Nowadays, teaching languages has evolved more than ever. This has been the result of many
researches that aimed at simplifying the job of educators and the task of learning. Therefore, in this globalized
world there has been an urgent need to see how language can be taught without threatening the native culture.
In this respects scholars have haggled to find techniques that can help students develop their cultural
awareness. Besides being culturally aware it has been of a great importance to see how language and culture
can mingle in a smooth way so that students can be able to think locally (respect their native culture) but work
globally in a way thatenables them to see both the positive and negative aspects of cultural differences. They
construct their own standpoint by becoming tolerant towards the foreign culture and sovereign to their own.
Intercultural language learning involves developing awareness of one's own culture and other cultures. The goal is to foster international understanding and cultural tolerance. Developing intercultural awareness as a "fifth skill" means recognizing that cultural perspectives differ. Teachers have an important role in helping students become more aware of other cultures and how to interact respectfully across cultures. Intercultural competence involves skills like observing cultural differences, comparing cultures, and accepting diverse viewpoints.
1) Culture teaching in foreign language education is important because language and culture are intertwined. Without understanding the cultural contexts and norms of the target language, learners may struggle with intercultural communication.
2) There are several theories and approaches to teaching culture in foreign language education. One influential model proposes teaching foreign language, language awareness, culture awareness, and providing cultural experiences.
3) It is important for learners to develop cultural awareness and cultural schemata in order to properly comprehend and use the target language in appropriate social and cultural contexts. Teaching cultural norms, customs, values and historical backgrounds can help with this.
The Importance of Culture in Second and Foreign Language Learning.Bahram Kazemian
English has been designated as a source of intercultural communication among the people from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. A range of linguistic and cultural theories contribute meaningful insights on the development of competence in intercultural communication. The speculations suggest the use of communicative strategies focusing on the development of learners efficiency in communicating language through cultural context. However, the teaching of culture in communication has not been paid due importance in a number of academic and language settings of Pakistan and Iran. This assignment study indicates problems in view of teaching English as a medium of instruction in public sector colleges of interior Sindh, Pakistan and prescribed textbooks in Iranian schools. It also aims to identify drawbacks and shortcoming in prescribed textbooks for intermediate students at college level and schools. Therefore, the assignment study recommends integration of cultural awareness into a language teaching programme for an overall achievement of competence in intercultural communication.
Language and culture are closely intertwined. A language carries the culture of the people who speak it and influences their worldview. As children learn their first language from parents and community, it transmits culture from one generation to the next. The relationship between language and culture is complex; they influence each other as they develop and cannot be fully separated. Speaking a new language means interacting with a new culture in ways of thinking and communication styles.
Language and culture are closely intertwined. A language carries the culture of the people who speak it and influences their worldview. As children learn their first language from parents and community, it transmits culture from one generation to the next. The relationship between language and culture is complex; they influence each other as they develop and cannot be fully separated. Speaking a new language means interacting with a new culture in ways of thinking and communication styles.
Revised and edited for the essay language and identityLanguage is .pdfalphaagenciesindia
Revised and edited for the essay language and identity
Language is an essential tool that humans use to communicate with one another to express
themselves, to construct their identities, and communicate with one another and other people.
Even those folks may find a means to interact with others worldwide using the many languages
available. The impact of language on identity formation and development is a fascinating topic
widely explored by scholars across various fields. One of the most interesting things about
language is that people can easily understand communication from person to person.People can
explore this issue thoroughly to gain a deeper understanding of its complexities. It is a powerful
language that many people have behavior problems. This culture can be complicated about
personal identity and influence the words that come out to the generation of making my
individual experiences. Language changes my impacts on identity formation and development in
multiple ways, including self-expression, cultural heritage, and social acceptance
First, language could change the impacts of identity formation and development which helps
self-expression. Language is a tool for expressing our thoughts and emotions. It enables us to
communicate our ideas and feelings effectively. Occasionally, people want to behave in a certain
way as a linguistic of the conception in a spoken word. As Anzaldua states, "Language is
identity. I am a language" (31). This quote shows that if people speak the language, they express
themselves with emotions. Individuals can reflect their own style of language if they have one.
While I reflect on some of the languages to practice with cultural values. The reflection concerns
the group identity of fosters and solidarity, but the culture is expressed through language. People
who speak languages use their languages to signal their identities and symbolize their identities
discovering what they are learning about for self-expression of showing the communication for
identities. I would be learning new languages to engage in social interaction with individual
friends. When we learn a new language and cultural ways, we can shape our worldview and
identity. Language can promote creativity and imagination by giving opinions about sharing
thoughts or feelings. The risk of language extinction is real for many minority languages;
however, not all languages are valued equally. At the same time, language is also a tool for
discrimination and exclusion. Some groups can be marginalized and harmed through the creation
of barriers and the perpetuation of stereotypes. As a result, language can change the impact of
my identity by expressing and allowing people to belong in their communities.
Next, language could change the impacts of identity formation and development to connect with
having a cultural heritage. For many people, their language is integral to their identity and
culture. It can be a source of pride and a way to show their conn.
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Intercultural communication is the study and practice of communication between people from different cultural backgrounds. It focuses on recognizing and respecting cultural differences to achieve mutual understanding rather than assimilation. Effective intercultural communication is important for organizations with diverse workforces to facilitate cooperation and resolve conflicts between cultural groups. Gender, language, context, and stereotypes can influence communication styles between cultures and present barriers like anxiety, ethnocentrism, prejudice, and misunderstandings if not properly addressed.
Culture provides the context for how people understand meaning and behave. It influences language, thought, and the process of knowing. Culture is not just knowledge about a society's artifacts and customs, but the framework through which people communicate and live. Education both shapes and is shaped by culture - a school imparts shared values to students and aims to preserve cultural heritage, while a curriculum must consider students' cultural backgrounds to be effective. A teacher must understand the cultural context to properly teach values and connect lessons to students' lives. Overall, culture and language together form the lens through which people gain knowledge and make sense of the world.
The importance of teaching language in the classroomdiegofvl1
The document discusses the importance of teaching culture when teaching foreign languages. It notes that language and culture are intertwined and that culture is not just about historical elements but also values and thought patterns. In the past, foreign language teaching did not focus enough on culture, but approaches then started incorporating more cultural elements in the 1960s-1970s to make language learning easier. By the 1970s, methods shifted from a grammatical to a more communicative approach that focused on natural cultural exchange. Teachers must teach cultural aspects of a language as an interpersonal process so students become accustomed to different values from the target language culture. Showing students ways to interact and experience different cultures in the classroom allows them to learn culture over time through practice
This document discusses global literacy, cultural literacy, and multicultural literacy. It defines global literacy as understanding how the world is interconnected and developing critical thinking skills to address global issues. Cultural literacy is defined as understanding and appreciating similarities and differences between one's own and other cultures. Multicultural literacy involves awareness of how culture impacts beliefs, appreciation of diversity, and skills to address social justice issues. The document emphasizes that global, cultural, and multicultural literacies are important for students to develop skills for living in an interconnected world. Teachers should integrate knowledge of diverse cultures and perspectives into the classroom to promote respect and prepare students for an increasingly multicultural society.
society as a language lab; library for English learningparvathyullas11
1) Society plays a key role in shaping an individual's thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. Language is at the heart of culture and influences how we perceive and present ourselves.
2) A school's language and culture may differ from a student's home language and culture, presenting challenges. Using a student's home language in the curriculum can help them fully participate in learning.
3) Libraries provide resources to support English language learning both independently and through classroom visits and activities. They aim to enhance the curriculum and provide opportunities for intellectual growth.
1) Society plays a key role in shaping an individual's thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. Language is at the heart of culture and influences how we perceive and present ourselves.
2) A school's language and culture may differ from a student's home language and culture, presenting challenges. Using a student's home language in the curriculum can help them fully participate in learning.
3) Libraries provide resources to support English language learning both independently and through classroom visits and activities. They contain materials that enhance the curriculum across various formats.
This document defines and compares bilingualism and multilingualism. Bilingualism refers to possessing two languages, while multilingualism refers to possessing three or more languages. Both provide cognitive benefits such as being more creative, flexible, and better at multitasking. They also improve educational and job opportunities. However, multilingualism additionally enhances cultural awareness and appreciation of local languages.
Intercultural Communication (Intercultural communication ) is communication that occurs between people who have different cultures (can be of different race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic, or a combination of all these differences). Culture is a way of life that is developed and embraced by a group of people and runs from generation to generation.
Language is used as a medium of expression. We use language to express our ideas, emotions, feelings or to communicate with others. It is easy to do in our mother tongue or the first language. But if we want to express our ideas, emotions, feelings in second language or a foreign language the difficulty occurs. It is not that it is a different language but because among the different barrier the cultural barrier is one that is creating obstacles in learning a foreign language or second language. The issue of language barrier is particularly critical during an intercultural service encounters for ESL customers. This article presents the cultural barrier of learning a foreign language or second language and it also provide information how we can overcome the cultural barrier successfully in learning a language. This article provide a survey report which was conducted on 100 students of a university in Bangladesh which provide information what type of cultural barrier they face in learning a foreign language.
This document discusses teaching intercultural awareness through English as a foreign language (EFL). It argues that language and culture are intertwined and both need to be taught for effective intercultural communication. Teaching should enhance awareness of one's own culture as well as respect for other cultures. The goal is to develop communicative competence involving understanding between people from different cultures. Intercultural communication requires internalizing other cultural values while adapting to those cultures.
This document discusses teaching intercultural awareness through English as a foreign language (EFL). It argues that language and culture are intertwined and both need to be taught for effective intercultural communication. Teaching should enhance awareness of one's own culture as well as respect for other cultures. The goal is to develop communicative competence involving understanding between people from different cultures. Intercultural communication requires internalizing other cultural values while adapting to those cultures.
This document discusses cross-cultural communication and provides tips for improving it. Cross-cultural communication involves understanding other cultures' values, behaviors, and communication styles in order to successfully form relationships. Like learning a language, it requires instruction and practice. The document then lists 10 tips for cross-cultural communication, such as slowing down, avoiding negative questions, checking meanings, and maintaining cultural etiquette. It also discusses how cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings if not properly understood and addressed.
Relationship between language, culture, and identityCool Chaandni
This document discusses the relationship between language, culture, and identity. It argues that language and culture influence each other mutually - language is shaped by culture but also shapes culture. Membership in a cultural group influences one's identity. The levels of identification conveyed through language include nationality, social class, gender, generation, and profession. Language determines ways of thinking through influencing cognition as proposed in the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Overall, the document presents language, culture and identity as intricately interconnected and constantly evolving.
Language, culture, and identity are intricately related. Culture influences the formation of language through concepts like lexicon and grammar. In turn, language shapes how people think and perceive reality. One's identity is strongly tied to both their native language and culture through levels like nationality, social class, gender, generation, and profession. Thought processes differ across cultures due to linguistic relativity, which is the idea that language impacts thought. Overall, the relationship between language, culture, and identity is complex and dynamic.
Multilingualism in Bharat, defines the linguistic diversity of Bharatlarencebapu132
This PPT was checked by Dr.Santosh(Professor At GNDU Amritsar,in Department of education)
I expect this will help you to increase your knowledge in language,you can trust it for making any report or file
Communicative language teaching must be intercultural. Cross-cultural
communication is not new: as long as people from different cultures have been
encountering one another there has been cross-cultural communication. Nowadays,
however, the growing globalisation of the worlds economic markets, increased
travel opportunities and better communication facilities have created a situation
in which people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds need to
communicate with each other more often than ever. Although communication
across cultures has become very important in our age, only a few English teachers are aware of the fact that their task is not only to teach English, but they also have to increase their students cross-curricular awareness. The teachers of English as a
foreign language have to teach language with a strong wish of education
changing their students attitude towards different cultures and different nations.
Exploring Influence of Language on Identity and PerceptionTheSpanishGroupLLC
Language is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human experience, influencing not only how we communicate, but also how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. The relationship between language, identity and perception is a rich and dynamic field of research that sheds light on the intricate ways in which language shapes our lives.
Intercultural communication is the study and practice of communication between people from different cultural backgrounds. It focuses on recognizing and respecting cultural differences to achieve mutual understanding rather than assimilation. Effective intercultural communication is important for organizations with diverse workforces to facilitate cooperation and resolve conflicts between cultural groups. Gender, language, context, and stereotypes can influence communication styles between cultures and present barriers like anxiety, ethnocentrism, prejudice, and misunderstandings if not properly addressed.
Culture provides the context for how people understand meaning and behave. It influences language, thought, and the process of knowing. Culture is not just knowledge about a society's artifacts and customs, but the framework through which people communicate and live. Education both shapes and is shaped by culture - a school imparts shared values to students and aims to preserve cultural heritage, while a curriculum must consider students' cultural backgrounds to be effective. A teacher must understand the cultural context to properly teach values and connect lessons to students' lives. Overall, culture and language together form the lens through which people gain knowledge and make sense of the world.
The importance of teaching language in the classroomdiegofvl1
The document discusses the importance of teaching culture when teaching foreign languages. It notes that language and culture are intertwined and that culture is not just about historical elements but also values and thought patterns. In the past, foreign language teaching did not focus enough on culture, but approaches then started incorporating more cultural elements in the 1960s-1970s to make language learning easier. By the 1970s, methods shifted from a grammatical to a more communicative approach that focused on natural cultural exchange. Teachers must teach cultural aspects of a language as an interpersonal process so students become accustomed to different values from the target language culture. Showing students ways to interact and experience different cultures in the classroom allows them to learn culture over time through practice
This document discusses global literacy, cultural literacy, and multicultural literacy. It defines global literacy as understanding how the world is interconnected and developing critical thinking skills to address global issues. Cultural literacy is defined as understanding and appreciating similarities and differences between one's own and other cultures. Multicultural literacy involves awareness of how culture impacts beliefs, appreciation of diversity, and skills to address social justice issues. The document emphasizes that global, cultural, and multicultural literacies are important for students to develop skills for living in an interconnected world. Teachers should integrate knowledge of diverse cultures and perspectives into the classroom to promote respect and prepare students for an increasingly multicultural society.
society as a language lab; library for English learningparvathyullas11
1) Society plays a key role in shaping an individual's thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. Language is at the heart of culture and influences how we perceive and present ourselves.
2) A school's language and culture may differ from a student's home language and culture, presenting challenges. Using a student's home language in the curriculum can help them fully participate in learning.
3) Libraries provide resources to support English language learning both independently and through classroom visits and activities. They aim to enhance the curriculum and provide opportunities for intellectual growth.
1) Society plays a key role in shaping an individual's thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. Language is at the heart of culture and influences how we perceive and present ourselves.
2) A school's language and culture may differ from a student's home language and culture, presenting challenges. Using a student's home language in the curriculum can help them fully participate in learning.
3) Libraries provide resources to support English language learning both independently and through classroom visits and activities. They contain materials that enhance the curriculum across various formats.
This document defines and compares bilingualism and multilingualism. Bilingualism refers to possessing two languages, while multilingualism refers to possessing three or more languages. Both provide cognitive benefits such as being more creative, flexible, and better at multitasking. They also improve educational and job opportunities. However, multilingualism additionally enhances cultural awareness and appreciation of local languages.
Intercultural Communication (Intercultural communication ) is communication that occurs between people who have different cultures (can be of different race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic, or a combination of all these differences). Culture is a way of life that is developed and embraced by a group of people and runs from generation to generation.
Language is used as a medium of expression. We use language to express our ideas, emotions, feelings or to communicate with others. It is easy to do in our mother tongue or the first language. But if we want to express our ideas, emotions, feelings in second language or a foreign language the difficulty occurs. It is not that it is a different language but because among the different barrier the cultural barrier is one that is creating obstacles in learning a foreign language or second language. The issue of language barrier is particularly critical during an intercultural service encounters for ESL customers. This article presents the cultural barrier of learning a foreign language or second language and it also provide information how we can overcome the cultural barrier successfully in learning a language. This article provide a survey report which was conducted on 100 students of a university in Bangladesh which provide information what type of cultural barrier they face in learning a foreign language.
This document discusses teaching intercultural awareness through English as a foreign language (EFL). It argues that language and culture are intertwined and both need to be taught for effective intercultural communication. Teaching should enhance awareness of one's own culture as well as respect for other cultures. The goal is to develop communicative competence involving understanding between people from different cultures. Intercultural communication requires internalizing other cultural values while adapting to those cultures.
This document discusses teaching intercultural awareness through English as a foreign language (EFL). It argues that language and culture are intertwined and both need to be taught for effective intercultural communication. Teaching should enhance awareness of one's own culture as well as respect for other cultures. The goal is to develop communicative competence involving understanding between people from different cultures. Intercultural communication requires internalizing other cultural values while adapting to those cultures.
This document discusses cross-cultural communication and provides tips for improving it. Cross-cultural communication involves understanding other cultures' values, behaviors, and communication styles in order to successfully form relationships. Like learning a language, it requires instruction and practice. The document then lists 10 tips for cross-cultural communication, such as slowing down, avoiding negative questions, checking meanings, and maintaining cultural etiquette. It also discusses how cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings if not properly understood and addressed.
Relationship between language, culture, and identityCool Chaandni
This document discusses the relationship between language, culture, and identity. It argues that language and culture influence each other mutually - language is shaped by culture but also shapes culture. Membership in a cultural group influences one's identity. The levels of identification conveyed through language include nationality, social class, gender, generation, and profession. Language determines ways of thinking through influencing cognition as proposed in the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Overall, the document presents language, culture and identity as intricately interconnected and constantly evolving.
Language, culture, and identity are intricately related. Culture influences the formation of language through concepts like lexicon and grammar. In turn, language shapes how people think and perceive reality. One's identity is strongly tied to both their native language and culture through levels like nationality, social class, gender, generation, and profession. Thought processes differ across cultures due to linguistic relativity, which is the idea that language impacts thought. Overall, the relationship between language, culture, and identity is complex and dynamic.
Multilingualism in Bharat, defines the linguistic diversity of Bharatlarencebapu132
This PPT was checked by Dr.Santosh(Professor At GNDU Amritsar,in Department of education)
I expect this will help you to increase your knowledge in language,you can trust it for making any report or file
Communicative language teaching must be intercultural. Cross-cultural
communication is not new: as long as people from different cultures have been
encountering one another there has been cross-cultural communication. Nowadays,
however, the growing globalisation of the worlds economic markets, increased
travel opportunities and better communication facilities have created a situation
in which people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds need to
communicate with each other more often than ever. Although communication
across cultures has become very important in our age, only a few English teachers are aware of the fact that their task is not only to teach English, but they also have to increase their students cross-curricular awareness. The teachers of English as a
foreign language have to teach language with a strong wish of education
changing their students attitude towards different cultures and different nations.
Exploring Influence of Language on Identity and PerceptionTheSpanishGroupLLC
Language is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human experience, influencing not only how we communicate, but also how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. The relationship between language, identity and perception is a rich and dynamic field of research that sheds light on the intricate ways in which language shapes our lives.
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics.pptxSamruddhi Khonde
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics
Antibiotics have revolutionized medicine, playing a crucial role in combating bacterial infections. Among them, Beta-Lactam antibiotics remain the most widely used class due to their effectiveness against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. This guide provides a detailed overview of their history, classification, chemical structures, mode of action, resistance mechanisms, SAR, and clinical applications.
What Youll Learn in This Presentation
History & Evolution of Antibiotics
Cell Wall Structure of Gram-Positive & Gram-Negative Bacteria
Beta-Lactam Antibiotics: Classification & Subtypes
Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Carbapenems & Monobactams
Mode of Action (MOA) & Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR)
Beta-Lactamase Inhibitors & Resistance Mechanisms
Clinical Applications & Challenges.
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In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
AI and Academic Writing, Short Term Course in Academic Writing and Publication, UGC-MMTTC, MANUU, 25/02/2025, Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar Kanvaria, University of Delhi,
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
This slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECD
Hannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website
Mastering Soft Tissue Therapy & Sports Taping: Pathway to Sports Medicine Excellence
This presentation was delivered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the Institute of Sports Medicine to an audience of sports physiotherapists, exercise scientists, athletic trainers, and healthcare professionals. Led by Kusal Goonewardena (PhD Candidate - Muscle Fatigue, APA Titled Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist) and Gayath Jayasinghe (Sports Scientist), the session provided comprehensive training on soft tissue assessment, treatment techniques, and essential sports taping methods.
Key topics covered:
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One Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the one click RFQ Cancellation in odoo 18. One-Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 is a feature that allows users to quickly and easily cancel Request for Quotations (RFQs) with a single click.
One Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Good day everyone, So my topic for today is all about Cultural and Intercultural
Awareness and Sensitivity in Communication Ideas.
2. The foreign language teaching does not only involve
linguistic competence or performance and verbal
communication but also it is much to do with
intercultural awareness and intercultural skills.
- Lazgin Kheder Barany
According to Lazgin, understanding our identity ug ang atong culture being socially constructed can create a
big impact saatong kinabuhi ug saatong pang adlaw2x. Also, diba saatong present days karon where most of
the people is naga toon na ug different languages, for example Kita na mga Pilipino mag toon ta ug Korean
Language, or specifically kana ilang inisturyahan. But it doesnt mean na ang ato lang ge tun an ang ilang
language lang but also, as we go along the way sa pag toon sa ilang language atoa sab ma acquire ilahang mga
traditions and culture. Therefore tama ang ge ingon ni Lazgin na Teaching does not only involve linguistic
competence and verbal communication but also it is much to do with intercultural awareness and intercultural
skills. We are not only learning their language, but also naga adapt sab ta ug knowledge gikan sa ilaha.
3. According to Whitehead, 1929 the language education should also aim at producing
men who possess both cultural and expert knowledge.
Language Awareness, Intercultural Awareness, and Communicative Language
Teaching helps learners transfer culture, knowledge, values and education beyond
classroom to influence way of thinking.
The aim of this topic is to shed light on how Language awareness, Intercultural Awareness and
Communicative Language teaching refers to the understanding of diverse cultural perspective and
ability to convey ideas across cultural boundaries. this is important, because These Awareness
creates successful communication and enhances better understanding and collaboration among
4. It highlights the Intercultural Dimension on the hope
that language learners who thus become intercultural
speakers will be successful not only in communicating
information but also in developing a human relationship
with people of other languages and cultures.
So, Intercultural dimension is important because it fosters understanding, respect, and collaboration among diverse
groups. Kaning Intercultural Dimension kay gina promote niya ang empathy, ug gina reduce niya ang mga
misunderstandings between sa mga tao na lahi lahi ug language na ginagamit ug lahi lahi ug mga cultures. Tapos
ang Intercultural speakers, mao ni sila ang mga tao na effective communicator between people from other cultures.
They are possessing the expertise in cultural differences, kung unsay kalahian ani na culture ug sa ubang culture. In
short, they obtain such awareness to avoid misunderstanding towards people from other culture.
5. It enables learners to communicate with people
from different linguistic and cultural background in a
diverse and multicultural world. Communication can
never be out of context and because culture is a part
of context, communication seldom culture free.
This means na ang communication is a culture free. Where in despite of your culture, and tradition still nay
communication na ma hitabo. Language and culture is uban gyud na sila duha ug dili na sila pwde ma bulag. It
is because ang FLT/SLT doesnt only concerned with the communication skills but apil pod ang personal og
social development. Tungod ani maka create ta saatoang self og Social competence ug Promotion sa atoang
Independent Learning ug apil nasab atoang social responsibility as an individual.
6. So, for the conclusion, for us to create a harmonious relationship sa
ubang tao with different languages and culture, we must be able to
instill an understanding sa ilang mga cultures para maka create ta ug
bond (BAND NA PAG BASA) ug effective communication sa ilaha. This is
important kay in our everyday life is naga communicate ta sa lahi lahi na
tao na nay lahi lahi ug perspective sa kinabuhi about sa ilang mga
cultures and traditions.