Mohamed Gamal is a machine learning engineer from Cairo, Egypt with a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering. His areas of expertise include deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow and Keras, as well as Python libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, Scikit-learn, and Pandas. Some of his projects include dog breed recognition using CNNs and customer segmentation using unsupervised learning techniques. He is currently pursuing an Intel Edge AI Scholarship and has taken online courses from Udacity, Coursera, edX, and DataCamp to expand his machine learning skills.
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1. Cairo - Egypt
Mohamed Gamal
Machine Learning Engineer
2014 - 2019Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt
B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering in Electronics and Communication.
Coursework: Communication systems, Electronics, Waves, Satellite communication, Mobile
Communication, Networks and Security, Machine learning.
Graduation Project: " Sign Language Recognition "
Main Objectives:
Designing a software that recognizes defined hand gestures such as numbers and letters using
various computer vision and machine learning algorithms through a real-time video feed. video
Awarded the first place in graduation projects competition at Communication & Electronics
Technologies : ML/DL, CNN, Python, Keras, Numpy, OpenCV, pandas
Programming Languages: Python, C++, Matlab
Python libraries: Numpy, Scipy, Scikit-learn, Pandas, OpenCV
Deep Learning Frameworks: TensorFlow , Keras , Pytorch
Deep Learning: CNN, RNN
Algorithms & Data Structure: Divide & Conquer, Sorting & Searching, linked list, stack, queue, tree,
hash table, dynamic connectivity
Front End Development: Javascript, HTML,CSS
Dog Breed Recognition: Github
Convolutional Neural Networks project that given an image of a dog and algorithm will identify
an estimate of the canine’s breed.
Tools: Python, Keras, numpy, OpenCV, matplotlib.
Test-Accuracy: 82%
Creating Customer Segments: Github
Applying unsupervised learning techniques on product spending data collected for customers of
a wholesale distributor in Lisbon.
Tools: Python, Numpy, pandas, scikit-learn, matplotlib.
Finding Donors for CharityML: Github
Tools: Python, Numpy, pandas, scikit-learn, matplotlib.
Selected Projects
Courses and Workshops
2. Created with
Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree link
Intel® Edge AI Scholarship (In progress )
Deep Learning Specialization ( link
Machine Learning (Stanford) link
Python Data Structures link
Using Python to Access Web Data link
How Google does Machine Learning link
Data Scientist with Python Track link
Introduction to computer science and programming using Python 6.00.1x
Arabic - Native
English - Very Good