Cultural heritage includes cultural expressions of a society that are transmitted between generations. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) chooses objects or activities as Cultural Heritage of Humanity if they meet certain criteria such as representing creative genius, witnessing important human values over time, or providing testimony of a cultural tradition. Elements of cultural heritage can be directly associated with significant events, traditions, ideas, or artistic works.
6. Witness an important exchange of
human values over a period of
time or within a cultural area
of the world, in the development
of architecture, technology,
monumental arts, urban planning
or landscape design.
7. Provide a unique or at least
exceptional testimony of a
cultural tradition or an existing
or already disappeared
8. Provide an eminent example of a
type of building, architectural,
technological or landscape
ensemble that illustrates a
significant stage in human history.
9. Be an eminent example of a tradition of
human settlement, use of the sea or
land, that is representative of a culture
(or cultures), or of human interaction
with the environment, especially when it
becomes vulnerable to the impact of
changes irreversible.
10. Being directly or tangibly
associated with events or living
traditions, with ideas or beliefs,
with artistic and literary works of
outstanding universal significance.