedures The effect of operating conditions on permeation rate thru PFA Concentration Temperature PFA thickness Permeation rates of HCl and HF thru various polymers Life test status Predicted relative lifetimes under different operating conditions Summary
4. Steady-state permeation Note: The mass flow rate is proportional to the gas vapor pressure; not the acid concentration.
5. Partial pressure of HF over hydrofluoric acid solutions Source: Brosheer at all, Ind and Eng Chem 39(3):423-427, 1947 and Hydrofluoric Acid Properites, Honeywell (2002).
6. Comparison between vapor pressures of HF and HCl over hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acids Source: JH Perry, Chemical Engineers Handbook, 4 th Edition , McGraw Hill (1963) p 3-61 Source: Brosheer at all, Ind and Eng Chem 39(3):423-427, 1947 and Hydrofluoric Acid Properites, Honeywell (2002).
8. Experimental approach permeation measurements Determine the effects of vapor pressure, temperature and coating thickness on permeation rates of HF and HCl through PFA. Measure the permeation rate of HCl through various polymers as a function of temperature. Polyethylene (PE) Polypropylene (PP) Polyvinylidene dofluoride (PVDF) Ethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene (ECTFE) Perfluoroalcoxy (PFA) - 3 types Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Measure the permeation rate of HF through various polymers at room temperature. Polypropylene (PP) Polyvinylidene dofluoride (PVDF) Ethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene (ECTFE) Perfluoroalcoxy (PFA) Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
10. Test conditions Effect of concentration, temperature, and thickness on permeation rate: HCl Concentrations: 14-36% by weight Temperatures: 30-75属C 3 thicknesses (1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mm) HF Concentrations: 5-49% by weight Temperatures: 33-60属C Comparison of polymer permeation rates HCl 35% by weight Temperatures: 30-55属C HF 49% by weight 33属C All tests run in triplicate
15. The effect of temperature on the permeability coefficient of HCl through PFA 1.5mm thick samples
16. The effect of thickness on the permeability coefficient of HCl through PFA
17. The effect of temperature on the permeability coefficient of HF through PFA
18. Permeation of HF and HCl through PFA Permeation rate Is proportional to the acid gas vapor pressure Increases with temperature Is inversely proportional to the coating thickness The HCl permeation coefficient increases more rapidly with temperature than the HF permeation coefficient. HCl permeability increased 2.5X between 30 and 60属C HF permeability increased 2.1X between 30 and 60属C The HF permeation coefficient is larger than the HCl permeation coefficient at typical use temperatures: 15X at 30属C 12X at 60属C
28. Impeller life tests Three studies on-going BPS3 pump circulating 35-37% HCl at room temperature PVDF housing ECTFE impeller magnet encapsulation BPS1, BPS3 and BPS4 pumps are circulating 30-32% HCl at 75属C. Pump body BPS3 PFA BPS1 and BPS4 - PTFE PFA impeller magnet encapsulation Static soak of PFA impellers with two encapsulation thicknesses (1.4 mm and 0.7 mm) in 30-32% HCl at 70属C. No contamination related failures have been observed in any of the tests.
29. Levitronix design approach for contamination prevention Pumps are designed sense and respond to changes to impeller size. The response provides an early indication of impeller swelling due to magnet corrosion. These accelerated life tests are designed determine: when the impeller size changes enough for the pump to sense and respond to impeller swelling (useful service life) and if or when metal ions are released from the impeller (safe life) Goal is to have a safe life well beyond the useful service life of the impeller.
30. Predicted lifetimes based on pumps and impellers currently under test > 450 > 2,900 2,200 1,500 > 830 Service Life @ 6.3%/75 o C (Years) > 450 > 2,900 > 2,800 > 1,700 > 830 Safe Life @ 6.3%/75 o C (Years) > 3.2 > 20.7 > 19.9 > 12.0 > 5.9 Safe Life @ 37%/20 o C (Years) > 3.2 > 20.7 15.5 10.5 > 5.9 Service Life @ 37%/20 o C (Years) 30.6 69.9 115 BPS 3 Impellers 30.2 74.3 590 BPS 4 29.9 74.4 590 BPS 3 28.7 70.0 546 BPS 1 35-37 RT 2150 BPS 3 Average HCl Assay (wt%) Average Temp ( o C) Run Time (Days) Pump Model
31. Summary The permeation rate of HCl and HF through PFA was shown to: Be proportional to the HCl or HF vapor pressure Be inversely proportional to the coating thickness Increase with temperature The permeation rates of HCl and HF through different polymers indicated that comparisons between HCl permeation rates through different polymers are not a good indicator for HF permeation rates through the same polymers (and vice versa). A model was developed to predict component failure rate resulting from acid gas (HCl or HF) permeation. The model, combined with on-going life test data, predicts pump lifetimes with PFA-coated impellers > 10 years under challenging use conditions. All observed failures have been pump efficiency related. No failures resulting in chemical contamination have be observed in any of the tests.